Analysis Topic: Election Oracle
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, February 13, 2015
Buying a Home the Most Valuable Tax "Loophole" Available Today / ElectionOracle / US Housing
By: DailyWealth
Buying a Home the Most Valuable Tax "Loophole" Available Today
Brett Eversole writes: The government seems to spend its time finding ways to increase taxes...
In 2013, income taxes for America's top earners increased. And in last month's State of the Union address, President Obama proposed capital gains tax increases among other changes.
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Sunday, February 08, 2015
UK Government Extends 4% Pensioner Bonds Grey Vote Bribe to Election Day / ElectionOracle / UK General Election
By: Nadeem_Walayat
George Osborne today announced that the Collation government is extending the Over 65 4% Pensioner Bonds Tory election bribe for 3 months, all the way to election day. The original tranche was for £10 billion that has all but been consumed by yield starved cash rich pensioners with today's news likely to allow for a further £10-£15 billion of election bribe bonds to be sold over the next 3 months at an additional cost to the Tax payer of a least £700 million bringing the Pensioner bond election bribe total to at least £1.2 billion in terms of free money for pensioners.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Forget the 2014 U.S.Election, a False Manufactured Reality / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Ron_Holland
Another election day is upon us, always a great boost to the establishment media giants that own cable and print news as well as TV and radio stations. Total political advertising spending for the 2014 election should reach $2.5 billion dollars in this cycle and most of the payoff money goes to only six companies.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Election Result - Labour Wins South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner / ElectionOracle / UK Local Elections
By: N_Walayat
The mainstream press were once more caught out by an apparently surprise Labour win in the South Yorkshire PCC by-election, as the press had increasingly built themselves up into a fever pitch of expectations for an upset UKIP victory all in the wake of the single issue of the Rotherham child abuse scandal as illustrated earlier by the likes of Channel 4 news -
"A UKIP victory here would be especially embarrassing to Labour as Ed Milliband is a South Yorkshire MP. It would be a sign that Nigel Farage's party poses as much as threat to Labour as it does to the Conservatives and a sign too that in many parts of Northern England just as in Scotland that Labour can no longer depend on its working class base" - Michael Crick, C4News (28th Oct 14)
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
UKIP South Yorkshire PCC Election Win is Just Not Going to Happen / ElectionOracle / UK Local Elections
By: N_Walayat
The by-election for the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner in the wake of the resignation of Shaun Wright is to be held this Thursday, and which has started to galvanise the mainstream press into swallowing UKIP propaganda that they actually stand a chance of winning the by-election all on the basis of one message centred around the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal as illustrated by the poster vans that are doing the rounds in Rotherham area.
Monday, October 06, 2014
UK General Election Forecast 2015 - Cameron Tory Tax Cut Fact Check / ElectionOracle / UK General Election
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The big election bribe news out of the recent party conferences was David Cameron's promise / voter bribe to substantially raise both the starting and higher rate tax bands that the mainstream media uniformly costed at £7 billion to be added to Britain’s black hole (budget deficit of £95 billion per year).
I can tell you now that a future Conservative Government will raise the tax-free personal allowance from £10,500 to £12,500.
That will take 1 million more of the lowest paid workers out of income tax – and will give a tax cut to 30 million more.
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Saturday, October 04, 2014
Bulgaria’s October 5th Elections: A Flashback at the Economic Records / ElectionOracle / Eastern Europe
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Bulgarians will go to the polls on October 5th to elect new members of its parliament and thus a new government. Before casting their votes, voters should reflect on the economic records of Bulgaria’s governments since 1995.
Every country aims to lower inflation, unemployment, and lending rates, while increasing gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Through a simple sum of the former three rates, minus year-on-year per capita GDP growth, I constructed a misery index for each of Bulgaria’s six governments since 1995 (see the accompanying table).
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
U.S. 2014 Election Business as Usual / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
Thus far this election cycle has been a dud. Hardly a sweat is broken in the rarified air of partisan politics punditry. The only consistent factor that can always be counted upon to amuse is the reams of paper wasted on the false promises and prevarication made by the esteemed party regulars. It is easy to simply blame the entrenched incumbents or the current crop of insurgents, but it goes much deeper when an entire nation remains mute in the face of the worse run and most condemnable conduct, coming out of the District of Criminals in decades. The party in power traditionally will suffer huge losses in Congress, while the gang of “pols” out of power will start contacting real estate agents within the beltway.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Scotland Independence Result NO Win 55% to Yes on 45% / ElectionOracle / Scotland
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Scotland independence referendum polls close in just over 1 hours time (10pm) with record turnout of at least 85% expected. Following which the count begins that could take a further 8 hours before the mainstream media starts declaring its results by between 5am and 6am Friday morning.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Elections in Sweden Could Destroy 20 Years of Economic Progress / ElectionOracle / European Elections
By: Jeff_Opdyke
I’m sure you’re familiar with the famous quip, erroneously attributed to Einstein: Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. Well, this Sunday, Swedish voters have the chance to go insane — or to prove that they learned their lesson the first time around.
Swedes are going to the polls on Sunday to elect a new government. And there is a very real chance — let’s call it what it is: a very real risk — that the country’s former government, the Social Democrats, will reclaim ultimate power in the Nordic nation.
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Tuesday, June 03, 2014
California Top-Two Primary, Inviting ALL to our Election Night Campaign Party / ElectionOracle / US Politics
By: Ellen_Brown
I sent this update Saturday but in case you missed it: The California top-two primary is June 3. If you live in California, we need your vote! I’m running for state treasurer and Laura Wells is running for state controller on a public bank platform.
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Sunday, June 01, 2014
California Primary - We Need Your Vote, Ellen Brown and Laura Wells / ElectionOracle / US Politics
By: Ellen_Brown
Hi, the California top-two primary is June 3. If you live in California, we need your vote! I’m running for state treasurer and Laura Wells is running for state controller on a public bank platform. Only two candidates will go on to the November election, and it’s not possible to reach 37 million people without big money for TV ads; but we’re giving it our best shot!
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Monday, May 26, 2014
Channel 4 News Vendetta Against UKIP Backfires, Brit's Don't Like Bully's! / ElectionOracle / Mainstream Media
By: Nadeem_Walayat
UKIP politicians and candidates have been literally hounded for over a year. Whilst most viewers enjoy the usually slimy and slippery politicians being held to account by veteran broadcast journalists such as Jeremy Paxman. However where UKIP is concerned, and by Channel 4 News in particular, the mainstream media have gone too far, where tuning into Channel 4 News virtually every other day reveals an usually inexperienced UKIP candidate being goaded into a particular response by a smug faced Michael Crick or Krishnan Guru-Murthy amongst others.
Monday, May 26, 2014
The EU Crime Syndicate is now Threatened / ElectionOracle / European Elections
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Big Blue Flag
An expert iconographer interviewed on France-Inter which is a state-owned radio and therefore pro-European, May 25, was however allowed to explain why the European Flag has 12 gold stars – but the Union has 28 member states. The official explanation from Brussels that the stars symbolize “12 virtues” such as unity and creativity (and other things the Commission spokesperson likes to think up as their answer, when they're interviewed) was in the iconographer's opinion a cop-out. It was an attempt to prevent people knowing why 12 gold stars were chosen. He said it's a basic Christian symbol, for example the 12 Apostles but obviously the bureaucrats in Brussels don't want to admit it.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Britain's Zombie Marginal Democracy to Deliver Labour General Election 70 Seat Majority? / ElectionOracle / UK General Election
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The housing market is booming and the economy within a matter of months will have recouped the whole of the loss of the last Labour governments catastrophic drop in GDP of over 7%, the worst since the 1930's Great Depression. But still there has yet to be any feed back towards an improvement in Tory general election prospects as illustrated by the local election results that show that the Conservatives currently stand in a far worse state than where they were at the start of the Coalition government as the surge in UKIP votes claims seven Tory votes for every one Labour vote taken.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Sheffield, Rotherham Local Election Results 2014 - Labour Turkeys Vote for Christmas / ElectionOracle / UK Local Elections
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Many people across Britain rebelled against the three party dictatorship that clusters around the centre and panders to some 5% of voters of marginal constituencies as they take their 'heartlands' for granted and never more so than Labour career politicians of Sheffield and Rotherham that expect the voters of the Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire to mark their X zombie style at each election regardless of whatever imbecile that the Labour elite puts up as candidates.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Alex Salmond the King of the North Playing Game of Thrones With Scottish Lives / ElectionOracle / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Despite Scotland's independence referendum still over 7 months away, the political temperature is already reaching fever pitch which gives a bitter taste of what lies in store for the people of Britain in the years ahead as whatever the likes of Alex Salmond state concerning this or that demands for assets, currency or territory that soon get rebutted from across the UK.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Scottish Independence - The Debt Debate Heats Up / ElectionOracle / Scotland
By: Andrew_McKillop
The troubled, often bloody and sometimes farcical history of union and disunion in the British Isles has major tipping points. One of the biggest was Scotland's union with England of 1707, described by historians as a surprise transformation from a hostile merger of two parliaments (Scottish and English) driven by politicians and bankers, to an expansionary and colonial economic partnership project which for some while was the most powerful going concern in the world. The previous Union of the Crowns, of 1603, could be called an arms-length deal whereby Ireland played the role of the main colonizing value-added target, but the two crowns of Scotland and England, although they sat on the same head of James I (of England) and VI (of Scotland), stayed separate.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Dissecting U.S. Elections - the People vs. the Politicians / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election
The establishment has an entrenched interest in convincing the public that their vote in elections actually decides who is selected for public office. That same power elite runs and controls both Republican and Democratic political parties. Only a neophyte or a delusional idealist believes that the voting cycle reflects the will of the people. When reform candidates engage in the primary process, hoping to win the nomination from either of the two major parties, they face the stark reality that playing ball with the money bundlers means obeying the directives of masters of the universe. These overlords own politicians, especially those who continue in office by winning predetermined elections.
Friday, December 07, 2012
The U.S. Presidential Elections Paper: Socionomics and Politics Achieve Peer Review / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2012
On Nov. 2, 2012, the latest research paper from the Socionomics Institute, "Social Mood, Stock Market Performance and US Presidential Elections," published in Sage Open, a peer-reviewed journal of the social and behavioral sciences.