Category: New World Order
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, May 22, 2023
One Possible Outcome to a New World Order / Politics / New World Order
By: Raymond_Matison
Our recent domestic financial fixed income markets have been bludgeoned by Federal Reserve’s raising interest rates, supposedly in order to reign in accelerated inflation – which can be argued to be the result of the FED’s own preceding policies of currency expansion induced by increasing government debt. Our equities and fixed income markets are highly volatile as perceptions tilt between inflation induced melt-up and increased interest rate and choked-off credit extension induced melt-down.
In the meantime, higher interest rates have reduced the market value of government and other bonds, thereby deflating commercial bank reserve assets, causing alarming bank runs and failures with profound reductions in the market value of most bank stocks. In addition, our banking system and domestic economy is further threatened by the increasing cost of interest rates in servicing our gargantuan national debt, a commercial property mortgage loan fiasco, and residential mortgage loan defaults. These dangerous conditions are not ours alone, but are global because our dollar has been and still is the majority currency of global trade and finance. To the extent that many international banks hold a large proportion of their banking reserves in dollars, a big reduction in the value of our dollar will force a change in acceptable reserves and guarantee the destruction of the global banking system. As a result, the global trade and economy, and financial system is at risk to markedly decline, even collapse, and then to evolve to a more decentralized multiple currency system that may include blockchains and various virtual currencies.
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff in their classic book “This Time is Different” published in 2009, analyzed financial crisis of governments over eight centuries. They observed that “problematic political systems make external borrowing a tempting device for governments to employ to avoid hard decisions about spending and taxing.” They conclude (page 21) that “The duress typically involves a vicious cycle of loss in market confidence, spiraling interest rates on external government debt, and political resistance to repaying foreign creditors. Ultimately, default often occurs at levels of debt well below the 60 percent ratio of debt to GDP enshrined in Europe’s Maastricht treaty, a clause intended to protect the euro system from government defaults.” European Union’s debt to GDP now exceeds 90%, while that of the United States is at 120% - how do both comport in confidence and stability in our global financial and monetary system relative to the Reinhart and Rogoff eight centuries of guidelines? How should Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s rate U.S. and Euro debt for investment quality? Do you see how financial markets could crash, dollar’s value collapse, and a global crisis ensue?
Thursday, September 15, 2022
New Wolrd Order and CRISIS / Politics / New World Order
By: Raymond_Matison
It was back in 2006 that the foreign ministries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China first met to consider improved economic ties. Their dissatisfaction with the inability to gain increased representation at the IMF, reflecting their increasing economic contribution to the world economy, their concern - even at that time - for a stable new reserve currency, and inability to otherwise reform the IMF, led them to form what became known as the BRIC organization. With the invitation to South America to join their alliance, they became known as the BRICS nations.
In 2015, this author posted an article entitled BRICS? No, CRISIS
http://www/ which reflected on the likelihood that many other nations within South America, given an opportunity to join an alternative alliance, would revolt from their northern neighbor-controlled environment and join BRICS. Also, at the same time Iran’s news agency had announced that the country would seek to become a participant in the BRICS New Development Bank. This event, and some forward projection inspired the renaming of this alliance to CRISIS, by reordering the nations in this alliance by size and import as China, Russia, South America, Iran, and South Africa, thus creating a new acronym, CRISIS. The article cited above is still timely today, and describes the goals and hopes of a far larger global alliance, which escapes the dollar hegemony and its consequences for countries other than the old colonial powers of England, America, and Europe.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
The NEXT BIG EMPIRE WILL BE..... CANZUK / Politics / New World Order
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In my last analysis I laid out why Ray Dalio was wrong about the rise of China, that according to his thesis was set to displace the US and herald in a New Chinese World Order, where I even went so far as to make the following video to delve deeper into why Ray Dalio was wrong and hinted at where the new empire could emerge from.
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Monday, July 16, 2018
Trump Fee-Fi-Foe-Fum Declares European Union America's Enemy! / Politics / New World Order
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Trump ended his whirlwind or rather hurricane tour of Europe and the UK that included a NATO summit where he lambasted the likes of Germany for free riding on the backs of American defence spending for decades, and a four day tour of the UK where he met British Prime Minister Theresa May where during a joint press conference Trump declared that Boris Johnson would make a great Prime Minister. And that Theresa May had ignored his advice on how to deal with the European Union in respect of Brexit which Theresa May later jokingly revealed on the Andrew Marr show was to forget about negotiating with the EU but instead to SUE the EU.
Monday, September 05, 2016
G20 Meets in China To Fight Anti-Globalism And Usher In New World Order / Politics / New World Order
By: Jeff_Berwick
Members of the G20 countries are meeting in China this week with an expressed goal of “fighting anti-globalism sentiments”.
You see, the global elites are rewriting the rules of the economy to help usher in a new world order that, as Zbigniew Brzezinski says, will now include Russia and China.
This new globalist order is something for which they have no remorse because of their disloyalty to any one nation – or even to humanity as a whole. What’s more is they’ve shown their willingness to trash the dollar to attain that end.
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Friday, September 02, 2016
Brzezinski’s Ruse: American Empire is Dead, China and Russia Take Over / Politics / New World Order
By: Jeff_Berwick
Zbigniew Brzezinski has written an article in The American Interest titled “Towards a Global Realignment” that has received a tremendous amount of attention on the internet, along with much gloating.
Brzezinski is an architect of the world’s current military and economic disasters and as such he has plenty of enemies. With this article, they see him recanting his previous arrogance and vision of a worldwide US hegemony.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Philosophy of the New World Order / Politics / New World Order
The phrase, New World Order, just does not seem comprehensive enough to explain the circumstances that mankind is living under. The German expression, "weltanschauung" referred to as a philosophical view or apprehension of the universe is often used to ponder the human condition. Individual beliefs and understanding of the very nature of mankind was once seen in the convention of the Greek school of thought reflected in the teaching of Plato and Aristotle. Western Civilization essentially is based upon these principles and the cosmology of our heritage is involved and inseparable with an understanding of our spiritual dimension.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Avoiding a War in Space / Politics / New World Order
Space is becoming more congested, contested and competitive. Since the Soviet Union put the first satellite, Sputnik I, into space in 1957, no nation has deliberately destroyed another's satellite in orbit. But there is a growing possibility that battles may soon be waged in space.
Although the militarization of space started long ago, a number of technological developments and tests over the past decade show that the race toward its weaponization is accelerating. Driven by Washington's dominance of and strategic dependence on space, U.S. rivals are working to develop and deploy anti-satellite weapons (widely known as ASATs). The technology, which began to be developed during the Cold War, has become an area of intense competition for the world's most capable militaries over the past decade.
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Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Globalist Lockdown is here to Stay / Politics / New World Order
The theater that has become the international political scene is entering its last act. As the actors play out their specific roles and read from the script that was written for them by the mega elites, the general audience in the crowd do not know to clap or hiss the production. All the absurd instances that rip apart the last vestige of civilized culture are ready for the final imposition of the Illuminati system for total control. The few brave souls that remain in the struggle for combating the evil forces of globalism are the prime target for elimination.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Defending National Sovereignty from the NWO / Politics / New World Order
In a world that is virtually unrecognizable from the universal principles that underpinned Western Civilization, the fundamental concept of national sovereignty is being attacked as a relic of a former age. The New World Order is designed to eliminate the self-government of sovereign nations. While individuals live under the domain of established states, the fact that specific regimes operate within and often under the auspices of international hegemony that routinely violates the independence of specific countries is undeniable. The “world community” is not a voluntary association of collaborating governments; it is a euphemism of a top down despotic authoritarian system for global control and punishment for uncooperative governments.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Greece, Diversion, and the New World Order / Politics / New World Order
By: Submissions

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Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Global Trade War US/EU against BRICS / Politics / New World Order
Do not be confused. Globalists whether Wall Street capitalists, corporatists, collectivist authoritarians or devoted internationalists, all share a common mindset – a worldwide financial system must control commerce and dictate economic activity. Under this formula, trade has little to do with free market transactions. Monopolies are the rule and real competition is fatal. So when the financial press emphasizes the difference between the IMF – World Bank faction and the newly aligned BRICS association, the conclusion usually misses and ignores that all the players are part of a globalist cabal committed to a New World Order.
Friday, March 20, 2015
The New Order Emerges / Stock-Markets / New World Order
By: Alasdair_Macleod
China and Russia have taken the lead in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), seen as a rival organisation to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, which are dominated by the United States with Europe and Japan. These banks do business at the behest of the old Bretton Woods[1] order. The AIIB will dance to China and Russia's tune instead.
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Tuesday, September 02, 2014
NWO Enforcer: NATO Threatens WW III / Politics / New World Order

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
New World Order Forbidden History the Ultimate Taboo / Politics / New World Order
People are dumb because they do not know and refuse to learn the real history behind world events. Educational institutions do not function as seekers of truth, but as gatekeepers for narratives that defy common sense and defame historical facts. Society fosters the ultimate taboo against chronicles that differ with the established story of distortions and misdirection. Anyone who dares waver from accepted limits and suppositions immediately is a quack or an extremist. The dreaded label of being a conspiracy theorist, used to smear and marginalize researchers and pundits, is the height of anti-intellectualism and character assassination.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Old World Order New World Order, Chaos And Change / Politics / New World Order
By: Andrew_McKillop
Geopolitical Harbingers
Certainly by the closing decades of the 19th century, geopolitical theory was splitting into two camps, that we can call the global seaborne Hegemon theory of US admiral Albert Thayer Mahan, and the pan-Asian landward Hegemon theory of British academic and director of the London School of Economics, Sir Halford Mackinder. In both cases however, whether the coming single global superpower attained that status by sea wars or land wars, military and political-economic conflict was certain as the power blocs collided and the seats of global power shifted. In both cases, either or both land areas and seas or oceans – pivot or shatterbelt zones, and blue water seas and oceans - would remain disputed.
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Thursday, April 03, 2014
Indiana Jones And The Real New World Order / Politics / New World Order
By: Andrew_McKillop
From G7 to G20 and Back Again
Although attempts are made, from time to time, to define “the New World Order” these attempts are almost exclusively made by leaders of the G7 group of “mature postcolonial democracies”, which only these past few days shrunk back from G8 including Russia, to G7 excluding Russia. The much larger and more representative world grouping of the G20, which was formalized only in 2008 at the Washington Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy, has already moved to head off any exclusion of Russia from the next G20 summit, to be held in Brisbane in November.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
We’re Ruled by Zombies, Desperate to Start a New War / Politics / New World Order
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
What is the real agenda?
Why is the Obama Regime so desperate to commit a war crime despite the warnings delivered to the White House Fool two days ago by the most important countries in the world at the G20 Summit?
What powerful interest is pushing the White House Fool to act outside of law, outside the will of the American people, outside the warnings of the world community?
Monday, September 09, 2013
Washington at the Centre of The Axis of Evil / Politics / New World Order
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
“The European race’s last three hundred years of evolutionary progress have all come down to nothing but four words: selfishness, slaughter, shamelessness and corruption.” Yan Fu [image below]
It only took the rest of the world 300 years to catch on to the evil that masquerades as “western civilization,” or perhaps it only took the rise of new powers with the confidence to state the obvious. Anyone doubtful of America’s responsibility for the evil needs to read The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Syria and the U.S., UK and Israel Grand Plan / Politics / New World Order
By: Clive_Maund
To the casual observer, which includes most of humanity, what is going on the Mid-East and North Africa, specifically Egypt and Syria at this time, seems random and chaotic, but in reality this is not the case at all - events are unfolding according to a Grand Plan.