VOTE NOW - Rate Your NHS GP Doctor Surgery Service
Politics / NHS Aug 25, 2007 - 01:32 AM GMTBy: N_Walayat
Every other week, results of independent studies reveal that Britain's NHS right from the GP surgeries straight to hospital wards delivers extremely poor value for money.
This week we had the results of the study which showed that cancer diagnoses and treatment in the UK lags far behind most european countries even countries which barely spend a third of what the UK spends on the NHS have better diagnoses and treatment results.
On Friday several studies by the University of London revealed that Stroke Victims in Britain fared the worst in Europe. This despite Britain spending more than other European Countries.
Virtually every healthcare statistic from the epidemic in hospital so called super bugs such as MRSA onwards, we are at or near the bottom of the European league, this despite a tripling in the expenditure on the NHS under New Labour to £110 billion ($220 billions). Which implies that the money is to all intents and purposes being wasted in a multitude of ways, and the politicians are unwilling to confront the million strong that benefit from the NHS gravy train.
Instead of addressing the problems, the invariable response from the GP's and hospital representatives is to either ignore the results or blame someone other than themselves, i.e. in a response to the recent poor cancer treatment results, the GP's interviewed by the TV stations had the cheek to blame the patients. Whereas countless patient experiences is that of indifference amongst GP's that are unwilling to perform proper timely diagnoses, which is despite or because of the tripling in salaries under new Labour. These ineffective diagnoses are compounded by delays by hospitals in performing competent / effective treatment which results in the inevitable poor cancer treatment statistics.
Each of these late diagnoses and delayed treatments results in a family tragedy of a death or disablement that was avoidable.
Therefore the purpose of this Poll is to try and gauge the level of problem UK patients experience or otherwise with with regards UK NHS GP Surgery Services.
Rate your NHS GP Surgery
- Good
- Competent
- Disappointing
- Incompetent
Click here to vote (registration not necessary)
Click here for results to date.
The results of the Poll will be published in two weeks time.
Feel free to leave comments on your experience of NHS GP Services.
By Nadeem Walayat
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