Category: Nuclear Power
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, March 26, 2022
North Korea Leader WARNS Don't Forget About Me! Launches New Nuclear Ballistic Missile - WW3 / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: N_Walayat
With Putin stealing the limelight in European, Don't You forget about me was the message from North Korea's Dear Fat leader has he donned his Sunday best, black leathers, shades and all to show off his latest boys Toy, a huge mobile intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads that could hit the Western seaboard of the United States!
Hear that Biden? Don't forget about me!
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Thursday, November 18, 2021
CHINOBLE! Evergrande Reality Exposes China Fiction! / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest cunning plan out of the China Clown Party (CCP) was to ORDER Evergrande to NOT default on it's bonds, finish the properties yet to be completed for customers, and make good on all those who invested in their wealth management programmes! Problem Solved! Just order the dying company to basically NOT Die. The Fed had the 2008 bailout all wrong, they should have just ordered the banks not to go Bust! It looks like Xi Ping has been drinking too much of his I am an immortal genius cool aid!
This speaks volumes about the lack of competency at the heart of the Chinese government (CCP). I strongly suspect a day of reckoning is fast approaching for China with it's ghost cities, crumbling infrastructure, collapsing bridges and buildings and dams that's are prone to bursting that are not even 30 years old!
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Saturday, March 09, 2019
Should We Rethink Nuclear Power? / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: OilPrice_Com
While it seems to fly in the face of everything we believe and have been taught about nuclear power, it may actually be the safest form of power production that we have. Ironically, the immense potency of the power of splitting an atom is simultaneously what makes nuclear weapons so dangerous as well as what makes nuclear power so safe.
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Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Thorium, Uranium’s Ugly Stepsister for Nuclear Reactor Fuel / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: Richard_Mills
Most junior resource investors know uranium, and many got in on the action when NexGen Energy and Fission Uranium made their discoveries in the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, the region with the highest grades of uranium in the world. Smart, or lucky, shareholders of NXE enjoyed a cumulative share price rise of around 430% between 2014 and 2016, while Fission Energy - famous for its Patterson Lake South property that yielded the open-pittable Triple R deposit - jumped from 91 cents in November 2013 to $1.62 a share in April 2014, for a gain of 78%.
Uranium is the fuel needed to create the nuclear reaction that can either create nuclear power or nuclear weapons. To make nuclear fuel from uranium ore, the uranium is first extracted from the rock, then enriched with the uranium-235 isotope, before being made into pellets that are loaded into assemblies of nuclear fuel rods. In a nuclear reactor, several hundred fuel assemblies containing thousands of small pellets of uranium oxide are in the reactor core. The nuclear chain reaction that creates energy starts when U-235 splits or “fissions”, which produces a lot of heat in a controlled environment.
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Friday, April 14, 2017
Westinghouse A Bankruptcy of Nuclear Proportions / Companies / Nuclear Power
In any given year, a handful of companies file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States. Rarely, however, does one of these filings reverberate beyond the boardroom and into the realm of geopolitics. Those that do — Lehman Brothers in 2008, or the "Big Three" U.S. automakers in 2008-10 — usually involve hundreds of billions of dollars. But the next big geopolitically relevant bankruptcy may be on the horizon, and the amount of money involved is tiny next to the collapses of the past decade.
Monday, September 19, 2016
UK Government Surrenders to China / France to Build Nuclear Fukushima Plant At Hinkley Point C / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Theresa May's government has once more shown its inherent weakness where after putting the French / Chinese Hinkley Point C nuclear build on hold in July has now backed down under Chinese threats of withholding investments by giving the go ahead to build a nuclear reactor that had never been proven to actually work with potentially disastrous consequences for our small densely populated Island.
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Bill Gates And Other Billionaires Backing A Nuclear Renaissance / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: OilPrice_Com

Probably not, because without nuclear energy we would have burned millions more tons of coal and billions more barrels of oil. This would have brought about climate change of such proportions that what we have today would have seemed negligible.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Nuclear Energy Returns to Japan, Forces Uranium to Step Up Its Game / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: Jeff_Opdyke
A funny thing happened on the way to a nuclear-free world — Japan realized what a stupid idea that was.
You will probably recall that in the wake of the earthquake/tsunami/Fukushima nuclear disaster Japan shuttered its 50 nuclear power plants, which were supplying between 30% and 40% of the island-nation’s electricity needs. For the first time in more than three decades, Japan was totally dependent on non-nuclear fuels. The country became a poster-child for a nuclear-free future, and countries including Germany, Italy, Sweden and others followed suit, announcing they, too, would phase-out nuclear energy.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014
France Wakes Up To The Fragile Case For Nuclear Power / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
First the Politics
March 18, newswires starting strangely with Kuwait's KUNA, reported that protesters from French environmental action groups, headed by Greenpeace and supported by activists of the EELV political party which is part of French president Hollande's parliamentary coalition, broke into France's oldest nuclear power plant (NPP) at Fessenheim located on the Franco-German border in Alsace, and occupied several parts of the operating section and its roof. Their claims were given considerable coverage by French media, if only to keep minds off Putin's victory in Crimea, fustigated as an “illegal act” by Hollande and his Foreign minister. One immediate result of this is the halt to construction, in French shipyards of two high tech missile-launch destroyers for the Russian navy, one of the ships named 'Sebastopol', in a contract worth about 1.5 billion euros.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Japan's Non Nuclear Energy Nightmare / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
No Nuclear – No Future
The draft of Japan's new Basic Energy Plan, made public on Tuesday, calls nuclear power an “important baseload electricity source”, effectively reversing or heavily diluting the 2012 datsu genpatsu – “escape from nuclear” – decision, or outline decision made by Naoto Kan the more left-leaning predecessor of Shinzo Abe. Naoto Kan's escape plan, however, gave no specific timelines to close all of Japan’s atomic power plants, only saying this would happen “over the next several decades”, in stark contrast with Angela Merkel's political decision of May 2011 to close all German nuclear power plants (NPPs) by January 1st, 2022.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Nuclear Fusion Power Breakthrough at the National Ignition Facility / Companies / Nuclear Power
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: An incredible breakthrough happened last week that took me back to my early fascination (and education) in theoretical physics.
It revolves around the most famous physics formula ever written: E=mc2.
As Einstein posited in his now famous 1905 paper, “Does the Inertia of an Object Depend upon Its Energy Content?” energy and mass are different forms of the same thing.
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Monday, January 20, 2014
Fukushima Radiation Spike Hits Record High / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: LewRockwell
A record high level of beta rays released from radioactive strontium-90 has been detected at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant beneath the No. 2 reactor’s well facing the ocean, according to the facility’s operator.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) measured the amount of beta ray-emitting radioactivity at more than 2.7 million becquerels per liter, Fukushima’s operator said as reported in Japanese media. The measurements were taken on Thursday.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Fukushima Radiation Ten Times More than From All Nuclear Tests Combined / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Washingtons_Blog
Putting Fukushima In Perspective
There was no background radioactive cesium before above-ground nuclear testing and nuclear accidents started.
Wikipedia provides some details on the distribution of cesium-137 due to human activities:
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Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Impossible Solution To China-Japan War Gaming / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
Events in the East China Sea since 2009, and especially since midyear 2013 have thrust the following frightening question forward: are China and Japan imminently going to war? Conventional answers to the affirmative point to deep historical mistrust, economic rivalry and jealousy as China moves far ahead of Japan in world ranking by GDP, and a large level of “unfinished business” in their own bilateral relations, and in East Asian regional politics, stemming from Showa Japan’s imperial rampage across Asia. To be sure, rationalists draw a long list of reasons why China and Japan are not going to war. There would be astronomical economic costs from a war that pitted the world’s second and third largest economies against each other, with the first and biggest economy, the USA almost surely, or at least possibly dragged in by third-largest Japan, in a war that started over a few tiny islands, underseas rocks, and possible or potential hydrocarbon reserves.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Crony Democracy And Japan's Nuclear Disaster / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
Abenomics has come, but is already on its way out. A short-term pack of phony reforms to befuddle public opinion, buy time, and develop new bad panic responses to Japan's enduring economic crisis. Because this is New Normal anywhere in the former rich nations - which are called “advanced industrial” as well as “postindustral” (well exhibiting their cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia and existential crisis) - Shinzo Abe and his clique of crony corporate profiteers stumble along to their next crisis with their heads held high. TEPCO, until March 2011, was a peer-respected player in the crony corporate court circus close to power. Today it is special – because it brought down a nuclear disaster of planetary scale, bigger than Chernobyl – but Japan's crony democracy, like its peers is hardwired to only react with panic to any disaster its incompetence produces. Bad panic or good panic, always panic.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Nuclear Power, National Security And The Dirty Bomb / Personal_Finance / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
Although severely damaged by the world public opinion fallout from the Fukushima disaster, the nuclear industry continues to claim nuclear power is the low carbon, oil saving energy of the future. Taking the lifetime of the civil nuclear power industry as starting in the late 1950s, however, it has already had a long period through the 1980s and 1990s when world reactor orders and completions were often zero per year. Public confidence is weak.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Nuclear Power Dirty Bomb / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
Within the next 15 – 20 years as many as 100 industry standard Westinghouse-type 900 MW PWR pressurized water reactors, concentrated in the "old nuclear' countries will have to be decommissioned, dismantled and their sites made safe - unless political deciders maintain the sinister farce of rubber stamping reactor operating lifetime extensions. The decontamination process could take as long as 100 years. In several countries, especially Germany, Switzerland and probably Japan the dangerous game of politically-decided reactor life extensions – to push back the date of final decommissioning - has already ended or is ending.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Nuclear Power - The Energy Sector’s Biggest Threat and Opportunity / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: On July 6, 2013, Ralph Seidensticker quietly passed away in his home in Valencia, Calif. He was 81 years old.
If you ask 1,000 people who he was, it’s doubtful that more than one or two would know. Seidensticker was the pioneer in nuclear reactor design. He spent 58 years designing reactors for nuclear power plants as an Argonne National Laboratory engineer. Many of the 104 plants in use in the U.S. today use his design features.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Nuclear Steam Rising – From Reuters / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: Andrew_McKillop
The very same Reuters which rushed to be the first agency to spread the June news about Fukushima that “Tepco is being overwhelmed with contaminated liquids as it flushes water over the three reactors at the seaside plant that had meltdowns after an earthquake and tsunami two years ago”, with Strontium-90 levels 125 times above the pre-catastrophe level, now tells us that restarting Japan's nuclear power fleet is seen by “Abe” and his team as the must have to top all must haves. Reuters reported today (18 July) that:
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Chernobyl at Sea? Russia Building Floating Nuclear Power Plants / Politics / Nuclear Power
By: OilPrice_Com
So much for the lessons of Fukushima. Never mind oil spills, the Russian Federation is preparing an energy initiative that, if it has problems, will inject nuclear material into the maritime environment.
Speaking to reporters at the 6th International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, Baltiskii Zavod shipyard general director Aleksandr Voznesenskii said that the Russian Federation's first floating nuclear power plant "should be operational by 2016."
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