Category: Computing
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, September 09, 2020
AMD Ryzen Zen 3 4800x 10 Core 5ghz CPU, Cinebench Benchmark Scores (Est.) / Personal_Finance / Computing
Latest Zen 3 speculation is that apart from the expected 16 core and 12 core top end processors there could also be a new 10 core 20 thread processor. Which makes sense given that processors that fail Quality control at 12 cores can have 2 of their worst cores disabled and then sold as 10 cores instead of having 4 cores disabled and being sold as 8 core 3800x processors, in fact the 10 core would be the new 4800x processor given that there is already a 8 core 3700x / 4700x. Also it would complete well against Intel's 10 core 10900k, so the 4800x should be a 5 ghz 10 core cpu that would go well with Nvidia's new RTX 3080.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
AMD Ryzen Zen 3 CPUs Cinebench r20 Scores - 4300x, 4600x, 4900x, 4950x / 5300x, 5600x, 5900x, 5950x / Personal_Finance / Computing
Its not going to much longer before we get AMD's big reveal it's Intel crushing 7nm Zen 3 processors with my focus for the past year being on what to expect for the top 2 Ryzen processors, i.e. currently the 3900x and the 3950x. Back in May I speculated that Zen 3 should see a IPC gain of at least 15% and possibly as high as 22%, and from what I have seen to date we still appear to be on track to achieve those goals, typically ranging from 18% to 22% increases in performance given expected increases in clock speeds of 200mhz and better layout of the CCX's in 8 core chiplet packages resulting in better integration and use of L3 cache.
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Friday, August 14, 2020
AMD Ryzen 4900x / 5900x and 4950x / 5950x Zen3 4th Gen IPC and Clock Speed and Core Specs / Personal_Finance / Computing
Its not going to much longer before we AMD's big reveal it's Intel crushing 7nm Zen 3 processors with my focus on what to expect for the top 2 Ryzen processes i.e. currently the 3900x and the 3950x. Back in May I speculated that Zen 3 should see a IPC gain of at least 15% and possibly as high as 22%. We are still on track for at least 15% gains. I also speculated that we could see a jump in core counts i.e. 4950x jumping from 16 to as many as 24. Unfortunately that was just wishful t6hinking on my part as since there has been nothing to suggest that there will be even a 20 core Ryzen processor let alone 24 core .
Also it looks like AMD has learned it's lesson from it's recently launched APU confusion, with the G chips being 4000 series processors despite being based on Zen 2 rather than Zen 3,. So its probable that Zen 3 naming will be 5000 series processors rather than 4000. Which means for instance a 4950x becomes 5950x, which is what I have my eye out for my next system build, especially if it can be over clocked.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Computer GPU Fans Not Spinning Quick FIX - Sticky Fans Solution / Personal_Finance / Computing
Is your computers GPU running hot, well it's likely because the fans have stopped spinning! And if you don't fix it your card will die, and your system will be prone to reboots as the very high temperatures trip your GPU card to switch off.
Here's how to fix your GPU and what to do to prevent it from sticking again in the future.
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Monday, August 03, 2020
Computer Gaming System Rig Top Tips For 6 Years Future Proofing Build Spec / Personal_Finance / Computing
Thinking of specking a new system for gaming and productivity work in 2020, well here are my real world experience top tips of what you should do to ensure your PC is future proof for the next 6 years. As we take a loot at my system that cost £2,500 and see how it has fared over time with valuable lessons for our next build this year i.e. what CPU cores, memory and graphics card capability to go for in terms of addressing bottlenecks.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Built PC Review - Delivery and Unboxing (3) / Personal_Finance / Computing
The big day has finally arrived when our OverClockers UK custom built £1,000 PC is to be delivered. Find out what to expect in terms of communications, delivery and of course unboxing, how the PC is packaged and what it comes with in our latest video in buying a custom built from Overclockers UK series.
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Monday, July 20, 2020
Why Moores Law is NOT Dead! / Companies / Computing
By: N_Walayat
For as long as I can remember the argument has been that Moores Law (doubling in cpu processing power every 2 years) was always just about to end due to the inability to shrink the cpu dies further and thus an end to exponential increase in processing power that is usually measured in cpu transistor count , I did not agree with this 5 years ago when I first started writing about the exponential AI mega-trend where to date it has not turned out to be true on either transistor count or the COMPUTE power basis which is what people should actually be focused upon, after all that is what one actually utilises COMPUTE POWER.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Build PC Review - 2. System Build Changes Communications / Personal_Finance / Computing
This is the second in a series of videos of what to expect when ordering a custom built PC from Overclockers UK (, in terms of build quality and performance. In part 2 it's 15 days since the order was placed and we have some action in terms with overclockers requesting build changes, so find out how overclockers UK. communicates custom builts with customers.
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Sunday, July 05, 2020
Overclockers UK Custom Build PC Review - 1. Ordering / Stock Issues / Personal_Finance / Computing
This is the first in a series of videos of what to expect when ordering a custom build PC from Overclockers UK (, in terms of build quality and performance. The starting point for which is placing an order, which has not proved straight forward as key components have tended to come in and out of stock and thus it took us a good 2 weeks to actually place the order.
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Monday, June 29, 2020
Student / Gamer Custom System Build June 2020 Proving Impossible - Overclockers UK / ConsumerWatch / Computing
Due to fallout from the pandemic of increased demand and reduction in supply, it is proving near impoissible to get a custom built pc as illustrated by our attempts to buy a £1000 gaming / student PC from system builder
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Tuesday, June 16, 2020
AMD Ryzen Refresh Bad Value for Money - 3800xt 3900xt 3600xt Specs / Personal_Finance / Computing
Courtesy of a ***** up on Amazon's Italian website we now know the exact specs in terms of gig hz and pricing for AMD's XT Ryzen 3000 refresh cpus, for the 3900x that becomes the 3900XT, 3800x becomes the 3800XT and the 3600XT.
My video of over 2 weeks ago speculated that the 3900XT would be clocked at 4.1ghz base, 4.8ghz turbo. Which was pretty close to the actual spec with the turbo just 100mhz lower.
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Monday, June 01, 2020
AMD 3900XT, 3800XT, 3600XT Refresh Means Zen 3 4000 AMD CPU's Delayed for 5nm Until 2021? / Personal_Finance / Computing
AMD has leaked specs on 3 new desktop processors to be released as early as Mid June, which are refreshes for 3 Ryzen 3000 series cpus featuring higher clock speeds for the 3900x that becomes the 3900XT, 3800x becomes the 3800XT and so on for the 3600XT at the same price as existing processors, so the X variants will drop in price.
These chips are a bit of a surprise because everyone's been eagerly waiting for the fourth gen Zen 3 desktop processors to start appearing from August or September, which hopefully will also include a 4950x
So why release Zen 2 XT' refresh? We'll it appears to be to put the gaming CPU nail in Intel's 10th gen Comet late coffin. Intel's 10,900k and 10,700k processors that the XT will seek to displace from their gaming number 1 spots..
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