Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 30, 2013
How to Profit From China's Crude Oil Crisis / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Investment_U
cpittman writes: America is the strongest nation on Earth, but we depend on foreign energy suppliers. In fact, we import more oil than any other country. This is our crucial weakness as a superpower.
Now, that is changing big-time in ways that are good for America and bad for China. And this change offers you extraordinary investment opportunities.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Expect Gold Price to Soar on Good Economic News / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
The standard wisdom on gold is that it does well in times of economic bad news such as in the 1970s, a period of stagflation and recessions, when the yellow metal rose from $35/oz to peak at $850/oz in 1980. But this time, Don Coxe, a portfolio adviser to the BMO Asset Management, believes things are different. In this interview with The Gold Report, Coxe explains why gold will rise when the economy improves.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Is Crude Oil a Step Behind or Ahead of the Oil Index? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Tensions in the Middle East have always had an impact on everyday life around the world through their effect on the price of oil. During the last month we saw this impact very clearly. At the beginning of September, the price of light crude dropped as fears of U.S. military action against Syria faded. In the following days, crude oil declined as Libya's production recovered to nearly 40% of pre-war capacity. Higher crude oil output in Iraq was an additional bearish factor, which pushed the price lower. In the previous week, investors watched closely all the US-Iran news. On Friday, the price of oil fell as tensions eased between the United States and Iran after the Obama-Rouhani talks.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Gold and Silver Inflection Point / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Rambus_Chartology
In this Weekend Report I would like to look at the Chartology of the precious metals complex as this is either a consolation phase or as some think a bottoming formation is building out that will lead to the next bull market. In order to grasp what is really going on we need to look at all the possibilities and try to gain some perspective on which course of action the precious metals complex is likely to move in the short to intermediate time frame up or down.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Silver Price Pushing On A String / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Michael_Noonan
Little in the way of news has transpired in the past week that could have an impact
on the silver market. The main stage has been set for some time, regarding all the
known factors affecting silver, to date. There is no need to review any of them, at
this point.
What can be noted is that the CFTC has reached the conclusion that the “alleged” manipulation by JPMorgan in the silver market, well documented and presented to the CFTC by Andrew Macguire, was much ado about nothing.. Just like lackey Eric Holder, chief law [un]enforcement official a the Dept of [no]Justice, has not been able to uncover any wrongdoing by Wall Street over the past 5 years, the CFTC ran into the same “bad luck” during its two-year investigation.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013
Gold and Silver Now Move Into the October Delivery Month / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Jesse
There was no activity in or out of the COMEX warehouses yesterday, with only a small adjustment at Brinks.
Here is an interview I did with Lars Schall yesterday. You may read at it here.
Lars is a very personable and intelligent fellow, and did a good job of drawing out some comments, and coaxing me to put some things forward more so than I am often wont to do. I am always grateful for the good work that he does.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013
Gold And Silver Central Bank Death Dance / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Michael_Noonan
If “they” can get you to ask the wrong questions[s], “they” do not have to worry about giving the right answer[s].
The question most have been asking is, why aren’t the prices of gold and silver reflecting the unprecedented huge demand and the almost depleted holdings of the exchanges and central banks? Article after article has been retelling the stories of long lines to buy silver and gold, all over the world, Russia and China buying everything available for sale from the gutless Western central bankers, failure to deliver physical gold by banks to customers, failure to deliver contract gold on the COMEX, rolling it forward and/or settling for cash for those who take it.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013
Gold and Silver Bottoming Process / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
In our last editorial we pointed out how the gold stocks had veered off the recovery course. They fell well below the recovery template and fell below their 50-day moving averages. Furthermore, the positive “non-taper” news turned out to be the mother of all bull traps for traders. The market soared on presumably an epic amount of short covering. Yet that only served to be a selling opportunity for traders. That sequence of events only strengthened our view that the sector continues to be headed for a retest which could serve as the mother of all buying opportunities.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Gold Markets Are Not Efficient, Don't Reflect Fundamentals and Understate Gold's Market Value / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
This is a series on how and why the gold markets fail to reflect the true balance of demand and supply in gold and silver prices. Many investors expect and believe that the gold price is an accurate reflection of demand and supply, but it isn't.
In a perfect market the exact weight of demand and supply on a daily basis would be reflected in the daily prices. In both gold and silver markets this is just not true. Many of these factors are common to all markets, but in the gold market the different factors on a broad front are wider and more complex than most. The extent of market liquidity is a key factor in the efficiency of markets so we need to know just how responsive to prices is the liquidity of the gold market.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
U.S. Dollar and Non USD Gold Price Current Situation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: P_Radomski_CFA
In the previous week the Fed surprised markets when it decided to stick with its massive stimulus measures. However, in the following days some officials said that the U.S. central bank could still begin tapering later this year. Since then, markets are no clearer on when the Fed will eventually taper its stimulus.
From today’s point of view, it seems that this uncertainty over tapering has kept the price of gold in its narrowest range since the June bottom. Since the August low the yellow metal has been trading between $1,271 and $1,434.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Gold Analysts Bullish Due To Money Creation On Scale Never Seen In History / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: GoldCore
Today’s AM fix was USD 1,321.50, EUR 978.45 and GBP 822.03 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,332.50, EUR 987.92 and GBP 830.22 per ounce
Gold slid $9.40 or 0.7% yesterday, closing at $1,323.70/oz. Silver fell $0.06 or 0.28%, closing at $21.70. Platinum dropped $21.70 or 1.5% to $1,404.50/oz, while palladium slipped $1.75 or 0.2% to $718.75/oz.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Coal the Most Unlikely Beneficiary of the Natural Gas Boom / Commodities / Coal
By: Money_Morning
Peter Krauth writes: An array of energy's sub-industries are making a fortune from America's natural gas boom.
Rigs, pipelines, rail, wastewater treatment, trucking, seismic imaging, well-site security... And a lot more opportunity is on the way, like the deal Kent just uncovered.
But perhaps the most unlikely beneficiary of the shale revolution is the coal industry.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
The Evolution of the Gold and Silver IRA / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Precious metals currently look like a no brainer investment in a world of market volatility, rehypothecation, massive bail ins and outs, and a growing number of templates for taking people’s retirement assets away.
Many are familiar with the option of keeping precious metals in an IRA. Those who understandably refuse to take the penalty for cashing out in order to take full personal possession have the next best option and a way to get control of their metal.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Balance Sheet Liquefaction and the Race for Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
The Fed seems to be stuck because of housing market weakness and its associated mortgage backed securities. The repo market appears to be where the stress is most threatening, though hidden from view. These trillion dollar daily transactions are the lifeblood of world financial markets.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Gold Seeds Of Change Growing / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Aden_Forecast
It's been a crazy month. So much drama and so much uncertainty ... it all left investors somewhat shell shocked.
Shake, Rattle & Roll
With the Fed stating that it'll wait before cutting back on its quantitative easing (QE), it again rattled investors, raising many questions...
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium Investing Opportunities Roundtable / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
What happens when you bring together four of the top minds in the precious metals investing space to share insights from the front lines of gold, silver platinum and palladium investing? These excerpts from a Sprott Resources Roundtable featuring Gloom, Boom and Doom Report Publisher Marc Faber, Sprott Asset Management Chief Investment Strategist John Embry, Sprott Global Resource Investments Founder Rick Rule and Sprott Asset Management Founder Eric Sprott prove that great minds think big.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Will Russia Lose Its Crude Oil Grip on Europe? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Marin_Katusa
Vladimir Putin is on a roll. Ever since the Russian president-turned-prime-minister-turned-president got into office 13 years ago, he's been deftly maneuvering Russia back into the ranks of global heavyweights. These days, he's averting cruise missiles from Syria before breakfast.
For a strategy to return Russia to superpower status, Putin had to look no farther than his own doctoral thesis, Mineral Natural Resources in the Development Strategy for the Russian Economy.
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Thursday, September 26, 2013
Gold and Silver Driven by US Debt Limit as 3-Week Countdown Begins / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2013
By: Adrian_Ash
The WHOLESALE price of gold and other precious metals touched 4-session highs Thursday morning in London, after US Treasury secretary Jack Lew warned yesterday that the government will run out of money in just 3 weeks' time if Congress doesn't approve new debt.
World stock markets ticked lower with major government bonds as the US Dollar rose on the FX market.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Crude Oil Price Could Reverse Up from 101-103 Support Zone / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Gregor_Horvat
Few weeks back oil reversed sharply from the 112 high when a five wave rally from 91.00 area completed a larger degree of an extended wave 3). As such, the contra-trend reaction is called a corrective retracement that is now unfolding but maybe near completion.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Nuclear Power - The Energy Sector’s Biggest Threat and Opportunity / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: On July 6, 2013, Ralph Seidensticker quietly passed away in his home in Valencia, Calif. He was 81 years old.
If you ask 1,000 people who he was, it’s doubtful that more than one or two would know. Seidensticker was the pioneer in nuclear reactor design. He spent 58 years designing reactors for nuclear power plants as an Argonne National Laboratory engineer. Many of the 104 plants in use in the U.S. today use his design features.