Category: Global Debt Crisis
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, March 04, 2010
Sovereign Debt Crisis, Transferring Risk From Private Banks to Governments / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Washingtons_Blog
No Wonder the Economy Is not Improving
I've read countless news headlines recently about how economists are "surprised" over an "unexpectedly bad" economic indicator.
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Evolving Economic Catastrophe, Greek Debt Tragedy Comes to America / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Bob_Chapman
We are not going to go into the lured details regarding residential and commercial real estate, but we are going to give you some highlights. We began telling subscribers to sell real estate in June of 2005, long before anyone else. We picked the top just as we did in September 1988 at the top.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Greece Debt Crisis, From Hard Money to Fool's Gold / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Axel_Merk
When Greece invented the Olympic Games in 776 BC, the top prize was an olive wreath, not gold. And in those days, Greece sought out the top runners, rather than compete for a discipline not approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC): governmental financial engineering.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Financial Insanity or Loathsome Fraud, Creating Money to Buy Government Debt / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis
By: LewRockwell
Richard Daughty writes: I knew that something was amiss when I woke up and the house was quiet. Having the benefit of seeing a lot of movies where things were “too quiet,” I instantly knew that things being “too quiet!” meant that Indians were going to be attacking, or the Japanese attacking, or the Germans attacking, sometimes government goons rushing the place, or zombies, or the police. I dunno who, but you get the point.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
An Attempt to Think Through the Greek Debt Crisis / Interest-Rates / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
Today I am sitting listening to Ralph Merkle lecture on nanotechnology, part of a 9-day-long series of lectures on how accelerating change in technologies of all types will affect our world. 15-hour days and intense discussions are stretching my brain, but I still have to make sure you get your Outside the Box. Fortunately, I came across today's OTB last week from my friends at GaveKal, who offer a way to think about the Greek crisis and what it means for all European bonds.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Economic Recovery Illusion, Debt Crisis Coming to U.S. / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Submissions
While United States President Barack obama and member of his cabinet are talking about the first signs of economic recovery. Not all economists are sure that the world economy is on the way back up...
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Calm Before the Coming Sovereign Debt Storm / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Martin_D_Weiss
If I’ve learned anything in the 39 years since I founded Weiss Research, it’s this: I can only help those who are ready to help themselves.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
E.U. Shocked at Greek Greeks Used Financial Technology For Debt Deceit / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Janet_Tavakoli
The European Union (EU) is shocked--shocked I tell you!--that Greece used financial engineering to qualify for admission. Exactly how did they think that weaker countries managed to meet the requirements? Now the EU is concerned that geeks used their knowledge of Greece's hidden debt (and bailout negotiations) to manipulate financial markets for their own profit.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Euro and a Conspiracy of Hedge Funds, Wheres All the Greek Gold? / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
Where Is All that Greek Gold?
The Greeks Write Back
The Euro and a Conspiracy of Hedge Funds
So Where's the Inflation?
No Help for Homebuilders
The Singularity, San Antonio, Home, and Addictions
The economy grew in the fourth quarter by 5.9%, the most in years. The adjusted monetary base is exploding. Bank reserves are literally through the roof. The Fed is flooding money into the system in an effort to get banks to lend. An historically normal response by banks (to increase lending) would have been massively inflationary, causing the Fed to stomp on the brakes. Despite raising the almost meaningless discount rate (as who uses it?), this week Ben Bernanke assured Congress of an easy monetary policy, with rates remaining low for a long time. Many ask, how can this not be inflationary?
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
More Credit Default Swaps Means Trouble for European Debt / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
Government debt is no longer just a problem for emerging countries. Portugal, Spain, France and Greece (as we have seen in recent weeks) are living in fear of credit default. Consequently, the value of their credit default swaps is skyrocketing.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bond Vigilantes set Sights on Sovereign Debt / Interest-Rates / Global Debt Crisis
By: Gary_Dorsch
The collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered one of the biggest corporate debt defaults in history, and also ignited the biggest stock market meltdown in decades. When the smoke had finally cleared, Lehman’s bonds attracted bids of 8-cents on the dollar, resulting in staggering losses of $365-billion. Worse yet, about 350 banks and investors were thought to have insured $400-billion of Lehman’s bonds through complex derivatives, known as credit default swaps (CDS’s), causing even deeper losses and mayhem in the markets. A fifth was wiped off London Footsie shares, and in Tokyo, the Nikkei-225 index lost 10% of its value in a single week.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Greek Debit Crisis European Sideshow / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Peter_Schiff
If the global economy were a three ring circus, then the center ring attraction would be the currency and debt battle quietly and slowly building between the United States and China. But for the past month the world's attention has been distracted by a much more entertaining sideshow in which European unity, and the ongoing viability of the euro, is being tested by the Greek debt crisis.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Government Deficits and Debts or Spending the Big Issue? / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Paul_L_Kasriel
Whether it is Greece or the US, it seems as though the headline du jour involves government deficits and debt. The Obama administration has taken a lot of heat for its projected US deficit and debt ratios. But are government deficits and debt really the big economic issues or is it government spending? Milton Friedman thought that the ultimate economic cost of government was not how the government funded itself, but how much funding the government was engaged in. Friedman understood that just as the Northwest Mountie always gets his man, the federal government always gets its funds.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Over-Arching Sovereign Debt Crisis / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Neither the US financial press nor the US bank leaders take the sovereign debt crisis seriously. Even the USCongress seems totally unaware of the growing global intolerance for government debt out of control. The issue is rollover of short-term debt, size of the overall debt burden, borrowing costs to sustain the debt, annual deficits that accumulate further debt, and size of debt versus economic size. The United States projects a certain degree of arrogance that foreigner must continue to finance the USGovt debt at a time when the evidence gathers on loud suspicious activity in the USTreasury auctions.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Five-Step Guide to Financial Debt Crisis Contagion / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
I am in Tampa meeting with Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Jeff Saut, who graciously took us out on his boat yesterday in what I am told was the first good weather Florida has had in months. I need to get out like that more. It was good to take a weekend away with no computer. But I am back at it today, with your Outside the Box arriving on schedule.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Pain in Spain, Greece Tip of EuroZone Debt Crisis Demands Cash From Germany / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Mauldin
Germany, Greece, and Spain
Two Views on the Euro
The Pain in Spain
How Much Is Too Much
Last week we talked about Greece. But the problems are more than just Greece. We look at two very different views of the euro, and then opposing thoughts on Spain. Is Spain a problem or not? And how can the US keep on spending? Is there a limit? There is a lot to cover in what has been an interesting, if confusing, week.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Economic Crisis, The Sovereign Debt Bubble / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Bob_Chapman
When the next census is over America will probably have 320 million people. The number of Americans 50 years ago was about 184 million. Our budget then was about $100 billion. Today it is supposed to be $3.8 trillion. We call that spending gone wild. Government control of the economy has become bigger and all consuming at what will prove to be an unsustainable pace. Markets are telling us the world has serious sovereign debt problems as witnessed recently with the financial debacles in Ireland and now Greece with others to follow. Arrogant government, Fed officials and Wall Street telling us the borrowings are necessary to save our economy, when in fact just the opposite will prove to be true.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Gold Breaks Out in Europe, Complete Global Debt Crisis Coordination / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis
By: Jim_Willie_CB
The subprime debt issue of 2007 blossomed into a global credit crisis. Likewise, the Dubai sovereign debt issue will blossom into a global sovereign debt crisis in similar pathogenesis. The start and end points are located in the Untied States and Untied Kingdom. With the global climax come disruption, restructure, and chaos. The subprime mortgage problem was grossly under-estimated. The Hat Trick Letter called it the beginning of an absolute bond contagion, a global credit market collapse correctly forecasted. Central bankers, led by the clueless USFed Chairman Bernanke, minimized the degree and depth of the credit crisis, and made every conceivable wrong forecast. His reward was reappointment, since his service to the syndicate has been steadfast, loyal, and inventive. Every phase of global finance has entered a crisis mode, as the financial structures are coordinated, linked in complete fashion by the tightening noose using a US$ brand of rope.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
World Governments Papering Over Gaping Financial Chasms By Printing Money / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: John_Browne
At a time when more and more offices are going paperless, governments in most of the developed world are doing the opposite. Finance ministers from Washington to London, Tokyo, Madrid, and, most pointedly, Athens, are attempting to paper over gaping financial chasms in the global economy by issuing ever greater quantities of currency and debt. But paper can only stretch so far.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
World Watches Greek Debt Sideshow as Latvia's Economy Collapses by 25% / Economics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Michael_Hudson
Prof Michael Hudson and Prof. Jeff Sommers write: World Economic Crisis: Latvia’s Neoliberal Madness - While most of the world’s press focuses on Greece (and also Spain, Ireland and Portugal) as the most troubled euro-areas, the much more severe, more devastating and downright deadly crisis in the post-Soviet economies scheduled to join the Eurozone somehow has escaped widespread notice.