Category: Intelligence Agencies
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, January 11, 2018
SPECTRE Microprocessor Security Flaw - Big Brother = You / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Happy belated new year. Belatedly. Thought I’d sit out a few days, since there wasn’t much news to be expected. And it did pan out that way, other than Trump bogarting the limelight; but then, that isn’t really news either. Anything he says or does triggers the expansive anti-Donald echo chamber into a daily frenzy. And frankly, guys, it’s not just boring, but you’re also continuously providing him with free publicity. At least make him work for some of it.
Then, however, the big microprocessor (chip) security ‘flaw’ was exposed. And that’s sort of interesting, because it concerns the basic architecture of basically every microchip produced in the past 20 years, even well before smartphones. Now, the first thing you have to realize is that we’re not actually talking about a flaw here, but about a feature. We use that line a lot in a half-jokingly version, but in this case it’s very much true. As Bloomberg succinctly put it:
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Military/ Intelligence/ Security Industrial Complex Rules / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
When Harry Browne wrote and first published back on January 1, 1973 How to be Free in an Unfree World, few people realized just how much more difficult it would be to apply his rational lessons to a world completely gone mad in a rush to hasten Armageddon. Listening to Harry Browne back in 1980 at a monetary conference, the audience was eager to unlock the keys to attain financial security. Well, in the succeeding decades, most astute observers of the financial conditions have found a way to acquire, at least a modest degree of fiscal accomplishment.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
From OSS to CIA Ongoing Clash with Military Intelligence / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
For all those supporters of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's war, many admire the exploits of the OSS in Europe. While historians for the allied legions adopt the account that circumstances dictated the creation and use of the British, Special Operations Executive, which Churchill proclaimed, to 'set Europe aflame'; the precedent left a heritage of intervention that few ever warned about the nature of counter-offensive missions. Gathering intelligence on adversaries is valid and even necessary to defend your country. However, to establish contingents of lethal assassins is a fundamental departure from intelligence procurement. During World War II the American version of clandestine operations put into motion a competing and dangerous rival to the traditional role of military intelligence.
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
British Secret Intelligence Service Spymasters / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
England is a mythical land of Magna Carter power politics heritage. Such cultural and emotional symbols as 'Mrs. Miniver' Rose or the White Cliffs of Dover are engrained in the public consciousness as essential British tradition. When the "Bard of Avon" presented his indispensable observations, Shakespeare on England defined the perception essence of countless generations.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Did the US Government Spy on Trump? Of Course. It Spies on All of Us! / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
There was high drama last week when Rep. Devin Nunes announced at the White House that he had seen evidence that the communications of the Donald Trump campaign people, and perhaps even Trump himself, had been "incidentally collected" by the US government.
If true, this means that someone authorized the monitoring of Trump campaign communications using Section 702 of the FISA Act. Could it have been then-President Obama? We don't know. Could it have been other political enemies looking for something to harm the Trump campaign or presidency? It is possible.
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Monday, March 13, 2017
Peak Freedom - Orwellian CIA Leaking Sieve Vault-7 Hacking Tools / News_Letter / Intelligence Agencies
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle Newsletter8th March, 2017 Issue # 6 Vol. 11
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Monday, March 13, 2017
President Trump Understands the NSA, CIA... LIE, the Intelligence Crime Syndicate / News_Letter / Intelligence Agencies
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle Newsletter8th January, 2017 Issue # 2 Vol. 11
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Wednesday, March 08, 2017
How to Drain the Deep State Swamp / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Obviously, like hopefully many people, I’ve been following the WikiLeaks CIA revelations, and closely. It’s too early for too many conclusions, if only because WikiLeaks has announced much more will flow from that same pipeline. But one thing is already clear: the CIA is -still- a club that sees enemies behind every tree, and behind every TV set too. Which is not as obvious a world view as it may seem; it’s just something we’ve become used to.
Wednesday, March 08, 2017
Peak Freedom - Orwellian CIA Leaking Sieve Vault-7 Hacking Tools Exposed by Wikileaks / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Trump recently stated that he loves Wikileaks, predominantly in response to its leaking of Hillary Clinton's emails. And in that spirit Wikileaks latest leak of near 9000 CIA documents once more reminds all the extent to which the NSA and CIA wish to eavesdrop into the lives of potentially every person on the planet, friend or foe does not matter for the CIA seeks to surveil everyone and everything through hacking of a myriad of internet connected devices from Android and Apple smartphone's to Samsung smart TV's, to the more traditional PC's infected with malware and web cam hacking routes. ALL used to surveil, record, catalog and process near infinite amounts of data across a network of huge data centres that have sprung up across remote areas of the United States during the past 15 years that tap into an estimated 98.6% of the worlds internet traffic generated by web connected devices.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
NSA and CIA is the Enemy of the People / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
Astute students of history understand that government agencies often further their own interests and not the administration they are designated to serve. Seldom is the genuine national security advanced when bureaucrats pledge their loyalty to their respective fiefdoms of projecting influence and power. Absent in this supremacy struggle equation is the abstract notion that state legitimacy is founded upon the will and consent of the people. Such a quaint concept does not reflect a chapter in the training manual that breeds the spooks who operate as above the law and unaccountable super spies.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Deep State in the Age of Trump / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
Politics as usual, especially the party version of Republicans and Democrats is the latest endangered species to hit the bone yards of extinction. Now, that does not mean that competing power factions have all merged into a collegial stew of some imaginable melting pot. No the literal power behind the government that embeds the deepest recess of manipulated reality still maintains and uses their influence and coercion force to remain in control. What actual effect Donald Trump will have to break the connections that keeps the deep state in charge can only be judged with the passage of time. Some contend that Trump is actually an integral component of an elitist fraternity of financial magnates that sit at the table of the deep state.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Will the CIA Assassinate Rogue President Donald Trump Like JFK? / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The establishment elite still reeling from the failure of any of their bought and paid for candidates that populate both the Democratic and Republican parties to make it into the White house for the first time since perhaps JFK, are increasingly looking to the likes of the CIA to begin implementing the elite's PLAN B as President Elect Donald Trump takes office and starts to diverge from the elites interests.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
'Deep State' CIA Director States We are Not NAZI's, Warns Trump Does Not Understand Russian Threat / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The outgoing Director of the US secret police spy agency, John Brennan defended the CIA against Donald Trumps response (tweets and press conference) to the CIA's leaking of fake intelligence to the the likes of CNN by effectively stating the the CIA were not Nazi's and warning that Donald Trump does not understand the true nature of the Russian threat (Manchurian candidate?).
Friday, January 13, 2017
CIA Tries to Strong-Arm Trump into War With Russia / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Mike_Whitney
Powerful elites are using the credibility of the US Intelligence agencies to demonize Russia and prepare the country for war. This is the real meaning of the “Russia hacking” story which, as yet, has not produced any hard evidence of Russian complicity.
Last week’s 25-page report, that was released by the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illustrates to what extent intelligence is being “fixed around the policy”. Just as the CIA generated false information related to Weapons of Mass Destruction to soften public resistance to war with Iraq, so too, the spurious allegations in the DNI’s politically-motivated report are designed to depict Russia as a growing threat to US national security.
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Friday, January 13, 2017
Trump CIA Like Nazi Germany - Fake MI6 Intelligence leaked to Fake News Mainstream Media / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Donald Trump at his first press conference let rip into the mainstream press (CNN in particular) as he reacted to the CIA secret police's leaking of another MI6 dodgy dossier to the mainstream press, calling it all 'Fake News', fake intelligence by something that could have come out of Nazi Germany. Yes that's right the President Elect of the United States effectively likened the CIA to being like something out of Nazi Germany, pumping out propaganda in only the agencies own self interests which has been the reality for the duration of the spy agencies existence, it's just that to date not even a senior US politician let alone the President himself has ever spoken so candidly of the true nature of the beast that has held an iron grip over the United States, that has subverted democracy for decades by means of time tested tools for destroying lives of anyone who got in the unelected agencies way.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
CIA War On Trump - Leaks Fake MI6 Intelligence to Fake News Broadcast Media / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Donald Trump at his first press conference let rip into the mainstream press (CNN in particular) as he reacted to the CIA's leaking of another MI6 dodgy dossier to the mainstream press, calling it all 'Fake News', fake intelligence by something that could have come out of Nazi Germany. Yes that's right the President Elect of the United States effectively likened the CIA to being like something out of Nazi Germany, pumping out propaganda in only the agencies own self interests which has been the reality for the duration of the spy agencies existence, it's just that to date not even a senior US politician let alone the President himself has ever spoken so candidly of the true nature of the beast that has held an iron grip over the United States, that has subverted democracy for decades by means of time tested tools for destroying lives of anyone who got in the unelected agencies way.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
US Intelligence Agencies Try to Strong-Arm Trump into War With Russia / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Mike_Whitney
Powerful elites are using the credibility of the US Intelligence agencies to demonize Russia and prepare the country for war. This is the real meaning of the “Russia hacking” story which, as yet, has not produced any hard evidence of Russian complicity.
Last week’s 25-page report, that was released by the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illustrates to what extent intelligence is being “fixed around the policy”. Just as the CIA generated false information related to Weapons of Mass Destruction to soften public resistance to war with Iraq, so too, the spurious allegations in the DNI’s politically-motivated report are designed to depict Russia as a growing threat to US national security.
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Friday, January 06, 2017
President Trump Understands the NSA, CIA... LIE, America's Intelligence Agencies Crime Syndicate! / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A gullible and as Mitt Romney likes to say 'not very smart' President Obama fell for more lies and deceit spewing out of so called US intelligence agencies, the NSA, CIA and more than dozen others all conjuring another dodgy dossier out of cyber space on Russian hacking of the US election to get Trump elected so as to fit their own agenda, one of TOTAL SURVEILLANCE for the goal for TOTAL CONTROL, TOTALITARIAN CONTROL! Something that President Trump is clearly aware of given his own experience during the election campaign and clearly as the intelligence reports bring into question the legitimacy of his own Presidency.
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
CIA Planning Rogue President Donald Trump Assassination? Elites "Manchurian Candidate" Plan B / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The establishment elite still reeling from the failure of any of their bought and paid for candidates that populate both the Democratic and Republican parties to make it into the White house for the first time since perhaps JFK, are increasingly looking to the likes of the CIA to begin implementing the elite's PLAN B as President Elect Donald Trump takes office and starts to diverge from the elites interests. For instance it is is not in the elite's military industrial complexes' interests for the US to be friendly towards Russia, despite the fact that Russia literally poses a near zero economic or military threat to US global power. However, the operating system of US Military and Economic Global Power is such that it does not matter if a nations is a friend or foe, all are fair game, where the king of cyber warefare is the United States that can literally shut any nation down within hours, given that the so called free internet is a US military delivery system for malware infection for total access and control. So to imagine that the US full spectrum global empire assembled over the past 100 years will allow a Rouge President to disrupt it's activities is delusional.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
MI6 to Recruit 1/3rd More Redundant Intelligence Agents Destined to Lose AI Cyber Wars / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's secret service, MI6 is about to see their number of intelligence agents boosted by 1/3rd in attempt to fight and counter future digital cyber terror attacks and wars. This is in addition to the expansion of other arms of Britain's secret police such as GCHQ and MI5.
However, the government is making the SAME mistake it always tends to make when it engages in such job creation exercises for bureaucratic institutions in that they are ALWAYS looking in the rear view mirror of what happened in the past and thus how they could have averted for instance 9/11 or 7/7 if they had x,y,z number of personnel in place and then go ahead and implement such capacity expansion a decade after the fact, whilst failing to realise that the nature of the threat has moved on.
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