Category: Gold and Silver 2015
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Silver Tunnel Vision 'Experts' / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dan_Norcini
Over the past month, we have been subjected to one breathless article after another predicting a huge upside blowout in silver as "the trapped shorts are forced out".
"The rise in open interest to a record high, even higher than when silver was trading near $50, tells us that some big money is going into silver and it is just a matter of time before the shorts are given a religious experience".
Thus would the summation be of the crux of the silver perma-bull "analysis".
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Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Gold And Silver - Monthly, Quarterly Ending Analysis / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Michael_Noonan
While not many pay any attention to these two larger time frames, especially the Quarterly, both are more controlling and receive greater attention from smart money players. These time frames are not at all used for market timing, but they do show the dominance of a trend. It also takes considerably more effort to effect changes on either or both.
There is no need to reference any news events because current events cannot alter the established trends, and the collective current events of the past several years have done nothing to change the trend. We take that back. For the last year, while the overall trend has been down, price has been relatively neutral in the sense of moving sideways instead of lower. That noted aspect is actually a change in behavior, and it is more evident on the silver chart.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Greece Crisis Shows Importance of Gold as Europeans Buy Coins and Bars / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldCore
- Demand for physical gold from Europeans surges
- Greek ATMs limit withdrawals to €60 per day
- Greeks panic buy food, fuel and medicine
- European elites threaten Greece with expulsion
- Gold not subject to capital controls or “bail-ins”
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Gold GDXJ : Impulse Move Pending / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Rambus_Chartology
The GDXJ is at an important inflection point right here and now. As you can see it’s sitting right on the neckline of a small H&S top that has formed at the fourth reversal point on the potential bearish falling wedge. A break of the neckline will almost assure a move down to the bottom blue rail of the falling wedge at a minimum.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Crude Oil Weakness is Not Gold Friendly / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dan_Norcini
Amidst all the talk about "Grexit" (are the rest of the readers as sick of hearing about this as I am at this point?), one thing being overlooked, especially by those who keep calling for some sort of rip roaring surge higher in gold and silver, is the fact that crude oil is weakening.
In short, with many looking at the situation in Greece as contributing to a hit on economic growth, and with the fact that China is struggling, crude oil is moving lower as traders are concerned over a SLOWDOWN IN DEMAND.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Fed Interest Rate Increase Could Be Best Thing to Happen to Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: The_Gold_Report
A true contrarian knows that when everyone says an interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve would kill stocks, that is the best time to double down on junior mining names. In this interview with The Gold Report, Gold Stock Trades author Jeb Handwerger shares the names of the companies he thinks could do well through the drill bit or by acquisition regardless of when the inevitable turnaround comes.
The Gold Report: Common wisdom says that when the U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates later this year, it will prove negative for gold. Do you agree?
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Monday, June 29, 2015
Gold and Silver Greece and Short Positions / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Alasdair_Macleod
Hedge funds and high-frequency traders have finally forced gold into a US dollar loss this year as shown in our introductory chart, but silver is still in positive territory. This week gold declined $29 with a break from the $1200 level to $1171, and silver fell 40 cents to $15.70 early this morning in European trade.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
China the Wild Card On Gold, Greek Referendum Vote July 5 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
The Bucket Shop on the Hudson was quiet in this day after precious metal options expiration.
There was intraday commentary here about China's desire to make the yuan a global reserve currency, and some possible implications for gold from the head of Bloomberg precious metals analysis. You may read about that here.
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Sunday, June 28, 2015
Silver - Boiling Down The Narratives / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Charlie, a long term subscriber sent me the note I’ve included below.
I decided to share it with you because I’m tired. I’m tired of conceding to the mainstream view.
I often find myself apologizing for the emotion and struggling to keep it all professional. To keep a cool head, stick to the facts, honor the investment implications and serve the interests of readers.
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Saturday, June 27, 2015
Gold And Silver – Three Choices: Sell, Hold, Hold and Add. A Trading Treatise / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Michael_Noonan
Last year, the rage was the record-setting number of coins various mints were selling to the public, such an incredible demand that would surely impact the demand factor for gold and silver. Then the focus changed to how many tones China and Russia were buying each and every month, scooping up all available supply with their insatiable demand. Gold and silver responded by going lower.
The most popular gold/silver sites, the most respected gold/silver analysts from around the world all chiming in how gold and silver will go through the roof while both metals continue to still languish in the basement, as it were.
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Friday, June 26, 2015
Extreme Gold/Silver Shorting / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold and silver are languishing near major lows, trudging through the barren sentiment wasteland of the summer doldrums. The major factor behind this weakness is extreme shorting by American futures speculators. But their heavily-bearish bets are actually very bullish for both precious metals. Not only do these traders as a herd always bet wrong at price extremes, their shorts are guaranteed near-future buying.
American futures speculators’ trading has utterly dominated gold and silver price action in recent years. This single group of traders doesn’t normally wield such outsized influence. But with Western investors largely missing in action since early 2013, futures speculators have gone unchallenged. Couple this with the extreme leverage inherent in futures trading, and its stranglehold on gold and silver prices is ironclad.
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Friday, June 26, 2015
Gold Price Target of USD 2,300 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldCore
- “Gold remains in secular bull market”
- System is addicted to unsustainable debt
- Persistent deflationary forces threaten system
- Monetary authorities to take increasingly risky measures to engender inflation
- Debt based monetary system is crux of problem
- “All available means” deployed to prevent global government bond bubble from bursting
- Aversion to owning any gold whatsoever displays “ignorance of monetary history”
- Gold’s qualities as store of value and medium of exchange to be “rediscovered”
- Have “gold price target of USD 2,300” in three years
Friday, June 26, 2015
Gold and Silver - Another Successful Option Expiration For the Insiders / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Jesse
The Bucket Shop managed to hold gold below the 1180 level, thereby allowing most of the calls for the option expiration to go out worthless. Oh well done.
There was intraday commentary about the Greek situation which may be actually coming to some sort of resolution over the next few weeks. You may read that here.
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Thursday, June 25, 2015
Ron Paul Warns “They Can’t Print Money Forever” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldCore
- Former U.S. Congressman blasts Fed’s role in markets
- Gives scathing analysis of modern economics and markets
- Highlights complete disregard of economic fundamentals in investment decisions today
- As will be the case with Greece, U.S. will eventually be forced to liquidate debt
- Attempts to forecast day of reckoning are futile as it is a function of psychology
- “They can’t print money forever”
- Gold and silver will weather and thrive in currency devaluation
Thursday, June 25, 2015
In Gold We Trust 2015: Gold Remains In A Secular Bull Market / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldSilverWorlds
The ninth edition of In Gold We Trust is out. It is another outstanding, world class report full of unique insights for investors. In Gold We Trust 2015 is focused on the impact of the unusual montary policies on the financial system, investing, and precious metals. In sum, the debt problem is bigger than it seems, and it remains widely misunderstood. This report is a master piece in clarifying the future consequences of the huge global debt burden.
The report is written by Ronald Stoeferle who is the managing partner at Incrementum AG in Liechtenstein, and Mark J. Valek who is the founding partner and investment manager. They manage a global macro fund, focusing on a proprietary management approach, influenced by the Austrian School of Economics.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Gold and Silver Price Headed for Breakdown / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Gold and Silver rebounded following the Fed minutes released last Wednesday. However, one week later both metals are back below pre-Fed levels and moving dangerously close to important support. Silver fell 2% on Tuesday to $15.81/oz, which is only 2.2% above its lowest weekly close of $15.46 which occurred seven months ago. Meanwhile, Gold closed at $1177/oz, which is only $20/oz from its lowest weekly close. In short, precious metals are flashing code red as a breakdown could begin in the next few weeks.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
The Forgotten History (and Potential Future) of Silver as Money / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: MoneyMetals
Stefan Gleason writes: In contemporary discussions of sound money, silver tends to get short shrift. Even among staunch sound money advocates, the historic role of silver as money is often marginalized or ignored altogether.
People who equate sound money with gold and tout the advantages of returning to a gold standard should also embrace silver as a complementary – and necessary – partner with gold in re-establishing sound money.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015
First Strike Capability - Gold or War / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: DeviantInvestor
We’ll circle back to the first strike later. Let’s frame the problem:
- The War on Cash: Charles Hugh Smith brings clarity to the issue:
“Why are governments suddenly so keen to ban physical cash? The answer appears to be that the banks and government authorities are anticipating bail-ins, steeply negative interest rates and hefty fees on cash, and they want to close any opening regular depositors might have to escape these forms of officially sanctioned theft. The escape from bail-ins and fees on cash deposits is physical cash, and hence the sudden flurry of calls to eliminate cash as a relic of a bygone age—that is, an age when commoners had some way to safeguard their money from bail-ins and bankers’ control.”
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Gold and Silver Forget Greece, Eyes On the Options / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
"Real consumption expenditures have yet to show signs of a significant pickup from a slowdown in winter."
NY Federal Reserve, US Economy In a Snapshot, June 2015
Today was certainly interesting.
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Monday, June 22, 2015
When Net Worth Becomes Net Survival / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
In a world of full of concessions, and a financial system rife with complexity, it is often too easy to lose sight of basic economic principles. This is especially true when it stops becoming a show that you watch and begins to be a reality you experience.
We’ve all been astounded at one point or another when confronted by the layer upon layer of law and complexity around income tax. Your taxes have nothing to do with the government's need for money.
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