Category: Tech Stocks
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Semiconductor Equipment Maker ASML Is at the Center of the Global Chip Shortage / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
I hope you’re not renting a car anytime soon. Tourists flocking to sunny spots like Hawaii and Florida are having a difficult time. The average car rental on the island of used to cost $50 a day. Now a basic Toyota Camry in Hawaii will set you back around $400 a day. Some desperate travelers are even turning to U-Haul vans because rental car lots are empty.When COVID hit, car rental giants Avis and Hertz held fire sales. In fact, they dumped over half a million cars last year. Now, they can’t buy new cars. If you’ve been following along, you know Ford started shutting the doors on its factories back in February. Now it says some of them will be closed until August!
GM, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, and Volvo and other automakers were forced to idle their plants, too. Ford says it expects to produce 1.1 million fewer vehicles this year than it had planned. According to top consulting firm AlixPartners, automakers will lose $61 billion in sales this year. The reason?
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Sunday, May 16, 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
There is a reason why I don't like discussing investing in high risk stocks and it's nothing to do with the fact that I DO invest in high risk stocks to a limited degree. And that reason is because most of the people I converse with DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TO INVEST IN HIGH RISK STOCKS! So my preference is to avoid the subject altogether and stick to discussing that which has a high probability of success and low relative risk of loss. Though the stock market being what it is one never know when the likes of for instance a BP is going to EXPLODE! So stocks can never be risk free no matter what the stock is.
So the starting point before I fire off a list of high risk tech stocks is to explain how I invest in high risk stocks and hopefully my Patrons will be able to incorporate what I am saying into how they view high risk stocks for I have given up on trying to explain to people in the real world, including highly intelligent doctors, as there tends to be a mental block where high risk stocks are concerned i.e. people tend to look in the rear view mirror and see how x or y stock has soared into the stratosphere and thus think it is easy to be placed in for instance the next Tesla or TSM or AMD or whatever. Without understanding the fundamental fact that even if by chance they had invested in say AMD at $2, they would NOT be invested in AMD today at $80 because their short-term mindset would have likely ejected then from the stock at $3 or $4. That's why the starting point has to be to explain how I actually invest in high risk stocks which given exchanges with people tends to be the exact opposite of how many investors perceive high risk stocks and likely why they don't end of up capitalising fully on their investments.
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Thursday, May 13, 2021
Cathy Wood Ark Invest Funds Bubble BURSTS! ARKK, ARKG, Tesla Entering Severe Bear Market / Personal_Finance / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market is now entering my forecast window for a significant correction which should present an opportunity to accumulate into most the AI mega-trend stocks many of which have galloped ahead to new all time highs this year, trending in the opposite direction to the much higher risk stocks such as those that heavily populate the media blitzkrieging Cathy Wood's ARK funds i.e. their biggest holding Tesla is down 4.5% year to date whilst AI numero Uno Google is up 32%! Which this analysis seeks to resolve in high probability buying levels in advance of an expected correction during May.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2021
TESLA! Cathy Wood ARK Funds Bubble BURSTS! / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market is now entering my forecast window for a significant correction which should present an opportunity to accumulate into most the AI mega-trend stocks many of which have galloped ahead to new all time highs this year, trending in the opposite direction to the much higher risk stocks such as those that heavily populate the media blitzkrieging Cathy Wood's ARK funds i.e. their biggest holding Tesla is down 4.5% year to date whilst AI numero Uno Google is up 32%! Which this analysis seeks to resolve in high probability buying levels in advance of an expected correction during May.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Cathy Wood Bubble Bursts as ARK Funds CRASH! Enter into a Severe Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst the Dow has been trading at NEW all time highs, supreme media high risk stocks pumper's ARK funds have entered into a severe bear market as ARK bubble finally bursts. Those invested in ARK funds are in for a more pain over the coming weeks and months as reality catches up with the fantasy valuations that the Cathy brigade had lifted the likes of Tesla to.
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Saturday, May 01, 2021
How to Invest in HIGH RISK Tech Stocks for 2021 and Beyond - Part1 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This article is part 1 of 2 of my recent extensive analysis : How to Invest in HIGH RISK Tech Stocks for 2021 and Beyond
Topics covered Include:
- Covid Current State
- How to Get FREE Access to My Patreon Content for the Next 5 Years!
- Dow Stock Market Dow Trend Forecast Current State
- Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18)
- AI Stocks Lead the Bull Charge
- King Zuckerberg Tech Companies to Set up their own Governments!
- Best AI ETF ?
- High Risk Tech Stocks Short List
- 4 More High Risk Tech Stocks
- Who Wants to live Forever?
Thursday, April 29, 2021
King Zuckerberg Tech Companies to Set up their own Governments! / Politics / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Aldus Huxley's Brave New world is taking another step towards becoming reality. What's the ultimate way tech companies can only be accountable to themselves? by making ALL of the rules, and I am not talking about congressmen and senators on their payrolls but companies becoming sovereign governments!
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Lead the Bull Market Charge / Stock-Markets / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
let's see if the correction materialises so I can buy more stocks after the recent March dip in tech stocks that allowed me to pick up the likes of TSMC for $110, amongst several others on my target list including AMD and Nvidia, though Facebook failed to succumb to mainstream media hysteria instead took off like a rocket to currently stand at well above $300 which whether one likes it or not is precisely what one expects good stocks to do! Even the sleeping giant IBM broke out of it's year long trading range. Whilst Intel despite releasing a pile of garbage 11th Gen rocket lake processors, performing worse than their 10th Gen CPUs! That one would have thought would have resulted in weak hands selling out of their holdings and thus giving us a dip to below $50 to buy some more for the long-run, instead Intel has had a moon shot of its own trading towards 20 year highs! Hardly price action that one would expect from what I consider to be sleeping giants! Which is indicative of what's really going on under the hood that most still fail to grasp which is the exponential nature of the AI mega-trend and of course the rampant money printing inflation mega-trend. That and perhaps there aren't many weak hands left holding IBM and Intel stock.
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Monday, April 12, 2021
AMD The ZEN Tech Stock / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD profiting from it's Zen 3 processors if not it's 6000 series GPU's due to lack of supply has meant that AMD's eye watering valuations have evaporated. Gone is Mid 2020's EC of 317, gone is Novembers 137, AMD not stands on an EC of just 56! Which means AMD IS CHEAP! Thus gets a buy rating of 100%.
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Saturday, April 10, 2021
NVIDIA Stock ARMED and Dangeorus! / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Where Nvidia is concerned there is good news and then there is GREAT news! The Good news is just as I stated when Nvidia launched their RTX 3000 series of GPU's in September 2020, is that it would allow Nvidia to literally PRINT MONEY, sell as many GPU cores as Nvidia can produce, which has been the case for the past 6 months since launch! YOU JUST CANNOT BUY AN RTX 3080! I should know as I am still waiting for the latest additional to my computer room to materialise, an RTX 3080 5950x 64gb system that hopefully should be making an appearance by Mid March after being bought and paid for early January.
As for the GREAT news, or should I say potential great news is Nvidia's $40 billion bid for ARM, which if successful would solidify Nvidia into being up rated to becoming PRIMARY AI STOCK! No longer a sidelines GPU player but PRIMARY, and likely soon to be trading on similar $1trillion+ market caps as the other primaries on my list.
But it is going to take time to overcome all the regulatory and national security road blocks on the way to ARM acquisition success, where we are so far 6 months down the path, and likely at least another year to go. I expect such uncertainty to continue to act as a damper on the prospects for Nvidia as the market reacts to M&A good and bad news events along the way and despite continuing GPU market success.
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Monday, April 05, 2021
All Tech Stocks Revolve Around This Disruptor / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Silicon Valley is the birthplace of American tech. Giants like Google and Apple have become the face of California’s disruption hub. But long before we were typing Google searches into our iPhones, Silicon Valley got its name by creating the world’s most important industry: computer chips.Computer chips, also called semiconductors, are the “brains” of electronics. These days, the entire world runs on semiconductors. There would be no iPhone, Amazon Webstore, or online messaging apps without them.
Temperature sensors in air conditioners are powered by tiny microchips. Rice cookers cook rice to perfection because built-in semiconductors control the heat. The chip inside pacemakers sends electrical pulses to the heart to keep it beating regularly.
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Saturday, March 20, 2021
Why I’m “Doubling Down” on The Trade Desk Tech Stock / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
They laughed Steve Jobs’s team out of the room. In early 2009, Apple’s founder wanted to give app developers a way to make money by allowing them to sell ads.Keep in mind, most Americans didn’t even own a smartphone at the time. Mobile ads were the Wild West. But Jobs demanded his team get the world’s best brands to sign multimillion-dollar deals.
The first advertising agency execs they visited literally giggled as they made their pitch. Ads on a tiny phone screen? Are you serious? Apple’s ad team eventually met with Citibank, which bought the first ever App Store ads. The team phoned up Jobs to tell him about the $1 million contract. Jobs wasn’t impressed and told them: “I didn’t say a million dollar deal; tell them we’re not taking it unless its $10 million.”
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Friday, March 19, 2021
America Is Transforming Before Our Eyes / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Have you watched the news lately? A new Covid strain, stories of botched vaccine rollouts, political turmoil, the list goes on and on. On the surface, it seems like nothing but doom and gloom.
But today, I want to show you why the world isn’t ending like the media would have you believe. When you tune out the news, you’ll start to see all the incredible things happening in our world.
In fact, I believe the 2020s are shaping up to be the most transformational decade in a century. Let me explain.
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Monday, March 08, 2021
Almost Everyone Is Online: But Most of the Money Isn’t / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Ottawa sure is a long way from Silicon Valley. In the summer of 2010, Tobi Lütke met with venture capitalists at Bessemer Ventures. He was looking for a couple million bucks to fund his money-losing Canadian startup. Cash was so tight Lütke’s father-in-law had to write checks to pay the employees.
Bessemer was skeptical at first. A tech startup in bitterly cold Ottawa? But they took the plunge with a $7 million cash injection, valuing the startup at $25 million.
Guess What Shopify (SHOP) Is Worth Today?
It’s Canada’s largest company, valued at $160 billion. Longtime RiskHedge readers know I called Shopify “the next great trillion-dollar stock.”
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Wednesday, March 03, 2021
AI Tech Stocks Investing 2021 Buy Ratings, Levels and Valuations Explained / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My last look at AI stocks buying levels late November 2020 had some of the must own AI stocks trading at high valuations for instance Apple was trading on an EC of 76 against a target of 50, Nvidia on 173 against about 100! Whilst IBM was dirt cheap on -3, so I could not resist buying more where I am sure several years from now many investors will be kicking themselves for not having had the foresight to pick up IBM when it was trading so cheaply. Next I picked up some more Google as numero uno and Facebook given it's continuing VR market success despite the dying lame stream media lobbying governments to get the tech giants to share ad revenues with them. And I also sought to pick up some Amazon on trading below $3000.
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Tuesday, March 02, 2021
There’s A “Chip” Shortage: And TSMC Holds All The Cards / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
“You drove 1,000 miles just for this game?” Christmas 1988 was a stressful time for many American parents. Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. 2 was the must-have toy that year. But copies of the hit videogame were as scarce as hen’s teeth.
ABC News ran a 20/20 special on the shortage called “Nuts for Nintendo.” They chatted to one dad who drove 1,000 miles from Indiana to NYC in the hopes of grabbing a copy.
“I’ve tried 7 stores a day for 3 weeks and still can’t find it,” he told reporters. They called it a “chip famine.”
Why was it so hard to get your hands on a video game? Longtime RiskHedge readers know computer chips, also called semiconductors, are the “brains” of electronics. There would be no iPhone, Amazon Webstore, or online messaging apps without them.
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
Technology & Energy Stocks Sectors Are Hot – Are You Missing Out? / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Chris_Vermeulen
We have seen some really big moves in various S&P sectors over the past 60+ days and these trends look like they may continue for a while. Near the end of 2020, in October and November, the markets seemed to stall a bit before the US elections, but they have really started to trend much higher over the past 60+ days. Technology and Energy seem to be leading the charge in some respects. The most important thing for traders is to find decent breakout trends in stocks and sectors that have a real potential for strong continued trending. When we find these types of longer-term trends, we can scale in and out of the typical up/down price trends, over time, to generate some incredible returns.
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Friday, January 22, 2021
DoorDash Has All the Makings of the “Next Amazon” / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Can Amazon Make It? That was the headline plastered on the front page of BusinessWeek magazine in July 2000.
Amazon’s future looked bleak after the tech bubble burst earlier that year. The online shopping pioneer was hemorrhaging cash, forcing it to cut 15% of its workforce. Top fund managers cut Amazon from their portfolios. And over the following year, its stock price sank from $105 to $5.
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Thursday, December 31, 2020
The CPU and GPU Wars - AMD vs INTEL vs Nvidia / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is a continuation of my in-depth analysis into the buying levels for the Top 10 AI stocks to ride the electron mega-trend the whole of which was first made available to Patrons who support my work so immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
- US Presidential Election 2020 Forecast Review
- Seeing Stock Market New Highs Through the Prism of AI
- Stock Market Dow Quick Take
- AI Stocks Buying Levels and EC ratio Explained
- Top 10 AI Stocks individual analysis i.e. for Google, Amazon, Apple etc.
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Q4 2020
- The Next IMMINENT Global Catastrophe After Coronavirus
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
IBM Betting on Quantum AI For Return to Computing Dominance / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is a continuation of my in-depth analysis into the buying levels for the Top 10 AI stocks to ride the electron mega-trend the whole of which was first made available to Patrons who support my work so immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $3 per month.
- US Presidential Election 2020 Forecast Review
- Seeing Stock Market New Highs Through the Prism of AI
- Stock Market Dow Quick Take
- AI Stocks Buying Levels and EC ratio Explained
- Top 10 AI Stocks individual analysis i.e. for Google, Amazon, Apple etc.
- AI Stocks Buying Levels Q4 2020
- The Next IMMINENT Global Catastrophe After Coronavirus