Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, June 01, 2020
AMD 3900XT, 3800XT, 3600XT Refresh Means Zen 3 4000 AMD CPU's Delayed for 5nm Until 2021? / Personal_Finance / Computing
AMD has leaked specs on 3 new desktop processors to be released as early as Mid June, which are refreshes for 3 Ryzen 3000 series cpus featuring higher clock speeds for the 3900x that becomes the 3900XT, 3800x becomes the 3800XT and so on for the 3600XT at the same price as existing processors, so the X variants will drop in price.
These chips are a bit of a surprise because everyone's been eagerly waiting for the fourth gen Zen 3 desktop processors to start appearing from August or September, which hopefully will also include a 4950x
So why release Zen 2 XT' refresh? We'll it appears to be to put the gaming CPU nail in Intel's 10th gen Comet late coffin. Intel's 10,900k and 10,700k processors that the XT will seek to displace from their gaming number 1 spots..
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
I Can't Pay My Payday Loans What Will Happen / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
5 Ways To Amp Up Your CFD Trading Today / Personal_Finance / Learn to Trade
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Saturday, May 23, 2020
3 Ways to Prepare Financially for Retirement / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
By: Justin_Weinger
Saturday, May 23, 2020
4 Essential Car Trade-In Tips To Get The Best Value / Personal_Finance / Motoring
By: Steve_Barker
If you want to get the best value on your car trade-in, you need to be ready to negotiate. Most likely you will be trading in your vehicle at a dealership in order to purchase a new car. Dealing with a dealership to trade-in your car can be far less time-consuming than selling your vehicle privately.
It is pretty convenient to trade-in your car to buy a new one. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as one may think. Dealerships are experts at flipping numbers in their favor in order to get the most money from your new car purchase.
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Saturday, May 23, 2020
Budgie Heaven at Bird Land / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
Think of a big budgie cage, now double it and then times it by 10! That's what we've goBudgie Heaven at Bird Landt here,. Budgie Heaven at Bird Land.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Do No Credit Check Loans Online Instant Approval Options Actually Exist? / Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans
By: Submissions
Thursday, May 21, 2020
AMD Zen 3 Ryzen 9 4950x Intel Destroying 24 core 48 thread Processor? / Personal_Finance / Technology
It's only a few more months to go for our wait for AMD's latest Intel destroying retail processors will be over! It's ZEN 3 4th Gen processors, the 4000 series that look set to do to Intel what the 3rd Gen did last year. Even now Intel's latest offerings, it's 10th Gen processors have NOT managed to catch AMD's 3rd Gen processors up, so AMD looks set to soon widen it's lead over Intel, and thus encourage many more users to make the leap from Intel to AMD. Even the more costly XE's with their 18 cores can't beat the 16 core 3950x so what hope did the 10 core i9 10900k have? Okay maybe for gaming just manages to edge the 3950x by a few percent given the hgiher boost clock speed of 5.3ghz but for productivity it comes nowhere near.
But enough of Intel, what can we expect to start upgrading to from September onwards when AMD is expected to announce the 4900x and then within a couple of months the 4950x, how many cores and what clock speeds?
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Monday, May 18, 2020
New AMD Ryzen 4900x and 4950x Zen3 4th Gen Processors Clock Speed and Cores Specs / Personal_Finance / Technology
It's only a few more months to go for our wait for AMD's latest Intel destroying retail processors will be over! It's ZEN 3 4th Gen processors, the 4000 series that look set to do to Intel what the 3rd Gen did last year. Even now Intel's latest offerings, it's 10th Gen processors have NOT managed to catch AMD's 3rd Gen processors up, so AMD looks set to soon widen it's lead over Intel, and thus encourage many more users to make the leap from Intel to AMD. Even the more costly XE's with their 18 cores can't beat the 16 core 3950x so what hope did the 10 core i9 10900k have? Okay maybe for gaming just manages to edge the 3950x by a few percent given the hgiher boost clock speed of 5.3ghz but for productivity it comes nowhere near.
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Monday, May 18, 2020
Learn How to Play the Violin, Kids Activities and Learning During Lockdown / Personal_Finance / Educating Children
By: Anika_Walayat
LOCKDOWN! What to do ? What about learning to play the violin. Here 6 year old Anika demonstrates what you can learn after just a few weeks of practice under lockdown.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020
Learn more about the UK Casino Self-exclusion / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Fruit Trees Gardening to Beat Coronavirus Blues - , Apple, Cherry, Kiwi, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Bananas May 2020 / Personal_Finance / Gardening
By: Eliza_Walayat
Covid-19 may be continuing to rage in the UK but that's not stopping the plants coming alive. In this video 5 year old Eliza shows what our fruit trees look like in May 2020, and we have a lot of fruit trees growing in a relatively small spaces that includes various varieties of apple trees, Cherry, Kiwi's, Pears, Plums, Grapes and we even have Banana Trees growing!
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Thursday, May 07, 2020
Buying a Samsung Galaxy S10+ Smartphone off Ebay for £362 - Bargain or Scammed? / Personal_Finance / Money Saving
Whilst most are dashing to buy Samsung's flagship phone the S20+ that costs £999. However, before you rush out and buy it, you could be missing out on a great bargain, a S10+ at LESS than half the price! The S10+ currently sells NEW for between £650 and £800. Which is not that much cheaper than an S20+, so no wonder many opt for the S20+. However, what most fail to consider is that they could get as good as new (not refurbished) phones off ebay, in pristine condition for LESS than £400!
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Wednesday, May 06, 2020
How to Find Trustworthy Will Writers in Birmingham / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
By: Submissions
It is not something that everyone would want to think about, but having a Will written can make life so much easier for your loved ones should anything happen to you. Young or old, it doesn’t matter, a Will is something that everyone should have. As we go through life, we gather assets, whether they be possessions, a car, a house or money, everyone will have something. By creating a Will, you are leaving clear instructions as to how your assets should be shared in the event of your death. Without a Will, it is left for your loved ones to decide upon the distribution of your assets and not only may they be distributed in a way that you would rather not have but it can cause endless arguments between family members when decisions have to be made and sometimes it can cause a permanent rift. With a Will, you can also appoint an Executor, a person that you would trust, to have the responsibility to share your assets according to your wishes. You can find out more about will writers Birmingham through the provided site.
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Friday, May 01, 2020
How to Buy a Bargain S10+ Samsung Smartphone Off Ebay for Under £400 / Personal_Finance / Shopping
Whilst most are dashing to buy Samsung's flagship phone the S20+ that costs £999. However, before you rush out and buy it, you could be missing out on a great bargain, a S10+ at LESS than half the price!
The S10+ currently sells NEW for between £650 and £800. Which is not that much cheaper than an S20+, so no wonder many opt for the S20+. However, what most fail to consider is that they can get as good as new (not refurbished) phones off ebay, in pristine condition for LESS than £400!
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Sunday, April 26, 2020
Buying a NEW Budgie, Parakeet From a Pet Shop - Jollyes UK / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: Anika_Walayat
What life was like before the lockdown - Anika and Eliza or back to the local Jollyes pet shop with a plan to buy a second budgie / parakeet. So that the green budgie we bought 10 days ago has a friend to play and live with it. Find out what budgie we buy will it be green or a different colour and how the budgies characters differ. As out green budgie is already very friendly after just 10 days of living with ut.
Though with the wide selection of pets on offer there was a tug of war underway, Hamsters, small mice, rabbits, fish and even rats on offer! Eliza wants a Rabbit whilst Anika wants a Mouse or Hamster. But the plan was to buy a Budgie! After all we have a budgie cage at home so can't suddenly switch to another animal. Find out what it's like to visit a pet shop like Jollyes pet food superstore to buy a pet Budgie and / or other animals for the first time. Not forgetting food and accessories.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Tips for Managing Your Personal Budget During Coronavirus / Personal_Finance / Financial Education
By: Submissions
Monday, April 20, 2020
Finger Pulse Oximeter, Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor Usage (Zacurate Amazon) / Personal_Finance / Health and Fitness
In this time of crisis when the healthcare systems are both overloaded and their facilities at higher risks of spreading contagion then this nifty little device that 'should' not cost too much though prices have been hyped ignorantly from the £20 or so they were selling fro towards £40, other than those that have just appeared on Amazon and thus likely or of dubious quality.
Nevertheless we did our research and bought one that's been on the market for several years with plenty of feedback so that we can help monitor oxygen levels at this present time of global crisis so as to know where we stand. Of course it's good to get some base line readings so as to ensure these oxygen sensors actually work as this video illustrates as we check out the Zacurate oximeter bought from Amazon for £36 (Zacurate® Pro Series CMS 500DL Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with Silicone Cover, Batteries and Lanyard Mystic).
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Monday, April 20, 2020
How to Create a Foolproof Retirement Plan / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
By: Submissions
One of the main rules to remember when drafting a retirement plan is to make sure not to run out of money. The second essential rule is never to ignore the first rule.
Very few people want to take significant risks when making investments for their retirement plans. Retirees want to stick to zero risk investments such as treasury bonds to avoid any unforeseen losses. However, these “safe investments” do not offer a substantial payback when it comes time to withdraw, and often the savings dry out way before time even if the retiree is making moderate withdrawals over their lifetime. To avoid these situations, it is essential to keep an investment portfolio diverse, keeping the need for safety of the investment and capital preservation both in mind. It is also crucial to consider factors such as economic growth and hedge inflation when designing a portfolio. This will keep the retiree safe from drying out their savings earlier than expected.
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Saturday, April 18, 2020
VITAMIN D3 Could Save Your Life! Protect From COVID-19 Infections / Personal_Finance / Health and Fitness
By: N_Walayat
Vitamin D could save your life! Latest medical studies confirm that Vitamin D3 protects from repertory infections bacterial or viral such as influenza and Covid-19!
Which means Vitamin D could :
a. Stop you from becoming infected.
b. If infected have a far milder illness
c. And if you are unlucky to have severe illness, then Vitamin D supplementation now could make the difference between recovering or dying!
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