Category: Ethanol
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, December 12, 2014
Low Crude Oil Prices Fuel Bonanza Increases in Ethanol Stocks / Commodities / Ethanol
By: The_Energy_Report
Chen Lin was one of the very few who foresaw the collapse in oil prices, so investors are well advised to pay attention to his advice. In this interview with The Energy Report, the author of the What is Chen Buying? What is Chen Selling? newsletter touts the prospects of a few oil companies that can prosper in the downturn, and explains why cheap oil means high profits for U.S. ethanol producers.
The Energy Report: You anticipated the collapse of the price of oil. How did you see this coming when so few others did?
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Friday, February 07, 2014
Fight China's Smog with Ethanol, Says Chen Lin / Commodities / Ethanol
By: The_Energy_Report
In decades past, we have seen that any commodity China really wants goes through the roof. We saw it in copper. We saw it in oil. We saw it in liquefied natural gas. If China starts mandating a 5% blend of ethanol to gasoline, ethanol should trade on par with gasoline. So says Chen Lin, author of the widely read newsletter What is Chen Buying? What is Chen Selling? But there's more to the story: because China produces no ethanol, U.S. ethanol producers could be looking at a massive new market, not to mention a spike in profit margins. In this interview with The Energy Report, Chen discloses his favorite ethanol picks, as well as some compelling fracking names.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Cellulosic Ethanol Production: One of the Decade's Biggest Examples of Wasteful Government Spending / Politics / Ethanol
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes:
In February we told you that despite nearing $15 trillion in debt - now close to $16 trillion - the U.S. government decided to spend $592,000 last year to figure out why chimpanzees throw poop.
Now we've discovered yet another example of wasteful government spending that has burned up more than $1.5 billion of your tax dollars - with nothing to show for it.
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Thursday, November 03, 2011
China Completes First Biofuel Jet Test Flight / Commodities / Ethanol
By: OilPrice_Com
On 28 October Air China conducted its first trial flight of a passenger jet powered by a mix of biofuel and traditional aviation fuel.
The Jet A-1 biofuel kerosene used in the flight was derived from the seeds of tung trees, more commonly known as japtropha.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
An Unlikely New Supporter for Alternative Energy / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes:
During a biofuels conference at Mississippi State University last week, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that his branch would be leading the charge to lessen the U.S. Department of Defense's (DOD) dependence on fossil fuels.
This involves a rather large chunk of traditional fuel usage.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Is U.S. Biofuel Production Going to Double in the Next Decade? / Commodities / Ethanol
By: OilPrice_Com
A recent study, released on 11 October, "Biofuel Markets and Technologies" released by Pike Research states that the global biofuel market will double within the next decade to $183.3 billion from its current level of $82.7 billion, with ethanol production accounting for $78 billion of future worldwide biofuel production, while predicting that biodiesel production will reach $25.5 billion. Perhaps not surprisingly, Pike Research predicts that the US will become the world's leading biofuel producer, accounting for 71 percent of alternative fuel by 2021.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
China is Interested in Biofuels - Why Not the West? / Commodities / Ethanol
By: OilPrice_Com
China, arguably the world's most influential and dynamic economy, is beginning to eye renewable as a partial solution to its voracious and growing energy needs. If Beijing determines that biofuels represent the future, expect to see the current modest western investment field to change dramatically.
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Investor Interest in U.S. Biofuel Production Set to Soar / Commodities / Ethanol
By: OilPrice_Com
On 16 August President Obama announced that the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Energy and Navy will invest up to $510 million by 2014 in partnership with the private sector to produce advanced "drop-in" aviation and maritime biofuels for military and commercial use. This builds on a directive Obama issued five months ago as part of his "Blueprint for A Secure Energy Future," his administration's policy for reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil imports, which now cost more than $300 billion.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Aviation Biofuels About to Take Off / Commodities / Ethanol
By: OilPrice_Com
An extraordinary convergence of recent events seems poised shortly to make aviation biofuels the belle of the investor's ball.
The first is that on 8 June the follows the international standards certifying body ASTM International announcing its approval of its BIO SPK Fuel Standard, to be made official later in the year, of the use of hydrotreated renewable jet (HRJ) Jet A-1 fuel in commercial aviation. The potential financial implications are massive, as together the airline industry and the U.S. military use more than 42.25 million gallons (1.5 million barrels) of jet fuel a day.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
America's Crazy Habit of Turning Corn into Fuel Instead of Food / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Justin_Rohrlich
According to a recent Congressional Budget Office report, the increased use of ethanol is responsible for a rise in food prices of approximately 10 to 15 percent.
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Brazil's Ethanol Madness Exposed / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Submissions

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Saturday, July 05, 2008
US Insane Ethanol Biofuels Policies Cause of Food Crisis / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Mike_Shedlock

Biofuels have caused world food prices to increase by 75 percent, according to the findings of an unpublished World Bank report published in The Guardian newspaper on Friday.
The report's author, a senior World Bank economist, assessed that contrary to claims by US President George W. Bush, increased demand from India and China has not been the cause of rising food prices.
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Challenges Facing Ethanol During 2008 / Commodities / Ethanol
By: David_Urban
Ethanol has been beaten down in the press lately as firms that rushed into the market are faced with high raw material prices and low market acceptance. Early on in the boom farmers who invested in ethanol plants reaped enough profits to pay off their investments in just a few years. As speculators saw the profit potential; they rushed in hoping for massive gains and created an inflationary spiral in the corn market. Corn prices more than doubled; causing riots in Mexico where corn is a basic foodstuff and creating a situation where farmers stopped producing other crops and switched to corn. In the last year, cotton has lost 30% of its acreage as farmers switched from cotton to corn.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
US Congress Passes Energy Bill That Boosts Ethanol Commitment / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Roger_Conrad

In the final analysis, the energy bill passed this week in Washington probably comes down somewhere in between. Like every other government bill, it was more the result of compromise and negotiation than hard science. The solution reflects the balance of power more than a debate on the merits to society.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sugar Set to Blast Off! - Where Technology and Hot Commodities Meet! / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Money_and_Markets
Sean Brodrick writes: I was recently in New Orleans and man, that place is coming back strong! Good thing, since NOLA is one of America's most important cities. It's the busiest port system in the world by gross tonnage, and has shaped our country's music, food, architecture and economic history.
The city also has a very strong connection to technological innovations and two hot commodities — cotton and sugar. The story perfectly illustrates the close relationship between new techniques and natural resource demand.
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Brazilian Ethanol – Not the Solution But Part of the Energy Solution / Commodities / Ethanol
By: David_Urban
Worldwide, the United States is the largest producer of ethanol with Brazil running in second place. Brazil is the largest exporter with significant land available to ramp up production.
Ethanol in Brazil started in 1975 when the military government started a program which gave consumers tax breaks if they purchased ethanol-powered cars and fixed prices and purchased farmers production. The government also invested in research which has improved the yields three-fold in the past 30 years.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Buy Feed Corn: They're about to stop making it… / Commodities / Ethanol
By: F_William_Engdahl
That bowl of Kellogg's Cornflakes on the breakfast table, or the portion of pasta or corn tortillas, cheese or meat on the table is going to rise in price over the coming months as sure as the sun rises in the East. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the new world food price shock, conveniently timed to accompany our current world oil price shock.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, June 08, 2007
Global Market Brief: A New Step in the Ethanol Revolution? / Commodities / Ethanol
By: John_Mauldin
This week in a Special Outside the Box we look at the discussion of alternative energy sources, specifically, ethanol derived from corn or sugarcane. The Stratfor piece discusses the economic implications of ethanol usage; geopolitical ramifications in terms of how current oil producers will be affected, comparable cost advantages between corn and sugarcane processing, and the advantages and disadvantages of ethanol production and consumption.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, May 11, 2007
“CORN BASED” Ethanol, part II the dominoes begin to fall! / Commodities / Ethanol
By: Ty_Andros
Eight to 12 weeks ago I penned a piece on CORN BASED ethanol in the “Fingers of Instability” series, it is a careful overview of the industry and its potential benefits (NONE) and pitfalls (you can access it at TedBits March 14, 2007 I strongly recommend you read it before beginning this commentary, it is time well spent), now in part two we take a look at the burgeoning problems we outlined in that piece. It is a disaster, written larger and larger like a boulder hitting water the waves emanating outward are killer waves to so much more. It is like a game of dominoes where once set in motion it is difficult to race ahead of the chain reactions to avoid further downfalls.
El Ninja, has emerged off the coast of South America . What does this mean? It means a wet spring and hot summer if history is correct. The wet spring has become a reality , we will see about the hot summer part of the forcast. Having grown up in the corn belt of Lincoln , Nebraska I understand corn fairly well. I still remember some of my earliest summer employment De tasseling corn. It was grueling work in the hottest part of the summer, but as a young boy I was very strong and it was always wonderful to finish the work and emerge with a POCKETFUL of cash. It was great money for me at the time.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Ethanol, Fertilizer & Higher Natural Gas Prices / Commodities / Ethanol
By: James_Finch
What does growing corn and other crops have anything to do with natural gas? It takes about 33,000 cubic feet of natural gas to produce one ton of nitrogen fertilizer. About 96 percent of the corn planted in the United States depends on fertilizers, such as Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3), 28pct-Liquid Nitrogen, Urea and Ammonium Sulfate.
Fertilizers consume more than three percent of total U.S. natural gas use. “Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the cornfield.” – former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower.
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Monday, April 09, 2007
Investing in Ethanol - The Flex-Fuel Revolution / Companies / Ethanol
By: Money_and_Markets
Martin Weiss writes : In a couple of hours, I'll be flying home from Brazil.
But before I leave, I want to give you a quick heads up about this new motor that's starting to revolutionize the world of autos, transform the markets for energy, and open up massive opportunities for investors.
I'm talking about the flex-fuel engine.
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