Category: Global Pandemic
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, January 14, 2010
H1N1, the False Pandemic, Pharma Companies Made Billions From Mass Hysteria / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Pravda
Wolfgang Wodarg, Head of Health at the Council of Europe, considers that the A H1N1 scare was a “campaign of panic”, a “false pandemic”, “one of the great medicine scandals of the century” and claims that the vaccines, based on cancerous cells, spell the chilling message “there is worse to come”.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
World Health Organisation ‘Mr Swine Flu’ Under Investigation for Gross Conflict of Interest / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic hysteria. Not only is Osterhaus the connecting person in an international network that has been described as the Pharma Mafia, he is THE key advisor to WHO on influenza and is intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Is TamiFlu a Scam? / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The NHS has spent more than £500 million on TamiFlu on the premise that it will prevent the transmission of flu and hospitalisation of Swine Flu patients. To help disburse millions of dosages costing £70 each, the NHS introduced a National Flu helpline during mid 2009 and an online service which has allowed millions of patients to obtain Tami-flu prescription authorisation after just a few mouse clicks.
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
Are Ukraine Black Death Cases Result of IMF Loans? / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical examiners describe results of autopsies on dead patients in chilling terms that recall the Black Death descriptions from the Fourteenth Century in Venice. While everyone is calling it “Swine Flu” and the WHO using it to spread their panic and untested vaccines, there is strong evidence that the deaths—almost all from pulmonary conditions—are from a rising incidence of Tuberculosis (TB). Now a Cambridge University study shows that there is a close correlation between rise in TB and the severe austerity measures that go with IMF loans. Are the Ukraine ‘Black Death’ cases the result of Ukraine’s IMF loans?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ukraine WHO and the Geopolitics of Swine Flu Panic / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
Latest reports of what is being called a deadly Swine Flu outbreak in Ukraine according to on sight reports appear to be a political concoction by a threatened government to avoid election defeat and possibly declare martial law. The details indicate how convenient the current WHO “Swine Flu” H1N1 “pandemic” scare is for regimes in trouble.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Fear-Mongering Pandemic! / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Gary_D_Barnett
All the talk of pandemics that can only be solved by government intervention has me in a rage. I am literally sick of the fear-mongering rhetoric spewed by everyone from government officials to the mainstream media, advocacy groups, pharmaceutical companies, and the World Health Organization about false threats. The real threat to us all lies in our acceptance of fear, and in our acceptance of a false prophet as savior. What is at stake here is not a threat from disease or other disasters, but a threat to what’s left of our precious liberty due to the government’s fear-mongering about false "pandemics."
Monday, September 28, 2009
World Health Organisation Admits No Deadly Mutation of H1N1 Swine Flu / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
The World Health Organization, the UN agency (ir-) responsible for declaring a Phase 6 “PANDEMIC” global alert over what it calls H1N1 Influenza A or Swine Flu, whose chief Dr Margaret Chan has repeatedly warned that while Swine Flu to date had been rather mild, that the emergency declaration was necessary because it “could mutate” aggressively into a deadly pandemic killing millions, now admits well into the flu season in the Northern Hemisphere that H1N1 has apparently not mutated.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
British Mainstream Media Disinformation on H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Government Mass Graves Plans / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Global_Research
Michel Chossudovsky writes: An official UK government report --quoted extensively in Britain's tabloid media-- is warning the British public that there will be countless deaths in the case of a swine flu pandemic. According to the WHO, a Worlwide public health emergency situation will take place in the Fall.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Great Government Swine Flu Conspiracy / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Walter_Brasch
More than 230,000 cases of the Swine Flu have been confirmed world wide. About 2,100 persons have died. As much as one-fourth of America's workforce may be infected by Swine Flu when it peaks in Winter, according to studies conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Friday, July 24, 2009
National Flu Helpline, a £70 per Person TamiFlu General Election Bribe? / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The National Flu helpline has now been online for more than 24 hours, and traffic levels suggest more than half of the british population has visited the site during this time, many of whom have gone on to obtain the requisite straight forward ant-viral authorisation within a few mouse clicks.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
UK Swine Flu Pandemic NHS Online Service to Bypass Inept GP Surgeries / Local / Global Pandemic
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British government will tomorrow implement new measures to ensure that those that need the anti-viral's such as Tami-flu are more likely to receive treatment than would have otherwise transpired under the existing procedures of contacting ones local GP surgeries. In total so far 29 people have died from swine flu, though many had underlying health issues. The mainstream press recently ran with scare mongering headlines of as many as 65,000 deaths which is set against a normal seasonal flu toll of between 6000-10000 deaths. Another significant factor is that swine flu tends to hit the young more than the elderly, so children are at much greater risk than with the usual seasonal variant.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Stephen_Lendman
Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare program since at least the 1940s. In 1941, it began secret developmental efforts using controversial testing methods. During WW II, mustard gas was tested on about 4000 servicemen. Biological weapons research was also conducted. Human subjects were used as guinea pigs in various other experiments, and numerous illegal practices continued to the present, including secretly releasing toxic biological agents in US cities to test the effects of germ warfare.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Obama Gets Billions for ‘Pandemic’ Swine Flu / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
Buried amid news stories about World Breastfeeding Week, World Suicide Prevention Day and World Rabies Day, the WHO has a small item giving the latest supposed count of ‘laboratory confirmed H1N1 cases. It is something on the order of 55,000 persons worldwide since this April at a factory pig farm in Veracruz Mexico a small child got ill and the world was told of a deadly new ‘Swine Flu’ that was allegedly spreading from pig to person. Yet the US Government is gearing up as if it ere preparing for the new outbreak of the dreaded 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic. The reality does not support the government response. Is something else going on?
Monday, May 04, 2009
Origins of the Swine Flu Pandemic May Not be Mexican Pigs / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Global_Research
Michel Chossudovsky writes: The WHO announced on May 1st that it will be dropping the designation of "swine flu". The flu will henceforth be designated A H1N1, to be known more broadly as "the Mexican Flu", intimating that the disease originated in Mexico through human to human transmission.
Monday, May 04, 2009
The Geopolitics of Pandemics / Politics / Global Pandemic
Word began to flow out of Mexico the weekend before last of well over 150 deaths suspected to have been caused by a new strain of influenza commonly referred to as swine flu. Scientists who examined the flu announced that this was a new strain of Influenza A (H1N1) derived partly from swine flu, partly from human flu and partly from avian flu strains (although there is some question as to whether this remains true). The two bits of information released in succession created a global panic.
Monday, May 04, 2009
The Real Undreported Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and Swine Flu / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Stephen_Lendman
In his April 29 Global article, F. William Engdahl discussed "Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms" and shed light on the current swine flu hysteria - hyped by the same folks who engineered the 2006 (H5N1) Avian Flu scare that had more bark than bite. But it proved hugely profitable for drug makers like Roche and Gilead Sciences, the company Donald Rumsfeld led as chairman from 1997 - 2001 and remains a major shareholder. Although he won't discuss his "private finances," he's likely benefitting handsomely from the current panic.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Flying Pigs and the World Health Organisation (WHO) / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: F_William_Engdahl
WHO takes a page from a Michael Crichton Novel - As the late great American poet Yogi Berra might have put it, ‘this just gets absurder and absurder.’ The international agencies supposedly responsible for monitoring worldwide dangers of new pandemic threats, the WHO and CDC are acting like the directors of a Hollywood ‘B’ grade sci-fi movie or the author of a copycat version of Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain novel. The global panic over outbreak of a new human-to-human Swine Flu pandemic is increasingly revealed as a likely operation in mass psychological terror whose only beneficiaries are the few global pharmaceutical giants that are in the business of peddling so-called ‘antiviral’ drugs—Roche, SmithKlineGlaxo and Novavax most prominently. The losers are the rest of us normal folks.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Swine Flu: A Follow-up on Trading the Hype / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: Mike_Stathis
Last week I released a piece that no other (qualified) financial professional was willing to expose because (in my opinion) they don’t want the masses to know how event-driven media-hyped trading works. If everyone knew how the game is played, they wouldn’t be able to make the easy money.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Don't Get Suckered into Swine Flu Biotech Stock Trades / Companies / Global Pandemic
By: DailyWealth
Rob Fannon writes: Every time a news story about SARS, avian influenza – and now swine flu – hits the headlines, a handful of biotech executives swap high-fives.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Swine Flu Pandemic, the Solution to Global Warming? / Politics / Global Pandemic
By: LewRockwell
Tom Chartier writes:
Bart: "Dad, am I going to die?"
Homer: "Yes you are son!!!"