The Market Oracle FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
The following 7 considerations are taken into account by the site Editor when determining the article rating from none to silver, gold and diamond, with both the aim of improving site visitor experience as well as an incentive for authors to put a little extra effort into their articles content and presentation.
1. Perceived amount of work the author has put into the article.
2. Does the article contain something unique, significantly different to what has already been posted. There have been instances of Eureka moments when even a short article can score a diamond
3. Clarity of writing and presentation i.e. Images, graphs and an easy to comprehend message.
4. Construct of Argument and Conclusion - Does the content support a clear conclusion so that the reader is receiving a clear intent of the anticipated future market action.
5. How close is the article content to the sites primary aim i.e. Forecasting and analysis of the financial markets. Therefore commentary, politics and personal finance will tend to score lower than an forward looking article
6. Is the articles topic different to the existing volume of recent postings, i.e. If there are 20 articles on gold over the last 2 days then another article on gold, even if it's a good one may score less than an article on a unique topic that has not been discussed recently.
7. How recent is the article text / analysis, the older an article is effects not only its rating but also whether it will be posted at all. The primary focus of the Market Oracle is to get time critical information posted first, other less time critical articles may therefore be delayed. Articles that discuss the short-term trends but are submitted days after being written will generally not be posted.
Additionally all diamond articles are treated as real gems i.e. in recognition of the authors work and potential interest to readership and thus recieve further exposure.