Thursday, July 23, 2015
AAPL Disappoints.... Stock Market Holds Well.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Jack_Steiman
The market was looking forward to the earnings report from Apple Inc. (AAPL), the leader of all leaders. The anticipation was very high due to the news recently released from Google Inc. (GOOG), which was magnificent. Most thought AAPL would follow in their footsteps. The market was close to breaking out ahead of the report, but the big leader gave a small report for investors. A little shy this and not so great that, had the stock down at massive support at 119 last night after hours. It did hold there and start to push up a bit, which allowed for a big sigh of relief from the frothing bulls. A move below 119 on AAPL would open up a vein of selling to 114, and possibly further below. AAPL gapped down hard, roughly eight points, which gave the Nasdaq a major headache.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Gold Price Hits a 5-Year Low: How to Time the Next MAJOR Bottom / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
See this surprising "central banks indicator" of big reversals in gold prices
Read full article... Read full article..."In what traders called a 'bear raid,' sellers on Monday dumped an estimated 33 tonnes of gold in just two minutes on exchanges in Shanghai and New York, sending prices on a nearly $50 downward spiral from which they never fully recovered." (Reuters, July 21)
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Currencies Depend on Faith, Gold Doesn't / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Peter_Schiff
In his July 17th Blog, Let's Get Real About Gold, author and Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Zweig likened investor interest in gold with the "Pet Rock" craze of the 1970s, when consumers became convinced that a rock in a box would provide continuous companionship, elevate their social standing, and give them something hip to talk about at parties. Zweig asserts that investor faith in gold, which he argues is just another inert mineral with good marketing, is similarly irrational, and has kept people from putting money in the much more lucrative stock market.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Stock Market Early Shorting Opportunity / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
This may be an early entry opportunity for shorts, since we may see SPX retrace all the way to yesterday’s close. This would be considered to be super aggressive, since the battered VIX isn’t registering any signals, yet.
I believe the VIX is being suppressed, in order to prevent investors to properly hedge for the decline. This would also discourage short-sellers, who rely on the VIX for their signal. This portends a very deep decline, since there is virtually no hedging and very little short-selling, which would provide a bottom for this decline as short-sellers take profits.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Should Stock Investors You Buy Microsoft On the Dip? / Companies / Microsoft
By: AnyOption
Microsoft has had a rocky relationship with investors over the years, especially the last one. If you look at the numbers over the last two years, it looks like the stock has soared with a 48.59% increase. But if you take a look at the last year alone, it’s up only 5.37%. Year to date it’s even worse at 1.79%.To say the company has struggled to stay innovative amid competition with the likes of Apple and Google is an understatement. There’s a cartoon that’s been floating around the internet for years showing two small children representing Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox fighting it out, while another small child representing Windows Explorer is off in the corner eating glue.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Crude Oil Price Barrier of $50 Holds - For Now / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Trading position (short-term; our opinion): Short positions with a stop-loss order at $65.23 are justified from the risk/reward perspective.
Although crude oil declined after the market's open, hitting a fresh multi-month low, the commodity rebounded in the following hours and closed the day above the Jul 7 low. Did this upswing change anything in the short-term picture of crude oil?
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Silver and the Deflation Thesis / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
56,859 contracts represents over 284 million ounces of silver in a market with a total of just under 1 billion ounces in open contracts (open interest of 197,092) and a combined warehouse “physical” inventory of just over 180 million ounces.
I decided to make public and expand upon one section in my private newsletter weekly commentary.
As silver was monkey-hammered once again this week, I got the usual “see that, Harry Dent was right. Silver is going down” response.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Gold Price Crash - Trend Forecast 2015, Gold Stocks Buying Opportunity? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The gold price bear market has continued in 2015 since its mid January 2015 peak of $1307 that had fooled many gold bugs into assuming that the preceding multi-year bear market was finally over and that 2015 would see a strong price rally to possibly even new all time highs! However, so far 2015 has seen a series of failed rally's rolling over into downtrends to new lows, punctuated by flash crash days such as that which took place on the 19th of July that saw a series of flash crashes that lasted no more than a couple of seconds that took the gold price to well under $1,100, to a new five year low of $1080 before recovering to currently stand just over $1,100.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Three Reasons Behind Iran’s Resistance to the Nuclear Deal / Politics / Iran
By: ...
Dr. Kent Moors writes: Years ago, when I was doing monthly analysis on Iran’s oil and gas industry, one of the biggest quandaries was trying to make market sense out of what came from the leadership in Tehran.
Well, the past 48 hours have brought me back to those days.
Back then, it was not unusual for Iran’s religious and political heads to shoot themselves in the foot economically every time they opened their mouths on policy matters. And Iran remains one of the most convoluted webs of power relationships and brokerages anywhere.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Market Bubble in Trouble? Rinse & Repeat / Interest-Rates / Liquidity Bubble

When I was in college, I had this weekly ritual. I'd drive home to my parents' house every Friday, run inside to say hello, grab some food, and leave several bags of dirty laundry to be picked up the next morning.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Winning the Hunger Games - How to Choose Successful Agriculture Investments / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities
By: The_Energy_Report
Starting with the premise that people have to eat, The Agletter Editor Tom Wallace has found productive fields in the many subsectors of the ag investment space. Without discounting the risks, he explains to The Energy Report how investors can recognize and hedge those risks. Wallace also names three favorite companies that span the spectrum, from planting the seed to foodstuff.
The Energy Report: Is investing in agriculture like investing in any other commodity, or do investors new to the space need to get familiar with special considerations?
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
US Dollar Breakout / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Ed_Carlson
The previous Friday's expected cycle low was successful in starting a rally last week in which the US Dollar had its best week since May. DXY gained 1.89% to close at 97.99 above the June 1 high and printed an engulfing bullish candlestick on the weekly chart.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Japan Ageing Population Still a Problem With No Solution / Economics / Japan Economy
By: Rodney_Johnson

It’s a small community of some 35 people, most in their 60s or older. The place is so sparsely populated that the locals consider their 150-plus dead a part of their community.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Are Free Markets The Solution? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2015
By: Harry_Dent

I like these commercials. What kind of idiot thinks they can get away with that?
When you mess with Mother Nature, she knocks you out with a fist to the face or a kick in the ribs.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Gold Hammered “Unprecedented Attack” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldCore
- Gold market comes under “unprecedented attack” – Telegraph
– “Sharp drop bore similarities to bear raids by Chinese funds” – FT
- Paper contracts for 57 tonnes of gold dumped onto market in two minutes
- Gold still holding up in euros, Canadian dollar and other currencies
- Very negative sentiment towards gold signals close to bottom
- Physical gold still vital financial insurance despite simplistic anti gold narrative
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Down with the U.S. Constitution! / Politics / US Politics
By: Antonius_Aquinas
It has been quite an eventful and productive couple of weeks for the forces of statism in the former “land of the free, and home of the brave.”
The federal government’s highest court has enshrined “perversity” into law, guaranteeing untold amounts of future litigation while infringing on the right of freedom of association and, just as important, “disassociation” for those who rightly consider sodomy an abomination which wantonly mocks the Author of the natural law.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015
The Turkish Enigma / Politics / Turkey
By George Friedman: In my "Net Assessment of the World," I argued that four major segments of the European and Asian landmass were in crisis: Europe, Russia, the Middle East (from the Levant to Iran) and China. Each crisis was different; each was at a different stage of development. Collectively the crises threatened to destabilize the Eurasian landmass, the Eastern Hemisphere, and potentially generate a global crisis. They do not have to merge into a single crisis to be dangerous. Four simultaneous crises in the center of humanity's geopolitical gravity would be destabilizing by itself. However, if they began to merge and interact, the risks would multiply. Containing each crisis by itself would be a daunting task. Managing crises that were interlocked would press the limits of manageability and even push beyond.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Bank Current Account Overdraft Fees Hit a High, Attacking Careful Customers / Personal_Finance / Current Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Research by reveals that considerate customers who plan their authorised overdraft are being rewarded with higher fees, while those who fall into an unauthorised overdraft are seeing their costs reduce.
Providers traditionally charged interest on the amount customers borrowed in their overdraft, but in recent years other fees, such as usage fees, have been introduced. These fees sit either alongside the usual interest rate or in its place, and are designed to make bank charges clearer.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015
I Am A Citizen of the World And My Religion Is To Do Good / Politics / Religion
By: Michael_T_Bucci
"I am a citizen of the world and my religion is to do good," said Thomas Paine, American revolutionary and pamphleteer. He didn't use a gun; he used a pen. Like today, a tangible paradigm shift occurred that shook the foundations of the old monarchial order to clear a path for 'the rights of man'. Those rights are under fire today in America, Great Britain and the EU. Market forces have appropriated democracy for itself. The Seven Deadly Sins have become beatitudes and virtues. God died in the 1960's, said Time magazine. Today, Divinity is called Universe and Universe includes Planet Earth, should it survive.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Gold and Silver: The Final Capitulation Commences / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Bob_Kirtley

This pattern of falling stock prices interrupted by sudden price hikes has characterized the precious metals sector for the last three years or so. Unfortunately the bounces were rarely of the same magnitude of the preceding falls in prices and so we have witnessed the Gold Bugs Index, the HUI, fall from a high of 630 to a close today of 113, recording a drop of some 80% in the value of these stocks.
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