Category: Unemployment
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, October 06, 2012
Another Phony US Employment Report: Spiralling Number of Involuntary Partime Workers / Politics / Unemployment
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
The employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 114,000 new jobs in September and a drop in the rate of unemployment from 8.1% to 7.8%. As 114,000 new jobs are not sufficient to stay even with population growth, the drop in the unemployment rate is the result of not counting discouraged workers who are defined away as “not in the labor force.”
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Thursday, September 06, 2012
U.S. Structural Unemployment Trillion Dollar Question / Economics / Unemployment
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Why read: Because it is arguable that the most important questions facing America and its politicians today are:
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
The Permanent Unemployment Economy / Politics / Unemployment
The official underreporting of the unemployment statistics is a well-known fact. The cavalier dismissal of the systemic dismantling of the market economy by the Obama administration is undeniable. Notwithstanding, the lack of living wage jobs is not simply a partisan issue. Ever since the adoption of the globalist free trade betrayal, the national suicide of the free enterprise economy has continued. Transiting skilled employees into government dependents is an overt component of the "New Age" of reduced wealth and servitude for the ordinary American.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Why More Money Printing Will Increase Unemployment / Economics / Unemployment
By: Michael_Pento
Money Printing Doesn’t Create Jobs
The developed world’s central banks are now foolishly preparing for a full assault on their respective currencies in an attempt to lower unemployment rates. Spurring these central bankers into action is persistently anemic markets and employment data, which they believe can be rectified by creating inflation.
Friday, July 13, 2012
U.S. Labour Market Distortions Lead to a Sharp Drop of Initial Jobless Claims / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
Initial jobless claims fell 26,000 during the week ended July 7 to 350,000. The sharp decline would be bullish if in fact it was not distorted by the July 4 holiday and fewer summer auto plant shutdowns. Typically in the summer, auto plant shutdowns and return of auto workers causes wide swings in jobless claims numbers.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Unemployment as a Lifestyle / Politics / Unemployment
All one hears is that the lack of jobs is the number one economic problem. Well documented are endless examples of systemic destruction in employment opportunities. The negative consequences of off shoring corporate jobs are undeniable. Up until now, the little attention placed on the psychological mindsets that build the structural impediments for a healthy main street economy, keep a serious discussion on jobs, just going in circles.
Friday, June 01, 2012
U.S. Payroll's Disaster Made Worse by Grossly Distorted Unemployment Statistics / Economics / Unemployment
By: Mike_Shedlock
Jobs +69,000, Employment Rate +.1 to 8.2%, April Jobs Revised Lower to +77,000; Long-term Unemployment +310,000
Quick Notes About the Unemployment Rate
- US Unemployment Rate rose .01 to 8.2%
- In the last year, the civilian population rose by 3,653,000. Yet the labor force only rose by 1,307,000. Those not in the labor force rose by 2,345,000.
- This month the Civilian Labor Force rose by 642,000.
- Those "Not in Labor Force" decreased by 461,000. If you are not in the labor force, you are not counted as unemployed.
- Those "Not in Labor Force" fell to 87,958,000 from last month's record high of 88,419,000.
- By the Household Survey, the number of people employed rose by 422,000.
- By the Household Survey, over the course of the last year, the number of people employed rose by 2,479,000.
- Participation Rate rose .2 to 63.8%
- There are 8,098,000 workers who are working part-time but want full-time work, an increase of 245,000
- Thus of the the net of 422,000 people presumably hired by the household survey, 245,000 were for part-time jobs.
- Long-Term unemployment (27 weeks and over) rose by 310,000.
- Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 11%.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Will the Fed and the ECB Put in Place New Financial Accommodation? / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
The Fed and the European Central (ECB) face different policy challenges at the moment but the nature of recent economic developments has raised the probability of both central banks likely to consider another round of monetary policy support, with the Fed having significantly more room to ponder compared with the ECB.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Europe An Accident Waiting to Happen, or 'Ever Closer To The Cliff'! / Economics / Unemployment
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Why Read: Because Youth Unemployment has to be at or near the top of both near-term and long-term economic issues that must be addressed, or if they aren't, bring the 'edge of the economic and societal cliff' ever closer.
Featured Article: A May 14 article focuses on Europe's youth unemployment numbers. The article reports that not only do many European countries currently suffer from serious youth unemployment rates, but also points out that while this may be a somewhat exacerbated problem currently, it is not a new phenomenon in many European countries. For example, the article reports that while youth unemployment rates have reached 51% in Greece and Spain, 36% in Italy, and 30% in Ireland, the average youth unemployment rate for the past 40 years has been:
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Monday, May 07, 2012
Keynes' Legacy is 24% Unemployment Rate / Economics / Unemployment
By: Ned_W_Schmidt
In "'Lost generation' to suffer years of unemployment", Financial Times, 3 May, the legacy of Keynes was summed up by comments on Spanish youth,
"More than half of those under 25 are without work and face a bleak future. . ."
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Saturday, May 05, 2012
U.S. Systemic Jobs Crisis / Economics / Unemployment
By: Global_Research
Joseph Kishore writes: Only 115,000 jobs were added in the US in April, according to Friday’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This was significantly below expectations, and was the smallest gain in six months. It was well below the revised figure of 154,000 jobs added in March.
The official unemployment rate, which bears little resemblance to the actual level of joblessness, fell from 8.2 to 8.1 percent. This was due largely to the fact that more people gave up looking for work, and therefore are not counted as unemployed.
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Friday, April 27, 2012
U.S. Initial Jobless Claims – Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward? / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
In the past few weeks, news from the labor market is pointing to less robust hiring than previously thought. Initial jobless claims slipped 1,000 and stand at 388,000 during the week ended April 21, the highest level since November 2011. The four-week moving average has risen to 381,750 from 363,000 during the week ended March 31. Continuing claims, which lag initial jobless claims by one week, increased 3,000 to 3.315 million and have risen 44,000 in the last two weeks.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Must Understand Issue – U.S. Unemployment! / Economics / Unemployment
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Why Read This: Because it is important that when your read articles on Job Reports you understand what Structural Unemployment is, and what it means to economic growth.
Featured Article: An April 9 article by Joe Duarte discusses the April 6 U.S. Jobs Report in the context of Structural Unemployment. In his article, Duarte concludes:
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Saturday, April 07, 2012
Discouraged U.S. Workers NOT THE REASON for decline in March Unemployment Rate / Economics / Unemployment
By: Paul_L_Kasriel
Civilian Unemployment Rate: 8.2% in March, down one notch from February. Cycle high jobless rate for the recent recession is 10.0%, registered in October 2009.
Payroll Employment: +120,000 jobs in March vs. +240,000 in February. Private sector jobs increased 121,000 after a gain of 233,000 in February. A net gain of 4,000 jobs due to revisions of payroll estimates of January and February.
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Sunday, April 01, 2012
U.S. Unemployment to Rise Amidst New Round of Mass layoffs / Economics / Unemployment
By: Barry_Grey
The US electronics retail chain Best Buy on Thursday announced it would close 50 stores this year and lay off 400 corporate and support workers as part of a plan to cut $800 million in costs and restructure its business. The Minnesota-based firm was one of a series of American and Canadian companies that announced major layoffs this week.
Friday, March 16, 2012
U.S. Jobless Claims – Labor Market Improvement Continues / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
Initial jobless claims fell 14,000 to 351,000 during the week ended March 10. The four-week moving average at 355,750 is the lowest in nearly four years. Continuing claims, which lag initial jobless claims by one week, declined 81,000 to 3.343 million, the lowest since August 2008. The main message is the labor market conditions are improving at an impressive pace.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Making 9 Million Jobless 'Vanish': How The U.S. Government Manipulates Unemployment Statistics / Economics / Unemployment
By: Dan_Amerman
When we look at broad measures of jobs and population, then the beginning of 2012 was one of the worst months in US history, with a total of 2.3 million people losing jobs or leaving the workforce in a single month. Yet, the official unemployment rate showed a decline from 8.5% to 8.3% in January - and was such cheering news that it set off a stock rally.
How can there be such a stark contrast between the cheerful surface and an underlying reality that is getting worse?
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Disability Fraud Holds Down U.S. Unemployment Rate / Politics / Unemployment
By: Mike_Shedlock
Looking for another reason for an artificially low unemployment rate?
Consider disability fraud, people claiming disabilities they do not have such as mental illness. Prior to the great recession 33% of applicants claimed mental illness. The number is 43% now.
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Thursday, February 09, 2012
Different Measures of U.S. Unemployment, but Consistent Story is Visible / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
The civilian unemployment rate declined to 8.3% in January from 8.5% in the prior month and is noticeably lower than the year ago reading of 9.1% (see Chart 1). The jobless rate in the Great Recession peaked at 10.0% in October 2009. The elevated unemployment after ten quarters of economic growth remains one of the top concerns of the Fed. Frequently, measures of unemployment different from the headline number are cited to drive home the message that the underlying fundamentals of the labor market are softer than what is inferred from the official rate. The aim of today’s comment is to sort out the different measures of unemployment and draw a meaningful conclusion of the status of the labor market.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Increase in Initial U.S. Jobless Claims Could be a Timing Issue / Economics / Unemployment
By: Asha_Bangalore
Initial jobless claims rose 24,000 to 399,000 during the first week of the year. Timing could be playing role in the large increase of initial jobless claims. The four-week moving average at 381,750 will be tracked closely to estimate if the recent downward trend of initial jobless claims has been reversed or if it is beginning of the year distortion. Continuing claims, which lag initial jobless claims by one week, moved up 19,000 to 3.628 million.Read full article... Read full article...