Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, October 02, 2014
Gross' "Minsky Moment" - What Really Happened at PIMCO / Companies / Corporate News
By: Money_Morning
Michael E. Lewitt writes: As I mentioned over the weekend, the month of September ended with two dramatically different exits: The Hollywood ending of Yankee Captain Derek Jeter's Hall of Fame 20-year career, and the acrimonious departure of Bill Gross from PIMCO, the firm he founded 43 years ago.
The departure of the two could not have been in starker contrast.
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Thursday, October 02, 2014
Top Approaching in Berkshire Hathaway Stock? / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
Editor's note: The following article originally appeared in a special September-October double issue of Robert Prechter's Elliott Wave Theorist, one of the longest-running financial letters in the business.
It piques our interest when a person or company makes the front page of a magazine or newspaper. On August 15, USA Today ran an article with a chart on the share-price performance of Warren Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway. The Guardian and other papers covered the news, too, which was that the stock had cleared $200,000/share.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
U.S. Court of Federal Claims - The $40 Billion Circus Has Arrived! / Companies / Market Regulation
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Get ready for the Greatest Show on Earth. I’m not kidding!
The circus opens today in Washington at the big-top U.S. Court of Federal Claims.
That’s where insurer Starr International is suing the United States for essentially ripping off American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG) and its shareholders. Starr is an insurance company controlled by Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, the former CEO of AIG, not long ago the largest insurance company in the world.
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Sunday, September 28, 2014
Obscure Maritime Law Practically “Guarantees” Profits for These Energy Companies / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Money_Morning
Bill Smith, a Delaware fuel trader, calls it “the most stupid law ever on the books.”
It adds about 15¢ to the price of every gallon of gas. And it’s so obscure that the vast majority of people have no idea it exists.
It’s the maddening reason why it costs 3 times as much to ship a barrel of oil from Houston to New York as it does to ship the same barrel from Saudi Arabia on the other side of the world.
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Saturday, September 27, 2014
Are U.S. Cars About to Crash? / Companies / US Auto's
By: John_Rubino
New car sales have been one of the bright spots of the US recovery. And they’re still at it:
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(Reuters) – Strong demand drove U.S. new car and truck sales 10 percent higher in September, adding momentum to the industry’s best August in more than a decade, consultants LMC Automotive and J.D. Power said on Thursday.Sales rose to 1.248 million new vehicles, or a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 16.5 million vehicles. This follows a 17.5 million annualized rate in August.
Friday, September 26, 2014
How My Charts Uncovered Two Big Stocks That Are Soaring Like Small Caps / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: Each and every week I bring to you tech winners with great fundamentals.
However, perusing balance sheets and income statements isn’t the only way to find great stocks.
There’s also the technique known as technical analysis.
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Friday, September 26, 2014
The Home Depot Breach Boils Our Blood – and It Should / Companies / Corporate News
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Who should worry about data breaches?
You as an individual are at risk. Your bank account is at risk. Your credit is at risk. You’re at risk in ways you never thought about.
Merchants are at risk, maybe to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.
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Thursday, September 25, 2014
Is Apple Watch a Needle Mover? / Companies / Apple
By: Casey_Research
By Adam J. Crawford, Analyst
The investment community has been up in arms over a lack of innovation from Apple. After all, the company hasn’t launched a new product line in quite some time… that is, until now. Meet the company’s brand-new smart device: Apple Watch. Investors hope the product will send Apple’s stock to new heights. Is that wishful thinking?
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Thursday, September 25, 2014
The Best Hope for Reducing Taxes… Isn't What You Think / Companies / Taxes
By: Money_Morning
Michael E. Lewitt writes: It appears that the move by Warren Buffett-backed Burger King Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: BKW) to buy iconic Canadian fast food chain Tim Hortons Inc. (USA) (NYSE: THI) and relocate to Canada to lower its corporate tax rate was the straw that broke the camel's back when it comes to tax inversion deals.
One has to wonder whether the wily Mr. Buffett was not only trying to make money but doing his best to accelerate much-needed tax reform when he agreed to finance BKW's expansion into the northland...
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Monday, September 22, 2014
Tesco Super Market Giant Fast Disappearing Down a Financial Black Hole / Companies / Corporate News
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Tesco, Britain's giant supermarket chain continues in its death spiral trend towards eventually becoming a mere fraction of its former size as barely a few weeks after its latest profit warning of a 25% collapse, today we find out that its financial controllers (bankers) and accountants can't control or count anything as the management wakes up to find that £250 million of expected profits no longer exists the news of which wiped out £2 billion in market capitalisation as panicked stock holders belatedly start to jump ship as the mega-corp is literally disappearing down a financial black hole.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Nervous Investors Will Hate the Money You Make With This Strategy / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: In the past couple of weeks, we’ve been seeingrecord highs in the markets nearly every day.
However, we saw a pretty scary headline earlier this week about the Nasdaq Composite Index.
On Monday, Bloomberg reported that nearly half of the stocks in the tech-centric Nasdaq have declined 20% from their highs of the past 12 months – putting them in “bear territory.”
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Friday, September 19, 2014
Alibaba - From Crazy to Richest - What Is The World's Largest IPO Telling Us? / Companies / IPOs
By: DK_Matai
1. When the Alibaba Group starts trading on the New York Stock Exchange as "BABA" on Friday, many ATCA 5000 distinguished members may ask: “Ali who?”
2. The world's largest Initial Public Offering (IPO) on Thursday, valued Alibaba at USD 168 billion and raised nearly USD 22 billion. Can one imagine the enormous quantum of wealth that is being generated via this IPO?
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Friday, September 19, 2014
Alibaba is Focused, Will Use Money in Emerging Areas / Companies / IPOs
By: Bloomberg
In an interview with Bloomberg's Emily Chang and Cory Johnson, GGV Capital Managing Partner and person responsible for connecting Jack Ma to Jerry Yang leading to the landmark transaction between Yahoo! and Alibaba, Hans Tung said Alibaba is a 'very focused' company and expects them to focus more on emerging areas such a digital goods as in gaming or in financial services, logistics, search or cross-border commerce.
Friday, September 19, 2014
How You Can Tell When a Company’s P/E is All Flash / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: John_Mauldin
By Andrey Dashkov
College reunions are toxic. Except for the few precious moments of genuine human connection, these parties are nothing but status pageants. Suits and watches are inconspicuously glanced at, vacation photos (carefully selected the night before) are passed around; compensations guesstimated; Platinum Master Cards flashed (“Oh no, let me take care of this round!”); spouses evaluated based on trophy-worthy qualities… and inconspicuously glanced at.
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Thursday, September 18, 2014
The "Hidden" Billions in the Alibaba IPO / Companies / IPOs
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes: How many times have you been reading about a long-ago historical event - or been watching a documentary about it on the History Channel - and thought to yourself: "Wow, it would've been really cool to have actually been there to see this happen."
I couldn't agree more. As a big history buff myself, I find myself making that statement on a regular basis.
But I'll also make this observation: The same folks who get so turned on about events from the distant past are often the last to recognize current developments - what you and I would refer to as "history in the making."
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Thursday, September 18, 2014
Is Citigroup the Dumbest Bank Ever? / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: John_Rubino
Back in 2006, when the housing bubble was entering its truly (and obviously) manic phase, mega-bank Citigroup was being pressured by Wall Street to grow faster. And rather than pushing back against what were clearly ill-timed demands from desperately-short-sighted analysts, Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince uttered some words — and adopted a strategy — that live on in the annals of banker cluelessness:
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Stock Market Investing - Don't Let Media "Noise" Drown Out True Value / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Michael E. Lewitt writes: Signs of overvaluation and "irrational exuberance" abound in the market, and not surprisingly it is most often seen in the run-up of stocks with which we have daily familiarity.
We hear incessantly of Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) and Twitter Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) - when not checking them ourselves.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Top 3 Internet IPOs of the decade / Companies / Internet
By: Submissions
Amigobulls writes: Alibaba Group, the e-commerce behemoth, is set to make its initial public offering. Alibaba will start trading on the New York Stock Exchange on the 19th of September, 2014 under the stock symbol ‘BABA’. We take a look at the top 3 IPOs of the decade.
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Sunday, September 14, 2014
The Big Investor Opportunity in the Orbital Space Junkyard / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: To say that I've been fascinated with space technology since I was a little kid is no exaggeration.
See, when I was in the first grade, I met none other than U.S. astronaut John Glenn, the first person to orbit Earth, and a man many will know about as an almost mythic figure in the book and movie The Right Stuff.
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Sunday, September 14, 2014
Kohl's and The Rest of The Retailers are in Deep Doo Doo / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: James_Quinn
"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable." ~ Mark Twain
I never believe government manufactured numbers. They will always be adjusted, massaged, and manipulated to achieve a happy ending for the propagandists attempting to control and fleece the sheep. Yesterday, the government produced retail sales numbers for August that were weak and the corporate MSM propaganda machine immediately threw up bold headlines declaring how strong these numbers were. Positive stories were published on the interwebs and Wall Street hack economists were rolled out on CNBC, where the bubble headed bimbos and prostitutes for the status quo like Jim Cramer and Steve Liesman declared the recovery gaining strength. Woo Hoo.
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