Category: Stock Market Crash
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, April 19, 2024
Friday Stock Market CRASH Following Israel Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Israeli attack on central Iranian cities and probably nuclear facilities is underway which is set to see stock prices drop Friday, a S&P break below 5060 targets 4960, and a break below 4960 targets 4800, that regardless of what comes to pass following Iran falling into the Fourth Reichs trap towards escalation towards ultimately the use of nuclealr weapons. Neverthless delivers an opportunity to accumulate target stocks as many stocks are set to enter their buying ranges such as Microsoft, TSMC, Qualcom, ASMNL, Broadcom, Lam Research and so on as per the spreedsheet.
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Thursday, October 19, 2023
How I BEAT The Greatest Stock Market CRASH in History - Black Monday October 19th 1987 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's that time of the year again when the stock market doom merchants are at their most vocal as they focus on the historic apex of the darkest month for stocks of the year, October the 19th, the 29th anniversary of the 1987 Black Monday stock market crash that few saw coming but ever since many expect to repeat. So regardless of what the stock market has actually done thus far, by this point of the year the perma bears can always be seen literally jumping up and down like demented rabbits proclaiming that a crash is once more imminent as they point to a myriad of harbingers of the stock market apocalypse. So it is no wonder that October tends to be an unusually irrational month for where stock market expectations are concerned.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Michael Burry Nothing Burger Stock Market CRASH Warnings / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Apparently Michel 'Nothing Berger' Burry has put BIG SHORT position on the stock market to the tune of $1.6 billion, as reports the fear mongering MSM.
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Sunday, June 18, 2023
Possible Replay of an Ominous Stock Market Price Pattern / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
"I became panicky and covered at a considerable loss..."
The reason price patterns tend to repeat in the stock market is that investor psychology never changes.
The Elliott wave model directly reflects these largely predictable swings in investor psychology. That's what the Elliott wave principle is all about.
One of those price moves which has historically fooled investors is the first big rally in a bear market.
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Sunday, January 30, 2022
STOCK MARKET CRASH INDICATOR / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It looks like my last article freighted a lot of patrons, which was not my intention for I already flagged that the risks of a market panic event have been increasingly long before the neural net signaled a 100%+ reading. It is what it is, an independant indicator which increases the probability for lower prices going forward hence I revised my stock market expectations lower as illustrate by the updated stock market trend forecast graph.
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Sunday, December 19, 2021
AI Predicts HIGH Risk of Stock Market CRASH, Last Warning Was Late Feb 2020 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18) has been triggered as of Fridays close with a reading of 103.4% where a reading of at least 100% equals SWITCHED ON for the first time since late Feb 2020 when it was triggered with a reading of 112%.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2021
AI Predicts Risks of Stock Market CRASH, Last Signal Was in Late Feb 2020. / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
My Stocks Bear Market / Crash Indicator (CI18) has been triggered as of Fridays close with a reading of 103.4% where a reading of at least 100% equals SWITCHED ON for the first time since late Feb 2020 when it was triggered with a reading of 112%.
What is the CI18?
CI18 Trigger Feb 2020
Existing Stock Market Trend Forecast
Stock Market VIX
Stock Market December Trend
The Alibaba Stock Market
ARKK Garbage
Stocks Bear Market of 2022 May Have Started EARLY!
Facebook $301 Buying level achieved.
Recession 2022
Quantum AI Tech Stocks Portfolio
Crypto FLASH CRASH Early Christmas Present
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
August Stock Market Flash Crashes Historical Analysis / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Weakening volume after an extended rally phase is fairly common. It represents a complacency in the markets where traders/investors are unwilling to chase an extended rally phase at higher prices. Often traders are waiting for some type of market correction or rotation to happen – which will allow them to deploy capital back into the markets at decreased price levels. Sometimes, this diminishing volume presents a unique scenario where traders shift their expectations away from traditional “buy the dip” thinking and that can sometimes create what is called a Flash Crash event.
Revisiting the August 2015 Flash Crash Event
In August 2015, a unique Flash Crash took place that prompted a -12.5% collapse in the S&P 500 in just four trading days – after a bout of selling pressure on a Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. The following Monday, the markets opened with a small lower opening gap, yet traders were unwilling to buy into the ASK and this created a very unique scenario where price exploration created a widening price void. As algos and computers continued to try to find active buyers in the marketplace, the ASK/BID spreads continued to widen as the liquidity trap had sprung.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Are You Getting Ready For The Next Stock Market Crash? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Avi_Gilburt
First published on Seeking Alpha pre-open on Monday November 16: I have read one article after another calling this market delusional, wrong, crazy, impossible, dangerous, a bubble, etc. And what is common amongst all these articles is that none of the authors expected the market to rise this high. Moreover, they all point to Covid as the primary reason for their bearishness. So, when they don’t understand what is going on, they resort to name calling.
But, calling the market names will not help your investment accounts. Moreover, has basing your market perspective on Covid helped your investment account? Rather, it behooves you to seek out a better way to understand the market.
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Thursday, July 16, 2020
Dow Stock Market Crash Watch - Update / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: readtheticker
Like 1929 the markets have bounced. This time it is on the back of the FED $6.5T money printing.
Previous Post: Dow 2020 Crash Watch
But can the FED blow $6T every time the market rolls down to test support.
Yes, maybe before the US 2020 elections the FED will do 'what it takes'. But post elections not so much, the year 2021 is a long way from the next election (presidential or congress) and defense of the markets may not be so supportive at $6T or $10T per market smash. The FED may hesitate, and that will be window for stocks to break lower.
The 36 month simple moving average (SMA) is a good indicator of the Dow Jones trend (36 months is three years). It has been a good indicator of Dow break outs over the last 100 years.
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Saturday, February 22, 2020
Baltic Dry, Copper, Oil, Tech and China Continue Call for Stock Market Crash Soon / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Clive_Maund
Technical analyst Clive Maund takes a hard look at various charts and sees an impending breakdown of commodity and tech markets.
In this update we are going to review a small but important range of commodities and lead indicators that strongly suggest the seemingly endless bull market in U.S. equities is living on borrowed time and will end sooner rather than later. Given how long it has lasted and how extremely overvalued the market has become, the downturn will likely start with a crash phase.
Regardless of what the eventual impact of the coronavirus epidemic is, U.S. stock markets, in particular, seem to be in a state of denial about the actual real-world consequences of the Chinese shutdown and its impact on the global supply chain and corporate profitability everywhere, and some elements even seem to be gloating about China's misfortune and predicament, completely oblivious to the fact that this is going to have a negative impact on almost everyone.
The following points were made by a reader, and while I don't necessarily concur with all he has written, I am open to the possibility that all or much of this may be correct, and if it is, we are looking at serious problems emerging before much longer.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
How to Avoid the Next 50% Stock Market Crash / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Michael_Pento

The simple reason for this is that for the first time ever both stocks and bonds are in a massive and unprecedented bubble; and are therefore both vulnerable to significant selloffs. Bonds will no longer provide a ballast or offset to your stock portfolio once reality hits both of those asset classes. If a bond has a 5% yield and has 30 years left to maturity; that holder would lose 25% of his principal if interest rates rise by just 2%. Given the fact that bond yields are the lowest in history, an increase of 2% is certainly not out of the question; and is in fact most likely inevitable.
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Monday, October 21, 2019
Stock Market Crash Setup? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our research team has been attempting to answer the question that seems to be on everyone’s minds right now – are we setting up another Black Monday type of event in the global markets and what should traders/investors know before the event potentially takes place. Our research team has spent the past few weeks trying to better understand the global economic events that took place 8 to 20+ years before the Black Monday event happened and have been particularly interested in the 10+ years just before the Black Monday event. Additionally, we’ll focus on the recovery event that took place after the Black Monday collapse completed.
In Part I of this article, we attempted to highlight some of the similarities of today’s global economic world to the scenario in the early 1980s. Many of you may not be old enough to remember the 1960s or 1970s, but at least one individual on our research team is old enough and was actively trading in 1985. His interpretation of the economic events prior to the 1987 Black Monday collapse and how they may be similar to today highlight some very interesting facets for our readers.
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Monday, October 21, 2019
Revisiting “Black Monday Stock Market Crash October 19 1987 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Back in the day, for those of you that are old enough to remember and have experienced one of the most incredible trader psychology driven stock market decline in recent history.
The difference between “Black Monday” and most of the other recent stock market declines is that October 19, 1987, was driven by a true psychological panic, what we consider true price exploration, after an incredible price rally.
It is different than the DOT COM (2001) decline and vastly different than the Credit Market Crisis (2008-09) because both of those events were related to true fundamental and technical evaluations. In both of those instances, prices have been rising for quite some time, but the underlying fundamentals of the economics of the markets collapsed and the markets collapsed with future expectations. Before we get too deep, be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals newsletter.
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Thursday, September 12, 2019
Stock Market Crash Black Swan Event Set Up Sept 12th? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Brad_Gudgeon

This is telling me that we likely go to new highs (double top?) around Oct 18, 2019 monthly Oct Option Expiry and then crash into early November to finish out the cycle 10 month low from Dec 24/26, 2018.
It is going to get interesting, because should an October 18th “Double Top” happens, we may see new highs by mid December, 2019 (e-wave read and 4 year cycle) and then go down harder into early 2020 around Feb/March to sync with the 4 year cycle from 2015-16. WOW!!
Benner's Cycle is telling me we see another top likely around late summer 2020 and a final crash into late 2020 with a possible double bottom in early 2021 like 2000 to 2002/03.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Is Stock Market About to Crash? Three Charts That Suggest It’s Possible / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Graham_Summers
Things are worsening quickly now.
The S&P 500 has failed to recover its 50-day moving average (red line). Even worse, the 13-day moving average (blue line) has staged a bearish cross with the 50-day moving average, signaling DOWNWARDS momentum is building.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Is A Sharp Stock Market Crash Ahead? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Harry_Dent
I’ve warned for years, and with increasing frequency of late, that the first crash when a major stock bubble of this magnitude finally tops is 42% in the first 2.6 months.
That’s the average of seven bubble crashes in the last century.
The 1929 crash started off with a 49% crash in just over two months – the most extreme.
Look at this correction thus far, compared to 1929 for the Dow…
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Why the Stock Market Crash is Just Beginning / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Michael_Pento
Wall Street’s playbook stipulates that every down tick in the market is just another buying opportunity. While that is most often true, peak margins, a slowing global economy and the bond bubble collapse makes this time more like 2008 than just a routine selloff.
In the vanguard of this coming market crash is China, whose make-pretend growthrate slid to 6.5% in the third quarter. This is the slowest pace of growth thatthe communist government has been willing to own up tosince the last global financial crisis.Leaving one to conclude that the reality in China is farworse.
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Friday, October 19, 2018
History's Worst Stock Market Crash and the Greatest Investing Lesson! / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's that time of the year again when the stock market doom merchants are at their most vocal as they focus on the historic apex of the darkest day of the darkest month for stocks of the year, October 19th, the 31st anniversary of the 1987 Black Monday that saw the stock market crash by an unprecedented 22% in just one day that few saw coming but ever since many prophesise the repeat of each October, regardless of what the stock market has actually been doling each year as the perma bear crowd can always be seen literally jumping up and down like demented rabbits proclaiming that a crash is once more imminent, pointing to a myriad of harbingers of the imminent stock market apocalypse such as the Hindenburg Omen. Against which the historic record paints a picture of a coin toss having proved infinitely more accurate than the perma crash is coming calls awaiting their broken clock moment to proclaim success.
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
We Have Had 9 Years To 'Prepare For The Stock Market Crash,' So Are We There Yet? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Avi_Gilburt
This past week, I read an article entitled “When Will S&P 500 Valuations Matter Again?,” written by Gary Gordon.
And, in his first bullet point, he said “truth be told, valuations have not mattered for the public markets for three-and-a-half years.” He then goes on to state that “on virtually any methodology one employs, the U.S. stock market is extremely overpriced.”
In coming to this conclusion, he has reviewed price-to-free-cash-flow, price-to-sales, market-cap-to-GDP, and other valuation matrices. Yet, as he noted in his bullet point, these valuations have not mattered for the three and half years where the market added 50% to its price. Yes, that is a 50% return which cannot be supported by traditional valuation methodologies.
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