Category: Africa
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, July 20, 2019
Africa Rising – Population Explosion, Geopolitical and Economic Consquences / Politics / Africa
By: Richard_Mills
A lot of resource investors stop listening to corporate presentations when they learn the company’s project is in Africa.
More often than not the country risk of exploring for minerals in the “dark continent” (as Africa was known to 19th century European explorers) is just too big a gamble for retail investors’ hard-earned capital.
Development projects are hi-jacked by rebels, or over-run by artisanal miners. Operating mines get expropriated by governments that can’t resist the temptation to raid a foreign company’s coffers. And African miners frequently see their profits reduced by corrupt officials intent on re-negotiating royalty contracts.
All of these things are true, yet in the long run, Africa cannot be ignored. The hammer-shaped continent is expected to drive global growth over the next several decades, as populations there climb, but dwindle elsewhere.
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Friday, March 03, 2017
Time For African Economic Miracle / Economics / Africa
By: Dan_Steinbock

After struggle against corruption, lawlessness and terror, President Buhari’s administration has outlined an economic recovery plan targeting 7 percent GDP growth rate from 2017 to 2020. While many African economies are hoping for takeoff in the coming years, Nigeria represents the region’s greatest economic potential.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Plunge of Nigerian Naira and the New US Dollar Volatility / Currencies / Africa
By: Dan_Steinbock

In Africa, some 14 countries have been using the CFA franc that is pegged to the euro, while three have been pegged to the South African rand. Before the Trump triumph, the conventional wisdom was that as the US dollar would weaken against the euro in the short term, this will reduce inflationary pressures in these countries. However, skeptics argued that inflationary pressures were already low in most countries with a euro peg and a stronger currency would affect their competitiveness.
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Thursday, February 04, 2016
South Africa Economy from Hero to Zero / Economics / Africa
By: AnyOption
On 19 November 2015, the South African Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to hike interest rates by 25-basis points from 6% to 6.25%. The forecast for the next interest-rate meeting on 28 January 2016 was 25-basis points, for an overall interest rate of 6.5%. The SARB surprised everyone when it hiked interest rates by 0.5% to the prevailing interest rate of 6.75%. This bold initiative is one of the more drastic steps that can be taken by the authorities when currencies are depreciating rapidly. This is a way to arrest further declines in the value of the ZAR on the international stage.
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Friday, November 20, 2015
Justice for All and The Curious Case of Zambia / Stock-Markets / Africa
By: John_Mauldin
By Jared Dillian
This chart is driving everything in the financial markets right now.
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Friday, November 13, 2015
Africa Population Explosion - Why Europe's Migrant Crisis is Going to Get A Lot Worse - Video / Politics / Africa
By: Nadeem_Walayat
What's lost in the midst of this year’s migration crisis of as many as 1 million migrants heading for Europe's shores, near five times the number for 2014, is the consequences of the REAL MEGA-TREND, that is not just of the war in Syria but the fact that Africa (both North and South) is undergoing a population explosion, that is literally manifesting in an exponential trend, one of MORE than doubling of Africa's population every 40 years that looks set to make today's migrant crisis look like a picnic when compared against the several of millions per year that will be arriving on Europe’s borders within a few short years as the global population graph based on UN data illustrates.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Why You Should Go to Africa Instead of College / Stock-Markets / Africa
By: Casey_Research
Recently Doug Casey was a guest on the always excellent podcast, The Tom Woods Show.
Tom and Doug talked about the enormous economic potential in Africa, Doug’s efforts to build a truly free market country, and better uses of your time and money than going to college.
It’s an exciting and informative conversation.
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Saturday, August 16, 2014
Africa: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / Economics / Africa
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Last week, President Obama hosted the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C. He welcomed over 40 African heads of state and their outsized entourages to what was a festive affair. Indeed, even the Ebola virus in West Africa failed to dampen spirits in the Nation's capital. Perhaps it was the billions of dollars in African investment, announced by America's great private companies, that was so uplifting.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Marc Faber: Africa is Not Going to Be Another Southeast Asia / Economics / Africa
By: Submissions
Georgi Ivanov writes: In the last Squawkonomics interview with Marc Faber, we addressed an entire range of questions impacting regions of the global economy, including one of the most tantalizing topics: will Africa become another Southeast Asia and become the new hotspot growth region of the global economy? After decades and centuries of predictions of an African rise, will it finally be Africa's turn for robust economic development?
Friday, May 30, 2014
How To Play It The Rise of Africa / Stock-Markets / Africa
By: Casey_Research
By Adam J. Crawford, Analyst
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
Say the words and most people think of poverty… famine… epidemics… political strife… sectarian violence. Yet, just recently, Microsoft announced a new investment on the continent, calling Africa a “game changer in the global economy.” So what gives?
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Saturday, December 14, 2013
France Plays World Cop In Africa – For How Long? / Politics / Africa
By: Andrew_McKillop
Inside France, criticism and questioning of France's intensifying role as self-elected “savior of Africa” is mounting. Former defence ministers including Sarkozy-era Herve Morin who took on the role of pacifying Ivory Coast in an operation that took years rather than the promised months or weeks, have said that the ongoing Hollande-era action in Africa will take a lot longer, and cost a lot more in terms of money and French lives lost, than present defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian pretends or claims. Backing that up, Le Drian on 14 December told French media that the Central African Republic (CAR) intervention is facing massively mounting violence and “a descent into anarchy which could destabilize the whole region”. Current government statements on CAR say that French armed forces will likely be expanded, from the present 1600, and their intervention dubbed “Sangaris” which was first stated as being a matter of “days or weeks”, will last 6 months or longer if the African Union force in CAR is not fully operational. UN sources estimate that the daily death toll in CAR is now close to 200 but this provisional count is uncertain, and could be too low.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Nelson Mandela the Myth and the Reality / Politics / Africa
Seldom does a cultural test so clearly delineate the rational from the imbeciles. The interminable eulogizing of Nelson Mandel is an unambiguous sign of the lack in historic perspective and understanding that passes for public consensus. The mass media would have you believe that Mandela is a hero, when the evidence and particulars tell a very different story. Let no fact get in the way of making a New World Order icon. Simply put, the elites created Communism as a step towards imposing a universal authoritarian dictatorship.
Friday, November 15, 2013
East African Infrastructure Development - The Northern Corridor / Economics / Africa

Editor's Note: This is a four-part series on the development of transport infrastructure in East Africa. The region is looking to expand its economy and increase international trade as it becomes a seemingly attractive destination for low-end manufacturing. Part 2 examines how such economic growth will necessitate the expansion and improvement of the Northern Corridor transport route.
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Thursday, August 22, 2013
Africa: The Next Major Boom-Bust Cycle? / Economics / Africa
Chris Becker writes: As Western economies start to regress in earnest following decades of failed and destructive monetary inflation and debt accumulation, yield-starved investors are allocating real capital to the one industrially untapped continent in the world: Africa. However, we’re not seeing industry moving to Africa to set up shop. Rather, politically-directed capital flowing into the African resources sector is fueling and financing the strongest consumer boom in the world. It’s a vendor financing model for Asia, and it portends a major boom and bust cycle for the African continental economy.
Monday, July 08, 2013
G8 Plan to Invest in Africa Agriculture Smacks of Colonial Land Grab / Politics / Africa
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: A G8 initiative intended to get corporations to invest in Africa with the goal of alleviating hunger on that continent is - surprise, surprise - not working out as planned.
President Barack Obama launched the "New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition" in 2012 when the United States held the presidency of the G8 (the Group of Eight, a forum of eight of the world's major economies).
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Follow Africa's Richest Man Into One of the Best Investment Opportunities in the World / Companies / Africa
By: Money_Morning
Greg Madison writes: Aliko Dangote is the richest man you've never heard of.
The 56-year old native of Kano, Nigeria is a self-made business magnate, with a net worth of more than $16 billion.
With boom times ahead for Africa, Dangote is leading the continent's headlong charge into infrastructure building and resource exploration.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
South Africa’s Political Wars Begin To Resemble Our Own / Politics / Africa
By: Danny_Schechter
Cape Town, South Africa: When I came to South Africa, I thought I was escaping the way our news programs are totally dominated by political coverage even though the election is months away and everyone knows none of this polling and hyped-up speculation matters until October.
The fight between the Democrats and Republicans is an obscenely costly affair which none of our political pundits care to investigate in terms of why so much is being invested and what the likely payoffs will be, and to whom.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
How Increased Iranian Sanctions Affect South Africa / Politics / Africa
By: OilPrice_Com

As a result, many of Iran's oil customers are scrambling to avoid collateral damage to their economies.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Nigeria Chaos, Geopolitical Stakes and the Curious Role of the IMF / Politics / Africa
By: F_William_Engdahl
Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and its largest oil producer, is from all evidence being systematically thrown into chaos and a state of civil war. The recent surprise decision by the government of Goodluck Jonathan to abruptly lift subsidies on imported gasoline and other fuel has a far more sinister background than mere corruption and the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) is playing a key role. China appears to be the likely loser along with Nigeria’s population.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mandela's Contested South Africa Legacy / Politics / Africa
By: Danny_Schechter
At 94, Nelson Mandela is still kicking, inspiring an international day of community service on July 18th in his name. This seems to be an idea that Barack Obama borrowed for similar events in the USA.
While activists and athletes and entertainers, are honoring him by responding to his call for engagement, journalists in the obit departments of the world’s news networks are quietly, even secretly, combing their archives for footage and tributes that will air when he moves on to the next world. They are getting ready and seem to think it will happen sooner rather than later.
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