Category: AMD
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, June 11, 2023
Will AMD Stock Price FOMO to $150? / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Not in the same league as Nvidia in terms of being in a blow off top. but for one stock that I had heavily bought I have taken this FOMO rally to SELL HARD down to 97% invested as all of the limits I had placed right up to $125 have been executed. Yes, AMD could go a lot higher during this FOMO run maybe as high as $150, we will only know with the benefit of hindsight.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2023
AMD Q4 Earnings - Buy the Rumour Sell the News / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD - $76.5, EGF -29%%, EGF12M -8%. PE 20.3
AMD continues to crush Intel in terms of gaining market share by means of utilising TSMC technology against which a stagnating Intel could not compete that had propelled the stock to an eye watering high of $160 only to result in an even more spectacular collapse to $55! In fact when the stock was trading at it's low I posted - "The bottom line is buying AMD today at $55 is akin to buying AMD at it's cheapest valuation EVER! Which is why I am 154% invested!" Today I am still invested to the rafters in AMD at 150%. The stock price has recovered to $76, that is a near 50% advance off it's low that could run to heavy resistance at $100. However EGF's are strongly negative. which means AMD is going to find it tough going at over $80, every dollar gained will be a battle until earnings start to grow once more, so my strategy is to trim north of $80 with a view to accumulating below $70. So for AMD earnings are definitely looking like BUY the rumour and SELL the news.
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Monday, April 04, 2022
AMD - The Chip Master / / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD is another stock that is firing on all cylinders paving the way to launch the next generation of Ryzen processors whilst still capitalising on 2021's Ryzen 5000 series with 3D variants putting added pressure on Intel which always seems to be one step behind AMD. There's nothing quite as sweet as buying back a stock near $100 that one had sold a month earlier north of $150, makes all the time and effort put in worth while. In terms of position I am at about about the half way mark with current exposure at 54% invested of target (2.7% of portfolio) so I will be buying more AMD.
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Saturday, December 18, 2021
AMD Stock $136 on Route to Eventually Hit $200 / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Positive response to its earnings report but it is over priced on a PE of 56.7, and an EC of 16. The big problem with AMD is they are a serial share printer i.e. existing investors are being diluted by 5-10% per annum. Hence why whilst I want to buy more AMD, I don't want to pay anywhere near 57X earnings for a corp that prints shares! However, in light of their earnings report I am raising the buying level from $92 to $101.8, which is where I will aim to buy more AMD stock for the long-run.
Whilst I caution all those considering selling AMD, as I tend to get asked in the comments from time to time as this stock could easily trade to over $200 as I stated my expectations of several months ago.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Lisa Su's AMD Stock Price Rockets to the Moon! $200 Target, How to Buy for Under $78 / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD stock price rockets to new highs, trading to over $13 a share, as the emerging chip giant posted favourable earnings continuing it's phoenix like rise form the ashes that continues to erode Intel's market share. So why is AMD doing so well? We'll it's all down to ONE PERSON, Lisa Su! She took a dieing corporation trading at penny stock levels and turned it around. Much as that clown who ran Intel ruined that corporation over the same time period that Lisa Su was building AMD into a chip giant.
So the big question market Investors need to ask now is, did they AMD when it was dirt cheap, and if not why not? AND where is AMD heading to next, all in my latest AI Tech Stocks video.
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