Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, June 08, 2020
This Is the End of College as We Know It / Companies / Education
By: John_Mauldin
May was supposed to be a time of celebration. Normally, it’s when students across the country graduate from college and prepare to enter the “real world.”
This year was different. Coronavirus has shut down most colleges and universities. Last month, it was reported that 9 out of every 10 students in the world stopped going to school. That’s about 1.5 billion kids!
It’s anyone’s guess when colleges will reopen. But one thing’s for sure: the US university system will never return to its old glory.
Unlike airlines, hotels, and cruise ships, many colleges will NOT bounce back after coronavirus fades away. While they might not admit it, many colleges have already shut their doors for good because their business model never made sense in the first place.
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Monday, June 08, 2020
The Effects of the Economic Shutdown on the UK Gambling Industry / Companies / Gambling
By: Submissions
Thursday, June 04, 2020
Why Solar Stocks Are Rallying Against All Odds / Companies / Solar Energy
By: Submissions
Watching the news is one of the most dangerous things you can do as an investor. I know it’s counterintuitive. After all, most investors want to be as informed as possible. But watching CNBC or any other financial media outlet won’t give you an “edge.”
Most news is “priced in” long before the talking heads cover it. In other words, investors who act on news are usually late. The mainstream media also fixates on bad news. And it’s no secret why: fear sells. But it’s not just the talking heads on TV that you need to worry about.
The news you read online can be just as destructive to your wealth. You probably would have sold all your stocks back in March if you listened to all the negative headlines! This is why I never watch the news.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2020
The importance of effective website design in a business marketing strategy / Companies / SME
By: Submissions
If you are starting a new business, or managing an existing one, you have most likely thought about creating a website. Or, you may already have one for your business, and will also probably already be aware of the effects some simple website design can have on your business’ success.
Having an effective marketing strategy will obviously increase the chance of your business becoming successful. Effective marketing is what will lead to more sales and increased revenue, and thus the growth of your business. However, there is one key element that should be part of your marketing strategy, and that is effective website design.
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Monday, June 01, 2020
AI Mega-trend Tech Stocks Buying Levels Q2 2020 / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Perceiving Coronavirus as a Disruptive Technology
The 'scientists' say that viruses are not alive. We'll for something that's 'technically' not alive it sure does behave like it is! Perhaps just as scientists will deem AI to be 'not alive' all the way until they take all of the jobs.
So lets leave the academic world behind, for their moronic obsession's has gotten us into this mess, certainties of solutions adopted by the likes of the UK and US to achieve 'herd immunity' when commonsense would have served our nations far better that of isolating and quarantining all those even suspected of being infected! Such as every flight entering the UK from virus infested China during January and February.
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Friday, May 29, 2020
Strong Signs In The Mobile Gaming Market / Companies / Gambling
By: Submissions
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Why You’ll Never Get Another Stimulus Check / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
April 10, 2020 will go down in the history books. As you likely know, the US government recently handed out “coronavirus checks.”
Over 150 million Americans received the $1,200 cash injection. This isn’t the first time Uncle Sam issued free money. But it is the first time Americans didn’t need a bank account to get the cash.
On April 10, PayPal became the first “internet bank” authorized by the US government to issue stimulus checks. Folks didn’t have to wait for a check to arrive in their mailbox… or talk to a bank teller to get the money. Instead, Uncle Sam simply funneled billions of dollars to Americans through PayPal’s “app.”
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
The AI Mega-trend Stocks Investing - When to Sell? / Companies / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Amidst such prevailing doom and bloom just remember that the AI mega-trend is one of the most powerful mega-trends of our time, maybe even more so than the climate change mega-trend because the AI mega-trend could change the very nature of our reality.
Which is why I have been repeatedly warning for 5 years to PREPARE FOR EVERYTHING TO CHANGE!
We can guess at what is to come but the only way we mere mortals can have a piece of the AI pie is through owning the AI stocks. For which we still have some time to get invested into, maybe several years before the two exponential curves of AI (machine intelligence) and Quantum computing converge and then literally EXPLODE!
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Coronavirus Just Hit the “Fast-Forward” Button on These Three Industries / Companies / Investing 2020
By: Stephen_McBride
I believe the coronavirus is the most disruptive event since WWII. This pandemic will change entire industries forever. It’ll ignite certain ones. And be the final nail in the coffin for others.
Recently, I shared three industries that the coronavirus will wipe out for good. It was one of the most popular essays I’ve written. And the feedback continues to pour in. So today, we’re doing something similar.
I’ll show you how this crisis is speeding up three super-important industries. These three industries were accelerating before this pandemic took over—but now, they all just officially moved into hyperdrive. And now’s the time to take advantage.
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Monday, May 18, 2020
Why the Largest Cyberattack in History Will Happen Within Six Months / Companies / Cyber War
By: Stephen_McBride
The coronavirus is laying the groundwork for a massive cyberattack. In fact, I’m on record today saying we’ll see the largest cyberattack in HISTORY within the next six months.
Nobody is talking about this today. Fighting hackers is the last thing on most folks’ minds. But coronavirus practically guarantees “largest cyberattack ever” will soon be plastered all over the frontpages.
I’ll explain why in a second. And I’ll show you the proven pattern for making big money off cyberattacks. But first it’s important to understand the key to defending against hackers. Talk to any cyber expert and they’ll tell you a big chunk of time and money is spent on reducing their “attack surface.”
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Friday, May 15, 2020
Coronavirus Will Wipe Out These Three Industries for Good / Companies / Coronavirus Depression
By: Stephen_McBride
From No. 1. to BANKRUPT. In less than two years.
My uncle used to be a chef in Australia’s top restaurant, Banc. The place was always packed. Regular customers included media mogul Rupert Murdoch and former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev.
And it was run by top Irish chef Liam Tomlin. Lots of Banc’s customers were international businessfolk in town for work. And this was the place to go if you wanted to impress clients.
But then disaster struck. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, air travel ground to a halt. Banc went from Australia’s most-exclusive restaurant, to bankrupt in less than two years.
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Thursday, May 07, 2020
Oil Investors Are Doomed Even If Crude Oil Prices Recover / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Stephen_McBride
I’m writing this essay because millions of investors are in danger without realizing it.
As you probably know, oil has recently taken an historic nosedive. On April 20, its price crashed from $18 a barrel to -$38, turning negative for the first time on record.
The news has set off an oil buying frenzy among Americans hoping to profit on a rebound.
In a matter of days, United States Oil Fund (USO), America’s most popular oil ETF, has exploded in popularity, as you can see below:
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Tuesday, May 05, 2020
Do I Need Business Van Insurance? / Companies / Insurance
By: Submissions
A commercial van is the beating heart of many small businesses. In some cases, losing access to a van could mean that operations would be interrupted, if not halted entirely. Picture a custom carpentry business that is left without a cargo van. It couldn’t reasonably ask customers to pick up their furniture and third-party transport would put a huge dent on profits.
Insuring your van is required, as it’s a registered vehicle the same as any other. However, that doesn’t mean that standard coverage is adequate for a commercial van. Instead, you’re going to need business van insurance.
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Monday, May 04, 2020
The Biotech Boom May Have Only Just Begun / Companies / BioTech
By: Submissions
“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.” ― Elbert Hubbard
A new medical development is sweeping the country…
Some may see it as controversial - but the studies don’t lie.
It’s effective.
So effective, in fact, that the FDA has just fast-tracked approval for research…
Meaning that it is aiming to gain a major stake in a key healthcare market that is on track to hit $260 billion in the next six years.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Helping Businesses Fight Email Spam the Right Way / Companies / Cyber Crime
By: Submissions
Everyone gets spam in their inbox every day. It’s frustrating, but it can also be dangerous. The emails might contain viruses and malware that can infect your system, or they might trick you into giving hackers your personal information that they can use to steal your identity and money. And if you’re running a business, you not only have to worry about your own inbox; you also have to worry about the inbox of every one of your employees, hoping that they know how to stay safe.
Being aware of the signs that an email is spam is the first step. Beyond that, there are other ways that your business can fight email spam the right way. Check out the tips below to get started.
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Monday, April 27, 2020
6 Ways To Grow Your Small Business On Instagram / Companies / Social Media
By: Travis_Bard
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Twice as Many Customers: Lead Acquisition Algorithms / Companies / Marketing
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Tilda tests
With the help of Google Analytics and the Tilda site builder, we can experiment and test various changes on the site, and then transfer them to the main one.
The essence of the method is to measure page performance using comparison. You need to create two pages: A - control, B - experimental, where you change some parameters (picture, title, button, etc.).
One-half of the customers demonstrate page A, the second. In essence, B. Next, evaluate where the goal (subscription, order, etc.) is achieved more often, that is, which of the pages is more conversion.
If you dig deeper, you can look at the analytics and identify the reasons why users do not make a purchase/subscription. If you can develop cheap hypotheses and implement them in 1-2 weeks, you can quickly increase the conversion by at least 1%.
This method of A/B testing is also acceptable for your MVP.
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Friday, April 17, 2020
Coronavirus And The Coming Financial Revolution / Companies / Banking Stocks
By: OilPrice_Com
The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest and unprecedented seismic shifts in the global economy that we’ve ever seen in modern history, and it’s just getting started.
Already, economies around the world are shutting down. The federal reserve has pumped trillions into the United States economy in just a matter of days. Global supply chains have collapsed as entire Chinese industries went dark. And this is just the first stage. We’re heading into a year’s long recession that will have far-reaching consequences, some of which we can predict with near certainty, and some of which will be entirely unpredictable.
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Thursday, April 09, 2020
Plus500 Rreview / Companies / Reviews
By: Submissions
Plus500 is one of the leading brokers that offer a wide range of financial markets with low spreads, no commission but with extensive services. Known for its reliability and efficiency, many brokers from around the world use Plus500 to execute their trades and make profits. With subsidiaries regulated in many jurisdictions, Plus500 ensures that your assets are safeguarded and protected. Being the first broker to introduce a Bitcoin CFD in 2013, it boasts of its access to a comprehensive product line, including options, WTFs, stock indexes, forex, equities, cryptocurrencies, and commodities.
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Sunday, March 29, 2020
Expert Tips to Save on Your Business’s Office Supply Purchases / Companies / SME
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Without a doubt, one of the most common overhead expenses that nearly all businesses share is that of office supply purchases. Chances are your business needs furniture, pens, paper, envelopes, checks, etc. in order to effectively operate. The problem with this is that these costs can quickly add up, and can have a stronger impact on your business’s bottom line than you might imagine.
Whether you’re a small business or a mid-sized regional vendor, you’re probably looking for ways to save on your monthly office supply costs. Overspending is a huge problem among small businesses (and mid-sized businesses alike). Luckily, there are many ways to counteract overspending.
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