Category: Internet
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, September 08, 2018
Website Monetization as a Formula for Success / Companies / Internet
By: Submissions
Do you believe that website monetization works? Many people are skeptical about the concept as they believe that you can find any premium content on Google if you look hard enough. The truth is that the internet is cluttered with content and to discover a valuable piece you have to dig very deep, and this will take a huge amount of your time. Monetization will work only if you know how to set up a business model right. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know how to do this. But there are a few online tools that can help.
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Friday, August 31, 2018
What is Content Marketing? Why It Still Matters in 2018 / Companies / Internet
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build your brand. Unlike interruption marketing, which used to be the norm before the internet, content marketing wins people over. Many well-known marketers now believe that content marketing isn’t something you should do, but something you must do. It isn’t a nice afterthought but a necessity.
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Monday, August 06, 2018
VPN – Is It Worth It? / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Submissions
Nowadays, confidentiality and anonymity on the Internet are a must for every person. It’s not surprising VPN services gain in popularity with each passing day; more and more people want to feel safer when going online, safeguard their business, sensitive data and private information. That’s exactly what makes VPN one of the most demanded services which make people feel safe at all times of the day and night.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Virtual Personal Relationships / Politics / Internet
One of the most familiar themes that children are taught is that mankind is a social being. From the earliest age, the process of socialization is integrated into every learning experience or social contact. Getting along with one's peers is preached as a primary objective for each succeeding generation. Departing from previous contemporaries has been a common trend that shapes and redirects society. Differences between parents and children are often stressed, but the shift among personal relationships, at its very core, has altered from the inception of the cyber age.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Facebook: The Anti-Social Network Covert Data Gathering / Companies / Internet
By: Raul_I_Meijer
All of a sudden, politicians in the EU, UK, and USA all want to talk to Mark Zuckerberg. That’s a bad enough sign all by itself. It means they all either have been asleep, complicit, or they’re not very bright. The media tries to convince us the Facebook ‘scandal’ is about Trump, Russia (yawn..) and elections. It’s not. Not even close.
If Zuckerberg ever shows up for any of these meetings with ‘worried’ politicians, he’ll come with a cabal of lawyers in tow, and they’ll put the blame on anyone but Facebook and say the company was tricked by devious parties who didn’t live up to their legal agreements.
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Saturday, February 17, 2018
Free 1000 Youtube Subscribers Services - YTpals, Subpals, SubmeNow Test / ConsumerWatch / Internet
By: N_Walayat
Youtube on the 20th of January decided to cut all small channels loose from their partner programme, all those channels with less than 1000 subscribers and 4k watch time who by the 20th of February will be ejected from the Youtube partner programme that amongst several benefits included monetization of videos which in most cases for Youtubers resulted in a token return of typically about $10 per month. So the blow for being ejected from the youtube partner programme is not financial but rather Youtube effectively telling its smaller youtubers to get lost, as effectively Youtube is now no longer YOUtube but instead it's Celebtube or Adtube, really just another broadcast channel full of commercialised content full of ads and NOT what YOUtube has been for the past 10 years!
Monday, January 22, 2018
Why should you use high-quality YouTube to mp3 converter? / Personal_Finance / Internet
By: Kavinesh_A
There are several reasons to convert YouTube videos into mp3 files. As you enter the URL of the video, you will get stripped down mp3 files. Upon successful transformation of the video, you can download the audio file in a very efficient manner. The operation can be performed by as no technical expertise is required to perform the step. You will want to open the required file on the YouTube. The link should be copied in the tool and the conversion will take place by clicking on the button. As you click on the ‘download’ button, you will be able to copy the mp3 file in a location of your choice.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Virgin Media Ruins Boxing Day Online Sales - Broadband Down ALL DAY in UK Wide Failure! / ConsumerWatch / Internet
By: N_Walayat
Virgin Media broadband has become progressively less reliable during 2017. With today's outage being the icing on the cake of a year of failures! At the very peak of the years sales frenzy season, Boxing Day that will have seen over 10 million of Brit's surfing online for sales Bargains to grab. Unfortunately not for Virgin media customers, where an early morning outage of a few hours has turned into a day long outage with no end on site of when virgin media broadband will start to work for its customers.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Internet, the Weapon of Mass Disruption / Politics / Internet
By: Richard_Mills
The ever-increasing digitalization of our world has meant advances in technology that would have been unimaginable 30 years ago when the Internet first entered the popular lexicon. Created by the U.S. Government in the 1960s to build robust communications via computer networks, “Internet” as it was then called had no means of electronic mail, telephony or file sharing, which are the building blocks of today's world-wide web.
More recent inventions like e-commerce, cloud computing and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have transformed the way we do business and conduct our personal lives. We take for granted the ability to shop and bank online, have a constant cell phone connection either through broadband or wifi, stream music and videos, or talk to each other across thousands of miles through Skype and FaceTime.
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Thursday, August 17, 2017
3 Psychological Ingredients behind Great Web Content / Companies / Internet
By: Submissions

So, what is it that makes content good?
Surely, you are working hard on every piece of content you create, doing thorough research, optimizing it for SEO, and sharing it on all important social media channels. So, why, in spite of your consistent efforts, some articles perform better than others?
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Saturday, June 17, 2017
Globalist Takeover Of The Internet Moves Into Overdrive / Politics / Internet
By: Jeff_Berwick
In today’s world, with statism and big government ideas pounded into most people via 12 years of government indoctrination camps and mainstream media glorifying government constantly, people have a hard time wondering what life would be like in a free world without massive communist style central planning agencies extorting the entire population.
Until now, though, there has been one shining example of anarchy. The internet.
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Monday, April 24, 2017
Chinese Internet Leaders Will Shake the World / Companies / Internet
By: Dan_Steinbock
A decade ago, Chinese internet companies were still marginal internationally. Today, they are world-class industry innovators. In the internet economy, the leadership is shifting from the advanced West to the emerging East.Today, China’s leading internet companies rival their counterparts in the West in terms of scale, value and innovation. Yet, their impact outside of China is still relatively limited. Even the international leader Alibaba generates less than 10% of its revenue outside China.
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Thursday, March 02, 2017
This is the Internet Revolution / Politics / Internet
By: Rodney_Johnson

With all of them flying home, we’d have extra drivers around for five weeks, and only my car and my wife’s car available. I could have rented one instead of buying one, but the cost was substantial and I would still be the only driver allowed. As long as the old beater held up mechanically, even with registration and sales tax, it would be a better deal to simply buy an old one and then sell it.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Germany Pulls the Plug on Market Oracle site for 24 hours, German Election BrExit GerExit Warning Shot? / Politics / Internet
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Market Oracle site is hosted on its own dedicated server in Nuremberg Germany, which so far has proved highly reliable with ample capacity of more than ten times normal server load to cope with any occasional traffic spikes that tend bring other sites down to a crawl or even offline. So we were surprised to see our site effectively go dead around 1.40pm Friday.
So for the first couple of hours we tried the usual checks, all failed as we had no access to the server at all, it was though the plug had been pulled.Here's a video uploaded 14 hours into the shutdown of what was happening at the time.
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Saturday, October 29, 2016
Washington Prepares For EMP While Internet Under Attack Since Transfer to the UN / Politics / Internet
By: Jeff_Berwick
Remember how we pondered whether the internet would be shut off (or highly censored) upon being transferred to the UN on October 1st? Just a few weeks later, large swathes of the internet went down. Coincidence or trial run?
We’ll get into that below.
Beforehand, however, there have been a number of new “Executive Orders” straight from the e-pen of Barack O’Bomber in the last few months of a “very strange” variety.
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Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Internet Censorship as UN Intervenes into American Society / Politics / Internet
By now you have heard that the control of ICANN has been ceded to the globalists. The Wall Street Journal acknowledges that An Internet Giveaway to the U.N. is the result of this transfer. A last ditch attempt to forestall this treachery was dashed by the Court rejects Arizona lawsuit suit over US control of internet group. This ruling comes as no surprise. The pattern of systematic international integration is the hallmark of efforts to stamp out national sovereignty and independent countries. The United Nations from the very beginning of its inception has been a fraud of incalculable proportions and a nemesis on humanity.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Could The Internet Be Set To Be Shut Down On The Eve of Jubilee, October 1st? / Politics / Internet
By: Jeff_Berwick
Ever since we caught on to the Shemitah timetable that Jonathan Cahn had discovered, we’ve discovered clue after important clue about the potential timetable being followed by the globalists towards creating a New World Order.
Christine Lagarde, with her “magic number 7” numerology speech caught our interest. Then, William White of the IMF talking about how a debt jubilee was coming which will wipe out most paper assets also got our attention.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Ceding ICANN and Internet Control to Globalists / Politics / Internet
It does not take a great amount of brain power to comprehend that for the U.S. to surrender the final oversight of ICANN that the internet as it has functioned with relative acceptance of political emancipation is fundamentally at risk to end as we know it. In this campaign cycle of American First Nationalism vs. Internationalist Global Despotism, the stakes are most clear. Where is the public indignation and anger that a cornerstone of most people’s lives is about to be ceded with little or no outrage?
Monday, October 05, 2015
Redesigning Internet and Facebook to Explore Their Full Potentialities... / Politics / Internet
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
... and Empower the Humanity with Knowledge for Finding Solutions for Its Problems
Internet and Social Medias have reached their saturation point under their existing framework of data sharing and communications. At the same time, they are using only less than five per cent of their actual potentialities for their over-dependence on Data. Here the causalities are of course Knowledge, Visions and Dreams.
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Saturday, October 03, 2015
The Secret About Amazon's Success / Companies / Internet
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Which company is a better investment, Google or Conventional wisdom suggests Google, which turns huge profits, enjoys better gross margins, and has a far lower price-to-earnings ratio. Yet Amazon’s stock has returned 62.6 percent in the past year, compared with 9.6 percent for Google.
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