Category: Canada
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Canadian Military Unprepared for Russia Arctic WAR / Politics / Canada
By: Richard_Mills
“The world is getting more dangerous every day and we need to be ready for it,” General Wayne Eyre, Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff told a House of Commons committee in October.
Canada’s top soldier was, of course, referring to the war in Ukraine, which has caused a re-think among NATO about the vulnerability of member countries, especially those bordering Russia.
There’s also the ongoing tensions between the Chinese and US navies over the South China Sea; a possible invasion of Taiwan, a United States ally that China considers a renegade Chinese province which must be re-united with the Motherland; an increasingly belligerent Iran, which has still not taken responsibility for shooting down a Ukrainian airliner three years ago, killing all 176 on board including 138 with ties to Canada; Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and its denial of basic human rights; and Arctic sovereignty in the era of disappearing polar ice — a matter of pressing concern to Canada, one of eight Arctic nations.
Gen. Eyre told the committee the West was “already at war with China and Russia” and that the two global powers were out to remake the world in their own image.
Saturday, September 04, 2021
The Most Actively Traded Companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange / Companies / Canada
By: Submissions
The Toronto Stock Exchange is a Canadian stock exchange based in Toronto. Based on market capitalization, it's the eighth-largest exchange in the world and the third-largest in North America. A wide range of businesses from Canada and all over the world are listed on the exchange, and along with conventional securities, traders can also access exchange-traded funds, split share corporations and investment funds.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2019
$EWC iShares MSCI Canada ETF Long Term Cycles & Elliott Wave / Stock-Markets / Canada
By: ElliottWaveForecast
Firstly the EWC instrument inception date was 3/12/1996. The iShares MSCI Canada ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of large and mid-sized companies in Canada. This is of course reflected in the price. The best Elliott Wave reading of the long term cycles in $EWC iShares MSCI Canada ETF must presume some lower prices that did not exist prior to the ETF fund inception date.
Shown on the monthly chart, the bullish cycle from all time lows is believed to have ended in November 2007. This is mostly in line with many other broad based ETF’s and indices that ended larger cycles near that time. Likewise the steep pullback lower into the March 2009 lows replicated the pullbacks in other ETF & indices instruments. This pullback was strong enough to suggest it had corrected the cycle up from the all time lows. The analysis and commentary continues below the EWC Monthly chart.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The $TSX.CA Composite Index Cycles & Bullish Trend / Stock-Markets / Canada
By: ElliottWaveForecast
Firstly, the index has rallied with other world indices trending higher into the June 2008 highs. It then corrected the bullish cycle as did most other world indices. The index ended that larger degree correction in March 2009. It is at this point where the index corrected the whole all time up bullish cycle. Thus the March 2009 lows is from where this cycle and swing analysis will begin. It appears to be a new beginning.
Secondly, from the 2009 lows the index shows a 5 swing higher sequence that favors further upside. Price has reached and exceeded the 61.8 – 76.4 Fibonacci extension of the 2009 to 2011 bullish cycle. That happened in September 2014 under the red swing count. This area was also seen in the preferred blue count the 61.8-76.4 Fibonacci extension was reached and slightly exceeded in January 2018.
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Friday, June 30, 2017
Canada Real Estate Bubble / Housing-Market / Canada
By: Harry_Dent

New Brunswick real estate offers a lesson on peak housing prices
Condo flipping on the rise as Vancouver market heats up
Face it Canada – you’re a real estate addict and no one wants a cure
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Monday, April 17, 2017
Canada Mother of All Housing Bubbles - Buy Gold in a Hurry! / Housing-Market / Canada
By Shannara Johnson : For centuries, physical gold has served as an effective crisis hedge. When economies take a severe downturn and paper money gets devalued, a stash of gold can save you from losing your shirt.
Our friendly neighbors to the north would do well to remember that wisdom—because they’ve been experiencing the mother of all housing bubbles.
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Monday, August 29, 2016
Canada Housing Market in Extreme Bubble Territory - Here’s How to Profit / Housing-Market / Canada
By: John_Mauldin
There’s trouble brewing in the Great White North.
Jared Dillian, former Lehman Brothers trader and noted financial writer, says that low oil prices have hurt the Canadian economy and the real estate market is near the peak of a massive bubble.
In a video interview with Mauldin Economics, Dillian notes he shorted the Canadian dollar almost three years ago, and has profited a great deal since then. He also says the structure of the Canadian mortgage market means that when the bubble bursts, it will look quite different than the sharp and sudden 2008 crisis in the US.
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Friday, November 13, 2015
The “Bloodbath” in Canada Is Far From Over / Commodities / Canada
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
The oil price crash continues to claim victims…and many of them are in Canada.
The price of oil hovered around $100 for most of last summer. Today, it’s trading for less than $45.
Weak oil prices have pummeled huge oil companies. The SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (XOP), which tracks the performance of major U.S. oil producers, has declined 36% over the past year. The Market Vectors Oil Services ETF (OIH), which tracks U.S. oil services companies, has declined 30% since last November.
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Monday, October 27, 2014
A Once Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows / Politics / Canada
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
In 1968 the government of Canada decided to openly admit Americans seeking to avoid being drafted into the US war on Vietnam. Before, would-be immigrants were technically required to prove that they had been discharged from US military service. This move made it easier for Americans to escape President Johnson's war machine by heading north.
Although a founding member of NATO, Canada did not join the United States in its war against Vietnam. The Canadian government did not see a conflict 7,000 miles away as vital to Canada's national interest so Canada pursued its own foreign policy course, independent of the United States.
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Canada Debt Crisis, Economic Meltdown, Why the ECB Cares / Economics / Canada
By: David_Hague
Dear Reader, you probably said to yourself that the premise of this article is absurd and preposterous. Canada is a paragon of fiscal responsibility. It is a bastion of good governance in a confused world of financial instability. It is a shining beacon of democracy, the envy of the world. I would have agreed with you until I received a very disturbing early morning phone call from Gustavo Laframboise-Pierre, the Director of Statistical Creation, at the European Central Bank [ECB]. My relationship with Gustavo LaFramboise-Pierre went back many years. He had been my bookie since 1980 when I began my career in the investment industry. His life took a significant turn for the better when a senior member of the European Central Bank [ECB] bet large and incorrectly on the outcome of the 2010 World Cup. The only way the senior member of the ECB could settle the debt was to offer Gustavo a high paying sinecure at the ECB. Overnight, Gustavo found himself living in Paris, with the responsibility of fabricating fictional statistics to support whatever policies were being propagated by the world's central banks.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
How American Investors Can Profit from the Canadian Economy’s Demise / Stock-Markets / Canada
By: DailyGainsLetter
Mohammad Zulfiqar writes: Our neighbor to the north is facing some headwinds. In Canada, there are troubles developing that may drive the country toward an economic slowdown. In 2008, the ripple effects from the U.S. economy into the global economy caused an economic slowdown in many countries. The Canadian economy was one of the few nations that didn’t suffer a major hit; it was able to stand strong.
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Friday, November 22, 2013
Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto. Has anyone in the media looked at his policies? / Politics / Canada
By: Jonathan_Davis
Something has niggled me about the Rob Ford story, without coming to my consciousness until now.
I saw a media bod tweeting about him pejoratively. HAHA How funny. What a laughing stock Ford is etc
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Monday, December 17, 2012
Welcome to Canada Inc., A Subsidiary of the American Corporate Empire / Politics / Canada
By: Andrew_G_Marshall
As one of the most resource-rich countries on earth, and the largest single trading partner with the United States, Canada is strategically positioned to influence the changing nature of global power structures. Do we support – and siphon our resources for the benefit of – the American Empire, co-operating in the wholesale plundering of the world, the oppression and impoverishment of peoples, destruction of global ecology, all for the benefit of an increasingly small class of global corporations and banks… Or, do we become independent and free? Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper once said, “You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it.” With multiple “free trade” agreements under way, expanded corporate rights, expropriation of vast amounts of natural resources, Canada is becoming one of the world’s foremost corporate colonies, unrecognizable from what Canadians once imagined our nation to be.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Canada to Follow U.S. Into 'Fiscal Cliff' Recession / Economics / Canada
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Jim Flaherty, Canada's Finance Minister, is reported as having said yesterday that if the America hits the so-called fiscal cliff on December 31 Canada will follow the U.S. into recession.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012
Canada’s Housing Market – Boom Or Bust? / Housing-Market / Canada
By: Vin_Maru
Bank of Canada may be ahead of all its peers in ensuring its banks meet the Basel capital requirements. And it may have done a better job in regulating the banking sector, but they are not innocent of allowing bubbles in Canada to form. Even Mark Carney feels that the housing market is overheated. Carney made recent comments about the health of Canadian banks.
As for Canada's banks, Carney said they may have some exposure to record household debt levels and the overheated housing market, but he noted that high-risk mortgages are insured by the federal government.
The Canadian real estate housing bubble still seems to get inflated in some major cities like Toronto.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
From the Chilean Winter to the Maple Spring, Solidarity and the Student Movements in Chile and Quebec / Politics / Canada
By: Andrew_G_Marshall
On the night of May 16, thousands of Montréal students and supporters took to the streets for the 23rd consecutive night of protests, this time spurred on by the Government of Québec’s announcement that it would legislate an end to the 14-week student strike which has gripped Quebec for the past three months. The government’s proposed bill would “impose strict conditions on students wanting to demonstrate against the planned tuition fee hikes,” which could “include stiff fines against anyone attempting to block entrances to the colleges and universities.” Québec Premier Jean Charest announced that the current school session will be postponed by the government, “We are suspending the session. We are not cancelling it … This will allow us to finish the session in August and September.” Students warned that they would challenge the law in court “if the legislation limits their right to demonstrate and to block classes if the majority of members of a school or student association votes to do so.”
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Monday, April 30, 2012
The Québec Student Strike: From ‘Maple Spring’ to Summer Rebellion? / Politics / Canada
By: Andrew_G_Marshall
In Montréal, where I live, and across the Canadian province of Québec, there is a growing and expanding student movement which emerged as a strike in February against the provincial government’s plan to increase the cost of university tuition by $325 per year for the next five years, for a total of $1,625. The students have been seeking and demanding a halt to the tuition hike in order to keep higher education accessible, a concept that the province of Québec alone has held onto with greater strength than any other province in Canada. The government continues to dismiss and deride the students, meeting their protests with batons, teargas bombs, and mass arrests. The universities in Québec are complicit with the government in their repression of students and the struggle for basic democratic rights, bringing in private security firms to patrol and harass students in the schools. While the university administrations claim they are ‘neutral’ on the issue of tuition hikes, privately, the boards of governors are made up of bankers and business executives who lobby the government to increase tuition. After all, in April of 2007 – five years ago – Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank Group), one of Canada’s ‘big five’ banks which dominate the economy, released a “plan for prosperity” for the province of Quebec, which recommended, among other things, raising the cost of tuition: “by raising tuition fees but focusing on increased financial assistance for those in need, post secondary education (PSE) institutions will be better-positioned to prosper and provide world-class education and research.”[1]
Monday, April 02, 2012
Oh Canada! Imposing Economic Austerity on the World’s Most Resource-rich Country / Economics / Canada
By: Ellen_Brown
Even the world’s most resource-rich country has now been caught in the debt trap. Its once-proud government programs are being subjected to radical budget cuts—cuts that could have been avoided if the government had not quit borrowing from its own central bank in the 1970s.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The End of Canada as a Sovereign Nation? / Politics / Canada
By: Global_Research
Dana Gabriel writes: Through a series of bilateral meetings, U.S. and Canadian officials are busy working out the details of the perimeter security action plan. This includes a recent joint crime forum which dealt with border and law enforcement issues. These various discussions are part of the implementation process which when finished would bring about the complete transformation of the northern border and another step closer in the creation of a fully integrated North American security perimeter.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Threat to Canada's National Sovereignty From North American Homeland Security Perimeter / Politics / Canada
By: Global_Research
Dana Gabriel writes: After months of negotiations, the U.S. and Canada have unveiled new trade, regulatory and security initiatives to speed up the flow of goods and people across the border. The joint action plans provide a framework that goes beyond NAFTA and continues where the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) left off. This will take U.S.-Canada integration to the next level and is the pretext for a North American Homeland Security perimeter.