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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Brent Crude Oil Price Technical Update: Low Volatility Leads to High Volatility / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: MarketsToday

Since our last update on oil two months ago (Dec. 22, 2016) Brent Crude has not gone far, rising approximately 2.4% from 54.82 to 56.16 today. During this time it has traded within a relatively tight range (low volatility), from around a low of 53.61 to a high of 58.35.

The chart pattern that has formed in the past two months is either a bullish symmetrical triangle trend continuation pattern or a bearish head and shoulders top. Whichever way the breakout goes should confirm the next direction, either a continuation higher of the 13-month uptrend, or a deeper retracement off the 58.35 high.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Gold and Crude Oil Link – What Does It Say? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Short positions (with a stop-loss order at $56.45 and an initial downside target at $45.81) are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

On Monday, crude oil lost 1.52% after oil investors reacted to Friday’s Baker Hughes’ report, which showed that U.S. drillers added 17 rigs, which was the 13th increase in the past 14 weeks. Thanks to this news light crude reversed and declined to the previously-broken short-term support/resistance line. Will it manage to stop oil bears in the coming days? Is it possible that the relationship between gold and crude oil give us more clues about oil’s future moves?

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Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Oil War Is Only Just Getting Started / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

It’s been a month now that investors and analysts have been closely watching two main drivers for oil prices: how OPEC is doing with the supply-cut deal, and how U.S. shale is responding to fifty-plus-dollar oil with rebounding drilling activity. Those two main factors are largely neutralizing each other, and are putting a floor and a cap to a price range of between $50 and $60.

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Time for Crude Oil Price Drop below $50? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Short positions (with a stop-loss order at $56.45 and an initial downside target at $45.81) are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

On Wednesday, crude oil lost 2.57% after the head of the IEA warned of a significant increase in U.S. shale output as OPEC and non-OPEC producers cut output. This news negatively affected the investors' sentiment and pushed the black gold under important support levels. What does it mean for light crude?

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

OPEC Oil Deal Already Showing Signs of Stress / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: AnyOption

Even though Saudi Arabia was quick to proclaim a victory at the outset of the year after reducing its own oil production to levels agreed upon in Vienna, there are numerous threats to the outlook for crude prices.  Despite claims that the move to reduce OPEC output will be enough to drain the approximate 300 million barrels in global oversupply within six months, a move by the Cartel and non-OPEC members to ramp up production afterwards could beckon the resurgence of global oversupply. 

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Crude Oil Prices Running Out Of Reasons To Rally / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Oil prices faltered at the start of the second week of the year, as fears set in about a rapid rebound in U.S. shale production. For the better part of two months, optimism surrounding the OPEC deal has buoyed oil prices, but bullish sentiment from speculators are showing early signs of abating, raising the possibility that the oil rally is running out of steam.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Here’s the Real Oil Price Russia Needs to Break Even / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: John_Mauldin

BY JACOB SHAPIRO : We published our 2017 forecast earlier this week. One of our predictions is that Russia is in for a difficult year economically. This is because Russia’s economy depends significantly on oil.

The price of oil in 2016 has averaged roughly $43 a barrel. That’s a far cry from two years ago, when it was more than double. According to Russia’s Federal Customs Service, oil-export revenue accounts for 26 percent of total revenue from Russian exports. For an economy with exports making up almost 30 percent of GDP, that’s fairly significant.

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Goldman Sachs is Talking Nonsense Again: Shale will not affect Global Oil Supply until Price hits $85 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_Butter

Latest headline: “Goldman Sachs Warns the Saudis: ‘’U.S. Shale Will Respond’’”

Reminds me of when we all used to sing-along the company song ”House Prices Always go up”; and why not? If you could get the suckers to buy that idea, selling them AAA-rated (toxic) collateralized debt obligations concocted by Goldman Sachs, was a synch. Ah...Goldman Sachs...the Divine God’s Workers; now they are experts on shale oil...what next...tropical fish? So now they are telling their customers “shale oil is a buy”, that means presumably, they are long and they are scrambling to unload their positions?

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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Crude Oil and Gold, Silver Precious Metals Link / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Short positions (with a stop-loss order at $54.51 and initial downside target at $45.43) are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

On Tuesday, crude oil moved lower and lost 1.66% after data showed that OPEC production rose to about 34.2 million barrels per day in Nov, hitting another record high. In this environment, light crude slipped under $51 and approached the barrier of $50, and thus the short position that we had opened early during yesterday’s session were already profitable at its end. Will we see a drop below the key $50 level in the coming days?

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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Crude Oil Price Trend Forecast 2016 September Update / News_Letter / Crude Oil

By: NewsLetter

The Market Oracle Newsletter
15th September, 2016 Issue # 23 Vol. 10

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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Crude Oil Price Trend Forecast 2016 Implications for Stock Market / News_Letter / Crude Oil

By: NewsLetter

The Market Oracle Newsletter
17th May, 2016 Issue # 11 Vol. 10

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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Crude Oil Price New Highs Ahead Us? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): No positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

On Friday, crude oil gained 1.21% as OPEC deal continued to support the price of the commodity. In this environment, light crude re-approached the Oct high. Will we see fresh 2016 peak in the coming week?

Let's take a look at the charts below to find out (charts courtesy of

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Monday, December 05, 2016

Crude Oil Prices: "Random"? Hardly / Commodities / Crude Oil


The more emotional the market, the more predictable it is.

Last week's shocking spike in crude oil prices is +12% and counting, the biggest one-week gain in five years. Media stories blame one culprit: the November 30 OPEC agreement to cut production.

In absolute terms, the agreed-to cut is small: 1.2 million barrels a day, less than 2% of daily global oil production. Given the existing supply glut, that's a drop in the bucket (no pun intended). Yet, it was a bigger cut than the market expected; plus, the fact that OPEC members came to an agreement at all was enough to play a role in soaring prices.

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Friday, December 02, 2016

Shale-War is over so $60 Brent Crude Oil by Christmas is highly probable: Next $85? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_Butter

In April this model ( predicted the Saudi’s would blink in Doha and Brent would see $60 by Christmas.

Well they did blink in Doha; they stopped talking about pumping an extra two-million barrels per day into the pot; incidentally that was just bravado; unless the plan was to stop using oil to make electricity...which would have been unpopular during the summer.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Breakdown and Slide in Crude Oil Price / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): No positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective.
Crude oil gained 2.21% yesterday and came back above $47, but taking a dive today, confirming that closing the long positions yesterday and taking profits off the table was a good idea. Now, the question is how much does today’s decline actually change.
Let’s take a look at the charts to find out (charts courtesy of

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Will Crude Oil Price Rally to $50? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Long positions (with a stop-loss order at $41.39 and initial upside target at $49.53) are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

On Friday, crude oil moved higher once again as optimism over an OPEC deal to limit production continued to weigh on investors' sentiment. In this environment, light crude gained 0.83% and closed the day above the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement. What does it mean for the commodity?

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Crude Oil Bears State Prices Headed Lower - Bulls-Eye or Rubbish? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Sol_Palha

"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." ~ Arthur Somers Roche

2015 was a terrible year for oil and it looked like 2106 would even worse; oil dipped below $30.00 and all cockroaches (oops we mean analysts) started to state $10.00 oil was next. When we heard this nonsense, we penned an article titled will the crude oil price crash become even worse in 2016?

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Are The Saudis About To Reveal The Best Kept Secret In Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

One of the oil world’s longest and best kept secrets may finally be revealed. Saudi Arabia is preparing to unveil how much oil it holds, a closely guarded state secret that has been kept quiet for decades.

The decision to bring such important data to light comes as Saudi Aramco is preparing to partially privatize its assets, an IPO that could bring in some $100 billion. The IPO will be a monumental event, one that the Wall Street Journal says could offer Wall Street some of the largest fees in history.

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Friday, November 18, 2016

If Only These Two Things Come to Pass, Crude Oil Prices Will Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: John_Mauldin

Will oil prices recover as Wall Street presumes? That depends on the balance of supply and demand. 

Climate change agreements notwithstanding, the world still burns and will go on burning a lot of fossil fuel. Slowing economic growth has reduced energy demand growth, but the absolute numbers remain strong. This will change as greener technology spreads, but very slowly.

The real mystery is on the supply side.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Non-USD Picture of Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Long positions (with a stop-loss order at $41.39 and initial upside target at $49.53) are justified from the risk/reward perspective.

Although crude oil moved lower after the markets open, oil bulls stopped further deterioration and triggered a rebound in the following hours. As a result, light crude erased most of earlier losses and closed the day above Friday’s low. What can we expect in the coming days?

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