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Category: Gold & Silver 2009

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Gold Busting Back Above $1000 as Stocks Resume 2009 Crash / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Mark_OByrne

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleGold has rallied strongly again this morning and is up 1.5% at $990/oz after consolidating around the $975/oz mark yesterday. Stock markets are under severe pressure again this morning after yesterday’s 7 year low close for the Dow Jones.

There is a risk here of a panic sell off in stock markets and the next leg down in the stock bear market looks imminent as the ills of the global financial system virulently infect the global economy. While gold has become overbought in the short term, its medium and long term fundamentals are as sound as ever.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

The Silver Slam / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: David_Morgan

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleLast week I mentioned that CIBC slammed the silver market and gave my opinion of where their analysis missed the mark. Tonight as I pen this missive in haste due to packing and flying requirements early tomorrow, it seemed the best to give a short introduction on the Silver Slam. 

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Dow/Gold Ratio 40year Cycle and the Secular Depreciation of Fiat Currencies / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Ashraf_Laidi

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWith gold prices only 7% away from their record highs and the main equity indices 45-50% below their highs, an analysis of the equity/gold ratio is amid the many rationalizations for prolonged gains in the precious metal. The equity/gold ratio highlights a commonly used measure of corporate market value versus a decades-long measure of real asset value. Gold is known as a measure of real assets value because of its ability to preserve value during inflationary times. But during these disinflationary times, the current global growth/demand landscape also supports the notion of too many dollars chasing too few gold ounces.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gold Breaks New Non-Dollar Records as Smart Investors Hedge Against Devaluations / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Adrian_Ash

SPOT GOLD in US DOLLARS slipped back from a near 11-month high early in London on Thursday, bouncing off $970 an ounce as world stock markets held flat, down almost 5% for the week so far.

A surge in after-hours trade overnight saw the Gold Price in Dollars come within a few cents of mid-July's top above $987 an ounce.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Global Financial Crisis Driving Gold Higher in All Currencies / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Christopher_Laird

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn the latest manifestation of the world financial crisis, gold is rallying strongly now in all major currencies. Gold detached from the usual commodity drivers gradually over the period August 07 to the present, and closely reacted to any major new developments in the credit crisis. Gold now is almost totally dominated by ongoing credit crisis developments, and the massive attempts to bailout the financial system in every country. That is why gold and the USD are rallying together.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gold, GLD ETF Bullish Moving Average Crossover / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe overriding reason for re-entering the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSE: GLD) "up HERE" in our model portfolio is derived from my intermediate-longer term technical work, which we discussed last week. Eight days ago I noted the big-picture pattern of spot gold for subscribers, and the longer-term analysis on that weekly chart remains exactly the same today.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Inflation, Deflation and Gold / Economics / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Adrian_Ash

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article"Inflation and deflation are both a crisis in money. Which leaves gold as a secure store of wealth against both monetary panics..."

THE 1970s DIDN'T JUST curse the world with cheap German wine and the Bay City Rollers.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gold and Silver Bull Market Heading for a Correction / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleGold and silver have had one hell of a run in the recent days. Both looked like they were topping weeks ago but recent bad news hit the wires making investors buy gold like the stock market is about to go under. Gold bullion inflows are the highest it has been in 6 months!

The massive gold inflows can be seen two ways:

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gold Hits Fresh Euro, GDP and CDN Highs on Collapse of Global Confidence / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Adrian_Ash

THE US-DOLLAR PRICE of gold retouched yesterday's 7-month high at $974 an ounce early Wednesday before slipping as Wall Street stock futures pointed higher from their 16% plunge of the last 7 weeks.

Priced in Canadian Dollars gold reached a fresh peak at $1,231 an ounce, while the Euro price of gold – up by two-thirds over the last 3 years – hit €767.01 per ounce at the AM Gold Fix here in London, its ninth new record high of the last 15 sessions.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Burn the Silver Share Shorts, Check Out CDE Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: James_Anderson

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAnd an Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi – Speaker of the US House of Representatives - Silver Investors, especially those in Silver Equities have been put to a severe test over the past 8mths. It was bad enough that the Silver bullion price was cut over 50% from US$19 in July '08 to $9 in Nov. Silver shares started falling a lot earlier than physical  from March/April '08  & fell right out of bed losing up to 94% of their value.—and that's just the BIG already established Companies ! A lot of  smaller Co's  have been wiped out & will not recover.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long-term Stock Market Trend Converging with Gold / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Ned_W_Schmidt

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSuppose we had two horses, and both are required to pull our carriage. Our budget only permitted the purchase of two daily servings of oats. So, we tried an experiment. We substituted some saw dust for half of one of the servings for one of the horses. We gave those extra oats to the other horse. Seeing no visible change in the health of the horse being given the saw dust, we fed it only saw dust. The other horse gets all the oats. This feeding approach continues till one day we arrived in the barn to find the saw dust fed horse dead. Our carriage business was over.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Gulf currency 'Khaleeji' poised to be Gold backed to remove 'Riba' / Currencies / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Stefan_Pernar

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAgain, bad news about this week and even those of us who made all the right moves early on can not help but feel anxious about what seems to come next: act two of the global financial and thus economic meltdown . This is indeed not the time for a little ‘I-told-you-so' victory dance. Yes, gold as well as silver are storming to new heights .

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gold Leaps as Stock Markets Fall / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Adrian_Ash

THE PRICE OF GOLD jumped to a new 7-month high for US-Dollar investors during Asian and early London dealing on Tuesday, breaking above $965 an ounce as world stock markets slumped.

Japan's Nikkei dropped almost 4% for the week so far, while Tokyo Gold Futures added 2.7% for the day, reaching an 18-week high vs. the Yen at ¥2,845 per gram.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gold, Silver and the HUI Using the Gold Direction Indicator / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Peter_Degraaf

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe long-term outlook for gold is very bullish, for to paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill's famous remark, “never before in history have so many dollars chased so few ounces of gold (and silver)”.* The mountains of currency are rising, while the number of ounces of gold produced by gold mines is dropping.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

International Demand Forcing Gold Towards New All Time High / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Mark_OByrne

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAfter another strong week last week (both gold and silver were up some 3%) despite falling stock markets, gold continues its outperformance of other asset classes due to safe haven demand. It has surged again overnight in Asia and it now at 7 month highs and looks very likely to target its record high of $1,000/oz in the coming days.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

The City: Gold Capital of the World- Goldsmiths Part XXXI / Politics / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Robert_Bradshaw

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn the early days of ancient Greece, governmental units called city-states developed. As these entities were feudalistic, the local fat cats controlled them. Perhaps from this organizational concept, other city-states developed in other parts of the world and often with surrounding walls. Over the centuries, these city-states proved hard to defend. So they largely vanished from the world scene; though some survived.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Global Recession Worsens as G7 Ignores Currency Volatility / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Adrian_Ash

THE PRICE OF physical gold held in a tight $8 range early Monday, trading either side of $941 an ounce as world stock markets fell for the fifth session in six.

Crude oil ticked lower from Friday's spike to $38 per barrel, while Opec members Qatar and Venezuela both said they want further output cuts.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Silver Running Up to Resistance at $16 / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Clive_Maund

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSilver has advanced in a satisfactory manner to the first target given in the last update at the resistance in the $14 area and is now at a critical juncture, for there are several factors pointing to its breaking down into a reaction shortly. However, it could instead break above the resistance in the $14 area which would be expected to lead to a steep and rapid run at the strong resistance level in the $16 where exhaustion would set in.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gold Makes New Highs in Major Currencies Except U.S. Dollar / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Clive_Maund

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhile gold has made progress since the last update, it has not not broken out to new highs against the dollar as expected, because the dollar has held up. Nevertheless it has made satisfactory progress and has made new highs against many other currencies.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

U.S. Dollar Hits Resistance as Gold Uptrend Remains Firm / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009

By: Merv_Burak

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAnother week on the up side for gold and silver. Even the U.S, Dollar Index gained during the week. Is this supposed to happen? The Dollar is starting to look weak, see my brief analysis below.

U.S. Dollar Index - The following is just a brief view of the U.S. $ Index and intended to highlight a feature that I think is warning us of problems ahead for this currency. The chart represents the U.S. $ daily action along with a momentum indicator suggesting the strength of this daily action relative to an intermediate term time frame. A few support/resistance trend lines are thrown in for good measure.

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