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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Euro Rebound Oil Price Rebound / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSince the start of July, the euro has stormed back to a backdrop of increasingly clear US-Europe economic fundamentals, that is weak US recovery and very weak recovery in Europe, with massive sovereign debt and government deficits in both regions. The currencies in play, the US dollar and Eurozone 16 Euro, are twin pillars of fiat money printing excesses, but at this moment, if the Euro is a Fiat currency, the US dollar looks more like a Trabant currency.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

China Déjà Vu Pipeline Explosions and Oil Spill / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Dian_L_Chu

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJust when BP finally seems to have got a handle on the Macondo well with the successful containment cap, multiple explosions and oil spill are taking place--halfway around the globe--in China.  

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Friday, July 16, 2010

We Can't Live Without Gulf Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: The_Energy_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTragic as the situation is, "everything is going to be okay" in the Gulf of Mexico, according to Stansberry & Associates Investment Research Founder Porter Stansberry. Porter, who built his reputation on finding safe-value investments poised to give his followers years of exceptional returns, also has a reputation as an independent thinker with a penchant for "out-of-consensus" viewpoints. He shares some of his contrarian opinions in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report. Porter sees no risk of bankruptcy or default with BP, the Macondo emerging as an enormously beneficial well, and more drilling there in the future because 1) there are no good replacements for oil and 2) "we can't live without oil from the Gulf."

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Oil Price, Where is the Next Buying Opportunity? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Keith_Schaefer

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBrian Hoffman writes: About six months ago I wrote that the technical outlook for oil prices indicated oil prices may drop in the event of a downward breakout from the rising wedge that had formed in the price chart for light crude oil, or that prices should find support at US$85 per barrel if an upward breakout were to occur from that price level.  A downward breakout occurred and we are now looking at the possibility of even lower oil prices over the next few months.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Crude Oil Tracks Stocks Upwards to Close Week Above $76 a Barrel / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Crude oil futures finished the week on a positive note, tracking stocks upward after hitting the low for a month earlier in the week.

The benchmark West Texas intermediate contract settled Friday at $76.09 a barrel, up 65 cents on the day. On Tuesday, the contract declined for the sixth session in a row, closing at $71.98, its first dip below $72 in a month.

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Crude Oil $100 Sooner Than You Think / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Dian_L_Chu

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSentiment in the crude oil market has been quite pessimistic lately after some disappointing economic data fueling fear over the strength of the U.S. recovery, and signs of a possible China slowdown. This is on top of the market distress already exerted by the Europe sovereign debt and banking crisis.

Oil price was down 8% for the week, with the front-month August delivery settled at $72.14 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Hungry Dragon: China's New Crude Oil Market / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Marin_Katusa

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBy Marin Katusa, Chief Investment Strategist, Energy Division writes: If you ever happen to eavesdrop on a conversation between energy investors, two words are sure to crop up – China and oil. Usually, they’re used together and usually, it’s about China’s increasing presence on the global oil scene.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gold, Oil, Spills and Chills / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: HRA_Advisory

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOn the rare occasions that political rhetoric seems to understate a problem, it’s big.  BP has a big problem in the Gulf of Mexico, which they are now properly laying out.  Blaming the company for the spill is possibly a bit overdone since it was after all an accident.  However, claiming they and by extension the industry haven’t been responsible enough with the work seems to be on the mark.   This spill is going to impact deep water oil exploration and extraction for years to come.  The cleanup will continue through the year, as will discussion of alternate energy sources.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Deepwater Drilling Gulf Of Mexico Fundamentally Flawed Protocol In Use Of Cement / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Dr_Stephen_Rinehart

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBackground: Cement is a quasi-hard material that is 8X to 10X stronger in compression than tension. It has been the industry standard for sealing oil wells for decades. As deepwater drilling progresses in the Gulf of Mexico (and worldwide), there is an increasing need for much higher strength “cements” and significant research has been devoted to this area in past decade. MMS (Mines Management Services) had projects ongoing in 2001-2002 to determine industry cements to produce a tight seal in an annulus (Ref: Long Term Integrity pf Deepwater Cement Systems Under Stress/Compaction Conditions, Report 3 Issued Nov 19, 2002 by Cementing Solutions).

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Curious Move in United States Oil Fund USO / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Dian_L_Chu

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleUnited States Oil Fund (USO) was a big mover on Friday jumping 3.69% to $35.65, outperforming other ETFs. The fund was trading in the negative territory for the most part in the morning, but spiked up around 11:45 EST, and kept the momentum through closing.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Crude Oil Looks Vulnerable / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Seven_Days_Ahead

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWe have remained sidelined in Oil for quite some time now as we judged the market lacked long-term direction. Although a recovery began after the steep sell-off in May, we decided the subsequent rally was probably a correction rather than a resumption of the previous bull trend.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Deep Water Oil The Final Frontier / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBP's disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to accusation by Obama himself of corporate recklessness, and to huge numbers of lawsuits for damages and loss of earnings, is also capable of leaving very long-term ecological damage. This disaster however underlines the basic problem facing all the major Western oil corporations, and most national oil companies - outside the OPEC states, Russia and a few other oil producer countries with large or relatively low cost, onshore and shallow offshore oil reserves and an export surplus.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

It’s THE Most Profitable Oil in North America / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Keith_Schaefer

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleFew investors realize that one sector of the heavy oil market is the most profitable oil in all of North America – it’s called cold flow heavy oil. Think of it as light heavy oil, thick and gooey enough that it needs a pump to get out of the ground, but no so thick that it needs expensive heating to make it flow – hence the name cold flow.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oil Prices Below $78 as Fed Meetings Conclude / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

As analysts and investors await the Federal Reserve’s announcement on interest rates later Wednesday (June 23), oil prices are trading below $78 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

How America Can Escape From Oil’s Stranglehold / Companies / Crude Oil

By: Investment_U

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDavid Fessler writes: You see that enormous cloud of dust on the horizon?

It’s Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM), Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX), Shell Oil (NYSE: RDS:A) and ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) all sprinting as fast as they can to distance themselves from BP (NYSE: BP).

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Design Considerations for a Shock-Hardened Deepwater Drilling Rig and Plausibility Argument for the Loss of the Deepwater Horizon Drilling Rig / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Dr_Stephen_Rinehart

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWWII resulted in many ships (naval surface combatants, subs and commercial tankers) were totally disabled by non-contact underwater explosions and/or air blast loadings (near miss). Also systems on one end of the ship were being knocked-out by a bomb hitting another part of the ship due to the severe shock loadings (think earthquake “g” loads multiplied by an actor of 10X, 50X or 100X).  As a result research in underwater explosions was intensified and in Dec 1946, the Underwater Explosions Research Division (UERD) was established by Dr Alfred Keil (the Division’s First Director). Dr Keil came from Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute and wrote the classical paper on Underwater Gas Bubble Dynamics (gas bubbles that form underwater from an explosion and can attach themselves to a ship’s hull and cause huge damage or sink the ship. This is why we are using so much dispersant to dilute the huge methane gas bubbles to protect the surface ships such as Discovery Enterprise.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

How to Profit From Peak Oil as Crude Oil Prices Set to Double / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticlePeter Krauth writes: If there's one thing U.S. investors need to know about the future, it's this: Oil prices are headed higher - much higher, in fact, and could well double to reach $150 a barrel.

And if that's what the future holds, you may as well go along for the ride...

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Crude Oil Realities / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Puru_Saxena

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWithout a doubt, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an environmental disaster.  Unfortunately, as far as the global economy is concerned, Mr. Obama’s six-month moratorium on new offshore drilling is an even bigger disaster. 

Remember, the supply of crude oil is already struggling and in order to offset the ongoing depletion, the world desperately needs to find new oil-fields.  Thus, by stopping new exploratory drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, the US establishment is wasting precious time.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What the End of the Oil Age Looks Like / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Submissions

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleRichard Heinberg writes: Following the failure of the latest efforts to plug the gushing leak from BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, and amid warnings that oil could continue to flow for another two months or more, perhaps it’s a good time to step back a moment mentally and look at the bigger picture—the context of our human history of resource extraction—to see how current events reveal deeper trends that will have even greater and longer-lasting significance.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crude Oil Technical Take Video / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe talk of the day is crude oil

Whether it is the spill in the Gulf, which continues unabated, or talk on Capitol Hill, the subject is crude oil.

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