Category: Scotland
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Old Gold, New Debt And Scottish Independance / Politics / Scotland
By: Andrew_McKillop
A Deliberately Confused Debate
As I noted in a recent article, when or if Scotland separated from England and received its share of the UK's 310-ton official gold reserves, and its share of UK national or sovereign debt officially placed at a rather exact and reassuring total of 1410 billion pounds (about $2200 billion), Scotland's central bank would be the proud possessor of 26.35 tons of gold.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Independent Scotland Currency, Plan A, B, C or D - British or Scottish Pound? / Currencies / Scotland
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Alex Salmond recently repeated - "It's our pound and we're going to keep it."
Much of the independence debate has centered around what currency an independant Scotland would use, where on one side we have the SNP implying that an independent Scotland would have the right to 'share' the British Pound in terms of the ability to print money and debt (government bonds), whilst on the other hand UK politicians state it would be impossible for two countries to share sovereignty over the same currency for the obvious reason that it would effectively allow an independant Scotland to go on debt fuelled spending binge without consequence of hyperinflation or currency collapse as the bill would be being picked by the UK tax payer as guarantor of the currency. Which is particularly galling as an independent Scotland would no longer be paying any taxes to the UK Treasury.
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Monday, September 01, 2014
Scottish Banks Salivating at the Prospects for an Independent Scotland of 6 Million Debt Slaves / Politics / Scotland
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Over the past 6 years the smoke has cleared and the mirrors have been shattered to reveal the truth of what Britain's banking industry is, one of the most corrupt of all activities that the elite utilise to concentrate the wealth of a nation into their pockets. The primary purpose of banking is to enslave EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and the epicentre of for want of a better word 'EVIL' is the CENTRAL BANK.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Scottish Independence - The Debt Debate Heats Up / ElectionOracle / Scotland
By: Andrew_McKillop
The troubled, often bloody and sometimes farcical history of union and disunion in the British Isles has major tipping points. One of the biggest was Scotland's union with England of 1707, described by historians as a surprise transformation from a hostile merger of two parliaments (Scottish and English) driven by politicians and bankers, to an expansionary and colonial economic partnership project which for some while was the most powerful going concern in the world. The previous Union of the Crowns, of 1603, could be called an arms-length deal whereby Ireland played the role of the main colonizing value-added target, but the two crowns of Scotland and England, although they sat on the same head of James I (of England) and VI (of Scotland), stayed separate.