Category: cryptocurrency
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, June 09, 2021
SELL USDT Tether Before Ponzi Scheme Implodes Triggering 90% Bitcoin CRASH in Cryptos Lehman Bros / Stock-Markets / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
USDT Tether! The crypto equovalent of Lehman bros, everythings fine until this ponzie scheme goes POP! Taking the whole crypto markets down with it by a good 90%! Find out in my latest video whats going to happen and why and what I am doing about it to protect myself from Crypto Lehman bros.
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Sunday, June 06, 2021
Why Tether USDT, Stable Scam Coins Could COLLAPSE the Crypto Markets - Black Swan 2021 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
To get my crypto bear market investing ball rolling I recently opened an account with Binance (10% trading fees discount). Deposited £3600 sterling that I quickly converted into USDT so as to initiate my initial limit orders on mainly BTC and ETH, aiming to add more funds and limit orders over the next few weeks. Unfortunately, on taking a closer look at USDT Tether stable coin which probably holds true for all so called stable coins is that they are NOT backed 1 for 1 by that which they seek to represent i.e. from what I have gleaned at best USDT is backed by 75% of dollar 'safeish' assets with most of the remaining 25% may not even exist i.e. PRINTED MONEY! Likely to cover losses incurred to date such as the $800 million USDT's parent company lost some years ago etc,. So USDT's true value is somewhere between 15% and 25% LESS than that of the US Dollar given it's actual reserves, more in my recent video on this subject.
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Thursday, May 20, 2021
The Growing Market of New Crypto / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Submissions
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Bitcoin CRASH! Nicehash Freezes Withdrawals in Crypto's BLOOD BATH 2021 / Currencies / cryptocurrency
The crypto mania bubble has finally BURST! All of the crypto's have gone into a free fall crash led by Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Doge coin and so on, all CRASHING, with exchanges and services halting withdrawals through use of BS press releases such as security hacks, much as I have been warning would happen for several months as to why no one should hold their funds with Nicehash or in any crypto's, transfer to coinbase and SPEND IT, don't HODDLE as many of the noob crypto miners have been doing, now locked into freefalling markets! Where any bounce will prove temporary to what amounts as a new bear market for most crypto's.
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Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Crypto Bubble BURSTS! BTC, ETH, XRP CRASH! NiceHash Seizes Funds on Account Halting ALL Withdrawals! / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The crypto mania bubble has finally BURST! All of the crypto's have gone into a free fall crash led by Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Doge coin and so on, all CRASHING, with exchanges and services halting withdrawals through use of BS press releases such as security hacks, much as I have been warning would happen for several months as to why no one should hold their funds with Nicehash or in any crypto's, transfer to coinbase and SPEND IT, don't HODLE as many of the noob crypto miners have been doing, now locked into freefalling markets!
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Sunday, May 16, 2021
Crypto Bubble Bursts! Nicehash Suspends Coinbase Withdrawals, Bitcoin, Ethereum Bear Market Begins / Personal_Finance / cryptocurrency
NICEHASH the easy way to get in the the crypto mining with ones GPU boom has SUSPENDED withdrawals to COINBASE, which was an easy way to get ones mined profits off of Nicehash to spend or withdraw to ones bank accounts. This is clearly a sign that the crypto mania boom is coming to an END. as the likes of bitcoin and ethereum start rolling over into bear markets. So there is now no advantage to mining with Nicehash as one now needs to pay the block chain transaction fees to transfer funds form Nice hash to ones wallet. Which means many miners are going to move to direct mining which always paid 8-10% more for direct mining.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Crypto 101 for new traders – ETH or BTC? / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: S_N_Chatterjee
Sunday, May 09, 2021
Dripcoin Applies New Technology That Provides Faster Order Execution / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: S_N_Chatterjee
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
ROIMAX Trading Platform Review / Currencies / cryptocurrency
By: S_N_Chatterjee