Category: Credit Crisis Bailouts
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, May 12, 2010
EuroZone Bailout Band Aids for Everyone / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: John_Browne
As the health of much of the global economy weakens on a daily basis, political leadership increasingly ignores the source of the malady and instead focuses on short term "band-aid" remedies. These measures which may buy a few months, or years, of relative well being, will convince the public that problems have been solved and will thereby take pressure off governments to make the needed structural changes.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Engineered Inflation Bailouts Cannot Beat the Markets / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Michael_S_Rozeff
Once again the leaders of the western world have engineered a bailout Who pays for it? We hicks and dupes and taxpayers. Once again the politicians, central bankers, and IMFers have patched together a paper dike, in an attempt to hold up the prices of the euro and junk debts, and to prevent the liquidation of banks that hold the bad paper. Once again, they have kept banks and lenders from realizing losses. Once again they have jacked up the moral hazard in the system. Once again they have saved, if only temporarily, the fiat money-fractional-reserve system that works hand-in-hand with big government.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
EU Bailout Lootathon / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: LewRockwell
Sally Copperwaite writes: On May 5th, three bank workers died in a blaze at their Athens office block after violence broke out in a mass demonstration against the Greek government.
This was the tragic result of a decision taken in 1992, to impose a single currency on twelve very different economies.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
E.U. Greece. PIGS Bailout Means the Death of Capitalism / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: John_Mauldin
Was it only last week I was expressing outrage that US taxpayers would have to pick up the check for Greek profligacy in the form of IMF guarantees? This morning we wake to up the sound of $250 BILLION in IMF guarantees for a European rescue fund, most of which will go to countries that are eventually (in my opinion) going to default. That is $50 billion in US taxpayer guarantees. Not sure what that translates into for Britain or Canada or Australia.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
E.U. $1 Trillion Bailout, Detonates Nuclear Option of Printing Money to Monetize PIGS Debt / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst most in the mainstream press are occupied by the big numbers behind the Euro 720 billion / $1 trillion of bailout loans, and guarantees of the Eurozone PIGS, however the most important change announced was the European Central Banks intentions to buy the debt of Eurozone countries in effect adopting an open ended policy of Quantitative Easing or money printing to monetize the debt of bankrupting Eurozone countries much as the other central banks have been doing of the US, UK and Japan. Which means that the debt burden of the PIGS has been dumped onto mainly German tax payers therefore it's not surprising that European banks holding bankrupting PIGS debt have soared in price as the PIGS government debt they hold is now effectively being insured by the ECB.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Europe: Taking the Path Blazed by the U.S. with Similar Consequences to Come / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Stathis
After the threat of a continued sell-off in the global capital markets, leaders of the EU, IMF (and most likely members of the White House) arranged an emergency bailout fund to calm the markets.
Today, Wall Street is celebrating the news of a proposed $1 trillion bailout for European nations in danger of defaulting on sovereign debt.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Europe Detonates Nuclear Option, Prints $1 Trillion, Sparks Renewed Market Euphoria / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: GoldCore

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Sunday, April 11, 2010
Greece Offered $61 Billion in Standby Loans; Someone in the "Know" Already Profited / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Trader_Mark
Notwithstanding the fact that markets have rallied on
- A rumor of a potential bailout for Greece a few months ago
- Confirmation a bailout was being discussed
- A framework of the bailout version #1
- A framework of the bailout version #2
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Wall Street Bank Bailout Tally Shows Billions of Dollars of Stolen / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Global_Research
Methodology: In calculating the bailout totals, CMD’s focus has been on direct and indirect support to financial institutions that had a role in causing the financial crisis. We tally programs across five federal agencies (Federal Reserve, Treasury, Federal Housing Administration, Federal Housing Finance Agency, and the FDIC) and include direct support, loans, and guarantees.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Timothy Geithner is a Sniveling Scamster / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Whitney
Whew. That was fast. It didn't take long for Wall Street to figure out how to game Obama's new mortgage modification program, did it? The plan was hyped as help for "struggling homeowners", but it turns out, it's just another stealth bailout for pudgy bank-execs. It's funny, the program hasn't even kicked in yet and, already, bigtime speculators are riffling through their filing cabinets looking any garbage paper they can find to dump on Uncle Sam. Take a look at this on today's Bloomberg report:
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Fannie May and Freddie Mac Bailout Debacle / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Sol_Palha
No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. Christian Nevell Bovee, 1820-1904, American Author, Lawyer
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Financial Fraud on Wall Street / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Bob_Chapman
The re-nomination of Ben Bernanke, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, has to be one of the ultimate political insults, particularly coming from Republicans, as did his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, both have taken America and the world down the sewer. Ben Bernanke saved Wall Street, the banks, insurance companies and a myriad of other financial firms.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Should California Get a Bail Out? / Economics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Stathis
As some readers might recall, without budget solutions from the Governor and Legislature, the California State Controller was forced to issue IOUs to several State payees last July in order to prevent a $2.8 billion cash shortage.
IOUs began printing July 2, and ended September 3 of last year.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Next Big Bank Bailout is on the Way Prepare To Get Reamed! / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Whitney
Housing is on the rocks and prices are headed lower. That's not the consensus view, but it's a reasonably safe assumption. Master illusionist Ben Bernanke managed to engineer a modest 7-month uptick in sales, but the fairydust will wear off later this month when the Fed stops purchasing mortgage-backed securities and long-term interest rates begin to creep higher.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Fraud, Mastered by the Criminal Banking Industry / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Mike_Stathis
I have discussed the financial industry on numerous occasions. My sentiment has not changed.
Those looking for some kind of investment “payday” should stay clear of the banks as an investment. The risk is still very high.
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Monday, March 01, 2010
Wall Street's Credit Crisis Bailout Hustle / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Global_Research
Matt Taibbi writes: Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash
On January 21st, Lloyd Blankfein left a peculiar voicemail message on the work phones of his employees at Goldman Sachs. Fast becoming America's pre-eminent Marvel Comics supervillain, the CEO used the call to deploy his secret weapon: a pair of giant, nuclear-powered testicles. In his message, Blankfein addressed his plan to pay out gigantic year-end bonuses amid widespread controversy over Goldman's role in precipitating the global financial crisis.
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Monday, March 01, 2010
Did The Fed Pay “Face” For $187.53 Billion Chinese Owned Toxic Assets? / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Andrew_Butter
Two pieces of disturbing news on the wires this week:
1: The Chinese are NOT buying US debt anymore.
2: The Chinese ARE buying US debt (except they are buying it through intermediaries).
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bankers Get Bonuses, the USA Gets the Great Recession / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Janet_Tavakoli
If a high-on-crack driver crashed his speeding rental car into your house and killed your spouse, you would be outraged if law enforcers took bribes and gave the driver a pass on a blood test. If the judge then merely fined the killer and ordered you to pay it, you would appeal, wondering what happened to justice. If the government then handed the crack-driver keys to a bigger rental car and presented you with the rental bill, you would certainly protest.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
AIG-Gate, The World's Greatest Insurance Heist / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Ellen_Brown
Rumor has it that Timothy Geithner is on his way out as Treasury Secretary, due to his involvement in the AIG scandal that is now unraveling in hearings before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Bob Chapman writes in The International Forecaster:
Each day brings more revelations of efforts of the NY Fed and Goldman Sachs to hide the details of the criminal conspiracy of the AIG bailout. . . . This is a real crisis on the scale of Watergate. Corruption at its finest.
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010
AIG Bailout Cover-up Inside Story / Companies / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Just last week, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on the U.S. Federal Reserve's decision to directly pay billions of dollars to banks as part of its scheme to bail out insurance giant American International Group Inc. (NYSE: AIG).
According to committee Chairman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, the testimony that congressmen heard just didn't "pass the smell test."