Category: Motoring
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, December 30, 2017
Why NOW is the Best Time to Buy a UK USED CAR from Dealers / Personal_Finance / Motoring
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Find out in my recent video why RIGHT NOW is probably the best time of year to buy a USED car from a UK dealer as we countdown into the end of 2017 and the start of the new year, a twilight zone for dealerships up and down the country starved of car buyer interest that for a short few weeks of the year puts the car buyers at an advantage of what usually comes to pass, and especially of during the summer months. So if you have been considering changing your old car for a newer model then watch my video for the conclusions of my extensive analysis of the UK used car market of the past year.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Best Time / Month to Buy a Used Car From a UK Dealer / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: Nadeem_Walayat
So far 2017 has not proved to be a productive year in terms of my traditional market analysis i.e. stocks, commodities and derivatives, as I tend to analyse that which grabs my attention rather than following a pre-set schedule, and for this year my attention has been on non traditional markets such as politics, where we had BrExit rammed down our throats to exhaustion point, culminating in the June 8th election disaster and its aftermath. Nevertheless my market analysis has continued this year, unfortunately it's been in non traditional markets such as the local city housing markets rather than national or international, and in this analysis of the UK near new Used car market of 2017 so as determine the best time of year to buy a Used Car of less than 3 years age from a UK dealer.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Land Rover Discovery Sport Fuel Tank Litres Capacity Test / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
There is conflicting information online on the capacity of the Land Rover Discovery Sport's fuel tanks, which tend to range from as high as 70 litres to as low as 50 litres, so we undertook a test by filling up a HSE Black to confirm the actual fuel capacity of these cars as the video illustrates.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Best Time / Month of Year to BUY a USED Car is DECEMBER, UK Analysis / Personal_Finance / Motoring
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A google search soon reveals that the consensus view of the best times of year to buy a used car in the UK tend to coalesce around the two plate changes of the year, i.e. 1st of March and 1st September as being the most commonly propagated online advice to buy just before and after the plate changes. Next often repeated are the dealers end of quarter sales targets for bonuses and other perks, namely by the end of March, June, Sept and December. And also often mentioned are expectations that the best used car deals tend to be in the winter months due to less consumer demand.