Category: Credit Crisis Bailouts
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, March 26, 2012
A Fistful of Euros / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
This week, my congressional committee will hold a hearing to examine how the Federal Reserve bails out European banks, propping up spendthrift European governments in the process. Unfortunately this bailout comes at the expense of American citizens, in the form of higher prices and diminished savings down the road.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Big Banks Continue to "Suck at the Government" With Never-Ending Stealth Bailouts / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Washingtons_Blog
Open-Ended Bailouts Are Continuing
We’ve previously documented the fact that bailouts of the big banks are continued in stealth mode up to the present day.
True, the banks claim they’ve repaid the Tarp bailout funds … but nearly half of the banks “repaid” such bailout funds by borrowing from other government bailout funds (and the rest could only repay money by fudging their accounting and using stealth bailouts which are are a little harder to detect).
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Saturday, February 04, 2012
Obama’s Refinancing Swindle, Banks Want to Dump Millions of Risky Mortgages Onto FHA / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Whitney
Barack Obama’s new housing refinance plan has nothing to do with “lowering monthly mortgage payments so responsible borrowers can stay in their homes”. That’s all public relations bunkum. The truth is the banks want to offload their garbage mortgages onto Uncle Sam to avoid hundreds of billions of dollars in losses. That’s what this refi-ruse is really all about.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Irish People Bailout of Bond Holders, Vincent Browne v The European Central Bank Video / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Videos
Vincent Browne takes on Klaus Masuch over the issue of the Irish people having to foot the bill for unguaranteed bondholders.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
How the Banks Broke the Social Compact, Promoting their Own Special Interests / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Michael_Hudson
Banks Weren’t Meant to Be Like This. What will their future be – and what is the government’s proper financial role?
The inherently symbiotic relationship between banks and governments recently has been reversed. In medieval times, wealthy bankers lent to kings and princes as their major customers. But now it is the banks that are needy, relying on governments for funding – capped by the post-2008 bailouts to save them from going bankrupt from their bad private-sector loans and gambles.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
RBS CEO £1 Million Bonus for Failure Should be Scrapped, Bankster Fraud on Taxpayers Continues / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The RBS board has awarded the CEO a bonus of £1 million in addition to his £1.2 million salary for effectively being an abysmal failure on any recognisable measure.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
Politicians and the Global Financial Crises / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Akhil_Khanna
Political System
The seeds of the global financial crises which were triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the USA in 2008 had been sown during the last number of decades. The basic reason for the emergence of the crises is the manner in which we select our leaders or politicians in our society. The politicians are the key persons responsible for laying down rules and regulations which the population of the country are expected to follow. The strict, severe and swift penalties for not adhering to the rules and regulations are supposed to act as deterrent for people from breaking the law. In the current system of elections there are some inbuilt weaknesses which do not allow the politicians to follow their basic responsibilities.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Is Crony Capitalism Wrong? / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Janet_Tavakoli
n November 29, 2011, Bloomberg Magazine’s Richard Teitelbaum published an article revealing a secret meeting on July 21, 2008, with then Secretary of the Treasury and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson and around a dozen hedge-fund managers and Wall Street executives.
Five of the hedge fund managers were former Goldman Sachs employees. The meeting was held at the offices of the founder of hedge fund Eton Park Capital Management, Eric Mindich, a former 15-year employee of Goldman Sachs who rose to be the senior strategy officer of Goldman’s Executive Office. He is also current Chair of the Asset Managers’ Committee of the President’s Working Group on Capital Markets.
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Saturday, December 03, 2011
The Fed's 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout of the Too Big To Fail Banks / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: LewRockwell
What you are about to read should absolutely astound you. During the last financial crisis, the Federal Reserve secretly conducted the biggest bailout in the history of the world, and the Fed fought in court for several years to keep it a secret. Do you remember the TARP bailout? The American people were absolutely outraged that the federal government spent 700 billion dollars bailing out the "too big to fail" banks. Well, that bailout was pocket change compared to what the Federal Reserve did. As you will see documented below, the Federal Reserve actually handed more than 16 trillion dollars in nearly interest-free money to the "too big to fail" banks between 2007 and 2010. So have you heard about this on the nightly news? Probably not. Lately Bloomberg has been reporting on some of this, but even they are not giving people the whole picture. The American people need to be told about this 16 trillion dollar bailout, because it is a perfect example of why the Federal Reserve needs to be shut down. The Federal Reserve has been actively picking "winners" and "losers" in the financial system, and it turns out that the "friends" of the Fed always get bailed out and always end up among the "winners". This is not how a free market system is supposed to work.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Credit Crisis Bailout Bandits: The Biggest Borrowers From the U.S. Federal Reserve / Companies / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Money_Morning
Money Morning staff reports writes:
The Eurozone debt crisis has replaced the U.S. financial crisis as the disaster du jour. But make no mistake: U.S. taxpayers will be paying the tab for the U.S. crisis for years.
That's evidently not true of the banking sector, however, whose massive financial-crisis windfall is just now coming to light.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
UK Government Sells Northern Rock for Approx £20 billion Loss to Virgin Money / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This weeks mainstream media coverage in the UK of the sale of the bankrupt bailed out Northern Rock to Virgin Money for approx £1 billion against a £1.4 billion cost to the tax payer for a net loss of approx £400million as illustrated by the Daily Mail and the BBC's Robertt Preston telling us that the tax payer has got a good deal is WRONG.
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Thursday, November 03, 2011
Everybody Hates Capitalism, The General Theory of Zombieism / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Bill_Bonner
We begin another look at Zombieland with this editorial from Martin Wolf in The Financial Times:
Read full article... Read full article...Why did it take so long? It is over four years since the financial crisis began. Yet only now are anti-capitalist protests emerging, including at St Paul’s Cathedral. So is this the beginning of a resurgent leftwing politics? I doubt it. Are the protesters raising some big questions? Yes, they are.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Euro Trillion Bailout Deal, Devil is in the Detail / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Bob_Kirtley
Euphoria hit the financial markets as the news was announced of a one trillion euro bailout package. The large European banks jumped by as much as 20% in a single day increasing their market caps by billions. This burst of excitement followed through to the United States where the DOW leaped forward as the banking sector lead the way to higher ground.
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Friday, October 28, 2011
Euro Bailouts - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Axel_Merk
The markets appear euphoric about the ability for European policy makers to deliver on new promises. Low market expectations were met. We, too, have a positive takeaway, but only because of one detail of the grand plan; actually, let's call it a "grand sketch," as many details are still unknown.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Europe’s Bank Bailout Bill: $3 Trillion / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
As the European Union continues to discuss the possibility of a new bailout fund, news is breaking that any European banking bailout may cost as much as 2 trillion Euros, or $3 trillion. The $3 trillion sum, which would be raised through the EFSF, may also be charged to the IMF.
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Friday, September 30, 2011
Leider Mein Liebste; Its Spelt TALF Not TARP: Next ECB Will Print A Trillion Euros / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Andrew_Butter
Here’s an idea, if the Euro doesn’t exist anymore then the Greeks can pay back their Euro-denominated debts in imaginary money and everyone can live happily ever after?
Meanwhile; trust the Eurocrats to come up with a mind-baffling plan to kick the can down the road. It’s written in Deutchlitz which is what you get when you use a computer to translate a document originally written in German into French and from there you use another computer to translate that into an approximation of English. The words all spell on an English spell-checker but in aggregate anyone who speaks English hasn’t got a clue what they mean. For example, from the ECB Data Warehouse we are provided with:
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Friday, September 30, 2011
The Real Cost of the Credit Crisis Bank Bailouts [So Far] / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Rob_Kirby
Back on July 21, 2011 – Senator Bernie Sanders [VT] published a paper titled, The Fed Audit, where he made the claim that a GAO [Government Accountability Office] report showed the real cost of the Federal Reserve bailout was 16 Trillion.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Zombie Banks Stop Their Blood Feast is the Only Road to Economic Renaissance / Economics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Bill_Bonner
It would be almost laughably easy to bring a real renaissance in the US.
But first you have to understand the real problem. It’s not a lack of stimulus… Or, the inequality of income distribution… Or because the feds didn’t regulate enough. Or that bankers are greedy…or that capitalism won’t work.
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Thursday, September 08, 2011
A Raging Case of Bailout Fatigue / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Doug_Horning
Doug Hornig, Casey Research writes: I’ve used the term outrage fatigue on numerous occasions in this forum as a way of trying to explain why there has been such a muted outcry from the general population as the tally of financial atrocities committed against American citizens has exploded.
August 22 was just another average day with another average headline that could easily have been ripped from some radical economic watchdog website (liberal or conservative, either one): Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion from Fed.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
U.S. Treasury Hidden Trickery in Mortgage Backed Security Recoveries / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Aftab_Singh
Right on schedule, the US Treasury received around $11 billion from the proceeds of Mortgage-backed Securities sales last Thursday. Moreover, the US Treasury released an update on the MBS portfolio wind down titled; ‘Taxpayers Recoveries Reach 70 Percent Milestone‘. The title left us thinking; hmmm… sort of… Here, I highlight the hidden confiscation involved with this particular piece of trickery and present the usual daily treasury statement charts.