Category: US Politics
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, May 18, 2017
US Stock Market Slumps on Establishment / CIA Trump Impeachment Coup Plan / Politics / US Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The mainstream financial press as is nearly always the case in hindsight looked and found the smoking gun for Thursday's stock market Dow plunge of 372 points. As the latest attempts of the ruling establishment elite to entrap President Trump manifested in chaos so that he can be removed from office and replaced with a far more docile Mike Spence at their bidding. And so the establishment press directed by the CIA have been busy pumping out reams of Anti-Trump propaganda that paints a broad strokes picture that Trump really IS Putin's Manchurian candidate, a traitor even who gives America's darkest secrets to Czar Putin of Russia, who is playing his own game with glee.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Sinister NYT Plot to Oust Trump from Office / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
Likely colluding with anti-Trump dark forces, Times editors said his authority as president “does not extend to obstructing a federal investigation.”
No credible evidence proves it - only an alleged Comey memo not seen outside the Justice Department if it exists.
It cites him quoting Trump supposedly saying “I hope you can let this go,” referring the witch-hunt federal investigation into possible improper Michael Flynn connections to Russia - what never should have been initiated in the first place.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Long Knives Out for Trump / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
He’s a longtime establishment figure. How else could he become super-rich, able to be the GOP standard bearer, then president?
Yet he’s portrayed as an outlier. Undemocratic Democrats and media scoundrels despise him for preventing Hillary from getting the nation’s top job.
An unrelenting blitzkrieg persists to demonize, weaken and delegitimize him, a softening up process aimed at ousting him from office by forced resignation, impeachment or more sinister means.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
GOP Establishment Elite Plots Trump Removal / Politics / US Politics
Russia, Russia and all things Russia!
The drum beat never ceases. Only the most dense and easily manipulated buy into the bogus narrative that Trump is a Russian asset subject to blackmail. After all these pathetic months of disinformation from the Beltway District of Criminals, the absence of factual reality has become the most rare commodity in the public arena. The establishment panic over the enactment of a robust America First policy administration has the bi-partisan ranks of dedicated Statists scheming to remove President Trump from office by any means necessary. It should be obvious that marginalizing his presidency started the day of his election. Now the ground work is being set to trump up some phony story, absent of any definitive proof, that will entice the GOP never Trumpers, to join in with the deranged Democrats to remove their most threatening nemesis.
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Sunday, May 14, 2017
Trump Administration Shakeup Coming? / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
The world’s most powerful position can be its most lonely, frustrating, unrewarding and dangerous when US dark forces oppose the chief executive’s agenda, key parts thereof - or if the incumbent is perceived to be too independent.
The “mess” Trump said he inherited is America’s debauched system, its ruthlessness, its war on humanity at home and abroad, its deep state power, presidents either serving its interests or else.
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Sunday, May 14, 2017
Revving Up War on Trump, Risks of Coup d’etat / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
Instead of criticizing him for the right reasons, media scoundrels bash him for the wrong ones.
Dark forces in Washington want him weakened, delegitimized, ousted, and replaced by neocon Pence, an easily controlled establishment figure, their sinister agenda in good hands with him as president.
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Thursday, May 11, 2017
There’s a New Mafia in Town, American Dream Dead? / Politics / US Politics
By: Harry_Dent
Just look at this chart!
If you were born in 1980, you only have a 50% chance of making more money than your parents.
But if you were born in 1950, you had a 79% chance, according to research that Raj Chetty and his team of economists did.
That’s one heck of a drop!
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Comey and the End of Conversation / Politics / US Politics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
You might have thought, and hoped, that recent events, such as the election of Trump as president of the US, or Brexit, or the rise of Marine Le Pen and other non-establishment forces in Europe, would, as a matter of -natural- course, have led to increased conversation and discussion between parties, entities, whose divisions were material in sparking these events.
Monday, May 08, 2017
Trump’s Conversion into a Warmongering Neo-con - The Horror! The Horror! (Part Three) / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
In Part One and Part Two of this article I detailed the decades of propaganda, false flags, and misinformation campaigns used by the Deep State to gain power and control over the U.S. government. When war or a financial crisis is necessary to keep the profits flowing, events will be steered to such an outcome. With the latest financial plundering operation running out of steam, the Deep State is pushing the world toward global conflict.
If at first you don’t succeed with a false flag gas attack, try try again. Knowing a vast swath of the American populace is incapable of critical thinking or able to discern between fake news and factual events, the Deep State and their media lackeys unquestioningly promoted the story of children being killed by a sarin gas attack by Assad. The photos of rescue workers helping victims without gloves immediately invalidated the narrative, as the rescue workers would be dead if they handled sarin gas victims without protective gear.
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Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Save Liberty, Shut Down the Government / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Congress ended the week by passing a continuing resolution keeping the government funded for one more week. This stopgap funding bill is designed to give Congress and the White House more time to negotiate a long-term spending bill. Passage of a long-term spending bill has been delayed over objections to Republican efforts to preserve Obamcare's key features but give states a limited ability to opt out of some Obamacare mandates.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2017
What Trump’s Next 100 Days Will Look Like / Politics / US Politics
Reva Goujon : U.S. President Donald Trump approaches his 100-day benchmark on Saturday, a media deluge has already begun bemoaning the demise of the liberal order, celebrating waves of deregulation or simply blaming the president's rocky start on the "disaster" he inherited on taking office. Rather than wade into that predictable morass, we prefer to focus instead on what the next 100 days hold in store.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Real Reason Trump Why Reversed His Stance On NATO, China, and Mexico / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
By Allison Fedirka Donald Trump has recently reversed his stance on a number of key foreign policy issues: NATO, Russia, China, and Mexico. From a geopolitical perspective, Trump’s remarks validated that limitations exist in the real world—even for the US president.
These limitations explain why he has backtracked on some of his key campaign promises.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Trump Is Among The Institutionally Weakest National Leaders In The World / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
By George Friedman : During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump advocated for a more disengaged US foreign policy. Involvement in the world would be limited to actions in the interest of the United States.
On the surface, this was not an irrational argument. American involvement—chiefly militarily—has not yielded the outcomes the US hoped for in recent years.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Fed Drops MOAB on Wall Street, Swamp Creatures Sack D.C. / Politics / US Politics
By: Michael_Pento
Wall Street and our central bank are in for a rude awakening very soon! The idea that the US economy is on stable footing and about to experience a surge in growth is ridiculous. Hence, the consensus that the Fed can normalize interest rates and its balance sheet is nothing short of a bad joke...and it's on them.
For starters, the government's fiscal deficit for the month of March came in at $176.2 billion, which means the deficit 6 months into fiscal 2017 is $526.9 billion and running 15% over last year. If not for the calendar timing of receipts and payments, our government's deficit would be a year-to-date $564.0 billion or 23% above last year. In addition, there was an 18% decline in corporate income tax collection. We all know there was no corporate tax reform passed. So the credible conclusion must be reached that corporations are not growing there profits...they are actually shrinking.
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Monday, April 24, 2017
Candidate Trump: 'I Love Wikileaks.' President Trump: 'Arrest Assange!' / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
"I love Wikileaks," candidate Donald Trump said on October 10th on the campaign trail. He praised the organization for reporting on the darker side of the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was information likely leaked by a whistleblower from within the Clinton campaign to Wikileaks.
Back then he praised Wikileaks for promoting transparency, but candidate Trump looks less like President Trump every day. The candidate praised whistleblowers and Wikileaks often on the campaign trail. In fact, candidate Trump loved Wikileaks so much he mentioned the organization more than 140 times in the final month of the campaign alone! Now, as President, it seems Trump wants Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sent to prison.
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Friday, April 21, 2017
US War on Whistleblowers / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
Truth-telling in America is endangered. Free and open expression is our most fundamental right, all others threatened without it.
Exposing government wrongdoing is courageous and essential. Obama waged war on press freedom and whistleblowing. Trump continues his outrageous agenda.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017
On the Commemoration of World War I: From Woodrow Wilson to Donald Trump / Politics / US Politics
By: Antonius_Aquinas
It is altogether fitting that the US attack on a Syrian airport, the dropping of a MOAB on defenseless Afghanistan, and the potential outbreak of nuclear war with North Korea have all come in the very month one hundred years earlier that an American president led the nation on its road to empire. President Trump’s aggressive actions and all of America’s previous imperialistic endeavors can ultimately be traced to Woodrow Wilson’s disastrous decision to bring the country into the First World War on April 6, 1917.
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Saturday, April 15, 2017
Trump 2013 is Against Everything That Trump 2017 Does / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
In 2013, Donald Trump could have almost been mistaken for a Dollar Vigilante subscriber. He was against almost anything Obama was doing, was against all the wars and occupations, was against Obamacare and constantly pointed out all the corruption, criminality and waste in government.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Preparing for the Reign of the First Widow / Politics / US Politics
By: Stewart_Dougherty
We believe the 6 April 2017 Tomahawk missile attack on Syria indicates that Donald Trump has concluded that the fiscal, economic and political situations in the United States are beyond repair, and that without continued, massive military interventionism and spending, U.S. GDP will plunge, taking all of his campaign commitments down with it. Therefore, he has capitulated to the agenda of the Deep State looters and war profiteers. Trump’s capitulation has profound personal and financial implications for the citizens of the United States and the world.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
United Airlines "Just Kill Him" - A Symptom of New Fascist Reality In America / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
I’ve never understood airlines overbooking their flights. What other industry does that?
“Hi, I’m here to pick up the painting I bought from you online.”
“Oh, there are two other people here who bought it too. I guess I sold it too many times, sorry. I’ll just have some armed men escort you out!”
It sounds crazy, right? But, when it comes to airlines it happens all the time.
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