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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crude Oil Shortage Meme Struggles On, And On / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

What looks suspiciously like disguised advertising for the site, Gold Core has published a three-part report in its Market Update series on “why gold must rise”. Key arguments used by Gold Core include the parlous state of world financial markets, and what Gold Core calls a “selloff of all asset classes: stocks, bonds, commodities, and of course, silver and gold”. We didn't yet notice the selloff in stocks, and although the commodities sector has been mauled, oil prices are still at extreme, well-supported, heavily-manipulated highs. The world's green energy sector is in several ways comparable – resulting from the same basic cause of overvalued assets sucking in vast amounts of investor capital, needing a continuation of overvalued assets – or price collapse.

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Profits in the Next Oil Boom, Time to Climb Aboard / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: Rail transit is about to make you some big oil.

That's why I'll be headed to Dallas in late August and Calgary mid-September for extensive meetings with all of the key players.

I can promise you, that in a hurry this is going to get a lot bigger.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

World's Next Major Crude Oil Find in Mineral Rich Australia? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Australia's massive mineral exports allowed it to weather the global recession, which began in 2008, quite nicely.

The U.S. government's Energy Information Administration noted in its country's analysis for Australia, "Australia, rich in hydrocarbons and uranium, was the world's second largest coal exporter in 2011 and the third largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter in 2012. Australia is rich in commodities, including fossil fuel and uranium reserves, and is one of the few countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that is a significant net hydrocarbon exporter, exporting over 70 percent of its total energy production according to government sources. Australia was the world's second largest coal exporter based on weight in 2011 and the third largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2012."

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

President Obama Could Give Middle Class a Bailout with Oil SPR Release / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: EconMatters

QE Fueled Market Mania

It was another crazy day of speculation in the gasoline and oil markets, typical of the QE fueled shenanigans that happen every day for the last month in equities and oil. Speculators ran WTI up to $109 a barrel, and the RBOB contract up as high as $3.16 a gallon on Friday. So expect prices at the pump to continue to rise due to wild, rampant speculation in the futures market.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Russia and the Next Oil Crisis / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Clif_Droke

On the global market scene, Russia has been one of the major laggards this year. The Market Vectors Russia ETF (RSX), a reflection of the country's stock market, fell 22% from its high earlier this year. RSX was testing a three-year low not more than a month ago and seemed to be in danger of breaking below this major long-term support.

Keeping in mind that the stock market is the single best barometer of future business and economic conditions, as per the old Dow Theory saw, things looked pretty bleak for Russia this summer...that is until the country caught a break from a major development in the commodities market.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oil's Middle East Fallacy, Egypt Crisis It`s Jobs Stupid….. / Politics / Crude Oil

By: EconMatters

A couple of weeks ago Egypt demonstrations led to the Mursi administration being removed from office, who was elected from the last set of demonstrations. What Mursi and many media analysts failed to realize is that the demonstrations weren`t really about democracy, religion, philosophy or ideology but were actually about jobs.

It’s the economy stupid, that is what the Egyptian people really care about, which is ironic because without a major overhaul in their country`s entire business structure, the one strategic advantage the country has is the tourist industry.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Even Oil Executives Know Crude Oil Prices are Too High! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: EconMatters

WTI is Tracking S&P 500 last Month

It is obvious that the oil market is out of touch with the fundamentals of a sluggish global macro-economic picture, and surging domestic and international oil production right now. The problem is that Oil, and especially WTI which is being tied to the S&P 500 bullishness, (i.e., stock market at all-time highs) is completely manipulated by hedge funds and investment banks and is harmful to the economy, businesses and consumers.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Syria, Egypt And The Middle East Oil Price Risk Premium / Politics / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

The role of Syria's disastrous civil war as a “tailwind” helping maintain oil prices at artificially high levels is easy to show. Claims by oil analysts that this civil war “will spillover and deflagrate the entire Middle East” bump up prices. The same applies to Egypt, the Arab world's biggest country now potentially facing the risk of civil war. With imagination, the contagion talk can be extended to Libya, Tunisia, the Yemen, Bahrain, the other Gulf states, and other Mid East and North African countries. The talk helps nudge up day traded prices for Brent or WTI by 50 cents or a dollar, quite regularly, but the risk and fear premium on Arab oil is highly uncertain. When we drill down to strict net export surplus fundamentals – production versus national oil demand - any claims that Syria, Egypt, the Yemen or other countries, except Libya, Algeria, Iraq and the Gulf states, are more than tiny exporters probably moving towards net oil importer status, are very hard to defend. This is a political risk premium.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Crude Oil Myths and Why WTI Is a Short / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: EconMatters

The Cushing Myth

"Going along with 'drill, drill, drill' is now 'ship, ship, ship,' " said John Kilduff, energy analyst with Again Capital.” The bottleneck has been addressed in Cushing [Okla]. We're seeing those inventories plunge. We're seeing it from all the rail movement. It's having an impact, as are the pipeline reversals."

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crude Oil Trend Analysis / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Ed_Carlson

For several months I have been expecting a high in oil as of last Friday. A 34-month cycle (below) was my original suspicion for thinking so. But as you can see, the cycle calls for a high in June, not July. While the closing high in June has, as of last Friday, been exceeded, we won’t know where the closing high in July will be for three more weeks. Friday’s close at 103.22 is dead-on the 61.8% retracement of the 2008 bear market (as well as a declining trendline) giving us the perfect level at which to expect a possible top.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Crude Oil is the Next Major Commodity to Crash / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: EconMatters

We have seen how Gold and Silver were viciously attacked by the shorts this past week, and surprisingly Oil escaped the carnage which is interesting because in April Oil was taken down to the $86 level during the last attack on the Gold and Silver markets. This is even stranger considering the fundamentals for the Oil market are even more bearish than they were in April from a supply standpoint as exemplified by the latest EIA report on Wednesday on this week. There is little doubt however that since the easy money is gleaned from the Gold attack, the Feral Hogs will start looking for their next target, and the Oil market will be high on their list in the upcoming months as the summer driving season winds down, and bulging supplies start to weigh on trader`s sentiments.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Are You Protected from Crude Oil Price Downside? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: The_Energy_Report

Remember when oil shot up to $148 a barrel? Chen Lin does, and he sees potential for Wall Street market manipulation to push the oil price in the opposite direction—as low as $47 a barrel. Plus, he's bearish on China now. The good news is that Lin, publisher of What Is Chen Buying/Selling?, was willing to share his personal investment strategy in his interview with The Energy Report. Find out where Lin booked profits this year and get the names he's turning to for protection against oil price downside.


The Energy Report: What have been the most important changes in the oil and gas markets since your last interview in February?

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why the Fed's QE Policy is Bullish for Crude Oil Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: Most investors have followed what the Fed's QE policy has done to gold, but few realize its impact on oil prices.

Recently, I talked about how crude was beginning to occupy a position as a store of market value ("Why Oil Is Becoming the New 'Gold Standard," May 20, 2013). The development has been a direct consequence of the flight from holding gold.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Crude Oil Prices Start to Breakout / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Donald_W_Dony

Following the May 25, 2013 Market Minute titled "Is oil about to breakout to higher levels?", Light crude prices have moved over a resistance level that have contain the commodity for over six months. As this transition is in its early stages, several additional days of price advancement will be required to confirm the breakout. Nevertheless, WTI prices are firming and signals a change in traders attitude toward this commodity.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Manipulated Crude Oil Market Malarkey – Welcome Greater Fools! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: PhilStockWorld

What complete BS the Futures are!

We started out last night, at 6pm, with the Dow Futures right at 15,000, flat to Friday's close. However, MIRACULOUSLY, by Asia's close at 4am, we were back to 15,130 (Friday's high) and you have to be high if you could read the weekend headlines we were going over in early morning Member Chat and thought that kind of move was justified! We concluded that oil futures (/CL) would be the best short at a ridiculous $98.50 so we called that line and, already, less than two hours later (8:17), we're back at the $98 line with $500 per contract profits! Maybe we should just take the rest of the week off and quit while we're ahead.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why Soaring Crude Oil Production Growth Isn’t Helping Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Profit_Confidential

Mitchell Clark, B.Comm writes: There is now pressure on oil prices.

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude is getting awfully close to the $100.00-per-barrel level again. Futures traders are interpreting economic news, including last Friday’s employment report, as strength in the U.S economy.

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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Peak Oil - A Simple, Perfect Lie for Politicians / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: DailyWealth

Porter Stansberry writes: Peak Oil was a fantastic lie.

The idea was that our ability to discover and produce higher amounts of hydrocarbon-based energy had peaked and would be forever in decline. This "inevitable" decline in energy production would destroy the modern world, as all the luxuries and technologies that we enjoy today (such as cheap electricity and automobiles) rely on these fuels.

I believe historians will look back and marvel over how we could imagine the world would run out of oil... and the incredible mania that thinking produced in the oil markets in the mid-2000s.

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Potential Crude Oil Glut! Contrarian Analyst's Forecast / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: The_Energy_Report

Stepping away from the pack, Andrew Coleman of Raymond James Equity Research is making a contrarian forecast for an oil glut in 2014. Shale oil production is on the ascent, with the United States joining Saudi Arabia on the supply side, while China's hunger for oil may be sliding and demand in developed countries remains in decline. In this interview with The Energy Report, Coleman explains his thinking and names the producers best positioned to capitalize on the turbulence ahead.


The Energy Report: Why are you expecting an oil glut in 2014?

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Crude Oil Is Trapped In A Triangle Higher Prices Seen / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: ForexPros

Oil is slow, choppy and overlapping since September 2012 , so we think that whole price action represents a triangle pattern in red wave B) that is part of three wave rally in wave (D) from June 2012 low. If we are correct, then we know that we need five sub-waves within a triangle before we may look for a push higher into C) of (D) towards 102/103 mark.

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Will Saudi Arabia Allow the U.S. Crude Oil Boom? / Politics / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Technology, technology, and more technology--this is what has driven the American oil and gas boom starting in the Bakken and now being played out in the Gulf of Mexico revival, and new advances are coming online constantly. It's enough to rival the Saudis, if the Kingdom allows it to happen. Along with this boom come both promise and fear and a fast-paced regulatory environment that still needs to find the proper balance.

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