Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, November 03, 2021
Tesco Cheap Budget Fireworks 2021 for Bonfire Night - Buying Sky Fire box, Unboxing / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Eliza_Walayat
It's bonfire night soon so off we went to our local Tesco's super market to get some FIREWORKS! Tesco usually have some sort of offer on i.e. to get 2 boxes at a lower cost than single boxes. There wasn't much choice though we weren't expecting much from a small counter, anyway we bagged ourselves 2 boxes of Sky Fire for a total of £35 with each box containing 16 fireworks.
So watch the video to find out what you get in a Sky Fire box from Tesco, what they fountains, shot tubes, and rockets look like, we also bought some star sparklers for £1.50 for a pack of 3.
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Tuesday, November 02, 2021
How To Install AMD Zen3 AM4 Ryzen Processors - 5600x, 5900x, 5950x Motherboard Socket CPU's for Beginners / Personal_Finance / Computing
Building or upgrading your computer can be scary, but with some research and some guidance you can do it easily! In this guide I walk you through how install an AMD AM4 based processor, The Ryzen 5 1400 into the Gigabyte AORUS Elite AX V2 B550 ATX motherboard which supports the AM4 socket Ryzen and Athlon processors.
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Tuesday, November 02, 2021
TESCO Fireworks Bonfire Night Selection Boxes 2021 - Counter Service Opening and Closing Times / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Eliza_Walayat
It's bonfire night soon so off we went to our local Tesco's super market to get some FIREWORKS! Tesco usually have some sort of offer on to get 2 boxes at a lower cost than single boxes. We went early evening so should be able to grab some fireworks before all the stock runs out!
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Saturday, October 30, 2021
🎃 Making a Halloween Scary Hand Bonfire Fright Night 2021! 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Educating Children
By: Eliza_Walayat
��One more day till Halloween, Halloween. Here we are making a halloween scary hand bonfire after choping down a leylandi tree.
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Saturday, October 30, 2021
🎃 Tesco Halloween Shopping 2021 - Pumpkins, Masks and Costumes Best Buys! 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Eliza_Walayat
��One more day to Halloween, Halloween, here's what was on offer for Halloween season at Tesco's, in case your off to do your halloween shop tomorrow and as a guide for next year as many of the items were repeated from last year.
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Friday, October 29, 2021
How to Install Hard Drives into Your Desktop PC - Move Drives From Another Computer / Personal_Finance / Computing
In this video I show you how to install desktop SATA hard drives into WIndows PC . Installing a 2.5" or 3.5" hard drive or SSD isn't difficult as all it requires is a hard drive, a desktop computer with at least one empty 3.5" bay and possibly a screwdriver. I also show you how connect the drives to your system and what to expect when you boot up your system. So if you want to move your hard drives form one PC to another then watch this video and find out how to do it.
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Saturday, October 23, 2021
Easy PC Upgrades with Motherboard Combos - Overclockers UK Unboxing - MB, Memory and Ryzen 5600x CPU / Personal_Finance / Computing
A motherboard combo, the cost effective way to get your new built built with the added bonus being that the supplier will have pre checked that the parts actually work. Here we unpack a Motherboard combo from Overclockers UK, a 5600x, Aorus B550, 16gb of ram, find out exactly what you get in the box when buying an Motherboard combo.
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Saturday, October 16, 2021
Overclockers UK Custom Built PC 1 YEAR Use Review Verdict - Does it Still Work? / Personal_Finance / Computing
It's now Over 1 year since we bought a Custom Built PC from Overclockers UK for £1,000 for a student to hopefully study hard with, though with the specs to game in spare time. Anyway the desktops been used for a whole year now, does it still work? any issues, where the student who used it gives their 1 year real customer use verdict.
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Saturday, October 16, 2021
Altonville Mine Tours Maze at Alton Towers Scarefest 2021 / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Altonville Mine Tours, are you brave enough to venture into an abandoned mine? And face the crazy inbred hillibies can you find your way out!. Here' Anika takes us to the start of your scarefest nightmare maze!
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Thursday, October 14, 2021
Sub Species Castle Maze at Alton Towers Scarefest 2021 / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Prepared to be Scared! Very Sacred! Alton Towers Scarefest is BACK! Post pandemic frights for all you teens and adults and maybe a few brave kids too! Here Anika tours the Castle that houses the Sub Species maze.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2021
How to Get 6 Years Life Out of Your Overclocked PC System, Optimum GPU, CPU and MB Performance / Personal_Finance / Computing
How to maximise your desktop computers life without sacrificing performance, how to achieve that sweet spot of overclocking your processor without shortening it's life due to over heating, watch the video and you too can get a full 6 years use out of your system before the silicon starts to fail.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2021
4 Reasons Why NFTs Could Be The Future / Personal_Finance / cryptocurrency
By: Sumeet_Manhas
The NFT craze has taken the digital world by storm. People all around the globe are investing in these non-fungible tokens for different reasons. Some are trying to make a profit while others are creating a collection of digital art.
Some people believe the NFT craze won’t last, while others think we are at the stone age of something incredible. There are several reasons to be skeptical, and it's impossible to tell what the future has in store for these digital assets, but there are a few reasons why NFT’s future is looking bright. Before getting into why NFTs isn’t just another flash in the pan, let's take a quick look at what NFTs actually are.
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Saturday, October 09, 2021
Dancing with Ghouls and Ghosts at Alton Towers Scarefest 2021 / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Prepared to be Scared! Very Sacred! Alton Towers Scarefest is BACK! Post pandemic frights for all you teens and adults and maybe a few brave kids out there! Here Anika jumps straight into the deep end by dancing with the Ghouls and Ghosts of Alton Towers!
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Friday, October 08, 2021
Scan Computers - Custom Build PC 6 Months Later, Reliability, Issues, Quality of Tech Support Review / Personal_Finance / Computing
Here's what to expect when ordering a custom built PC from Scan Computers UK, where in this video in our series we evaluate how the system has performed over the past 6 months, how reliable is the build, what is the quality of tech support and what to look out for after suing our scan computers 5950x, RTX 3-80, 64gb £3300 monster for over 6 months.
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Friday, October 08, 2021
Alton Towers Scarefest is BACK! Post Pandemic Frights Begin, What it's Like to Enter Scarefest 2021 / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Prepared to be Scared! Very Sacred! Alton Towers Scarefest is BACK! Post pandemic frights for all you teens and adults and maybe a few brave children out there! Here is our first video in our series of what it's like to step foot into Alton Towers Scarefest 2021!
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Thursday, October 07, 2021
AJ Bell vs II Interactive Investor - Which Platform is Best for Buying US FAANG Stocks UK Investing / Personal_Finance / Investing 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AJ Bell vs Interactive Investor, which is best for buying US stocks from the UK. This video goes through the pro's and cons of buying FAANG stocks, that's Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Nvidia, and Google, (Netflix is NOT a proper Faang stock!) How much does it cost to buy Facebook shares, which platform is best to trade with in terms of order management and quotes execution. What's the best platform in terms of holding onto ones cash.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2021
Budgies Flying Ability 10 Weeks After wings Clipped, Flight Feathers Cut Grow Back / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
So you have just clipped your budgies wings or are contemplating clipping it's wings and are wondering how long will it take for the budgie to grow new flight feathers and start flying around the room again which I answer of what to expect 10 weeks after 2 budgies had their flight feathers clipped in our latest budgies / parakeets care video, where the Green budgie had a total of 10 flight feathers clipped whilst the Blue budgie had 8 clipped. So lets find out how many have grown back after 10 weeks and what their flying capabilities are.
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Tuesday, October 05, 2021
Fractal Design Meshify S2, Best PC Case Review, Build Quality, Airflow etc. / Personal_Finance / Computing
Fractal Design's new Meshify 2 case is not the same as the S2 Meshify! This $140-ish airflow-oriented Meshify 2 featured plenty of space for even the most massive of GPU's, good component arrangement options for 360 mm rads and plenty of hard drives location options, topped off with a tempered glass panel
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Sunday, October 03, 2021
Original Oculus VR HeadSet Rift Dev Kit v1 Before Facebook Bought Oculus / Personal_Finance / Virtual Reality
By: Anika_Walayat
Here's a blast from the past! The original Oculus VR HeadtRift Dev Kit v1 Before Facebook Bought Oculus in early 2014.
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Friday, October 01, 2021
🎃 Halloween 2021 TESCO Shopping Before the Next Big Panic Buying! 🎃 / Personal_Finance / Shopping
By: Anika_Walayat
��Halloween is just around the corner, so this year we were determined to shop early before the shelves empties of stock as happened last year by Mid October due to pandemic panic buying where this year its been panic buying of petrol, so off we went to the local Tesco supermarket to buy halloween stuff to put up during October. Unfortunately it looks like this year we were a little bit too early as the staff had only just putting stuff up the very day we shopped so not much to buy yet.
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