Category: Spain
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, November 05, 2019
Reasons Why Madrid Attracts Young Professionals / Housing-Market / Spain
By: Travis_Bard
Among the many cities that attract young professionals, Madrid stands tall. The daily routine for an average young professional tends to be strict and full of hard work. Therefore, the last thing a young professional need is to struggle with issues like housing and other benefits that Madrid has to offer.
As a young professional, you need a place or city that allows you to live and stay healthy: physically, mentally, and spiritually. In such a city can you be guaranteed positive results and high productivity. The good news is apartment renting in Madrid offers a wide variety of options as well as convenience. These reasons and others are why Madrid attracts young professionals. Let's take an in-depth look into this.
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Friday, October 27, 2017
Catalonia Declares Independence, Commits Suicide, New Spanish Civil War Imminent / Politics / Spain
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Calm Before the Storm -The Spain / Catalonia crisis has continued to worsen with each passing day with growing bitterness as each side has sought to up the anti with the Catalans threatening to declare Independence whilst the Madrid regime threatening direct rule and imprisonment of subversives has today come to a head following the Catalan Parliament voting to unilaterally declare Independence from Spain. This prompted the Spanish parliament in Madrid to vote for direct rule over Catalonia, taking control over the regions police, financial institutions and broadcast media that sows the seeds for new Spanish civil war.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Catalonia Has Already Lost This Battle / Politics / Spain
By: John_Mauldin
By Jacob L. Shapiro : Catalonia held its independence referendum on October 1.
Initial results show that of the 42 percent of Catalan voters who turned out, about 90 percent voted for independence. It’s an impressive figure, but not exactly an overwhelming mandate for Catalonian independence.
No doubt a significant number of Catalans want independence, but we already knew that.
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Monday, October 02, 2017
Spanish New Civil War Begins as Madrid Regime Storm Troopers Quell Catalan Independence Rebellion / Politics / Spain
By: Nadeem_Walayat
According the news reports more than 1,000 people attempting to vote in Sunday's Independence Referendum have been injured by the heavy handed tactics of the Madrid storm troopers sent in to quell the Catalan peoples uprising against the brewing Spanish dictatorship. Which is as I warned in my earlier extensive analysis could sow the seeds for a new Spanish civil war, for it should not be forgotten that during the 1930's it was a fascist Madrid regimes actions in Catalonia that sparked that civil war that ended with the ushering in of the Franco dictatorship.
Sunday, October 01, 2017
Catalonia and other EU Disasters / Politics / Spain
By: Raul_I_Meijer
I’ve seen a lot of videos and photos of the Catalonia attempt to hold a referendum today (Tyler has a “nice” series of them), and what struck me most of all, apart from the senseless violence police forces were seen to engage in, is the lack of violence on the side of protesters.
So when I see the Interior Ministry claim that 11 policemen were injured, That is hard to take serious. Not that the Catalans had no reason to resist or even fight back. That hundreds of protesters, including scores of grandma’s, are injured is obvious from watching the videos. Since rubber bullets were used in large numbers, fatal injuries are quite possible.
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Sunday, October 01, 2017
Spain Ignores Scotland Lesson as Catalan Independence Referendum Could Spark Civil War / Politics / Spain
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The cry going out across Catalonia is that if a far less populous region such as Scotland can hold an Independence Referendum then why are the people of Catalonia being denied the same right. The Madrid regime instead of following the cue from Westminister which did not stand in the way of the Scottish people having a vote to leave the United Kingdom held in September 2014, the Spanish regime has instead decreed that the people of Catalonia do not have the freedom to vote for potential independence from an increasingly dictatorial Spanish state, as evidenced by the threats and show of force in the form of thousands of armed police sent into Catalonia in an attempt to shut down all political dissent and prevent today's Referendum vote from taking place.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Spanish Property: Sales and Mortgage Activity on the Increase / Housing-Market / Spain
By: Submissions
Hopwood House writes: Sales of Spanish residential properties in February were up 15.5% on the previous year, according to the latest official figures. With 29,714 transactions registered across the month, February became the 11th month out of the past 12 to see a year-on-year increase in property sales.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Spain Podemos Populist Economic Manifesto Revolution / Politics / Spain
By: Mike_Shedlock
As noted last week, Spain's top-polling political party, Podemos, released an "Economic Manifesto" that called for "Debt Restructuring" and for Spain to "Abandon the Euro Trap".
The manifesto is 600 pages long and I did not dig into the detailsany further.
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Saturday, February 08, 2014
The View From Madrid - Spain Running Away From Reality / Politics / Spain
By: Fred_Sheehan
Fernando del Pino writes "Independent views on Spain, Europe and the big picture of politics and money" one of the few realistic appraisals written from Europe today. Running Away from Reality is anathema to the nomenclatura since its untroubled disposition runs faster and faster from the encroaching reality. To read more of his essays, his website is
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Monday, March 04, 2013
Spain Housing Market Price Crash Has A Long Way Further To Drop / Housing-Market / Spain
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Ilargi: I received another entry from Dave Fairtex, who delves into Spanish houding data this time around. We had a nice discussion about it, since I question some of the assumptions on which he bases his interpretation of the data. In particular, I think Dave assumes 2 things:
1) That, during the - ongoing - bust, Spanish home prices will fall to the level they were at when the boom began (a drop of 55%), and then stop falling right there.
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Spain Mortgage Nightmare; Why Spain is Guaranteed to Leave Euro / Housing-Market / Spain
By: Mike_Shedlock
Looking for a synopsis of the problems facing Spain? A summary of bullet points I gathered from the Spiegel article Evictions Become Focus of Spanish Crisis shows just how hopeless the situation is.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Catalonia Votes For Independence From Spain, Mainstream Press Lies As Usual / Politics / Spain
By: Ron_Holland
"Secession is a deeply American principle. This country was born through secession." ~ Ron Paul
On Sunday, pro-independence voters in Catalonia captured almost two-thirds of the regional parliament. While the establishment press attempts to hide the secession victory by mentioning that the largest pro-independence party lost parliamentary seats, this, too, was a major victory for independence forces.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
Spain Headed in a Downward Economic Death Spiral? / Economics / Spain
By: Ian_R_Campbell
An article yesterday discusses what appears to be continued downward economic trends in Spain. I see this as hardly unexpected by those who have been following Spain closely.
I strongly suggest you read Austerity fails to close Spain's budget black hole if you have not already done that. If you participate in the financial markets, and Spain is not highly visible on your radar screen, I suggest it ought to be.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012
Top Ten Questions To Ask About Spain's Bailout / Interest-Rates / Spain
By: DK_Matai
1. Recapitalisation of Banks: Will the commissioned bank auditors and global markets conclude that €100bn is enough to recapitalise Spanish banks?
2. Access to Sovereign Debt Markets: Will Spain continue to have access to markets to be able to sell its government bonds post its first banking bailout?
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Spains Tarir Square: A Revolution Struggles To Be Born / Politics / Spain
By: Danny_Schechter
Spain is justly proud of the Paella, a distinctive dish that mixes diverse vegetables or seafood into a tasty fusion of delectability.
They have now created a political version in the form of Tarir Square type encampment in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol where a diverse mix of activists---old, young, male-female, disabled, immigrant, activists from Western Sahara, have created a beachhead for what many say is the closest this country has come to a popular and distinctive revolutionary movement since the 1930’s.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
Spanish Election Sets Precedent: More Debt, and Inflation / Politics / Spain
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Unbeknownst to most investors in the North American markets, the Spanish went to vote over the weekend. Their votes proved that there will be no end to the European debt crisis.
When the markets opened early for Asian trading, the results of the election were immediately priced into paper currencies, especially the Euro, as well as real currencies, gold and silver. Commodities took a dive with the Euro, which was largely to do with institutional investors waking up to the sad reality of a continental banking system: you can’t please everyone.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
This Spanish Spring is the Real Thing / Politics / Spain
By: Patrick_Henningsen

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Friday, July 16, 2010
World Cup Football Saves Spain's Economy from Collapse / Economics / Spain
By: Pravda
The victory of the Spaniards over the Dutch in the World Cup will help the economy, experts say. The euphoria of the victory improves the mood of the population, and the population in a good mood begins to spend more money and shop more frequently. According to ING and ABN Amro banks, the gold medal of the Spanish national team will boost the country's GDP growth by 0.25-0.5%.
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Friday, June 25, 2010
Why Investors Must Keep an Eye on Spain / Economics / Spain
By: Money_Morning
Jon D. Markman writes: Greece is not the big story of Europe anymore - just a smoke screen.
The big story is Spain and the United Kingdom, and the news is getting worse.
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Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Spain's Dropout Generation / Politics / Spain
Jaime Levy Moreno writes: In the last two decades in Mediterranean Europe, and especially in Spain, a new social group has emerged, called jovenes (youngsters). Members of this group exhibit several specific characteristics. First, jovenes are usually male, aged 25–35, although some members are in their 40s. Second, they are in a perpetual state between graduation and their first job. Third, they usually live with their parents to save money, allowing them to go out at least three times a week.