Category: US Bonds
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, March 31, 2010
U.S. Interest Rates and Treasury Bonds, World Funding Devastation / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Bob_Clark

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Friday, March 26, 2010
Week of U.S. Treasury Bond Failures / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Shaily
The week of March 21-26, 2010 will be remembered for the worst week for Bond auctions. Yields on 10 year shot up to levels seen in June 2009. 10-year notes touched the highest levels since June amid heightened concerns about the government’s ability to finance its deficits and as investors turn to seeking out higher yields in other asset classes.
Friday, March 26, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bonds Are Riskier than Toilet Paper! / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Mike_Larson
I have a lot of respect for Warren Buffett. As Nilus has noted before, he’s one of the world’s best long-term investors. He has a knack for buying low and selling high. And his Berkshire Hathaway holding company has been a great multi-year performer for investors.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Higher U.S. Treasury Bond Yields, Lower Equities? / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Guy_Lerner
For the longest while, my mind set has been to expect higher yields accompanied by higher equity prices. After all, wouldn't higher yields be a sign that the economy is expanding and on the track to recovery? Or to put the relationship between bonds and equity prices in another light: if the equity markets would ever sell off, wouldn't bonds catch a bid as there is a flight to safety? But the technicals have me rethinking these relationships. Is it possible that we could have higher yields and lower equities?
Friday, March 26, 2010
U.S. Treasury Notes Under Pressure With Still More Bear Potential / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The Technical Trader’s view:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bond Yields Advance, Inflationary Pressures Continue / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Donald_W_Dony
After several years of declining bond yields, rates are now starting to climb again. Yields across the US curve are beginning move above previous resistance levels for the first time in over two years. Rising fixed income yields are part of a recovering economy and help to reinforce the future investing outlook of higher inflationary pressures.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Investors Chase Risk in Junk Bonds at Fastest Pace Ever / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Mike_Shedlock
Inquiring minds are reading Junk Bonds Selling at Briskest Pace Since 2007.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bond Market Remains Focused On Inflation Data / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Levente_Mady
The bond market improved a point in the long end, as traders focused on what ultimately matters for bonds: the inflation data. As per the comments below, the latest slew of data showed that inflation remains subdued both at the wholesale and retail level. As a result bonds remain well supported regardless of an ongoing relentless rally in equities and other risky assets. Last week the market traded based on the Fed meeting and the inflation data, next week the focus may shift back to the Treasury auctions again.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
BubbleOmics: U.S. Treasuries are Not a Bubble, Federal Debt Target 150% GDP / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Andrew_Butter
Last September I started jumping up and down crying “US Treasuries are a Bubble – TAKE COVER”.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tison's Fiasco: Your Money's at Risk and You Don't Know It. / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: DailyWealth
I walked the streets of Tison's Landing yesterday...
I admired the incredible neighborhood center for the use of residents, complete with soccer fields and the largest, most fully stocked playgrounds for kids I've ever seen.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bonds, It's All The Same Trade! / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Guy_Lerner
One of the frustrating aspects about this market environment is that all assets look like the same trade. Betting on equities is a bet against bonds or vice a versa, betting on bonds is a bet against equities. It is that simple. Consequently, using a tactical asset allocation strategy makes it hard to diversify away my risk as I end up being all in on essentially what has become the same trade.
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Sunday, March 07, 2010
U.S. Treasury Scrambling to Offload Junk Bought During 2009 Bailout Frenzy / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Martin_D_Weiss
With global investors attacking any sovereign government that’s running massive deficits or stuck with a pile of bad debts …
And with Uncle Sam obviously the world’s greatest debtor, beggar and fiat money printer …
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Friday, March 05, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Till Debt Do Us Part / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Tony_Sagami
Millions, billions, trillions. It is hard to wrap your brain around numbers that big, but I think our politicians don’t even bother to try.
On February 1, President Obama released his 2010 budget that projects the U.S. deficit to grow to a record $1.56 trillion, an increase over last year’s record of $1.4 trillion deficit.
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Friday, March 05, 2010
Prospects for U.S. Dollar Treasury Debt Exports / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Andrew_Butter
Prospects Not Good for What Was Once One of USA’s Greatest Export Success.
Beginning in the late nineties up to 2007 exports of debt (at that time mainly private sector “products”, now called “legacy” or “toxic”), was America’s biggest export category accounting for 21% of total exports (including debt) compared to 19% for Capital Goods (including autos and auto parts which were 4%).
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Thursday, March 04, 2010
Investors Beware of Government Bonds / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Thorsten_Polleit

Many people invest their savings in government bonds. They are obviously of the opinion that government bonds offer an attractive yield and represent fairly little risk.
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Long-end Treasuries Drives Valuation Of Stocks And Real Estate: Where Are They Going? / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Andrew_Butter
Not many people say this, but recently I noticed one of the guys at Minyanville saying…out of the blue, that the “fundamental” value of a stock is the best estimate of what the earnings will be discounted using the best estimate of what the 30 Year will be.
I almost had a heart attack!
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Bernanke on a Bailout of the U.S. Treasury / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Gary_North
On February 10, Ben Bernanke testified to the House Financial Services Committee. The topic: "Federal Reserve's exit strategy." His printed testimony contained the familiar promises. The Federal Reserve System will unwind when the economy recovers. Speaking of the TAF and TALF programs, he said:
Friday, February 26, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bond Market Auctions Results This Week / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Fresbee
We hereby summarise the bond auctions this week which held another record breaking amount as nearly 150 billion were auctioned between 3 months to 7 year duration. The overall Bid/cover has been very healthy at 2.9 and even with Chinese spat going on, Indirect bidders have been significant with their presence albeit at a lower level of participation.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
U.S. Treasury Bonds, The Correct Play Is To Be Long / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: Guy_Lerner
Over the past many months, I have spent much time on this blog writing about US Treasury bonds. Treasury bonds have become a tale of two diverse stories, and both stories have the potential to be secular or generational in nature.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Most Important Chart in the World Right Now / Interest-Rates / US Bonds
By: DailyWealth
To most people, any talk of the U.S. government debt simply doesn't mean anything.
For instance, I could tell you the annual funding costs of our national debt are approaching $4 trillion per year – that's $1.5 trillion in new annual deficits, plus $2 trillion-$3 trillion a year in short-term obligations coming due that need to be refinanced. Foreigners hold roughly half of this debt. Thus, we have about $2 trillion in foreign debt that must be repaid or refinanced each year.