Category: Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Gold's Plunge Ultimately Healthy for Precious Metals Sector / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
Market volatility sets the stage for price upswings as well as down, according to Michael Gray, equities analyst of Macquarie Capital Markets, and the recent gold price drop should be seen as a "pause" in the bull market. Management teams are pausing as well, to focus on earnings and shareholder return, rather than growth. In this interview with The Gold Report, Gray says this is the time to buy the best companies you can while they are discounted to fire sale prices, and he offers several names in jurisdictions from South and North America in the junior explorer space.
The Gold Report: On April 15, gold dropped to a two-year low as panic selling set in across many mine commodities. Was this the larger players showing the retail market who is in control or was it inevitable?
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Gold Stocks Warning - Sell in May and Miss a Chance to Buy Cheap / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
What is up—the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poor's 500—will come down and what is down—gold equities—will go up fast, predicts the ultimate contrarian investor, Bob Moriarty. In this interview with The Gold Report, the president of 321 Gold proclaims that while all gold stocks are cheap right now, he talks about some favorites that he expects to jump when the junior market turns. Those who turn their back on the market over the summer just might lose their best chance to get in at historic lows.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Gold Stocks Driven Down to Panic Levels / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold stocks have to be the most despised sector in all the markets. Mainstreamers barely even know they exist, while even the vast majority of so-called contrarians scorn them. The sheer contempt for this sector is amazing considering gold stocks were almost certainly the best-performing sector of the past decade. This universal antipathy has driven them to panic levels, by far the markets’ best fundamental bargains.
Gold stocks weren’t always held in derision. From November 2000 to September 2011, the flagship gold-stock index known by its symbol HUI catapulted an astounding 1664.4% higher! This was over a very long 10.8-year secular-bear span where the broad stock markets as measured by the mighty S&P 500 fell 14.2%. After multiplying their investors’ wealth by 18x, they should have been the most-popular sector.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
Why I Still Believe in Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
After the extreme volatility of gold in the last few weeks, OCM Gold Fund Manager Greg Orrell is more convinced than ever of the necessity of owning gold assets. In this interview with The Gold Report, Orrell lays out the rationale for buying these cheap gold stocks around the world, including California of all places.
The Gold Report: How has your bullish view on the gold sector evolved as a series of crises has jolted both the international stock market and the price of gold?
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Is Buying Gold Miners A Good Idea When Gold Price is Falling? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: DailyGainsLetter
Moe Zulfiqar writes: Gold is in a bear market territory. The price of the shiny yellow metal has fallen almost 30% since the highs it made above $1,900 an ounce in April of 2011. Look at the chart below—it seems gold bullion prices have fallen off a cliff.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Can Stocks Cushion the Blow of Falling Gold Prices? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
The recent fall in precious metals prices has investors on edge. Many precious metals equities were hurting even before the latest precious metals drop. In this interview with The Gold Report, Peter Rose, head of mining research with Fox-Davies Capital Ltd. in London, provides a European perspective on mining and advises looking at under-appreciated jurisdictions (think Europe) and neglected metals like tin, lead and zinc.
The Gold Report: Peter, can you give us your long-term view of the Eurozone as it lurches from bailout to bailout?
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
My Two Favorite Gold Mining Stocks / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: With the world's central bankers printing money like mad, you would think investing in gold mining stocks would be a no-brainer.
Yet despite these misguided policies, the Market Vectors Gold Mines Index (NYSE: GDX) is down 40% from its peak last September. Even worse, it's off 48% from its all-time highs in 2011.
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Saturday, April 06, 2013
Is Panic Selling Marking Bear Market Bottom In Gold and Silver Miners? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jeb_Handwerger
One of the ways to look for a bear market low is to look for panic selling and capitulation after an extended downtrend. Since 2013 began the Venture has had 3 months of losses compared to the Dow Industrials.
Friday, March 29, 2013
SILJ New ETF For Investing in Silver Mining Stocks / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: With silver looking even more alluring than gold lately, it's smart to consider investing in silver miners - and a new ETF gives investors one more option.
The PureFunds ISE Junior Silver ETF (NYSE: SILJ), launched in November, differs from other silver mining ETFs in that it focuses only on junior silver miners.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Resource Sector Paradigm Shift / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: HRA_Advisory
From The March 2013 HRA Journal: There were a lot of long faces at the PDAC this year. Many of the companies there were pulled off the waiting list when long standing attendee companies decided there was no point having a booth. Others have expressed surprise that few companies seemed to be trying to market financings. This was taken as complacency but it felt more like resignation to me. For the record, resignation is better if you're a contrarian.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Gold Stock's Spring Rally / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
The loathed and left-for-dead gold miners look to have begun their usual spring rally. This sector has actually exhibited strong seasonality for its entire secular bull. For well over a decade, most years have enjoyed a major gold-stock rally between mid-March and early June. These favorable seasonals are a welcome tailwind for a sector that is radically undervalued fundamentally and overdue to explode higher.
Pronounced seasonality is certainly not something you’d expect from gold miners. Outside of mine expansions and new projects, their production rates are remarkably consistent over a calendar year. This is very different from agriculture, where harvests only happen once or twice a year. But despite steady gold sales over time, the stocks of this metal’s miners are inarguably slaved to definite seasonal trends.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Finally... An Important Low for Gold Stocks / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: DailyWealth
Can the gold sector's "toehold" turn into a "foothold"?
For gold-stock traders, this is an important question...
Over the past few months, a big potential trading idea has shaped up. Gold stocks, which are some of the market's most volatile securities, have become extremely oversold. Sentiment toward the sector is terrible... and gold stocks are incredibly cheap relative to the price of gold.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Gold Stocks Incredibly Cheap, Whilst General Stock Market Making Hyper Top / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold miners have to be the most hated sector in the markets these days. At best they’ve been forgotten as the hyper-complacent general stock markets continue to inexplicably levitate. At worst they’re utterly despised. But the breathtaking bearishness choking them has left gold stocks incredibly cheap relative to their profits. This is a dream come true for battle-hardened contrarians who really want to buy low.
Valuations are the fundamental heart of stock investing, ultimately driving the vast majority of long-term performance. Investors buy stocks because they want stakes in companies’ future profits streams. The less they pay for each dollar of future profits, the better their ultimate returns. Valuations measure how much profits cost today. The price of future profits is also a direct function of prevailing stock prices.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
It's Time to "Pull the Trigger" on Gun Stocks / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes: U.S. gun sales are at an all-time high. Ammo is flying off store shelves as well.
And that bodes well for companies in the firearms industry, putting the three mentioned below on many investors' "stocks to buy" list.
Fact is, demand for guns and ammo over the past few months is breaking all records. Just take a look at statistics compiled by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
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Friday, March 08, 2013
Gold and Silver Stocks Extreme Situation and its Consequences / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Investors' sentiment in the whole precious metals sector is so low that it seems it almost cannot move any further below its current level and it has profound implications for the market: levels so low signal the formation of a bottom and a likely trend reversal. We would like to quote one of the questions that we received recently as it is a good indication of how negative investors' attitude towards the yellow metal (which could be used as a proxy for the whole sector due to strong correlations between particular assets) is:
Thank you for your hard work on precious metals. I am afraid that when gold reached $1,900 in 2011 it was too much and too fast and we are making a big mistake thinking that gold will go higher. I expect that Wall Street equities will soar for the remainder of 2013 and gold will do very poorly. There are many good stocks now and one can do very well by investing in these stocks.
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Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Junior Gold Stocks Best Buying Opportunity in Four Years...Possibly Ever / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jeff_Berwick
There is an old saying: to “pound the table”. It essentially means to vehemently assert one's position. I rarely pound the table. I am, as of today, pounding the table!
I am talking about the junior gold stocks. Gold stocks in general, but especially the juniors.
To preface, those of you invested in these securities in 2008 remember the worst crash of all time: the crash of the junior gold stocks from a high on the TSX-Venture exchange (where most are traded) of over 3,000 to under 700 in less than a year.
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Saturday, March 02, 2013
HUI Gold Bull Market Elephant in the Room! / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Rambus_Chartology
The Elephant in the room that nobody see’s. The monthly charts shows the price actions closing for the month of February below the neckline.
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Friday, March 01, 2013
Will We See Consolidation in Gold Stocks Mining Industry? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
As the gold mining sector plunges to the end of a cyclical bear market, one wonders if this ongoing selling climax will precipitate a catalyst for more mergers and acquisitions in the industry. The last 12 years tells us that these transactions tend to follow the market itself but with a lag. Peaks in M&A activity (in global mining) in terms of number of transactions and value occurred in 2006-2007 and 2010-2011 while troughs occurred in 2002 and 2008-2009. According to Ernst & Young, 2012 had the lowest number of global mining deals since 2008 and the lowest in terms of value since 2009. On a smaller microeconomic level, the current depths of the junior mining industry and low share prices across the board should provide a catalyst for more deal flow. Going forward I believe we will see industry consolidation but in two separate different phases which will produce different winners.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Junior Gold Stocks Flat Lining / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: HRA_Advisory
Juniors are still in flat-line mode (on a good day). A bunch of new resource estimates were not enough to make much difference though in my experience they often don't. There are enough people tracking most stocks that the market tends to have a fair idea of what a resource estimate will look like. Weakening gold and silver prices dampened the impact of even good numbers.
Friday, February 22, 2013
The Herd is Wrong About Gold, Wrong About Alaska / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Casey_Research
My message lately has been very simple: buy low.
And do it now.
The essential formula for investing, as you know, is to buy low and sell high. So easy to say, so hard to do.
It takes real mettle to be a successful contrarian, and it's precisely because so many investors are so nervous about our market today that it's a buyer's market.
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