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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Monday, July 18, 2011

An Epic Energy Crunch, Global Crude Oil Demand Exceeds Production / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Puru_Saxena

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe majority of the world’s developed economies are growing at a sluggish pace, yet the price of NYMEX crude is trading around US$100 per barrel.  Interestingly, the price of Brent Crude (the price most nations pay) is even higher!

You may recall that during the last oil spike in 2008, world governments blamed those wily speculators.  Therefore, in order to diminish speculation, the authorities banned leveraged ‘long’ oil exchange traded funds. 

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Crude Oil Price Uncertainties / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Seven_Days_Ahead

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe Euro zone sovereign debt crisis had barely been quietened by Greece agreeing to the austerity terms of her second financial rescue, when traders turned their attention to the public finances of Italy.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Upleg for Crude Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

My hourly pattern work in nearby NYMEX crude oil futures indicates that the structure of the decline from the July 7 high at 99.42 into this morning's low at 93.55 exhibits a completed corrective leg. If accurate this also means that oil has initiated a new upleg within a larger recovery rally period off of the June 27 low at 89.61 that projects above 99.42 into the 101-103 target zone.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crude Oil Prices : The Seamless Web / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs brokers and traders firstly tiptoe, then stampede out of both commodities and equities in programmed ritual lockstep when the warning signals of slower growth, higher debt, weaker money and more jobless persons flash deeper red we find more, clear, real-time proof what has happened to the financial space today. Commodities and equities are simply two facets of the same asset space. That single space is under heavy attack from reality but oil breakout on the upside, and equities on the downside is a new leading sign of that attack.

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Friday, July 08, 2011

If Crude Oil Is A Bubble Where Is The Smoking Gun? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_Butter

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOn 22nd June, Brent closed at $113. Then IEA made their move; the price dropped, and by 26th June it closed at $104 which was 8% down on the 22nd. Today it’s up to $114, back to square one; that’s hardly “Mission Accomplished”.

Not quite sure what they were thinking, forget about the “allies”, America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve is 270 million barrels, that’s 20-days pumping at full capacity for Saudi Arabia.

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Monday, July 04, 2011

Mysterious Hidden Hand That Manipulates the Crude Oil Price / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_Butter

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleFirst impressions it looks suspiciously like the bold experiment to strut the power of USA as a player in the oil-price conundrum; looks set to be about as successful as the $4.7 trillion campaign to achieve, I still didn’t figure out quite what, in Iraq and Afghanistan….err…and perhaps Libya?

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Monday, July 04, 2011

Crude Oil Price Could Double / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Tony_Caldaro

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWe have not written anything about the bull market in Crude since November. And that piece was more directed toward Natual Gas, which continues to drift along with a slight upward bias. We are not going to get into the fundamentals that are driving Crude prices higher; i.e. peak oil, quantitative easing, tax issues and simply growing energy demand from the emerging economies. This is more of a technical report using the principles of OEW with price and cycle analysis.

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Friday, July 01, 2011

Lower Targets Open For Brent Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Seven_Days_Ahead

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAn earlier fall in Brent Crude Prices in May found initial support from a 38.2% level. This has now come under pressure again, inviting calculation of lower targets.

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

America’s Oil Supply: The Keystone for Survival / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Marin_Katusa

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMarin Katusa, Casey Energy Report writes: A rancorous debate over TransCanada Corp.’s (T.TRP) proposed Keystone XL Pipeline has given rise to two uncomfortable prospects: If the US$7 billion project is not built, Alberta’s oil sands will become landlocked, at least for a while, and the United States will lose access to one of its few reliable, friendly sources of oil.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Strategic Crude Oil Release Will Not Hurt Clean Energy Progress / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Jeb_Handwerger

The recent release of 60 million barrels of oil (OIL) will artificially lower the price. High oil prices has been the best catalyst for clean energy production and fuel efficient vehicles. Increasing the supply of oil may be pushing down the demand for rare earths(REMX), uranium(URA) and lithium(LIT) only short term. This decline in oil prices should not drastically hurt the development of rare earth assets outside China.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Towards And End To Crude Oil Price Speculation ? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs of the present we have a menacing but periodic slump in the upsurge of commodity prices, signalled by a slump in oil prices. This of course leads the bigger hedge fund strategists to predict a "V", betting on previous performance and drawing on the now conventional wisdom that oil is a scarce resource.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Playing Cat and Mouse with Global Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Frank_Holmes

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOil markets took another dose of global geopolitics this week when the International Energy Agency (IEA) unexpectedly announced that it would be releasing 60 million barrels of oil from strategic petroleum reserves (SPR) around the globe. Thursday’s surprise announcement gave oil prices a 4.5 percent hair cut and oil prices closed Friday at $91.25, down 20 percent from their April 29 peak.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Strategic Petroleum Reserves the New Global QE? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Ashraf_Laidi

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleIn order to understand the SPR release of 60 million barrels, we must go back to the November G20 meeting when Asia/Latam Emerging Markets protested against the Fed's November launch of QE2, dubbing it as beggar-they-neighbour USD depreciation.

It was no surprise that Bernanke did not dare utter the words QE3 on Wednesday's press conference. Yet, there was no need to refer to further easing when the FOMC already downgraded its growth outlook for the 3rd successive meeting.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Crude Oil Price Downward Pressure / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Frankly, there are so many cross-currents influencing the markets at any given time, uncertainty clearly has the upper hand -- even when we think that new information or decisions are alleviating some of the uncertainty.

Case in point:  crude oil prices.   Is downward pressure positive for equities (for obvious reasons: i.e., the consumer gets a "tax cut"), or negative because it might reflect a serious slow down in U.S. and global economic growth (read: China demand)?

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crude Oil Futures Remain Under Pressure / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

Crude oil futures remained under pressure on Monday and declined 2 percent as investors were uncertain about the upcoming US economic indicators. Crude oil futures contract for July delivery slipped 2 percent or $1.99 to $97.30 per barrel on New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Peak Oil – The Long & The Short / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: James_Quinn

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDoes it seem like we’ve been here before?

A barrel of Brent Crude (the truest indicator of worldwide oil scarcity) sits at $118, up from $75 per barrel in July 2010 – a 57% increase in eleven months. In the U.S., the average price of gasoline is $3.69 per gallon this week, up 37% in the last year and up 100% in the last 30 months.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

NYMEX Crooks (alleged) Crude Oil Futures Fake Out Scam / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: PhilStockWorld

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe CROOKS (allegedly, just indictments so far) at the NYMEX are running a scam and they have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of accepting delivery of even 1/10th of the 367M barrels they had as open contracts last week. In fact, Wednesday (June 8) they traded their contracts 454,043 times - isn't that amazing?  It's a 123% daily churn rate!  Of course, it's easy to churn 454M barrels of crude because the only sucker that ends up paying for all those fees is YOU, the end consumer of crude.  All those fees are passed on to you as part of the price of oil.  

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Why Crude Oil Prices Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOne thing is sure: oil prices rise when they are not falling. There is an intermediate case: they stay flat, but that is not a trader-friendly situation, because making money from oil price speculation is only possible when prices change. The more they change, the more dosh can be made from organizing price dips and surges. Consequently, even the quickest glance of Nymex or ICE or Tocom (or any other oil market) prices shows one clear thing: they change.

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Crude Oil vs. Natural Gas, Which One is Wrong? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Willem_Weytjens

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhen we have a look at Oil prices and Natural Gas Prices, we can see that both prices were highly correlated since at least 1994 until early 2009 (with 1 exception in 2001):

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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Crude Oil and Gold Trading Insights / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Oil is again a leading asset for possible rapid price growth.
The reasons are however rather strange and sinister:  Wall Street is demanding higher prices, very especially by Goldman Sachs Group Inc which says the price should (it says "could") reach $ 130 a barrel quite soon. When Goldman Sachs talks this way only two things can happen: first the asset it fingered as certain or likely to rise will collapse in price, wrong-footing bets on what would happen.   Or the asset really does behave like Goldman Sachs said it should (or "could").

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