Category: Gold and Silver 2011
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, April 04, 2011
Gold’s historic undervaluation versus oil / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Michael_J_Kosares
The Wikileaks/Financial Times revelations on significant gold buying interest in the Middle East — notably Iran’s central bank, Jordan’s central bank and Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund — brought to mind the story of Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud and his sale of oil concessions to the major oil companies. In payment he received 35,000 British sovereigns — a coin many of you hold in your own sovereign wealth fund. The good king understood the difference between the value of gold and the value of a paper promise.
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Monday, April 04, 2011
The Bedrock of the Gold Bull Rally / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Frank_Holmes
Last week I had the pleasure of participating in a webcast for Bloomberg Markets Magazine regarding gold investing. It was a very insightful presentation and I suggest you view the replay at What struck me on the call was the negativity surrounding the gold market. Call it a bubble, a frenzy or mania, there seems to be a large number of voices in the marketplace who just are not fans of gold, whether prices are moving up, down or sideways.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Gold and Silver and the Endgame for U.S.A. Inc. / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Midas_Letter
I’m going to take a leap of faith and assume the reader harbours a sufficiently enlightened mind to be aware of several key facts regarding the world as we know it. The fatuous commentary suggesting gold is a bubble, gold has peaked, gold is a bad investment, etc shall from this point forward be consigned to its rightful place in the Horribly Flawed Thinking dumpster and discussion of same restricted to the hopelessly naïve (or sublimely clever and duplicitous) CNBC. Henceforth we proceed under the assumption that ;
Monday, April 04, 2011
Gold "Consolidates", Re-Asserts Link with Euro / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
THE PRICE OF GOLD rose Monday morning in London, nearing last week's high of $1439 per ounce as energy prices led a rise in commodity prices and silver bullion jumped more than 1.8% to fresh 31-year highs.
Stock markets were mixed, rising in Hong Kong and London but holding flat in Tokyo and Paris, while Brent crude oil rose to a new 30-month peak near $120 per barrel.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Silver Reaches New 38-Year High at $38.50/oz - Backwardation Ends But COT Data is Bullish / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore
The positive momentum of gold and silver continue with both higher in European trade as oil prices have risen due to geopolitical tensions in oil rich nations and the euro has fallen on Eurozone debt concerns.
Focus will be on interest rates this week with the ECB likely to increase interest rates, and renewed speculation as to whether the Federal Reserve will attempt to increase interest rates or embark on QE3.
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Monday, April 04, 2011
Fibonacci Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: John_Townsend
This article will examine the current up leg in gold price that originated in October 2008, present a study of the Fibonacci relationships of this price movement that are evident both in terms of price and time, and offer a projection of future price movement within the time frame suggested by the evidence.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Gold Forming Bearish Double Top? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Merv_Burak
Looking at a short term chart it sure looks like we are forming a double top here (see chart below). If so that could take us to at least the lows of early Jan. Time will tell. The weakness in the trading has been mentioned before, it still is there. We need a strong move into new highs to overcome.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Silver Very Overbought / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Clive_Maund
Silver is very overbought and this fact coupled with the dramatic spike in the silver gold ratio would normally be expected to lead to a significant reaction by both gold and silver, as usually happened following such a situation in the past, but these are not normal times.
On its 2-year chart we can see how silver has been romping ahead since it broke out last August and following its latest upleg had become critically overbought by early March, but only a minor reaction followed.
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Saturday, April 02, 2011
Gold Real Money in a World of Fiat Currency / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Clive_Maund
Since the Masters of the System have decided to arbitrarily "move the goalposts" to suit themselves by printing money in unlimited quantities, fixing interest rates at artificially low levels, and backstopping the bond market etc, it is incumbent on us as investors to find a fixed point of reference and safe anchorage, the better to weather the financial storms that their crassly irresponsible policies are bringing upon us. That fixed point of reference is gold. As gold is real money it is aloof from the mess and mayhem that now exists in the world of fiat and which is rapidly getting worse - and here it is necessary to make a crucially important point, which is that at this time in world history you have to completely reorder your thinking with respect with gold.
Friday, April 01, 2011
The Lesson from Japan for Gold and Silver Investors / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jeff_Clark
Jeff Clark, BIG GOLD writes: It feels a little callous writing about Japan with respect to precious metals after the country suffered such a terrible tragedy. However, I think it’s worth discussing because there’s a lesson in it for all of us. In fact, I think the moral could be couched in terms of a warning.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Gold and Silver, Spending your Stash / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Peter_Schiff
While gold and silver coins are nice to look at, and there's a certain sense of independence one gets from owning them, most purchasers buy physical precious metals with the goal of eventually spending them.
As they say, you can't take it with you.
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Friday, April 01, 2011
Best of Time For Gold and Silver, Worst of Times For U.S. Dollar / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jeb_Handwerger
It is the best of times for equities and precious metals and the worst of times for the U.S. dollar. It is prudent to focus on the sectors with long secular uptrends as these patterns tend to last longer than expected and produce the greatest returns. Gold (GLD) and Silver (SLV) are in a decade long uptrend as geopolitical uncertainty and rising debt levels have caused many investors to seek the safe haven shelter of real money. In July 2010, as the European Crisis was the prominent topic of worry, gold reversed higher and made a major move on central bank plans to ease.
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Friday, April 01, 2011
The Utah Gold Standard / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
So Utah's new gold & silver law marks a step towards a Gold Standard...?
IT'S NOT QUITE an April Fool's, but it's close enough.
"Gold, silver coins now officially legal tender in Utah," reports MineWeb, along with pretty much everyone else.
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Friday, April 01, 2011
Gold Antidote to a Black Swan World / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“As seen from the outside, the massive upheaval in Western society is approaching the limit beyond which it will become “meta-stable” and collapse.” Solzhenitsyn
"The pace and severity of financial crises has taken an ominous turn for the worse....
With one crisis seemingly begetting another, and the fuse between crises now getting shorter and shorter, the world economy is on a very treacherous course." Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley, May, 2010
Friday, April 01, 2011
Gold & Silver Slump from New All-Time Highs on Spctre of Rising Interest Rates / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
THE PRICE OF physical gold bullion slumped 1.4% lunchtime Friday in London, falling back from its highest-ever monthly close as the Dollar jumped on news of stronger-than-expected US jobs hiring in March.
Silver prices also fell – losing nearly 2% – after also ending March at an all-time record high monthly close of $37.87 per ounce, more than $2 above the previous month-end high of Feb. 1980.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Euro Escapes Gold's New Highs as ECB Fights for Credibility / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
THE PRICE OF GOLD price jumped to $1437 per ounce Thursday lunchtime in London – less than 0.8% below last week's new Dollar high – as European stock markets fell together with Eurozone government bonds.
Precious-metal trade in Asia had been "a one-way street" said one Hong Kong dealer, with silver "most responsive" to strong demand and rising to $37.80 per ounce in London – just over 1% below last week's new 31-year highs.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Silver Set For All Time Record Quarterly Close - Gold to Silver Ratio On Way to 17 to 1 as per 1980? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore

‘Poor man’s gold’ is set for a record nominal quarterly close which will be bullish technically and set silver up to target psychological resistance at $40/oz and then the nominal high of $50.35/oz . Silver’s record quarterly close was $32.20/oz on December 31st, 1979.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Nasdaq Bubble, Real-Estate Bubble... Silver Bubble? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
Is silver in a bubble? In our opinion; no. But what can we learn from past bubbles? There are many ways to detect an investment bubble including extreme positive market sentiment, outrageous demand and speculation, widespread mainstream acceptance that the investment is a “sure thing” etc. In this article we would like to focus on the big picture perspective of a markets price performance.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rising Interest Rates a Boon for Gold and Silver / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
So often the finance folk engorge themselves with the concept that a low cost-of-carry is the sole reason for metals’ ascent. While cheap money perpetuates the commodity’s investment interest, it will be higher rates – not lower rates – that ultimately send metals higher.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
JP Morgan Massive Silver and Gold Positions, Could Learn from the U.S. Treasury / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
JP Morgan has a new excuse for its massive silver and gold investments. Short or long, whichever it happens to be claiming at the moment, Morgan says it is holding the silver for clients. To buffer its claim, JP Morgan insists the holdings are the result of a new lending window it created, where investors can deposit their gold for safe-storage and obtain a loan in the amount of the gold borrowed.