Analysis Topic: Economic Trends Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Tragedy Of The Euro! What About Germany? / Economics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: GoldSilverWorlds
Brecht Arnaert writes: 2012 has been a year of great turmoil for the euro. But our economy is not the only thing that is in crisis. Our economic theory is too, and even more so: for decades macro-economic policy has been conducted within a Keynesian framework, and while no Keynesian economist has predicted this crisis, or even is able to explain it’s causes, we are still listening to them today to get out of the mess they brought us into. I would say that this is a problem of legitimacy.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Obama, Romney And The Deflation Fireball / Economics / Deflation
By: Andrew_McKillop
US voters rallied to the lesser of two evils or two Also Rans, and voted Obama. His economic style, the house style of all OECD country governors and far beyond, was attacked by the leading Mormon business writer and Romney supporter, Howard Ruff, as "Obameconomics". Who won in the election however had no importance - or hold on what happens next, as financial and commodity market operators have already signalled, in their own easy-to-deny way. Oil prices and European equities in a widening number of "most exposed" countries went on weakening, as the Obama victory news came in, with several indexes now at six-week lows, as Fitch Ratings and leading commentators again warned the US could re-enter open and frank recession if it fails to "manage" the so-called fiscal cliff and if China slows more, the UK economy turn further downward, French industrial production and business confidence shrinks further, and German industrial output continues to weaken.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
EU Game Changer: Economic Austerity Hits The Core / Economics / Economic Austerity
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Here's what may be a useful angle to explain to people what is happening in Europe right now, and what's yet to come. It's not about Greece, which shoved another "Deal" through its besieged parliament this week, a deal that itself is also still under siege. It's not about Spain either, which managed to borrow a few billon more, enough to stay alive till Christmas, but sees its bond yields enter the land of ugly (yawn) again.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Zimbabwe’s Four-Year Anniversary—From Hyperinflation to Growth / Economics / HyperInflation
By: Steve_H_Hanke
In mid-November 2008, Zimbabwe recorded the world’s second-highest hyperinflation. Today, it can boast strong growth and single-digit inflation rates. In 2008, Zimbabwe’s annual real GDP growth rate was a miserable -17.6 percent and its annual inflation rate was 89.7 sextillion percent—that’s roughly 9 followed by 22 zeros.
Friday, November 09, 2012
America's Double Trouble and The Reckoning, U.S. Debt Higher than Greece / Economics / US Debt
By: Andy_Sutton
Now that the untold billions have been spent trying to convince America that our leaders actually know what they’re doing, they’re going to get put to an early test, and a critical one at that. Looming large are two big issues: the debt ceiling (again), and the ‘fiscal cliff’ automatic budget cuts. While they may seem like two separate issues, it all really ties together rather nicely into one big package that can be loosely labeled as yet another attempt to spend more than is brought in and at the same time justify it. The good news is that the players are the same so the egos are the same and we can use that as barometer based on how they ‘handled’ the situation in 2010. The bad news is the egos are the same and they did a pitiful job in 2010, opting to simply kick the can down the road as opposed to actually embarking on any meaningful reform pathway.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Obama Election Win Means Big Inflation is Coming, Investor Refuge in Gold and Silver / Economics / Inflation
By: Zeal_LLC
Well, Americans voted and the winner is inflation. Half our voting populace inexplicably decided to award a second term to Obama. Four more years of mind-boggling record deficits and record national debt growth! Obama’s Administration spent roughly 50% more than the government took in, which can essentially only be financed in two ways. Borrowing from foreigners and running the printing presses.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Can President Obama Really Help the U.S. Economy? / Economics / US Economy
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: When it comes to the latest presidential election, the central focus for many U.S. citizens has been the lack of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for America. Since the Great Recession began several years ago, GDP growth has remained far below potential, leaving millions of people unemployed and looking for work. During this time, the global economy has also slowed. While President Barack Obama has made large claims about what he can do to help increase GDP growth, let’s take a look at the most likely scenario.
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Friday, November 09, 2012
When is a Good Time for Economic Austerity? / Economics / Economic Austerity
By: Michael_Pento
It is a basic rule of human nature not to voluntarily self inflict pain upon ourselves. If there is any way to avoid the day of reckoning, even if it means the eventual catastrophe will be much worse if we delay, we always choose to hold reality in abeyance. This principle applies to countries as well because the notion of embracing austerity on a national level goes against the grain of our collective psyche.
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Friday, November 09, 2012
Canada to Follow U.S. Into 'Fiscal Cliff' Recession / Economics / Canada
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Jim Flaherty, Canada's Finance Minister, is reported as having said yesterday that if the America hits the so-called fiscal cliff on December 31 Canada will follow the U.S. into recession.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2012
When Infinite Inflation Isn't Enough / Economics / Inflation
By: Peter_Schiff
If no one seems to care that the Titanic is filling with water, why not drill another hole in it? That seems to be the M.O. of the Bernanke Federal Reserve. After the announcement of QE3 (also dubbed "QE Infinity") created yet another round of media chatter about a recovery, the Fed's Open Market Committee has decided to push infinity a little bit further. The latest move involves the rolling over of long-term Treasuries purchased as part of Operation Twist, thereby more than doubling QE3 to a monthly influx of $85 billion in phony money starting in December. I call it "QE3 Plus" - now with more inflation!
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Why Bernanke Can't Stop The Kress Cycle Deflation Tsunami / Economics / Deflation
By: Clif_Droke
A question that many are asking right now is what impact the Fed's latest monetary policy action will have on the projected deflationary scenario for 2013-14. Specifically, market participants are wondering if the Fed's monetary policy action will prevent deflation from running its course.
Monday, November 05, 2012
U.S. Jobs Report and Hourly Earnings / Economics / Employment
By: Ian_R_Campbell
While on Friday the U.S. Jobs Report said that 171,000 net new jobs were created in October, that report which you can access here, and other reports say:
Monday, November 05, 2012
Abolition of Fractional Reserve Banking, Chicago, My kind of town / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Alasdair_Macleod
Quite a bit of media attention has been devoted recently to a working paper by two International Monetary Fund economists that re-examines the “Chicago Plan”. First put forward by University of Chicago economists in 1933, this proposal calls for the abolition of fractional reserve banking and the replacement of bank credit with government money in order to do away with credit-induced business cycles.
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Sunday, November 04, 2012
Panic in Persia as Hyperinflation Hits Iran / Economics / HyperInflation
By: Steve_H_Hanke
For decades, the Iranian economy has been cobbled together by religious-bureaucratic regimes that have employed mandates, regulations, price controls, subsidies and a wide variety of other interventionist devices, in an attempt to achieve their goals. It's all been kept afloat – barely afloat – by oil revenues.
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Sunday, November 04, 2012
The Great Depression II Lasting Till 2025 / Economics / Great Depression II
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

Starting as a financial meltdown in 2009 with some banks and financial institutions, the crisis had spread to the housing and the entire finance sector and grown into the Great Depression extending to almost all European and industrialized countries. Rulers and the Nobel Laureates in Economics and Management Gurus, besides IMF, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum assured that it was a short term business cycle phenomena or Recession and it could be tied over with some Stimulus Packages and support of the BRIC countries.
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Friday, November 02, 2012
Why Hurricane Sandy May Not Be All That Stimulating for US Economy / Economics / US Economy
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
Invariably, every major disaster comes with the pundits who promise it brings a silver lining.
With a price tag of $50 to $70 billion, some economic forecasters are already rejoicing about the economic "stimulus" that rebuilding from Sandy will bring. If only it were so.
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Friday, November 02, 2012
What Hope Means in Japan These Days / Economics / Japan Economy
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: [Kyoto] - Frustrated by a system that has trapped them in decades of low to no growth, an entirely new generation of Japanese may be working with the most precious of all resources - hope.
They're taking matters into their own hands and going around the traditional Japanese way of doing things.
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Thursday, November 01, 2012
The Economics of Dracula / Economics / Economic Theory
Peter C. Earle writes: Another Halloween is upon us, bringing its late autumnal burst of costumes, candy, and merriment. Ghosts, witches, mummies, zombies, Frankenstein's monster, film and television characters, and others will make appearances, as will the quintessential Halloween figure: Dracula.
Most people are familiar with Count Dracula's first literary appearance in Bram Stoker's 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula. And many are also aware that the undead villain was loosely based on a real historical figure, Vlad Tepes III — "Vlad the Impaler" (sometimes "Vlad Dracula") — who ruled mid-15th century Wallachia, a region of modern day Romania.
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Thursday, November 01, 2012
The Conundrum of Malaysia's proposed Minimum Wage / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
Due to the scarcity of resources such as labor it is common for the government at times intervenes into the markets with the objective to prevent prices from rising and dropping too much from the equilibrium price. The Government can influence the market supply and demand through setting the price floors and price ceilings in the market.
An example of price ceiling will be the rent controls on housing. By imposition of the rent control, the government hope to provide affordable housing for the lower income group. Similarly the imposition of minimum wage is another form of setting the price floor. This will help prevent wages from going below a certain level set by the government. The Government hope that such a move will help alleviate the income and also ease the burden of the lower income group.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Spain Continuing Economic Collapse, But Still No Bailout Request / Economics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Spain’s National Statistics Institute said Monday that retail sales fell 11% year/year in September, and the Bank of Spain last week said it expected that Q3 would show the 5th quarterly GDP drop in a row. Further, when asked Monday whether Spain would seek a credit line from the eurozone’s rescue fund Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is reported as saying that would happen “when I think it is in the interests of Spain”.
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