Category: Education
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, February 02, 2014
Education: Transforming The Most Unscientific And Mismanaged Industry Into A Scientific, Competitive And Learner-Friendly Industry / Politics / Education
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
The Lost Generation
Education is the most unscientific and mismanaged industry. For the ‘lost generation’ of the Global Economic Crisis, Education has become a necessary evil. Without education, one’s life is doomed; life is also doomed, if one goes for education, it turns everybody a life-long debtor or at least a debtor during the prime time of the youth. The steady decline of the quality, the increasing irrelevance and the exponential rise of the social and personal cost of education have been fermenting into political upheavals and revolutions worldwide.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Ron Paul Warns the State’s Education Monopoly Increases Prices and Destroys Choice / Politics / Education
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The free-market principle of open entry is challenged by governmental restrictions on access to consumer markets. There are many official justifications for these restrictions, but the main one is this: “Customers do not know what is good for them.” They do not know what products to buy, what prices to pay, or what arrangements to negotiate with respect to return and replacement. Customers are in fact woefully ignorant of what they really need, so the state enters the marketplace to restrict what customers are legally allowed to purchase. The idea here is that state officials know what customers really need as distinguished from what customers are willing to pay for.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Universities Are Terrified that Online competition Will Put them Out of Business / Politics / Education
By: LewRockwell
Peter G. Klein writes: Universities haven’t changed much since the Middle Ages. There is the campus with its lecture halls, dormitories, libraries, and laboratories surrounded by leafy quadrangles. Well, they’ve added giant sports complexes, gyms and swimming pools, and gourmet restaurants, but the basic layout is the same. And the production process hasn’t changed since around 1200. Professors give lectures, students read books and take notes, there are examinations and grades, along with the occasional tutoring session, and a great deal of hanky panky. The professors wear tweed jackets instead of gowns, and the students wear – well, just about anything, including pajamas – but otherwise the university remains one of society’s most conservative institutions.
Sunday, September 01, 2013
First Obamacare, Next Obamaschool / Politics / Education
Hunter Lewis writes: The president gave a speech on August 22 in Buffalo outlining his proposal to “reform” the student loan program. He acknowledged that the program has some problems, but assured the audience they are easily fixed. Just take the principles behind Obamacare and apply them to education. The president personally “guaranteed” that his proposals would make college more affordable.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Forget College, Fake it Till You Make It, How to Become a Journalist / Politics / Education
By: Videos
Great advice from Luke Rudkowski. It goes well beyond journalism, and applies to whatever you want to be great at. It’s about passion, persistence and no excuses.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Professors and Grade Inflation - ‘A’ is for Average / Politics / Education
By: Walter_Brasch

It’s not that the current crop is that bright, it’s that honors is determined by grade point average. Because of runaway grade inflation, the average grade in college is now an “A.” About 43 percent of all college grades are “A”s, according to a recent study by Stuart Rojstaczer and Christopher Healy, and published in the prestigious Teachers College Record. About three-fourths of all grades are “A”s or “B”s.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Follies of Higher-Ed - Universities provide circuses but no bread / Politics / Education
By: William_Anderson
Modern American Higher Education is a PR juggernaut; a knowledge juggernaut it is not, and watching universities trying to become "relevant" often can be entertaining – if it were not so pathetic. Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton is one of those places that started small and wants to be relevant, but instead has become pitiful.
The university itself is a place that rose from tiny beginnings but now is well-known because of a couple of things. The first is for something that recently occurred in a classroom. The second is for an inexcusable act in which the university has gained a corporate sponsor that would make Blackwater look like a good choice.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Chicago Mob Called Teachers / Politics / Education
By: Gary_North
In my previous report, "How to Break the Chicago Teachers Strike in Seven Days," I discussed the economics of the teachers union. You can read the report here.
The American Federation of Teachers is a paper tiger. The organization bases its bargaining ability on what is now a legislated restraint, namely, the shortage of teachers. There is no shortage of teachers at the wage scale that is imposed by the American Federation of Teachers on local school boards.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Grade Inflation has Made GCSE's, Most State Education Certificates Worthless to Employers / Politics / Education
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Governments don't just like to print money and debt with inflationary consequences but virtually every aspect of government action via the bloated socialist public sector is to inflate towards infinity that ultimately diminishes value towards zero be it pieces of paper called currency or pieces of paper called GCSE certificates.
Friday, June 08, 2012
Financial Ignorance Is A Temporary Condition / Personal_Finance / Education
By: Richard_Mills
George Mitchell, as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in 1966, began urging bankers to consider how "the computer can drastically change money and its use."
In the early 1970s a nationwide electronic funds transfer system was envisioned. The system would use individualized electronic identification cards and digitized bank accounts with merchants connected to them by telecommunication links.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Graduates of 2012 Face Consequences of the Fourth Turning / Politics / Education
By: John_Mauldin
It is the season when students all over the country are graduating and listening to graduation speeches. I have heard more than my share over the years. But never one like this week's Outside the Box essay, from my friend and world-class demographer Neil Howe. Neil was co-author of The Fourth Turning, which way back in 1997 absolutely nailed the coming generational changes we are now living through, giving us a fascinating and eerily accurate guide to our future. The premise is that a generation is a 20-year period and that generational social tendencies repeat roughly every 80 years and have done so in the Anglo-Saxon world for hundreds of years. And now the Millennial generation is coming of age in a world dominated by Boomers, and we are seeing another cycle change.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Bring Down the New World Order with Free Market Education / Politics / Education
By: Gary_North
In my report, "The Crucial Pillar of the New World Order," I argued that education is the key to the modern New World Order, or Superclass, as David Rothkopf calls it. The system of about 20 elite universities, plus a handful of exclusive four-year private colleges, is the crucial institutional means of screening entry into the inner ring of power.
I argued that a great shift has been in progress since 1960. The best universities began to screen by means of a specific kind of intellect, namely, the ability to take written examinations. I described this as the Prussian system. It is a system based on merit, but a peculiar form of merit: performance on exams. Writing well also counts. As these formal criteria have been made the barriers to entry, legacy sons from the Old World Order have not gained entry.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
America's Education System Teaches "How to Become a Serf" / Politics / Education
By: John_Kozy
How to Become a Serf: Man is a pathetic creature; a brute trying to be god but traveling in the wrong direction.
Educational systems now train workers to fulfill the needs of companies. A society in which people exist for the sake of companies is a society enslaved. But there's a deep problem with the notion that education should equal vocational training. To paraphrase a very famous and renowned person, man does not live by work alone. Indeed, the knowledge and skills needed to earn a living in a capitalist industrial economy are of little use in human relationships, and human relationships are the core of everyone's life. Schools devoted to vocational training provide no venue for teaching cultural differences, for trying to understand the person who lives next door or in another country.
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Friday, January 06, 2012
Failed Education Policy Has Crippled U.S. Economy / Politics / Education
By: Barry_Elias
Relative economic immobility in the United States is a function of our failed education policy during the past four decades.
According to the Economic Mobility Project conducted by The Pew Charitable Trust, work force participation by women increased 30 percentage points, from 40 percent to 70 percent, during this time. For 30 years (1974-2004), inflation adjusted income for women in their 30s surged 300 percent.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
The US's Education Bubble / Politics / Education
By: Doug_Horning
Doug Hornig and Alex Daley, Casey Research writes: In the world of finance, there is always talk of bubbles – mortgage bubbles, tech stock bubbles, junk bond bubbles. But bubbles don’t develop only in financial markets. In recent years, there's been another one quietly inflating, not capturing the attention of most observers.
It's an education bubble – just not the one of student debt that has graced the pages of the New York Times and so many other publications in recent months.
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Monday, October 31, 2011
Higher Education, Zombified, Parasitic, and Corrupted by Easy Money / Politics / Education
By: Bill_Bonner
When the financial crisis of 2008 hit, we saw how state-managed capitalism works. Favored companies are allowed to make as much money as they can. But they are protected from going broke.
Certain firms are deemed “too big to fail,” by virtue of the key role they play in the economy, or at least by the role they play in a politician’s plans for re-election or future employment. But state-managed capitalism is very different from the real thing. It is capitalism in a degenerate form.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
President Obama Announces Plan to Boost College Tuitions / Politics / Education
By: Peter_Schiff
resident Obama today announced a plan that will ensure students are able to commit to higher levels of federally backed student loans. By limiting student obligations to repay, and by passing more of the repayment burden onto taxpayers, colleges and universities will be able to continue to raise tuitions at a rate that outpaces nearly every other cost center in the American economy. The move will come as a great relief to an education establishment increasingly concerned that students might no longer be able to afford skyrocketing tuition rates.
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Friday, August 12, 2011
There is No Education in American Colleges / Politics / Education
By: Walter_Brasch
With the nation's unemployment rate hovering about 10 percent, recent high school graduates are escaping reality by going to college, and college grads are avoiding reality by entering grad school. The result is that it now takes an M.A. to become a shift manager at a fast food restaurant.
Monday, July 04, 2011
College Graduates: Too Many in China, Not Enough in America? / Economics / Education
By: EconMatters
"They share every similarity with ants. They live in colonies in cramped areas. They're intelligent and hardworking, yet anonymous and underpaid." ~ Lian Si, Author of “Ant Tribe”
"Ant Tribes" (蟻族), a term coined by sociologist Lian Si, a professor who wrote a book with that title in 2009, broadly describes China’s post-80s generation of "low-income college graduates who live together in communities with poor living standards.”
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Economy and the Education Gap / Economics / Education
By: Fred_Sheehan
On June 22, 2011, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) concluded a two-day meeting. This was followed by the obligatory press release. That statement was followed by a press conference featuring Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. CNBC, in the person of Maria Baritomo, interviewed three former FOMC members later in the day:
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