Category: Retail Sector
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Toys R Us Not the Only Major Retail Casualty / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Harry_Dent

While there are many reasons for the loss of these once household names, and Toys R Us is citing massive debt burdens as one element in its undoing, there is a much bigger – and more predictable – underlying factor.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Brick and Mortar Stores vs. Online Ssellers / Companies / Retail Sector
For consumers who watched the Wal-Mart store spread throughout the countryside saw local small retailers became an endangered species. Now, some may relish the payback with the dominance of online juggernaut Amazon, who has a prime objective of closing down what remains of the brick and mortar stores. Both in the shopping center era and today with the direct delivery to your doorstep, the low cost seller proves to be the winner. What has changed is that government subsidies are fueling the carriage costs.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Can Toys R Us Survive by Learning Lessons from The Entertainer Toy Shop's Relative Success? / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In December the British arm of Toys R Us came to within hours of going bust the followed it's american parent company's filing for bankruptcy protection in September 2017 which that triggered a downsizing programme through rapid store closures that are likely to see at least 200 of it's 866 US stores close in an attempt at reducing its $5 billion debt mountain which dates back to its leveraged buy out of 2005 that costs Toys R Us $400 billion a year in interest payments.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Could Toys R Us Crisis Collapse Give Shoppers Closing Down Sales Discount Bargains? / Personal_Finance / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British arm of Toys R Us has been teetering on the brink of collapse for several months now following it's american parent company filing for bankruptcy protection in September 2017 that triggered a downsizing programme through rapid store closures that are likely to see at least 200 of it's 866 US stores close in an attempt at reducing its $5 billion debt mountain which dates back to its leveraged buy out of 2005 that costs Toys R Us $400 billion a year in interest payments and thus acts as a huge noose around Toys R Us's corporate neck.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Toys R Us Teetering on the Brink of Collapse, UK Retail Sector Crisis Perfect Storm / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British arm of Toys R Us has been teetering on the brink of collapse for several months now following it's american parent company filing for bankruptcy protection in September 2017 that triggered a downsizing programme through rapid store closures that are likely to see at least 200 of it's 866 US stores close in an attempt at reducing its $5 billion debt mountain which dates back to its leveraged buy out of 2005 that costs Toys R Us $400 billion a year in interest payments.
So it should not come as that much of a surprise that the British arm of Toys R Us with its 106 stores could now be heading for at least a similar fate if not a 'Woolworth's' moment, that could unfold rapidly, all within a matter of days that could see the retailer plunged into administration with the potential loss of 3200 jobs. The triggering factor for which is a £30 million black hole in its employees pension fund that the Government Pension Protection Fund is demanding a near immediate payment of £9 million into to cover 3 years worth of past pension contributions, against which the distressed retailer is offering just £1.6 million and thus the current crisis.
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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Retail Industry Index Providing The Next Stocks Long / Companies / Retail Sector
By: ElliottWave-Forecast
The S&P Retail Industry Index comprises stocks in the S&P Total Market Index that are classified in the GICS retail sub-industry. For this article we’ll be using The SPDR S&P Retail ETF (XRT) which tracks an equal-weighted index of stocks in the US retail industry and correspond generally to the total return performance of the S&P Retail Select Industry Index.
The performance of XRT is significantly correlated to the prevailing level of consumer confidence in the economy because the ETF represent the companies whose main business is selling retail merchandise to consumers like WalMart , Groupon, American Eagle, ect.
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Sunday, August 06, 2017
Asda Sales Collapse and Profits Crash! UK Retailer Sector Crisis 2017 / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In a series of videos I have been explaining why the likes of Tesco and rest of the already depressed retail sector were facing a perfect storm of rising brexit producer prices, falling consumer disposable earnings whilst at the same time continuing to haemorrhage customers to the discounters. All of which would culminate in increasing pressure on profit margins and balance sheets. Which ultimately warns to expect a woolworth's moment, i.e. a retail giant going bust, whilst in the meantime the crisis will at the very least translate into many job losses and the mothballing of many unprofitable stores, the closure of huge super markets, something that is unthinkable to most will likely become a reality as distressed retailers attempt to bolster profit margins by cutting costs by closing super markets that are no longer able to operate at a profit.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
Asda Sales and Profits CRASH - UK Retailer Sector Crisis 2017 Continues to Worsen / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Up until results released this weeks, Asda had been battling Sainsbury to take the second place spot in terms of being Britain's 2nd largest retailer with sales for both virtually neck and neck on £24 billion. Asda as part of the giant US Wal-Mart group has been seen as being the more robust of Britain's largest retailers, many of whom are facing a perfect storm of BrExit inflation producer price hikes, contracting customer disposable earnings and loss of customers to the discounters such as Aldi and Lidl. Which has thrown all of the retailers into a full blown crisis as my analysis from earlier this year has been warning of that ultimately this means we may witness a Woolworth's moment that see's one of Britain's largest retailers goes bust, with my focus being on Britain's biggest retailer TESCO that has been in a literal death spiral now for several years.
Monday, July 17, 2017
A Former Lehman Brothers Trader: It’s Time To Buy Brick And Mortar Retailers / Companies / Retail Sector
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : Everyone thinks it is only a matter of time before Amazon puts every department store, every mall, every brick-and-mortar retailer out of business. Amazon gets an infinity market cap and everyone else gets zero.
Sound familiar?
That’s the accepted wisdom.
Is Amazon a great business? Yes.
Is a department store a bad business? Probably.
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Thursday, June 15, 2017
The Retail Sector Downfall We Saw Coming / Stock-Markets / Retail Sector
By: Harry_Dent

Sheets of newspaper scratch along the dusty linoleum floor as the wind beats them into the remnants of a bench… or through the open glass door and into the darkened, empty space beyond.
Escalators haven’t run in decades.
The air itself looks dusty.
Could this really be the future of the American mall?
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Marks and Spencer Profits Collapse, Latest Retailer Hit by Brexit Inflation Tsunami 2017 / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Marks & Spencers, Britain's 6th largest retailer saw its profits collapse by 64% in the year to April 1st. With the mainstream press reliant on M&S advertising revenues eager to swallow M&S smoke screen of reasons to explain away the collapse in profits as being due to a series of one off events such as restructuring costs and property impairments when instead the reality is that the whole retail sector is set to experience a perfect storm during 2017 of falling customers disposable earnings and the Brexit inflation tsunami.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Brick-And-Mortar Retail Adopts New Tactics In The Battle With Online Retail / Companies / Retail Sector
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK WATSON : Starbucks (SBUX) is doing something unique to improve sales. It is using mobile technology to increase repeat customers. Now, the online retail vs. brick-and-mortar conflict isn’t as clearly defined as it might seem.
Magical App Makes Coffee Headache Free
Starbucks has a very handy smartphone app that will guide you to the nearest store and hold your gift card balances. At the register, they just scan your phone and you’re done.
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Wednesday, May 03, 2017
How Online Retailers Are Killing True Free-Market Pricing / Personal_Finance / Retail Sector
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK WATSON : American stores are dropping like flies. More than 8,600 retail locations could close their doors in 2017, according to a recent Credit Suisse report.
On the other hand, people are still shopping, just in different ways. And the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to “online malls” has many consequences we don’t even understand yet.
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Friday, April 28, 2017
How Morrisons Sells 120ml of Frozen Water for £1 / ConsumerWatch / Retail Sector
Find out how Morrisons is able to pull of a miracle, one of being able to sell about 120ml of frozen water to their customers for £1! The super market giants are always playing a game of trying to get one up on their customers. You all probably know about 'shrinkflation', the ever shrinking contents whilst the prices stay the same or even rise. Then there is the dropping the number of items in multi packs, any devious trick in the book is being pulled to get one over their customers, a couple of months ago it was the BBC revealing Tesco's fake shelf prices that fail to convert at the checkouts.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Walmart Stock Extending Higher - Elliott Wave Trend Forecast / Companies / Retail Sector
By: ElliottWave-Forecast
Walmart (NYSE: WMT) is the world’s largest company by revenue as well as the largest private employer in the world with 2.3 million employees. It’s an American multinational retailing corporation that operates as a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. Despite being the biggest physical retailer in the world, Wal-Mart is still trailing back in e-commerce business as there is increased competition from online retailers in particular Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) which continues to gain market share as the world is merging to online shopping.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Morrisons Frozen Fish 1/3rd Frozen Water? / ConsumerWatch / Retail Sector
The super market giants are playing their customers for fools, from Shrinkflation to dropping the number of items in multi packs, any devious trick in the book is being pulled to get one over their customers, a couple of months ago it was the BBC revealing Tesco's fake shelf prices that fail to convert at the checkouts. Whilst in this video test reveals that Morrisons frozen fish are actually 1/3rd frozen water! Which makes a mockery of the price labels when comparing store brands with the better quality brands such as Birds eye.
Friday, April 07, 2017
Don’t Short Retail Stocks - the Trade Is Already Half Over / Companies / Retail Sector
By: John_Mauldin
BY JARED DILLIAN : A lot of electrons have been spilled in the last couple of weeks about the demise of retail. Particularly malls and mall retailers. Nobody goes to the store anymore. They all have Amazon Prime.
If you are an amateur trader (or even an experienced trader), you might think that this is a good time to short retailers.
Take it from an even more experienced trader: By the time you hear about the trade, it's at least half over, and maybe more.
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Monday, March 13, 2017
Inflation Tsunami - Supermarkets, Retail Sector Crisis 2017, EU Suicide and Burning Stocks / News_Letter / Retail Sector
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle Newsletter5th March, 2017 Issue # 5 Vol. 11
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Sunday, March 12, 2017
Tesco Crisis - Stock Price 60% Collapse / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Tesco by far ranks as Britain's number 1 retailer in terms of sales of over £54 billion for the last accounting year, more than twice its nearest rival Sainsbury. The Tesco stock price says it all of just how badly run Britain's super market giant has been for many years, which goes beyond the usual dynamics of a badly run businesses that over expanded during the good years. For you know when a companies in deep trouble when the Serious Fraud Office has been investigating it for several years. And whilst the fraud is estimated at £326 million, however when it's all done and dusted the verdict could be accompanies by an even bigger shock to Tesco's finances, a mega-fine of upwards of £500 million that could be the final nail in Tesco's coffin.
Thursday, March 09, 2017
Global Inflation Tsunami - Supermarkets, Retail Sector Crisis 2017 / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In June 2016 the people of Britain voted against the interests of the establishment political elite that have played pass the parcel amongst themselves at each general election for at least the past 40 years, who in treaty after treaty have been systematically selling the sovereignty of the British people to the emerging european union superstate primarily for personal gain.
Whilst the formal process for Britain leaving the European Union remains pending triggering of Article 50. However there was one significant immediate reaction to the Brexit vote which was sterling's sharp 20% drop and which currently stands about 18% below its pre-brexit trading level.
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