Category: cryptocurrency
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, August 27, 2021
Why Google Could KILL Bitcoin - Crypto Market Black Swans / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst we can all get carried away projecting into the future based on past trends, comfortable in the reliability of calculations. However, there are always black swans lurking out of sight that could result in that panic event that few see coming. And where Bitcoin and the crypto's are concerned is if the Governments decide to BAN trading and investing in crypto's.
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Friday, August 20, 2021
Cardano, Pokadot and Chainlink Technical Buying Levels - My Crypto Market Investing Strategy for 2021 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
1. BTC & ETH - My primary focus will be on building positions in BTC and ETH that will target approx 80% of my crypto portfolio, the balance spread between a number of Alt Coins such as Cardano and Pokadot.
2. Hold BUSD and USDC - In advance of buying crypto's I am funding my accounts (mainly Binance) with approx 50% of my target position size to as to capitalise on a high GBP exchange rate, converting into BUSD and USD whilst also correcting my initial error of holding USDT.
3. Place limit orders on approx half of the funds on account across the target crypto's in relatively nearby levels compared to the more distant levels i.e. BTC $21,500 and ETH $1400. Whilst my initial limit orders are far distant from the actual crypto prices as I am anticipating a decline in prices. However over time my orders will gravitate towards being nearer to the actual spot price i.e. over the next 6 months and where I could even be buy crypto at spot rather than with limit orders depending on what transpires over the remainder of this year due to various dynamics such as the Ravencoin halving due in Jan 2022 etc in advance of which I want to have a significant holding of raven coins.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Ethereum (ETH) Buying Levels - My Crypto Market Investing Strategy / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
1. BTC & ETH - My primary focus will be on building positions in BTC and ETH that will target approx 80% of my crypto portfolio, the balance spread between a number of Alt Coins such as Cardano and Pokadot.
2. Hold BUSD and USDC - In advance of buying crypto's I am funding my accounts (mainly Binance) with approx 50% of my target position size to as to capitalise on a high GBP exchange rate, converting into BUSD and USD whilst also correcting my initial error of holding USDT.
3. Place limit orders on approx half of the funds on account across the target crypto's in relatively nearby levels compared to the more distant levels i.e. BTC $21,500 and ETH $1400. Whilst my initial limit orders are far distant from the actual crypto prices as I am anticipating a decline in prices. However over time my orders will gravitate towards being nearer to the actual spot price i.e. over the next 6 months and where I could even be buy crypto at spot rather than with limit orders depending on what transpires over the remainder of this year due to various dynamics such as the Ravencoin halving due in Jan 2022 etc in advance of which I want to have a significant holding of raven coins.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Bitcoin Black Swan - Will Governments BAN / Regulate Crypto's Out of Existence? / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst we can all get carried away projecting into the future based on past trends, comfortable in the reliability of calculations. However, there are always black swans lurking out of sight that could result in that panic event that few see coming. And where Bitcoin and the crypto's are concerned is if the Governments decide to BAN trading and investing in crypto's.
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Monday, August 02, 2021
How to Trade Binance Vanilla Options for the First Time on Bitcoin, Crypto's / Currencies / cryptocurrency
Trading Options on Binance, looking at the options screen for the first time can be a daunting sight, what does it all mean here I show you what all of the facts and figures mean as I put on my very first Calls, Puts long and short options trades on Binance's Vanilla options trading platform, not to be confused with their Neapolitan or chocolate options :). Though do bare in mind that OPTONS are VERY HIGH RISK! So if your considering trading options start very, very small! I just started with 11 bucks that's how small because at the beginning it is very easy to make a mistake. So again start very small and beware that trading options is VERY HIGH RISK so do, do research before jumping in with both feet.
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Sunday, August 01, 2021
Earn Upto 6% Interest Rate on USD Cash Deposits with Binance Crypto Exchange USDC amd BUSD / Personal_Finance / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
How can one earn a decent rate of interest on CASH, or near to cash as one can get in a select few stable coins such as BUSD and USDC, note I am ignoring the largest stable coin USDT because I consider that as being ponzi scheme. Nevertheless crypto exchanges offer a way to earn an interest rate of as much as 6% on CASH USD deposits! Of course one should NOT just bung the whole of their excess cash onto a crypto exchange such as Binance for 6% as the risks of loss of funds is too high!
However, I have funded this crypto exchange whilst I await for better crypto prices to invest into, and those funds can earn as much as 6%! So at this point in time I am only depositing a relatively small amount of funds whilst I wait for the crypto bear market to play out over the next 6 months, in the meantime I am earning a return that is a good 5X what any banks are offer for deposits.
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Friday, July 30, 2021
USDT is 9-11 for Central Banks the Bitcoin Black Swan - Tether Un-Stable Coin Ponzi Schemes! / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
To get my crypto bear market investing ball rolling I recently opened an account with Binance (10% trading fees discount link). Deposited £3600 sterling that I quickly converted into USDT so as to initiate my initial limit orders on mainly BTC and ETH, aiming to add more funds and limit orders over the next few weeks. Unfortunately on taking a closer look at USDT Tether stable coin which probably holds true for most of the other so called stable coins, I find that USDT is NOT backed 1 for 1 by that which it seeks to represent i.e. from what I have gleaned at best USDT is backed by 75% of dollar 'safe-ish' assets with most of the remaining 25% may not even exist i.e. PRINTED MONEY! Likely to cover losses incurred to date such as the $800 million USDT's parent company lost some years ago etc,. So USDT's true value is somewhere between 15% and 25% LESS than that of the US Dollar given it's actual reserves as I covered in my recent video, and the backing could be far worse as exchanges use USDT to allow traders to trade on margin and thus are vested interests in perpetuating this scam.
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Thursday, July 22, 2021
Bitcoin Black Swan - Will Crypto Currencies Get Banned? / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst we can all get carried away projecting into the future based on past trends, comfortable in the reliability of calculations. However, there are always black swans lurking out of sight that could result in that panic event that few see coming. And where Bitcoin and the crypto's are concerned is if the Governments decide to BAN trading and investing in crypto's.
I know the crypto bugs will come out with statements such as it is impossible to ban decentralised crypto currencies.
However, bitcoin / crypto's threaten the fiat currency banking system that effectively the worlds central banks have a monopoly over.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Would Transparency Help Crypto? / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Adam_Walker
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Meet SuperMania and its Ever-Present Sidekick, SuperMeltdown / Currencies / cryptocurrency
Advance warnings about the recent crypto crash were there all along.
How did almost everyone miss them?
Anyone on Planet Earth in 2021 knows about the rise and fall of digital currencies.
Even many kids are aware.
But what has baffled just about everyone is what's BEHIND the moves.
This was made especially clear by the recent cryptocurrency crash, which saw Bitcoin plunge 50% from its April 15 peak. That move alone eliminated $1.3 trillion of wealth.
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Sunday, July 04, 2021
Crypto Bear Market 2021 - Binance vs NicheHash Market Price Discrepancies - Ravencoin Example / Personal_Finance / cryptocurrency
Trading with Binance an Nicehash tends to throw up price anomalies between the 2, is this Binance gaming the market prices in their favour or is it to due with lack of volume in the smaller exchanges such as Nicehash as this example for Ravencoin price action illustrates, anywhere here's my latest video in attempting to capitalise on the crypto bear market of 2021.
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Friday, July 02, 2021
NFTs Continue to Grow in Popularity – Can they affect the broad cryptocurrency market? / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: S_N_Chatterjee
Monday, June 28, 2021
Four Best Cryptocurrencies to Start Spot Trading / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Umer_Mahmood
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Investing in the Crypto Bear Market of 2021 for the Bitcoin, Eth Tulip Mania Bull Market of 2022 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This video is part 1 of an extensive full spectrum analysis of the crypto markets, of what I expect to happen over the next 6 months in terms of a Bitcoin price trend forecast, and the strategy I am deploying to capitalise on as well as 5 potential black swans that could collapse the crypto markets where Stable Coins such as USDT are what could be imminent catalysts for.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2021
USDT Ponzi Scheme FINAL WARNING To EXIT Before Tether Collapses Crypto Exchange Markets / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Tether, TETHER is a Ponzi Scheme! Backed probably by less than 3% of actual US Dollars that it's fake paper trail suggest its backed up, which has allowed TETHER to print over $62 billion to date and thus provides the vast majority of volume for the worlds crypto exchanges such as Binance who alone has $17 billion USDY sloshing around in their exchange allowing transactions to take place, vested interests in his Ponzi scheme with bot's busy buying and selling USDT to ensure the price does not deviate from $1 supposed pegged value else the game would be up and Tether would collapse towards zero and along with it so would the crypto markets. Therefore it is not a question of IF Tether will collapse but rather WHEN which could be imminent, therefore take this as your FINAL warning to GET OUT of Tether before it is too late!
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Sunday, June 20, 2021
How Binance SCAMs Crypto Traders with UP DOWN Coins, Futures, Options and Leverage - Don't Get Bogdanoffed! / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
BINANCE the is the ultimate crypto trading and investing platform, loads of pairs, great charts, very low commission fee of 0.1%, easy to deposit without incurring a FEE
Compare this to the coinbase garbage that charges 3.8% just to get cash onto account, and then 0.5% per trade so that is 4.3% for your first crypto trade! Coinbase appears to be designed to extract funds from customers via high commission fees
So what's the problem, why am I then doing this video warning about Binance? Find out why before you get Bogdanoffed!
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Saturday, June 19, 2021
Investing in the Tulip Crypto Mania 2021 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is part 1 of an extensive full spectrum analysis of the crypto markets, of what I expect to happen over the next 6 months in terms of a Bitcoin price trend forecast, and the strategy I am deploying to capitalise on as well as 5 potential black swans that could collapse the crypto markets where Stable Coins such as USDT are what could be imminent catalysts for.
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Saturday, June 19, 2021
Cryptos: What the "Bizarre" World of Non-Fungible Tokens May Be Signaling / Currencies / cryptocurrency
The world of cryptos includes something known as non-fungible tokens, which go by the acronym NFTs.
If you're unfamiliar with them, they're a bit bizarre but quite simple. Here's what the April Global Market Perspective, a monthly Elliott Wave International publication which covers 50+ worldwide financial markets, noted:
Investors' manic behavior has expanded to include non-fungible tokens, paying large sums of money for essentially a picture of something.
Getting more detailed, "a non-fungible token is a unique identification code that is affixed to a [digital] asset using blockchain to distinguish it from all other [digital] assets."
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Friday, June 18, 2021
STABLE COINS PONZI Crypto SCAM WARNING! Iron Titan CRASH to ZERO! Exit USDT While You Can! / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Don't be fooled! Stable coins are NOT STABLE as what just happened to Iron Finances Titan Token that is supposed to be pegged to the US Dollar but instead was pegged to thin air, collapsing from $65 to ZERO in just 1 day! Think it can not happen to the likes of USDT, USDC, or BUSD thing again! Hopefully this is a wake up call for all who hold these so called stable coins of what can happen something that I have been warning of for several weeks Whilst my latest in-depth covers all aspects of the crypto markets - Bitcoin Bear Market Trend Forecast 2021 and Model Crypto Portfolio Buying Levels.
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Friday, June 11, 2021
Coinbase vs Binance for Bitcoin, Ethereum Crypto Trading & Investing During Bear Market 2021 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
To profit from the post crypto mania bubble top crash bear market has me seeking deposit thousands of pounds onto exchanges to buy crypto's when cheap, two of the foremost exchanges are Coinbase and Binance, where unfortunately Coinbase is a big fat fail, is it goes out of its what to extract funds from customers that results in a piece of garbage trading and investing platform which is set against Binance, which actually swings too far in the other direction, making it far too easy for newcomers to trade on margin, and even options! But of the two as this video demonstrates Binance is the clear winner. What's more you can get 10% Discount on Binance transaction fees by signing up with his code LZ728VLZ or following this link
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