The Market Oracle FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
The Market Oracle is committed to ensuring that the material posted is lawful and in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
If you object to any material posted to our site, please notify us by contacting
To help us deal with your complaint as quickly as please include the following information in your correspondence and mark it as “URGENT”:
1. Your contact details - including your name, email address and daytime telephone number.
2. Identify the material in question - please include sufficient detail to enable us to identify the material complained of, including the full URL and where it can be found.
3. The reasons for your objection.
Your complaint will be acknowledged and an initial assessment will be undertaken the same day we become aware of the complaint.
1. Where grounds for complaint are plausible, then the material will be permanently deleted.
2. It may be necessary for us to seek legal advice before the complaint can be fully resolved.