Category: US Debt
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, October 04, 2010
Excuse Me If I Come On Too Strong, Out Current Form of Government is Broken / Stock-Markets / US Debt
By: Larry_Edelson
Excuse me in advance if I come on too strong, sound a bit cynical or emotional — or even unpatriotic — at any time in my column today.
But gold’s continued strong price rise is a resounding warning shot. And I want to put what it means on the table for you … without mincing any words … without sounding mealy-mouthed … and without tip-toeing around any of the issues.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
U.S. Debt Options of Default or Hyperinflation / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: Graham_Summers
The big financial myth-buster of the week is that the alleged deleveraging of the US consumer has in fact been a giant myth. According to the Wall Street Journal, if you account for defaults, US consumers have only pared down their debts by an annual rate of 0.8% since mid-2008.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Could Debtflation Cause Gold's Big Sell Off? / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: David_Galland
David Galland, Managing Editor, The Casey Report writes: We recently received the following comment in our Q&A Knowledge Base.
Read full article... Read full article...Investors should be prepared to sell gold as either increased inflation expectations or doubts around debt sustainability force a sharp increase in US Treasury bond yields. Simply put, in an environment of high real interest rates, the allure of gold could disappear as quickly as it did in the early 1980s when Paul Volcker took control of the Federal Reserve.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Leveraging Junk Debt Off the Charts / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: Richard_Daughty
The massive door of the Mogambo Bug-Out Bunker (MBOB) was locked, and I was taking a little break, leisurely looking through the periscope/range finder/fire-control module, calmly reconnoitering the perimeter and keeping an eye on the neighbors, watching them acting like they are innocently mowing their lawns and washing their stupid cars, but who are actually spying on me, like I am too stupid to notice their treachery and perfidy.
Friday, September 24, 2010
U.S. Money Printing Presses at Warp Speed, Stealth Monetization of U.S. Debt / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: LewRockwell
Gonzalo Lira writes: Insofar as money is concerned, governments and central banks should be kept as far away from one another as a pedophile from Dakota Fanning. If ever the twain should meet, very bad things would happen. This is because of the disparate natures of government, on the one hand, and the central bank, on the other.
Friday, September 24, 2010
U.S. Debt the Illegitimate Child Of The Mother Of All Bubbles / Economics / US Debt
By: James_Quinn
There is no doubt the home price bubble inflated by Easy Al Greenspan between 2000 and 2006 was the Mother of All Bubbles. Robert Shiller clearly showed that home prices were two standard deviations above expectations. Despite the unequivocal facts that Dr. Shiller put forth, millions of delusional unsuspecting dupes bought houses at the top of the market. These were the greater fools. They actually believed the drivel being spewed forth by the knuckleheaded anchors on CNBC. They actually believed the propaganda being preached by David Lereah from the National Association of Realtors (Always the Best Time to Buy) about home prices never dropping. They actually believed Bennie Bernanke when he said:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Debt Deleveraging Deflation Deception / Economics / US Debt
By: Michael_Pento
There is wide agreement among economists and the financial media that our lackluster economic performance stems from continued "deleveraging" among consumers and businesses. Although it is certainly true that after decades of overly speculative borrowing, individuals and corporations are paying down debt, rebuilding their savings, and generally repairing their respective balance sheets. But these activities cannot be faulted for our economic malaise.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Urgent Steps to Save U.S. Economy From Debt Collapse / Economics / US Debt
By: Larry_Edelson
In a few moments, I am going to release to you — and the general public — the broad brushstrokes of my …
10-Step Proposal To Save America From The Fatal Blows Of A Debt Collapse … And Give Control Of The U.S. Economy Back To The American People.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Urgent Lessons from Japan on Economy, Debt and Stocks Bear Market / Economics / US Debt
By: Martin_D_Weiss
Imagine a world where the economy never emerges from recession.
Imagine a time and place in which economists talk first of a double-dip recession, then about a triple-dip recession … and ultimately admit the dire reality of a long, multi-decade depression.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
The Myth of Debt Deleveraging Deflation / Economics / US Debt
By: Brady_Willett
Background: The reason the ‘net worth’ data is an important consideration today is self evident: unable to explain why the outlook for consumer spending is positive given that debt service costs are hitting record highs, savings are near record lows, and wages are failing to keep pace with inflation, optimistic economists point to the consumer’s balance sheet and calmly conclude that everything will be all right. And although these analysts have indeed been right for a long time (16-years and counting), there is ample evidence brewing to suggest that the US consumer is about to fall down.. -
August 21, 2007 - Forget Peak Oil, Peak Net Worth is the Real Danger
Monday, September 20, 2010
American Household Entitlements Balloon U.S. Federal Deficit / Politics / US Debt
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
As many U.S. citizens continue to rail against the ballooning budget deficit, the reality is that most Americans are unwilling to swallow the bitter pill it will take to tame it.
Perhaps that's because nearly half of all Americans live in a household in which someone receives government benefits, more than at any time in history, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
U.S. Consumers and Business are Not Debt Deleveraging, They are Going for Broke / Economics / US Debt
By: Washingtons_Blog
Everyone knows that the American consumer is deleveraging ... living more frugally, and paying down debt.
Well, actually, as CNBC's Diana Olick pointed out in April, many consumers are stopping their mortgage payments, and then blowing the money they would usually pay towards their mortgage on luxuries:
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Greenspan's Dark Economic Cloud / Economics / US Debt
By: Gary_North
In an interview at the Council on Foreign Relations (Sept. 15), Greenspan called for higher taxes. This got headlines. But he said a lot more than this.
When a high-level national figure speaks on the record at the CFR, he usually says nothing radical. He is brought there to speak to the members, but he is also speaking to the media. There are rarely any big surprises at one of these meetings.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
Jim Rogers Warns, United States Biggest Debtor Nation in History / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: Videos
United States is now the largest debtor nation , not in the world , in the history of the country has ever run up so much debt as we have in the US , this is not just a problem for our children and grand children judge , this is a problem for you for me and our parents , you know this is a problem that is hitting all of us in the face right now , those guys in Washington just worry about the next election , they worry to make sure they'll stick around , they do not care about you , they do not care about me , they care about getting their next pay check and not whether the country survives....etc...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
U.S. Economy Debt Crisis, the Smoking Ruin Solution / Economics / US Debt
By: David_Galland
David Galland, Managing Director, Casey Research writes: Just last week, it was reported that the turnout for the Democratic primary was the lowest in 80 years. While the Republicans are clearly energized by their concerns about the direction the Democrats are taking the country in, the Democrats themselves seem to have decided to forgo the voting process, perhaps in favor of a refreshing nap.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Americans Going Out with a Bang, Using Credit Cards They Can’t Pay Back / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: Mac_Slavo
Peter Schiff joins the CNBC talking heads panel on Fast Money September 8, 2010. (Video follows excerpts and commentary)
As usual, Schiff is a bull on gold and precious metals commenting that silver “is going a lot higher.” Though he didn’t have a specific number in mind, he sees a likely and continued uptrend that can reach levels much higher than where it is today. “I think silver is going to go, ultimately, fifty dollars an ounce, a hundred dollars an ounce, who knows how high it can go?” forecasts Schiff.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
Huge U.S. Debt Could Lead to Military Impotence, Default or Revolution / Politics / US Debt
By: Washingtons_Blog
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the American military and intelligence leaders say that debt is the main national security threat to the U.S.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mutant Rat Epidemic Spreading Economic Black Plague / Economics / US Debt
By: D_Sherman_Okst
We are in the midst of a rat infestation of epidemic proportions -- an ‘Economic Black Death’, a plague, spread by Xenopsylla cheopis (rat-fleas).
These are no ordinary rats. No. Our infestation consists of 900-hundred pound, grotesque, disgustingly despicable, giant, disease-carrying, plague-creating, rat-flea ridden mutant rats.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Making Money from Municipal Waste, Increasing Risk of States Bond Defaults / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: Fred_Sheehan
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is defaulting; Half Moon Bay, California, is disincorporating; and the City of Miami, Florida, declared a "state of fiscal urgency," then broke contracts with workers. Yet, Pennsylvania, California, and Florida municipal bond funds managed by Blackrock are trading at or near 52-week highs.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Obama's Economic Team has failed, America's Economy Has A Structural Problem / Economics / US Debt
By: Gordon_T_Long
Obama's Economic Team has failed him!
It’s a STRUCTURAL problem not a CYCLICAL problem!
It’s a DEMAND problem not a SUPPLY problem!
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