Category: Amazon
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, October 09, 2019
Amazon Selling Fake Hard Drives - 4tb WD Blue - How to Check Your Drive is Genuine / ConsumerWatch / Amazon
This video was supposed to be a review of a 4tb WD Blue drive bought from Amazon for £95. However, that's not how things turned out during the course of the review when it become apparent that the drive was a FAKE, a cheaper drive that had a WD Blue stuck onto it.
So watch this video for the necessary checks to perform on ALL New hard drives to ensure that your not unwittingly buying and using a FAKE Hard drive, and thus putting your valuable data at risk.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Amazon Could Soon Be the World’s Biggest Shipping Company / Companies / Amazon
By: Stephen_McBride

These days, you can click a button and get almost anything delivered to your door.
Amazon sold $164 billion worth of stuff on its website this year.
If there were a disruptor stock hall of fame, Amazon would be first in line.
But Amazon didn’t disrupt shopping alone. Goods can’t ship themselves.
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019
AMAZON Web Services Tensor Flow Machine Learning Stock Investing - Video / Companies / Amazon
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Are you ready for the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend?
In this series of videos I present my Top 10 AI stocks to invest in to profit from the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend.
My Top 10 AI stocks are ranked in terms of risk vs reward and volatility. So I consider my Top 5 stocks as primary, then the next 3 as secondary and the last 2 as far more risky tertiary stocks. And remember that when investing in the stock market that your capital is at risk. There are NO SURE BETS!
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Monday, July 01, 2019
AMAZON - AMZN AI Machine Learning Stock Investing / Companies / Amazon
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Where to invest to profit from the exponential machine intelligence mega-trend. I have ranked these stocks in in terms of risk vs reward and volatility. Do remember that when investing in the stock market that your capital is at risk. There are NO SURE BETS!
If you've not already done so then watch my following video from November 2016 which illustrates why everything will start to change exponentially by 2021.
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Monday, May 13, 2019
Amazon SCAM Deliveries for Fake Verified Purchaser Reviews "Brushing" / ConsumerWatch / Amazon
We, like an increasing number of people have been on the receiving end of products from Amazon that we NEVER ORDERED! Random low priced stuff without any info of who's sending the item and most of it usually completely useless.
So what's going on?
Is someone you know sending you junk to wind you up? We'll it's likely an Amazon SCAM called 'Brushing'. Where the primary purpose is for the Seller to be able to write a glowing Amazon verified purchaser FAKE review so as to entice Amazon customers to buy.
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Thursday, November 22, 2018
Amazon (AMZN) – Highlighting Next Area For Buyers / Companies / Amazon
By: ElliottWaveForecast
We recently wrote an article explaining why Mr Jeff Bezos had nothing to worry about after being down $45B in October’s market sell off and also stated the obvious fact that trend in Amazon (AMZN) is up and pull backs are a buying opportunity. AMZN reached our blue box area starting from $1477 at the end of October and buyers were waiting there as expected. We keep mentioning that once a blue box is reached, two things can happen, either the trend will resume or there will be a minimum 3 waves reaction from the blue box to allow the longs to eliminate risk on the trade by trailing stops or booking partial profits and then trailing stops. Amazon bounce quickly reached 50% Fibonacci retracement of the decline from 9/4/2018 peak which was good enough for the longs from $1477 to get risk free. However, sellers have managed to push price below 10/30/2018 low which creates an incomplete 5 swings sequence down from 9/4/2018 peak. Let’s take a look at the chart below
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Saturday, July 21, 2018
Looking at the Amazon Tax / Companies / Amazon
By: Rodney_Johnson

Now, online retailers must collect sales tax based on the consumer’s location, no matter where the retailer resides.
Before I get to what this means to Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) and others, it’s worth recalling that just because states could not force out of state retailers to collect the tax, it was always due.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Christmas in an Amazon Culture / Politics / Amazon
Remembering the days when you shopped until you dropped seems to be from a time when socializing meant actually interacting with other people. Toys "Я" Us has lost its appeal because the reverse dynamics of spoiling the toddlers resists the challenge of braving the elements and cold temperatures to put wrapped presents under an artificial tree. Now, if it cannot arrive at the door delivered by USPS, UPS or FedEx; it's just not desirable. The consumer culture has made a giant leap into the cyber space of emptiness and irrelevancy. Spending money and spreading the wealth no longer operates under the same rules that enriched the growth in the (PCE) personal consumption expenditures. The void of satisfaction in buying trendy gadgets and stylist apparel feeds a basic isolation from meaning or contentment.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Amazon’s 75,000 New Robots Are Your Answer To No Wage Inflation / Companies / Amazon
By: John_Mauldin
Like millions of other people, I am a fan and a user of Amazon.
They do make buying things convenient, especially little things that you might have to go to art specialty stores to find. I’m a huge user of the Kindle app, too.
I will admit that I don’t quite understand the Amazon business model of growth over profits. But I have noticed that most of the profits Amazon actually makes are coming from their non-commercial side—stuff like cloud services.
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
Amazon Frustration Free Packaging Memory SD Cards vs Retail Packaging / ConsumerWatch / Amazon
Here's a test to see what's the difference when buying memory SD cards from Amazon of the difference between frustration free packaging and normal packaging. As in this test purchase from Amazon we bought 2 SanDisk Micro SD cards.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Dueling Technicals on Amazon AMZN / Companies / Amazon
By: Mike_Paulenoff
An analysis of Amazon (AMZN)'s charts on Monday identified a near-term potentially bullish formation juxtaposed against a tricky, potentially dangerous intermediate-term set up.
From a near-term perspective, AMZN on its hourly chart appeared to be putting in a "falling wedge"-type pattern (the opposite of a rising wedge), which usually represents a trend-ending formation. In this case, it would be the conclusion of the correction off of the July 27 high at 1083.20 to Monday's low at 942.25.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Here’s Why Amazon Is Not a Monopoly / Companies / Amazon
By: Charles_Sizemore

Now, a couple of those hits were links to the product page for the Monopoly board game we all grew up playing as kids.
(I was delighted to see there’s a Game of Thrones edition, complete with a direwolf token and King’s Landing as Boardwalk.)
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Saturday, August 12, 2017
Neil Howe: The Amazon-Walmart Rivalry Will Determine the Future of Retail / Companies / Amazon
By: John_Mauldin
My good friend Neil Howe has reconsidered the escalating war between Amazon and Walmart for the future of retail. And in true Neil fashion, he has come up with some surprising insights.
One of the takeaways here is that market “duopolies” can save consumers money—so you and I had better hope the battle isn’t resolved anytime soon.
Did you know that one in five US consumers is now an Amazon Prime member? But don’t count Walmart out, Neil warns.
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Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Amazon is a Destroyer of Jobs and the Merchant Economy / Companies / Amazon
If this is progress, just how much more can our economy afford? The myth of cheap prices, conveniently seldom factors in the structural costs to society. Building an all inclusive monopoly based upon minimal employees and predatory prices ignores the long anti-trust history that helped create the middle class. The last fifty years has demonstrated the systemic retreat from family prosperity, which has produced a vast disproportionate of wealth among the fewer haves and the growing have-nots. The enormous accumulation of market share that Amazon has steamrolled under the hypnosis of ease in selection of products, placing orders, timely deliveries, and most of all; cheapest pricing has caused the demise of much of traditional retail commerce.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Amazon UK Chaotic Delivery Tracking System, Customers Should Expect Early Deliveries / ConsumerWatch / Amazon
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Like many online buyers, I too regularly use amazon to shop for large and small items, nothing beats the convenience of arm chair shopping at any time of the day, that and added buyer protections offered that one is more likely to get what one is actually ordering against Ebay purchases that are more than likely to disappoint.
However, as many if not most regular amazon buyers are likely already aware of that there is a huge flaw in amazons shopping experience and that is in the reliability of their delivery tracking system which just does not WORK! For as long as at least for a year, Amazon routinely fails to deliver in line with that which it's delivery tracking service states to expect delivery on which tends to result in failed deliveries and further delays and customer frustration.
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