Category: Derivatives
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Why Derivatives Are So Dangerous to the Financial System - Video / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Mario_Innecco
I'd like to talk about derivatives this evening
there's a lot of talk about derivatives and a lot of people have questions about
the rivers so here we go basically you know derivative is a financial instrument almost like an
insurance on an underlying acid and the modern-day derivatives market really
sprung up in nineteenth-century us in the Midwest especially chicago where you
know people came myou know to sell the grains the cattle and the buyers also came to buy the
grains in the cattle and for example a farmer who grew corn he wanted to lock in a price
you know in the future because he thought the price of corn Michael down
and he needed to know how much money he was going to get he would you know sell
a future in corn and the the buyer of the corn
Saturday, July 25, 2015
$1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Time Bomb / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch could make 2008-09 look mild by comparison. Bank of International Settlements(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in global derivatives.
Along with credit default swaps and other exotic instruments, the total notional derivatives value is about $1.5 quadrillion - about 20% more than in 2008, beyond what anyone can conceive, let alone control if unexpected turmoil strikes.
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Thursday, February 05, 2015
4 Rules of CFD Trading You Need to Follow / InvestorEducation / Derivatives
By: Submissions
Kumarpal Shah writes: .CFD trading is another form of making money online. It’s another type of investment to make, but there are skills and techniques that you need to develop. With all that in mind, there are certain rules that you really need to start following. These will help you make better financial decisions, so you make the most money in your trading.
Here are four CFD trading rules that you really need to follow right now.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Derivatives and Mass Financial Destruction / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Alasdair_Macleod
Globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs in the language of the Financial Stability Board) are to be bailed-in if they fail, moving the cost from governments to the depositors, bondholders and shareholders. There are exceptions to this rule, principally, small depositors who are protected by government schemes, and also derivatives, so the bail-in is partial and bail-out in these respects still applies.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014
Derivatives Market Species Origins - Abuse, Props and Risks / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The topic of financial derivatives is a huge can of worms. The subject has arisen in the financial press much more in the last few years since the global financial crisis turned critical and became a clear case of grand struggle to prevent a veritable collapse. In a loose sense, the derivatives are the scotch tape, bailing wire, band-aids, and chewing gum holding the system together, the glue and adhesive, with rose colored glasses used with a large amount of deception. Another analogy preferred for usage by the Jackass is the floating fabricated foundation laden with vaporous illicit toxic fabric, the phony platform on which insolvent structures lie. That the big banks do not serve well as credit engines or investment crucibles is no surprise. They are insolvent, and their derivative foundation is fractured. It is very difficult to explain how the derivatives serve as foundation. Imagine a spinning wheel, spinning very fast, except that the flat disk has almost zero mass. It spins so fast that it appears to serve as a platform which can support weight. Its floor is mentioned more than seen. It is fake, an illusion.
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Russian Roulette – Derivative Style / Commodities / Derivatives
By: DeviantInvestor
Russian Roulette: Put one bullet in the cylinder of a revolver, spin the cylinder, point the gun at YOUR head, and pull the trigger. Most revolvers have 6 chambers, so your odds of surviving are 5 in 6, IF you quit after pulling the trigger once.
Press your luck, spin the cylinder, point the gun, and pull the trigger again. It might be okay. Try for a third time?
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The $12 Trillion Derivatives Ticking Time Bomb / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Graham_Summers
Time and again, we’ve been told that the Great Crisis of 2008 has ended and that we’re in a recovery.
Indeed, earlier this year, we were even told by Fed Chair Janet Yellen that the Fed may in fact raise interest rates as early as next year.
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Thursday, January 16, 2014
Parasitic Derivatives - One Quadrillion Dollars: Too Big to Understand / Politics / Derivatives
By: David_Hague
I recently returned from two weeks of ‘high level’ meetings with a group of Bankers [this is code for two weeks of subsidized debauchery with bankers] in Rome. As I sat at my desk, I was hoping to motivate myself to pursue a more chaste and pure existence. Unfortunately the Polar Vortex experienced by North America drained me of my good intentions. The bone chilling cold once again had me reaching for my trusty bottle of Jack Daniels for warmth and inspiration. My time in Rome had not been completely ‘wasted’, so to speak. I had secured a contract from the European Central Bank [ECB] to research the topic of Derivatives. I was to present my findings at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos later this month.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
U.S. Outstanding Credit Vs GDP / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: John_Mauldin
By Grant Williams
On January 29, 1845, the New York Evening Mirror published a poem that would go on to be one of the most celebrated narrative poems ever penned.
It depicted a tragic romantic's desperate descent into madness over the loss of his love; and it made its author, Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most feted poets of his time.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013
How the Masters of the Financial Universe Use Derivatives for Fun and Profit / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Jon Stewart just did a very funny piece on “The Daily Show” about a new derivatives dust-up that Bloomberg news broke.
Earlier this year, a big Wall Street firm bought a credit default swap on debt that a private company owed to a third party. So the firm was set up to make money if that company missed any payments. Then the firm offered the company a multi-million-dollar loan… with the condition that they would miss a payment on the other loan. They did. And the Wall Street firm walked away with a $15 million insurance payment.
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Thursday, September 19, 2013
Financial Armageddon Looting Machine: Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Ellen_Brown
Five years after the financial collapse precipitated by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, the risk of another full-blown financial panic is still looming large, despite the Dodd Frank legislation designed to contain it. As noted in a recent Reuters article, the risk has just moved into the shadows:
Read full article... Read full article...[B]anks are pulling back their balance sheets from the fringes of the credit markets, with more and more risk being driven to unregulated lenders that comprise the $60 trillion “shadow-banking” sector.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Derivatives, The Gift That Keeps On Taking / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Raul_I_Meijer
If there's one lesson to be drawn from the Federal Reserve's non-taper decision yesterday, September 18, it's that the Fed will continue to ignore the interests of the real economy, even if that's what's supposed to be its task and mandate. The Federal Reserve is part of the financial system, and as such it represents the interests of that system, not the people in the street. It will do whatever benefits the former, and whichever choices it makes will always drain ever more resources away from the latter.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Derivative Meltdown and U.S. Dollar Collapse / Stock-Markets / Derivatives

"The elegance of derivatives is that the rules that defy nature are not involved in intangible swaps. The basic value in the payment from the risk is always dumped on the back of the taxpayer. Ponzi schemes are legal when government croupiers spin loaded balls on their fudged roulette tables."
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Financial Fukushima: US Big Bank Derivative Bets Double in Six Years To $236 Trillion / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Jesse
Well, the derivatives market is like Fukushima Daiichi before it failed and melted down, when the utility company and the Japanese government were blithely assuring themselves and everyone else that nothing could go wrong. Just as Greenspan and other very important people said nothing could go wrong with the US housing market and the wholesale collateralization of debt. Nothing to see here, move along.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Market 20 Times Total Global Economy GDP / Economics / Derivatives
By: John_Rolls
John Rolls Submits: The Derivatives market was only 500 trillion in 2008 when it almost blew up in all our faces. Now it is 3 times that size, what a monster balloon! when it blows no one survives that has money in the banks or in the mattress. You better start investing in silver and gold which is real money not fiat. Financial hell is coming if you put your faith in the banks! .Yes it’s about capitalism but notice he also uses the politically incorrect word MORAL, no system of any type is worth using without basic ethical and moral principles as the basis of it. Needless to say, GREED runs this system and has for quite a while and unless and until honor and virtue replace it…the system will continue to increase unpayable debt and bring the economic system to a tragic and very messy ruin.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Understanding JPM's Blunder That Cost It $2bn & Counting / Companies / Derivatives
By: Submissions
Simit Patel writes:
I feel it is imperative for all market participants to have a general understanding of how JPM's hedge blew up, something that some espouse as a black swan (think LTCM in 1998 & probably the exposing of MFGlobal's corzining of investor capital to cover losses on sour speculative bets). The MSM has been quick to cover this story on JPM's alleged felony with regards to its risk management and how a "hedge turned speculative". Whilst there are bits of true facts and opinions presented, a good chunk of it is quite literally bosom-dung. Zerohedge has put up a meticulously detailed analytical piece on how things went wrong and puts the CIO (chief investment office) decision making tree in soft focus - A must read for folks who want the fresh juice of the entire edifice on a grand scale. I'm merely going to share my analysis which contains alot of the stuff in Zerohedge's piece but also delve deeper into where more explanation is warranted. This isn't child's content, it is deep stuff (think quantitative finance) so take some time to really understand every sentence in this post and in Zerohedge's piece.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Wall Street Numbers Game Played at High Speed by Powerful Computers Trading Complex Derivatives / Politics / Derivatives
By: Douglas_French
There's plenty of blame for the financial crisis being spread around. Those on the left say Wall Street wasn't regulated enough, while those on the right claim government mandates required lenders to make bad loans. The argument is made that the Federal Reserve was too loose, while the other side says Bernanke wasn't loose enough. Some blame greed. Others blame Wall Street's investment products. And then there's mathematics.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Currency Wars: Are American Derivatives Dealers Leaving Europe? / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Jesse
Or possibly being invited to leave?
It is probably nothing, but I could not help but notice that Mr. Greg Smith, who has famously resigned from Goldman Sachs and company, was "an executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa."
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Friday, January 13, 2012
U.S. Dollar Centric Derivatives Complex Progenitor of Parasitic Ponzi Price-Fixing / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Rob_Kirby
The term “derivative” has become a dirty, if not evil word. So much of what ails our global financial system has been laid-at-the-feet of this misunderstood, mischaracterized term – derivatives. The purpose of this paper is to outline the origin, growth and ultimately the corruption of the derivatives market – and explain how something originally designed to provide economic utility has morphed into a tool of abusive, manipulative economic tyranny.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
$600 Trillion Derivatives Time Bomb That's Set to Explode / Stock-Markets / Derivatives
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
Do you want to know the real reason banks aren't lending and the PIIGS have control of the barnyard in Europe?
It's because risk in the $600 trillion derivatives market isn't evening out. To the contrary, it's growing increasingly concentrated among a select few banks, especially here in the United States.
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