Category: US Politics
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, February 01, 2008
US / Mexico Border, Drug Trafficing and the US Economy / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
Protecting the border is a big part of the presidential political debates. This week in a special edition of Outside the Box, my friends at Stratfor give us yet one more reason why we should be concerned when we look south. The topic not only concerns security, but our economy. The drug trade is becoming a problem. This is a short but very disturbing letter, but you should read it.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Investment Politics of 2008: Protect Your Wallet / Politics / US Politics
By: Steve_Selengut
The parade of promises is marching down Main Street. For too many months to come, politicians of all descriptions, parties, and ideologies will be courting our votes... they have the cure for all that is wrong in the world, they tell us. With crystal clear hindsight, every candidate criticizes the decisions of every incumbent, from the Town Council of Podunk to The Presidency itself. You've heard it all before; it never changes. But we all know that little will be accomplished. Ten years from now, we'll be grumbling about the same things that bothered us ten years ago! But we listen to (and sometimes even believe) the same garbage, campaign after campaign. Aren't you tired of this cycle of frustration? If you thought you could make a difference, would you try?Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Hillary Clinton Wins! Barack Obama Loses , Pollsters Lose! / Politics / US Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Contrary to ALL of the polls and political pundits, Hilary Clinton Beat Barack Obama into second place by a healthy distance of 4%+ in the New Hampshire Democratic Primary.
Hours before the poll, Hilary Clinton had literally shed a tear in the face of impeding defeat, which is now being used by political pundits as the moment that the polls turned in her favour. However at the time no one indicated that the sign of weakness could be construed as positive for the Clinton campaign.
How could the pollsters get it so wrong ?
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Sunday, January 06, 2008
IOWA Votes For Change, Barack Obama Wins but Ron Paul Rejected / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
Ron Paul's obnoxious supporters like more traditional political activists can spin and delude themselves about election results. But the Iowa caucus results could not be clearer: The vast national desire for political change is manifesting itself through support for both Democratic and Republican change-candidates. Despite Paul being flush with money and having a large number of workers in Iowa, he was solidly rejected as the leading change agent.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Problems with Maverick Ron Paul's Policies / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
It's as if a whole lot of people have caught a virus that I have escaped. People that I thought had correctly rejected the current corrupt two-party controlled political system have flocked to Paul. So I went back and re-read most of his published columns and examined in detail his voting record. I can understand why such a maverick politician is so attractive to people fed up with the current system. But I consistently have seen so many problems with Paul that I cannot support his candidacy and I still maintain that he never stood a chance of getting the Republican nomination.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
US Presidential Elections are a Sham! / Politics / US Politics
By: Mike_Whitney
Every four years the country is swept up in the pomp and pageantry of presidential elections. And every four years loyal Americans flock to the voting booths to select the candidate of their choice. Elections--we are told---are supposed to be the true expression of democratic government. But they aren't. They're a sham and most people know it. The balloting creates the illusion of choice where there is none. It's become a meaningless ritual that has nothing to do with representative government.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
US 2008 Presidential Election: Important Concepts About Monetary Policy and History / Politics / US Politics
By: Richard_C_Cook
The 2008 presidential election campaign starts in earnest on January 3 with the Iowa caucuses, followed a few days later by the New Hampshire primary. While all of the Republican candidates except Ron Paul have totally ignored economic issues, the Democrats are all sounding more “populist” than at any time since the Great Depression. Nevertheless, with the exception of Dennis Kucinich, they all swallow in its totality the debt-based monetary system overseen by the Federal Reserve which is at the root of the escalating crisis.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ron Paul on the Importance of Fiscal Responsibility in US Government / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
As the year draws to a close, the battle over spending in Washington is heating up. The Democrats want to expand government healthcare, while the President has vetoed the second attempt to expand SCHIP.The latest version of the State Children's Health Insurance Program would have expanded the entitlement program and raised taxes, just as the earlier version did and the President showed fiscal restraint with his veto.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Ron Paul on the True Cost of US Government Tax and Spending / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Congressman Charlie Rangel recently unveiled a tax plan that Republicans estimate would raise taxes by $3.5 trillion over 10 years. Democrats questioned the math.
Now, the Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee have released a report on the total costs of the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan , including "hidden costs" such as interest on the money we're borrowing, and long term healthcare for vets. The bill comes to $3.5 trillion. Republicans are, of course, questioning the math on this item.
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Grand Delusion of Electing the Democrats in 2008 / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
With an endless, futile and costly Iraq war, a stinking economy and most Americans seeing the country on the wrong track, the greatest national group delusion is that electing Democrats in 2008 is what the country needs.Keith Olbermann was praised when he called the Bush presidency a criminal conspiracy. That missed the larger truth. The whole two-party political system is a criminal conspiracy hiding behind illusion induced delusion.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
US in Economic and Political Crisis - Time For Plan B? / Politics / US Politics
By: Richard_C_Cook
Strange events are taking place in the U.S.
By August 2007, a lot of very smart people were reading the tea leaves, convinced that the upper echelons of the U.S. government had their own hidden reasons for forecasting an event even more heinous than the attacks of September 11, 2001. President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff had been hinting that another 9/11 could be coming.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Greenspan : Iraq War Was for Oil - The Age of Turbulence / Politics / US Politics
By: John_York
Former Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan states that the Iraq War was for primarily for Oil.
You may ask why is Greenspan now some 4 years after the invasion of Iraq making such statements ?
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Saturday, September 08, 2007
Painful 9/11 Truth / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
Many technical analyses cast doubt on the official explanation of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, including those presented by an impressive new group: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. More difficult than discovering the truth, however, is convincing most of the public to accept the bitter truth.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The War on Working Americans - Part I / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
As Labor Day approaches, what better time to assess the state of working America. It's under assault and weakened by decades of eroding rights in the richest country in the world once regarded as a model democratic state. It's pure nonsense in a nation always dedicated to wealth and power, but don't try finding that discussed in the mainstream. Today, it's truer than ever making the struggle for equity and justice all the harder. That's what ordinary working people now face making beating those odds formidable at the least.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Open Letter to Congressman Ron Paul / Politics / US Politics
By: Brian_Bloom
Arising from a recent interview which I enjoyed with Pat Gorman of Wake Up America at Free Mark et News Network, your name has been brought to my attention many times in the past couple of weeks.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Aging US Infrastructure / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The recent and tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota raises many questions in Americans' minds about our aging infrastructure, and what is being done to maintain it. Questions such as: "Was I-35 an isolated accident or are we approaching days when crumbling bridges and bursting pipes will be regular features on the evening news?"Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
High Risk Government Spending / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Last week this column addressed the train wreck that federal spending has become. To score political points politicians will make loud noise about fairly small matters such as earmarks, even while refusing to address the real problem. Namely, that our federal government is too big and does too much. Politicians prefer to pass a bill or create a program every time somebody points to a new social problem, this way they can tell their constituents how much they are doing to help. Instead of rationally explaining the proper role of government, politicians have attempted to play the role of friend, preacher, parent, social worker, etcetera-- in essence, whatever any organized special interest can demand.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Bourgeoisie Of America / Politics / US Politics
By: Captain_Hook
To say these are interesting times is undoubtedly an understatement in my view, as I am a conservative by nature. And the dichotomies – don't get me started on them. In the US, supposedly the exemplar of free enterprise in the world, never have so many owed so much to the state, while at the same time it appears those in power have embraced capitalism to its fullest degree , spending money here and there as long as kick-backs in the form of political contributions keep coming. What do we call this – selective capitalism? What's scary is current circumstances in America are very similar to the period preceding the French Revolution , where it appears we are witnessing the proliferation of a Bourgeoisie class of ‘well to-do's' in knowing the right people. Isn't that a scary thought for some! If this is true, business leaders, bankers, and politicos should beware.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Removing A Failed President Without Impeachment / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
We no longer can trust Congress to impeach and remove a terrible president. The Washington Post has published an op-ed piece by Robert Dallek that proposes a constitutional amendment to allow “ouster by the people” for removing a president other than by impeachment or because of incapacity. Considering the dismal performance of George W. Bush and his administration and the difficulty in obtaining impeachment, this is a fine idea.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Gaming the US Elections - Analysis of The Lame Duck President / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Mauldin
This week in Outside the Box good friend George Friedman of Stratfor delves into that enigma that is Executive power and Presidential elections. George ventures to assess the current President in light of former Presidents, utilizing a methodical rubric of measure to analyze the capabilities of what in all perceptions is a lame duck President with respect to domestic influence and foreign perception. He also analyzed the presidential race. I found this a very interesting piece.Read full article... Read full article...