Category: Graphene
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, October 23, 2017
This Super Metal Is Set To Soar By 300% / Commodities / Graphene
By: OilPrice_Com
Friday, October 06, 2017
Graphite Seeing Some Upward Movement / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
With graphite prices starting to move upward, Ron Struthers of Struther's Resource Stock Report provides a primer on graphite and discusses his evaluation method for graphite companies.
Lithium, graphite, vanadium, cobalt and other metals have been or are all starting to move higher. The graphite market has shown its first sign of life in a few years with some upward price pressure.
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Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Graphite: What iPhones, NASCAR and Tesla Have in Common / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Focus Graphite CEO and Director Gary Economo says the tipping point is coming for natural flake mining developers—even during a depressed commodities cycle. This optimistic view is based on the urgent necessity of manufacturers today to source those critical materials and technologies needed to meet globally mandated CleanTech targets in advance of a 2020 deadline. Focus, says Economo, is on strategic trajectory to capitalize on global change with his company's Lac Knife, Quebec, high-purity graphite deposit.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
New Wave of Lithium and Graphite Winners in Wake of Tesla Deal / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Energy_Report
Don't buy things that are trending on Twitter or the front page of USA Today, warns Gold Stock Trades publisher Jeb Handwerger. Buy them when they are unloved and on the back page. In this interview with The Energy Report, he singles out the unloved companies that could become media darlings in the coming boom in energy metals, uranium and—eventually—oil sectors. And he stresses the importance of the single most important commodity in the investing space ever—time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Focus on Graphite Companies with Green Energy and Technology Strategies / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Graphite equities continue to trade sideways, but a handful are starting to emerge as best-in-class plays as they race to secure offtake agreements by derisking their projects through resource upgrading and economic studies. Ron Struthers, editor and publisher of Struthers' Resource Stock Report, says that investors need to focus on companies with strategies designed to position themselves with green energy and technology firms. In this interview with The Gold Report, he names a few players that make the grade.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Tesla Gigafactory Could Be Boon for Graphite, Lithium, Cobalt: Simon Moores / Companies / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Tesla Motors makes the most sought-after electric cars in the world. Those cars run on advanced electric batteries and Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to build them in America. Tesla has dubbed its $5-billion pet project, the "Gigafactory," and it could be up and running by 2017, prompting the need for battery-grade materials like graphite, lithium and cobalt. In this interview with The Gold Report, Simon Moores, manager of industrial minerals data with London-based Industrial Minerals, helps readers sort out the critical materials investors should keep an eye on.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Graphite Investors Should Look for Large Flakes, Small Resources / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Companies that boast 80,000 ton-per-year production or high purity levels don't always impress Kiril Mugerman, mining analyst with Industrial Alliance Securities. Why? Because finding buyers for all those tons is a huge challenge, and thrifty end-users like to purify lower-grade graphite in-house. In this interview with The Mining Report, Mugerman explains why he looks for smaller projects that can hit revenue targets, and indicates which of the 176 graphite projects out there are worth your attention.
The Mining Report: In May 2012, you described graphite as "the black gold of the 21st century." Do you still believe that?
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014
How to Vet Graphite Stock Investments / Commodities / Graphene
By: Metals_Report
Stephen Riddle, CEO of Asbury Graphite Mills Inc., has been in the business long enough to have seen companies come and go, sometimes more than once. He brings a realist's perspective to this Mining Report interview, and explains the questions he asks himself, as an investor, at each stage of mine development. He also comments on the supply-and-demand picture, and names the characteristics of his ideal graphite mine.
The Mining Report: Since 2005, prices for natural flake graphite spiked several times, but spikes have been less common since 2012. How long before we see another price spike or a sustained price run?
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
2014 Graphite Outlook: Price Rebound, Supply Shift and New End Uses / Companies / Graphene
By: Metals_Report
China's recent halting of flake graphite production in Pingdu, Shandong, made headlines, and has many investors wondering how supply may shift. Simon Moores, manager of Industrial Minerals Data, tells The Mining Report that he sees an interesting dynamic unfolding in the graphite space over the next five years. As buyers for steel and battery markets compete for limited graphite supplies, the winners will be companies that can deliver the best, tailor-made products. In the meantime, offtake agreements are signaling a new confidence in the sector.
The Mining Report: Simon, China is putting mining on the back burner while it cleans up damage done to the environment by mining and other industrial work. Graphite processing facilities, including those in Shandong Province, have halted flake graphite production. Will that affect prices?
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Friday, January 03, 2014
The Single-Best Graphene Investment Play on Earth / Companies / Graphene
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: Imagine an “alternate reality” where it is possible to balance a Mack Bulldog tractor trailer on the sharpened tip of your No. 2 yellow pencil.
And imagine, also, that the tip of that same pencil is worth a small fortune.
This “reality” that I’m sketching out for you isn’t something that I grabbed from the plot of one of those cheesy Sci-Fi Channel late-night movies.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Understanding High-Grade Lump Graphite / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Four graphite ore samples are placed on a conference room table. Straight from the earth, which one can be used to write on a piece of paper? Answer: the lump graphite sample. In this interview with The Gold Report, Paul Ogilvie, CEO of the newly formed Saint Jean Carbon, explains the distinctive advantages of lump graphite from a mining and marketing perspective and describes his plan to create a profitable company from an uncommon form of high-grade graphite deposit. Read how the company is educating investors on this highest-grade form of graphite while restarting world-class mines using modern technology and an experienced business team.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Graphite Flake Prices Have Bottomed / Commodities / Graphene
By: The_Gold_Report
Growth potential among end-users and underinvestment on the supply side makes graphite an obvious go-long play, according to Simon Moores, manager of Industrial Minerals Data. China's consolidation of graphite production plays a role in that scenario. Now is the time to look for responsible junior graphite miners that base their economics on current (lower) prices, says Moores in this interview with The Metals Report.
The Metals Report: Simon, the Chinese government says it is no longer willing to sacrifice the environment to mine and export commodities. You recently visited several graphite mining operations in China. Is this for real or just paying lip service?
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
What You Need to Know About Investing in Graphene / Companies / Graphene
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: In my note on Wednesday, I remarked how many of you have lots of questions about investing in exotics, particularly the "miracle material" graphene.
Turns out you aren't the only ones who want to know more about this exciting new field. My good friend and colleague, William Patalon III, decided to interview me for his excellent advisory service, Private Briefing.
Since this is becoming such a popular topic for investors these days, I thought I would share the full interview with you today. It's a comprehensive look at the forces driving this sector.
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Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Three Ways to Become a Graphene Investor / Companies / Graphene
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: You've got a rare opportunity to be a high-tech "wildcatter" - thanks to a new miracle material that is destined to revolutionize just about any industry you can think of.
Medicine and biotechnology ... electronics ... energy ... computers ... they'll each be revolutionized by this new substance.
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Monday, February 25, 2013
How to Invest in Graphene Miracle World Changing Material / Commodities / Graphene
By: Money_Morning
Want to know why everyone is asking how to invest in graphene?
For starters: It's one of the strongest materials ever known.
It's also as light as a feather. And completely flexible.
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