Saudi Arabia and Israeli Alliance Targets Iran
Politics / Middle East Nov 21, 2017 - 12:38 PM GMTBy: BATR
The consequences of the failed American foreign policy in the Middle East has seldom been more vivid with the defeat of ISIS; the U.S. surrogate in the Syrian conflict. ISIS, a blended creation of the CIA and the Mossad was the inevitable result of sanctioning the murder of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. With the support of Russian involvement, Syria's President Bashar Hafez al-Assad was able to fend off the imperialist efforts of Israel to remove him from office and destroy his country. Defeating ISIS on the battlefield has never been the intention of the DC shadow government. The consistent policy under every US administration has been to protect the Zionist state above all else. Unfortunately, the Trump regime is no different and certainly does not follow a genuine America First foreign policy.
This background sets the stage for the next manipulation in the region. YeniSafak asks, What happened in the Mideast after Trump's Saudi visit? Their answer provides a list of developments.
May 20 - Trump’s visit do Riyadh
June 5 – Qatar crisis
June 21 – New crown prince
July 30 – Al-Sadr in Saudi Arabia
Sept. 25 – Illegitimate referendum in the KRG
Oct. 12 – Hamas and Fatah reconciliation
Oct. 13 – Nuclear deal in Congress
Oct. 24 – Saudi Arabia returns to ‘moderate Islam’
Nov. 2 – Iran and al-Qaeda link in Bin Laden documents
Now the Daily Mail reports, Saudi Arabia king to step down and hand over the crown to his 32-year-old son. The palace putsch against rival princes has a nice ring to justify their removal from influence has less to do with their corruption than a strategic shift in public perception. As with all coups, the deed must be explained by a plausible narrative to divert from the actual aims that are put into motion.
Start with the account that Saudi Arabia has united with Israel against Iran – and a desert storm is brewing is best explained in that the next king reflects not a mere opening to Western investment or a relaxing of social taboos, but fundamentally acknowledges long concealed cooperation with Israel.
"Bin Salman’s power grab is in itself spectacular. But the wider significance of this can only be fully understood in conjunction with events in Israel. The Jewish state is hardly a natural ally for Saudi Arabia, but they have long shared a common enemy: Iran. Both fear the latter is exploiting the opening created by the fall of Isis, and the triumph of the Assad regime in Syria, to dominate the region. Iran and its proxies — whether the Houthi rebels in Yemen or Hezbollah in Lebanon — are in the ascendant, and neither Israel nor Saudi Arabia are going to sit on the sidelines."
So what are the prospects for a joint alignment between a country that has never recognized the State of Israel or an apartheid society who has never admitted they are a significant nuclear power?
This warning identifies the significance of the Saudi abdication, which sets the stage for the Growing ties between Saudis and Israelis could be an ominous sign.
"The winds of war in the Middle East, specifically pitting Iran against Saudi Arabia, are turning into a full-blown sandstorm. And the latest evidence of this comes from a surprising source: An interview in a Saudi newspaper.
Here are the three (Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Lt. General Gadi Eisenkot. quotes from Saudi Arabia's Elaph newspaper that deserve the most attention:
"With President Donald Trump, there is an opportunity for a new international alliance in the region and a major strategic plan to stop the Iranian threat."
"We are ready to share intelligence, (with Saudi Arabia), if necessary. There are many common interests between us."
"Iran seeks to take control of the Middle East, creating a Shi'ite crescent from Lebanon to Iran, and then from the Gulf to the Red Sea. We must prevent this from happening."
Oy vey, how dare those nasty Iranians defend themselves from the expansion of "Greater Israel" designs? From the Neocon publication the Washington Free Beacon, Natalie Johnson parrots the establishment viewpoint in Israel Concerned Syria De-Escalation Zone Will Bring Iran Closer to its Border. This attitude from a country that put boots on the ground within Syria bombed and sought the removable of the Bashar Hafez al-Assad.
"A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzachi Hanegbi, who serves as the regional cooperation minister, told reporters on Sunday the deal doesn't meet Tel Aviv's "unequivocal demands" to bar Iran and its proxies from the Golan.
Christopher Kozak, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), said Israel's concerns are "well-founded." Kozak said the truce lacks an adequate enforcement mechanism to keep Iran and Hezbollah from positioning forces into the buffer zone.
"It's laughable to think [Iran or Hezbollah] would willingly cede influence in the area," he said. "The deal basically relies on Russia to police Iran's behavior. Russia is the only faction with forces on the ground to enforce the deal. Russia is presenting itself as an arbiter that is able and willing to police Iran's behavior and that's an idea we at ISW would challenge, as well as the Israelis."
According to Deutsche Welle, after the Syria conflict: What do the US, Russia, Turkey and Iran want? "Iran joined the Geneva peace talks in November 2015 after the US dropped its longstanding opposition to Iranian involvement. Tehran has also sponsored the Astana peace talks along with Turkey and Russia."
Heretofore in a world where Iran is always the villain and the mother of terrorism, one needs to be blind to the extent of real terrorism shipped out of the Saudi Wahhabism cult that rivals their oil exports. The cold hard truth is that even after the definitive defeat at destroying Syria, Regime Change In Iran By Other Means, is the ultimate objective in the region for the unholy Israeli/Saudi alliance.
"Trump and Netanyahu must both walk a tightrope. There is a lot of opposition in the Israeli military as well as in Trump’s own cabinet to igniting a new Middle East conflict in the hopes of toppling the Iranian regime. Yet that seems to be what both men want. Perhaps they pursue such a folly to escape domestic scandals, or because they are myopically ideological, but the reasons are not important. They are on board with Saudi Arabia."
The foolish nature of the State Department and the Military interventionists is outlined in an article from Bloomberg, Saudi Shakeup Gives the U.S. an Opening With Iran.
"The Trump administration’s desire to isolate and pressure Iran reflects outdated thinking that does not take into account the shifting realities of today’s Middle East. The most likely outcome is it will inadvertently strengthen Iran’s hand in the region, much as President George W. Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq did in 2003.
Iran is now, arguably, the most powerful regional actor in the Middle East. Tehran is a decisive player in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, and its influence extends to Yemen and Afghanistan. Pushing back on Iranian power would mean confronting Iranian forces in countries where they are embedded with local militias or have been invited by host governments, as is the case in Iraq and Syria.
Furthermore, Iran is no longer a global pariah. It has a strong partnership with Russia in Syria and increasingly shared interest with Turkey on issues relating to Kurdish independence and strengthening the central government in Baghdad. Both Turkey and Iran back Qatar in its dispute with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. That quarrel has created openings for Iran to project itself as a stabilizing force in the Middle East to other major powers such as China and India."
This assessment is valid but as with most approaching conflicts, the powers of lethargy seldom allow for breaking with past failures. Iran is not a threat to America as has been sold by the Zionist mass media. Domestic politics have little room for bucking the AIPAC lobby. And now that all things Russia are condemned as the parent of the axis of evil, Iran must be defeated even when they have entered back into the community of nations.
The Saudi's hate Iranian Shiite Muslims more than Zionist Jews. Persians are not Arabs, but most do hold with the basic tenants of Islam. Now that the Saudi's are offering an opening to a limited secular introduction, what exactly is the validity of their claim as defenders of Mecca and Medina?
The zealots in both Israel and Saudi Arabia still outnumber the Iranian acolytes' sect. Americans are oblivious to the historic realities of true threats to our national security. Trump has relied upon advisors who actively promote a military presence in a part of the world that will never achieve peace. This Saudi pivot into the arms of the Mossad is an Israeli Horah circle jerk dance. Avoid the coming carnage that could easily deteriorate into a world war.
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